CDZ I think Bill Maher is coming around.

Pot IS dangerous. Especially for developing brains, up to age 28. It’s Russian roulette.
The industry is keeping the danger info suppressed. Just like what big tobacco did.
Poison the Dangerous Drugs and Get Rid of Subhuman Criminals

That's exactly what I got from it starting with the first joint. So I quit after the fifth about two years later. Most potheads don't get that anxiety, panic, and paranoia. So, as usual, some quack is being paid off to claim that the exceptional is the normal.
That reminds me of rich parents buying their 16yr old brand new fancy car. Which gets destroyed in a few months from inexperience.
An Obsolete Aristocratic Institution, a Hideout for the Enemies of Democracy

I don't care what the Plutes give their spawn before the brats go to college. But starting then, they get nothing and have to "work their way" (as if schoolwork doesn't count as work) through college on part-time menial jobs. I dare them to cut off their kids at age 18, or quit telling real Americans to do that. The reward for the rest of us isn't worth the sacrifice of our young manhood. That's why the class-climbers are such pushovers, not only for their bosses but for all women.
An Obsolete Aristocratic Institution, a Hideout for the Enemies of Democracy

I don't care what the Plutes give their spawn before the brats go to college. But starting then, they get nothing and have to "work their way" (as if schoolwork doesn't count as work) through college on part-time menial jobs. I dare them to cut off their kids at age 18, or quit telling real Americans to do that. The reward for the rest of us isn't worth the sacrifice of our young manhood. That's why the class-climbers are such pushovers, not only for their bosses but for all women.

I don't care either. But when/if one chooses to have kids, and don't teach them responsibility before they get to at least 14, then they suck as parents. A kid should know the consequences of be a shit, before he/she becomes a teenager. That's just good parenting.
The world depends on good parents. There's a HUGE lack of good parents now a days, and we, as a society, are worse off for it.
Poison the Dangerous Drugs and Get Rid of Subhuman Criminals

That's exactly what I got from it starting with the first joint. So I quit after the fifth about two years later. Most potheads don't get that anxiety, panic, and paranoia. So, as usual, some quack is being paid off to claim that the exceptional is the normal.
The only quacks being paid off are the ones promoting pot as safe. Most pot users don’t have a problem but for those who do it is crippling and traumatizing.
But there are no warnings. I hope the pot industry is sued into prison.
The only quacks being paid off are the ones promoting pot as safe. Most pot users don’t have a problem but for those who do it is crippling and traumatizing.
But there are no warnings. I hope the pot industry is sued into prison.

Pepsi can be crippling and traumatic. I've hauled the chemicals into Pepsi, Coca Cola, and many other food and beverage manufacturers. I've had to have Flam3 and Cor8 haz mat placards to do so.
Some folks can smoke cigs their entire lives and still have cancer free healthy lungs. Others, not so much.
Pot IS dangerous. Especially for developing brains, up to age 28. It’s Russian roulette.
The industry is keeping the danger info suppressed. Just like what big tobacco did.

Ok for like .00001% of the worlds population. But I guarantee you, food and beverages (for all ages) with artificial flavoring is worse for more people than pot.
Pepsi can be crippling and traumatic. I've hauled the chemicals into Pepsi, Coca Cola, and many other food and beverage manufacturers. I've had to have Flam3 and Cor8 haz mat placards to do so.
Some folks can smoke cigs their entire lives and still have cancer free healthy lungs. Others, not so much.
And there have been warnings about the dangers of smoking for decades. Pot has yet to provide those warnings and creepy people push it as though it’s healthy and therapeutic. What’s more, people are emboldened to smoke their drug in public and put other people at risk. Contact highs for some people are contact nightmares.
Ok for like .00001% of the worlds population. But I guarantee you, food and beverages (for all ages) with artificial flavoring is worse for more people than pot.
You’re demonstrating the ignorance. Plenty of people — mainly young people — are vulnerable to the bad effects of pot. That truth is being squelched and obfuscated by a corrupt pot industry.
It’s big tobacco all over again.
Pepsi can be crippling and traumatic. I've hauled the chemicals into Pepsi, Coca Cola, and many other food and beverage manufacturers. I've had to have Flam3 and Cor8 haz mat placards to do so.
Some folks can smoke cigs their entire lives and still have cancer free healthy lungs. Others, not so much.
Shaming for Profit

Like the cronyvirus, cancer is a genetic-deficiency problem. There are no carcinogens. The virus is not contagious.

The real reason that smoking is attacked is that it has a masculine image (as in the Marlboro Man). The entitled-elitist rulers fear manliness and have done an effective job in suppressing it, or they would have been overthrown decades ago.
He watches polls and audience demographics, and he sees moderates and independents as the largest and the backlash coming on, so he shifts accordingly. His ad time buyers don't sell much stuff to hippies and ghetto rats and faggots. He has also noted how these demented tards are now eating their own so he knows he has nothing to lose by following the money.
I concur, though I might have applied different language. Folks forget, or do not realize, that Maher is a commentator, just a "common tater," and that he employees a huge staff of directors, asst directors, producers, salaried writers, research folks, policy observers, and production assistants. When he opines, it is his team that is expressing those views through Maher.
I concur, though I might have applied different language. Folks forget, or do not realize, that Maher is a commentator, just a "common tater," and that he employees a huge staff of directors, asst directors, producers, salaried writers, research folks, policy observers, and production assistants. When he opines, it is his team that is expressing those views through Maher.
They don’t control his ad libs and you can be sure any production meets his opinions.
I was thinking the sort of the same thing. My train of thought leads me to believe that the nightmare may soon be over. That the BS BLM, antifa, trans-weirdo, woke and other BS things we've been witnessing for the last 3 years is about to come to an end.

