I think I have the VIRUS!!

The bad news is the average Trump supporter on this site is over 80, and the mortality rate from COVID-19 for people over 80 is 15%.

The good news is that the average Trump supporter on this site never leaves his house and has no female companionship, so he's probably safe.
Really? Cheering for a pandemic, how Leftard of you.
Btw, you should watch more Trump rally’s.
..yes, this might be my last post--so thanks everyone--especially the DemWits for so much laughter--seriously

....well, I've been hallucinating/dreaming/etc --you know, like when people have the flu/are sick/etc [ so I MUST have it ] .....well---I have these hallucinations/dreams that I wake up....and drive to work --and guess what????!!!??? there are other people on the roads !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND ALL of my co-workers show up for work ....and on the drive home, it seems so normal because there is a lot of traffic/jams/lots of people !!!!! ....but when I watch MSM TV, reality sets in---the VIRUS has killed MILLIONS! NO ONE is going to work ....etc
so, god bless you all and [[ sniffle sniffle ]] it's----been .....................ffff...........mnnn fn................
Probably just another n$$$er, amiright, Cletus?
My sympathy to the OP.


Wait a minute ...........has he died yet.

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