I Think I Will Scream

Their threats? How did they threaten an entire class of people? They are no worse than the Westboro Baptists, and it has already been determined that they have the right to say and do what they say and do.

The entire point of Nazism is genocide. What about that do you not get?

And so is Islam. Do you want to ban Islam too?
Genocide not the entire point of Islam, not even close... It might be true for ISIS. I can't imagine we would tolerate an ISIS rally in the USA. But it sounds like you would. Is that correct?

Chicago: Muslims Protest In Massive Force
Liberals are easily triggered.

I see them as the bigger threat than the silly white supremacists.
Whats wrong with you... The silly white supremacists?? Jesus, talk about lack of awareness. Get a clue and perhaps some perspective about what you say.

What do you mean? They are a fringe group of whackos. People (except liberals) don't take them seriously.
The Heyer family and many others are taking them very seriously
Their threats? How did they threaten an entire class of people? They are no worse than the Westboro Baptists, and it has already been determined that they have the right to say and do what they say and do.

The entire point of Nazism is genocide. What about that do you not get?

And so is Islam. Do you want to ban Islam too?
Genocide not the entire point of Islam, not even close... It might be true for ISIS. I can't imagine we would tolerate an ISIS rally in the USA. But it sounds like you would. Is that correct?

Chicago: Muslims Protest In Massive Force
Are you implying that Muslims = ISIS?
Liberals are easily triggered.

I see them as the bigger threat than the silly white supremacists.
Whats wrong with you... The silly white supremacists?? Jesus, talk about lack of awareness. Get a clue and perhaps some perspective about what you say.

What do you mean? They are a fringe group of whackos. People (except liberals) don't take them seriously.
The Heyer family and many others are taking them very seriously

I'm not defending that guy who actually killed a person. I'm defending people's right to FREE SPEECH.
I'm not defending them. I'm defending one of my precious rights. Free speech.

No you're not. You're defending fascism. Fascism is the speech the Nazis were exercising. Fascism is not free speech.

No. Fascism is denying people their rights, and especially their right to speak.
You both are distorting the definition of Fascism to fit your agenda, lets just honest about what it is...

Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and control of industry and commerce, that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.
I'm not defending them. I'm defending one of my precious rights. Free speech.

No you're not. You're defending fascism. Fascism is the speech the Nazis were exercising. Fascism is not free speech.

No. Fascism is denying people their rights, and especially their right to speak.
You both are distorting the definition of Fascism to fit your agenda, lets just honest about what it is...

Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and control of industry and commerce, that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.
Ironically, ANTIFA is trying to fight Fascism with Fascism... Nazi's are closer to Anarchists that want ethnic cleansing and mob rule
I'm not defending them. I'm defending one of my precious rights. Free speech.

No you're not. You're defending fascism. Fascism is the speech the Nazis were exercising. Fascism is not free speech.

No. Fascism is denying people their rights, and especially their right to speak.
You both are distorting the definition of Fascism to fit your agenda, lets just honest about what it is...

Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and control of industry and commerce, that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

And one of the first roads to fascism is restricting the right to free speech, the right to criticize government, etc. THAT is why we have free speech as numero uno in the Constitution.
. . . . if I turn on the TV one more time and hear another minute of wall-to-wall nonstop 24/7 discussion of the most HEINOUS event of the 21st Century! DAYS after the fact . . . .

That President Trump blamed all sides in the violence in Charlottesville.

DAYS LATER, this is still the Number 1 News Story of the World? That Trump didn't denounce Nazism as the FIRST thing he said? Oh wait, he DID. But in doing so, he tried to include ALL forms of hatred and violence and made a call for more peace and unity in the country.



It just amazes me the number of people even on Fox News calling this a moral outrage, complaining about the incessant coverage all the while never stopping talking about it, that all of his people on his manufacturing council for jobs walked out, and that he is now ruined with both his base and the voters. Because he had to SPELL OUT by name in one massive Pavlovian Catharsis that Nazi's aren't the nicest people, and blame them as the only and SOLE reason why a city turned into a mob.

But the city turned into a mob because once again, the police backed off and LET IT HAPPEN. They stood by and WATCHED.

People left and right all across the country and around the world can't trip over their own feet fast enough now in one big ME TOO to make sure they all barf out in genuflection how much they hate Nazis.

Me too!!! Hack! Spit! Ptooey!

Snifff. You can smell the Political Correction in the air, and the FEAR of being DENOUNCED as NOT being politically correct!


But wait: isn't hatred what the Nazis are about? So you HATE the Nazis for HATING?

There is something seriously wrong with the world.

