I think I have the VIRUS!!

It's gotta get to the septic tank first.
In 15 years, I've only had to use this a couple times.

I need to find my Rid-X. Why can I never find it? :102:

2 boxes I have.
set milk out for a while til it's REALLY REALLY BAD.......then flush..........same thing........LOL

Willing to bet it's a lot more stinky.

But thx!
This thing is just starting.

Why aren't we able to take the virus, inject it into chicken eggs, grow the virus in the egg, kill the virus in the egg, and make one anti-virus vaccination shot out of each egg that will help the human body defeat the virus just like we do with other flu virus shots ????
Why aren't we able to take the virus, inject it into chicken eggs, grow the virus in the egg, kill the virus in the egg, and make one anti-virus vaccination shot out of each egg that will help the human body defeat the virus just like we do with other flu virus shots ????
Another question is why are they still holding the NCAA tournament ??
Why aren't we able to take the virus, inject it into chicken eggs, grow the virus in the egg, kill the virus in the egg, and make one anti-virus vaccination shot out of each egg that will help the human body defeat the virus just like we do with other flu virus shots ????
Another question is why are they still holding the NCAA tournament ??
Not sure.
..yes, this might be my last post--so thanks everyone--especially the DemWits for so much laughter--seriously

....well, I've been hallucinating/dreaming/etc --you know, like when people have the flu/are sick/etc [ so I MUST have it ] .....well---I have these hallucinations/dreams that I wake up....and drive to work --and guess what????!!!??? there are other people on the roads !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND ALL of my co-workers show up for work ....and on the drive home, it seems so normal because there is a lot of traffic/jams/lots of people !!!!! ....but when I watch MSM TV, reality sets in---the VIRUS has killed MILLIONS! NO ONE is going to work ....etc
so, god bless you all and [[ sniffle sniffle ]] it's----been .....................ffff...........mnnn fn................
So there really is a God.
..yes, this might be my last post--so thanks everyone--especially the DemWits for so much laughter--seriously

....well, I've been hallucinating/dreaming/etc --you know, like when people have the flu/are sick/etc [ so I MUST have it ] .....well---I have these hallucinations/dreams that I wake up....and drive to work --and guess what????!!!??? there are other people on the roads !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND ALL of my co-workers show up for work ....and on the drive home, it seems so normal because there is a lot of traffic/jams/lots of people !!!!! ....but when I watch MSM TV, reality sets in---the VIRUS has killed MILLIONS! NO ONE is going to work ....etc
so, god bless you all and [[ sniffle sniffle ]] it's----been .....................ffff...........mnnn fn................

Uh ohh. You be down with the sickness.

yes, something is wrong with me

Cut up and eat a head of celery--yes, all of it. Get the greenest one you can find. And if it gets between your teeth, put it in a food processor or comercial grade blender with a cup of distilled water, then turn to "liquefy." Drink that sucker. It may not taste wonderful, but if you really have anything wrong with you of a viral nature, the cluster salts in celery will deal it a lethal blow. Celery juice fights Epstein-Barr and Shingles viruses

Oh, there is a side effect if you take it just before bedtime. Be sure there's a clear path between you and the toilet, and be sure you have plenty of toilet paper on the roll. It beats the alternative, however, unless your ambition is to be 6 feet under.

So that's what the toilet paper is for. Thanks. LOL

No wonder there's no TP and celery @ the Wally World! :eek2:

There was the last time I went there. But I have a blender 2/3rds full of celery paste/drink to use as a poultice in case of need for hand/facial sanitizer after any exposure, and I use a jigger because I don't care to be running back and forth to the catbox. <giggle> It doesn't take much celery to clean house. ;)
..yes, this might be my last post--so thanks everyone--especially the DemWits for so much laughter--seriously

....well, I've been hallucinating/dreaming/etc --you know, like when people have the flu/are sick/etc [ so I MUST have it ] .....well---I have these hallucinations/dreams that I wake up....and drive to work --and guess what????!!!??? there are other people on the roads !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND ALL of my co-workers show up for work ....and on the drive home, it seems so normal because there is a lot of traffic/jams/lots of people !!!!! ....but when I watch MSM TV, reality sets in---the VIRUS has killed MILLIONS! NO ONE is going to work ....etc
so, god bless you all and [[ sniffle sniffle ]] it's----been .....................ffff...........mnnn fn................

Based on this description, you probably have herpes.
..yes, this might be my last post--so thanks everyone--especially the DemWits for so much laughter--seriously

....well, I've been hallucinating/dreaming/etc --you know, like when people have the flu/are sick/etc [ so I MUST have it ] .....well---I have these hallucinations/dreams that I wake up....and drive to work --and guess what????!!!??? there are other people on the roads !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND ALL of my co-workers show up for work ....and on the drive home, it seems so normal because there is a lot of traffic/jams/lots of people !!!!! ....but when I watch MSM TV, reality sets in---the VIRUS has killed MILLIONS! NO ONE is going to work ....etc
so, god bless you all and [[ sniffle sniffle ]] it's----been .....................ffff...........mnnn fn................

Based on this description, you probably have herpes.
Uh oh, you got personal experience ? lol just messing with ya..
What are people buy all the tp for? Why, to cram it up their asses!
What are people buying all the tp for? What, to cram it up their asses ?

Who knows... LOL

Does the virus give one the runs ? Drawing a blank here.

Oh I know, China must own the production of our toilet paper also, but how does everyone know ?? I'm learning alot about our dependency on China now.
What are people buying all the tp for? What, to cram it up their asses ?

Who knows... LOL

Does the virus give one the runs ? Drawing a blank here.

Oh I know, China must own the production of our toilet paper also, but how does everyone know ?? I'm learning alot about our dependency on China now.
From what I have read it does not give you the runs.
What are people buying all the tp for? What, to cram it up their asses ?

Who knows... LOL

Does the virus give one the runs ? Drawing a blank here.

Oh I know, China must own the production of our toilet paper also, but how does everyone know ?? I'm learning alot about our dependency on China now.
From what I have read it does not give you the runs.
Still drawing a blank then. Unless China produces all our toiletries. LOL
My son went to the store with shopping list...........TP gone.....shelves empty everywhere...........

Are you guys sure there isn't a Hurricane coming and nobody is saying anything..........

My son went to the store with shopping list...........TP gone.....shelves empty everywhere...........

Are you guys sure there isn't a Hurricane coming and nobody is saying anything..........

Oh it's a storm alright... A crap storm.. lol

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