I hope so.

The next presidential candidate will get a lot of votes with a slogan like "Make America Normal Again." (MANA)
Yeah, the backlash, finally, has started. I agree.

Maher is turning conservative, too, IMO.
Ok, I have to write something, about this. I'd rather people just like watch it and decide for themselves. Most people don't care what anyone has to say, unless they can argue about what was said.

So to keep the comments from getting blocked, I'll say this. Bill Maher is right about millennials and GenZ. They're destroying the planet.

New Rule: OK, Zoomer | Real Time with Bill Maher​

He's never been a wigger, but acerbic and rational, except for his TDS period.
He's never been a wigger, but acerbic and rational, except for his TDS period.

He's a true liberal.. Never changed. Has a firm grip on his principles. Not MANY LEFT. But the political scale isn't just a straight line between right and left. MANY folks still support the Constitution and BofRights and defend ALL Civil LIBERTIES - not just Civil Rights.

The POLITICAL left today has no fear of bigger more muscular govt. TRUE liberals do. The progressives or far left are motivated solely by power and control.. This leaves a BIG VOID in folks that will even utter the words "freedom or liberty".. In FACT, every week this new Admin RIDICULES freedom and liberty.

So -- there are MORE folks operating independent of party - then staying in their respective "tribes". They are not wishy washy middle of the road kill. And THEY are increasingly controlling elections and ruining the whole "science" of polling.

What you see in Maher is WHY both parties are antiquated, inept, and dangerous as they seek to stoke emotion and gain strategic advantage of your votes. Real people are not political "team" players. Because playing the "game" requires you to BECOME -- a hypocrite and a zealot.
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I concur, though I might have applied different language. Folks forget, or do not realize, that Maher is a commentator, just a "common tater," and that he employees a huge staff of directors, asst directors, producers, salaried writers, research folks, policy observers, and production assistants. When he opines, it is his team that is expressing those views through Maher.

Good points re his show being more of a team effort.
He's a true liberal.. Never changed. Has a firm grip on his principles. Not MANY LEFT. But the political scale isn't just a straight line between right and left. MANY folks still support the Constitution and BofRights and defend ALL Civil LIBERTIES - not just Civil Rights.

The POLITICAL left today has no fear of bigger more muscular govt. They are motivated solely by power and control.. This leaves a BIG VOID in folks that will even utter the words "freedom or liberty".. In FACT, every week this new Admin RIDICULES freedom and liberty.

So -- there are MORE folks operating independent of party - then staying in their respective "tribes". They are not wishy washy middle of the road kill. And THEY are increasingly controlling elections and ruining the whole "science" of polling.

What you see in Maher is WHY both parties are antiquated, inept, and dangerous as they seek to stoke emotion and gain strategic advantage of your votes. Real people are not political "team" players. Because playing the "game" requires you to BECOME -- a hypocrite and a zealot.
Good post!
He's a true liberal.. Never changed. Has a firm grip on his principles. Not MANY LEFT. But the political scale isn't just a straight line between right and left. MANY folks still support the Constitution and BofRights and defend ALL Civil LIBERTIES - not just Civil Rights.

The POLITICAL left today has no fear of bigger more muscular govt. They are motivated solely by power and control.. This leaves a BIG VOID in folks that will even utter the words "freedom or liberty".. In FACT, every week this new Admin RIDICULES freedom and liberty.

So -- there are MORE folks operating independent of party - then staying in their respective "tribes". They are not wishy washy middle of the road kill. And THEY are increasingly controlling elections and ruining the whole "science" of polling.

What you see in Maher is WHY both parties are antiquated, inept, and dangerous as they seek to stoke emotion and gain strategic advantage of your votes. Real people are not political "team" players. Because playing the "game" requires you to BECOME -- a hypocrite and a zealot.
He’s an insulated white bread lefty faux-liberal, like you.
He’s an insulated white bread lefty faux-liberal, like you.

He probably wouldn't have liked real liberals like Patrick Moynihan and Hubert Humphrey, who beat back the radicals in the Democratic Party and defeated the quota systems and put sunset clauses in most of the Civil Rights legislation and lost the 1968 elections over their fights, only to see Nixon come along and within months and made most of them permanent and nationwide. Most don't realize the original legislation only applied to southern states, not the entire country.

New York and California still had literacy tests, and Harlem had black voting percentages that resembled Mississippi's throughout the era, until Nixon expanded the rights to the entire country. That's when we got to see that the North and spent the 1950's and 1960's re-segregating and watch on TV while all those 'enlightened and better educated white Yankees tossing fire bombs at school busses, the same 'sophisticates' who sneered at the ignorant hicks down South until the shit hit their back yards. Yankee Land and California still have race riots today.

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