The Nazi's are FULLY ENTITLED to their opinions and views no matter what they are. There are no "conditions" of morality in the Constitution! If you don't agree with them, CHANGE THE FUCKING CHANNEL YOU GOD DAMNED SNOWFLAKE! There is more outrage over this small group of stupid zealot demonstrators than there is for Imams preaching Death to America in mosques all across our country!

The sad fact is that in all of this, Donald Trump is the only one who got it right. The Nazi's HAD A PERMIT to demonstrate and hold a rally there in Charlottesville, the Antifas did not. What did Charlottesville expect they would do--- ---maybe hand out flowers and Bibles? The problem with BOTH they AND the Antifas is that they both use hatred and violence as the tools to their own ends.

The irony is that the Antifas are protesting against fascism, in doing so in the way they do, they actually use the same methods as the very people they are protesting! Fascism!

Why not think of the Nazis and the Antifas both as groups of Love:

The Nazis would love a nation devoid of Blacks, Jews and Christians where only Whites dominate. They are just pissed because that world doesn't exist HERE. Maybe they need to go find an island somewhere.

And the Antifas would love a world free of other people telling you how to live your life and who can be here, by going around telling others how THEY should live and whether they can be here. And beat you with a bat if you don't comply.

And the world looks on and laughs at the madness as America spins and implodes.
And of course don't forget...its those damned Confederate statues! If we just remove them, all of our problems today will be solved!

PS. love your pic.
And one of the first roads to fascism is restricting the right to free speech, the right to criticize government, etc. THAT is why we have free speech as numero uno in the Constitution.

But the Nazis weren't exercising free speech or criticizing the government. They were marching to incite violence because that's what Nazis are.
Liberals are easily triggered.

I see them as the bigger threat than the silly white supremacists.
Whats wrong with you... The silly white supremacists?? Jesus, talk about lack of awareness. Get a clue and perhaps some perspective about what you say.

What do you mean? They are a fringe group of whackos. People (except liberals) don't take them seriously.
The Heyer family and many others are taking them very seriously

I'm not defending that guy who actually killed a person. I'm defending people's right to FREE SPEECH.
I understand that your speaking to free speech and think you make fair points. I agree for the most part as I think free speech is an important thing, even if that speech is disgusting and wrong. I will admit that my feelings about the supremacists groups is outside of my normal logic and it is probably fair to call me a hypocrite when it comes to this subject, i'm conflicted and may be speaking more off emotion. The differentiating factor in my mind is the history that has revolved around these issues with Blacks and Jews. Millions have been slaughtered and executed, 2 wars have been fought. It is very difficult for me to entertain the acceptance of public speech and the promotion of ideals that caused so much bloodshed in the past and that have been outright rejected by our country.
But who is trying to restrict freedom of speech and assembly here? Lol.

That was they entire reason why they marched, duh. Watch the Vice News video about it. You'll see what these people wanted out of this march. Or choose to live in blind ignorance. Whatever.

I understand that your speaking to free speech and think you make fair points. I agree for the most part as I think free speech is an important thing, even if that speech is disgusting and wrong. I will admit that my feelings about the supremacists groups is outside of my normal logic and it is probably fair to call me a hypocrite when it comes to this subject, i'm conflicted and may be speaking more off emotion. The differentiating factor in my mind is the history that has revolved around these issues with Blacks and Jews. Millions have been slaughtered and executed, 2 wars have been fought. It is very difficult for me to entertain the acceptance of public speech and the promotion of ideals that caused so much bloodshed in the past and that have been outright rejected by our country.

We fought a war against fascism. We killed fascists because they were fascists.
But who is trying to restrict freedom of speech and assembly here? Lol.

That was they entire reason why they marched, duh. Watch the Vice News video about it. You'll see what these people wanted out of this march. Or choose to live in blind ignorance. Whatever.

These people would have been ignored if it hadn't been for Antifa showing up and for you guys on the left making this molehill into a mountain. The white supremacists are just a fringe extremist group who have been around and holding rallies for a very long time now.
Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and control of industry and commerce, that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

Which are all the things Nazis want. So therefore, Nazis are fascist. The people who marched were Nazis. What more is there to know?
I understand that your speaking to free speech and think you make fair points. I agree for the most part as I think free speech is an important thing, even if that speech is disgusting and wrong. I will admit that my feelings about the supremacists groups is outside of my normal logic and it is probably fair to call me a hypocrite when it comes to this subject, i'm conflicted and may be speaking more off emotion. The differentiating factor in my mind is the history that has revolved around these issues with Blacks and Jews. Millions have been slaughtered and executed, 2 wars have been fought. It is very difficult for me to entertain the acceptance of public speech and the promotion of ideals that caused so much bloodshed in the past and that have been outright rejected by our country.

We fought a war against fascism. We killed fascists because they were fascists.
Do you support fighting fascism with fascism?

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