I Think I Will Scream

Do you support fighting fascism with fascism?

How is antifa fascist? How are they fighting with fascism to achieve the goals you defined a couple posts ago? No Nazis = No Antifa. Besides, what happened the last time this country fought fascists? We killed them. So.....
These people would have been ignored

Shouldn't we all be anti-fascist? Since when is fascism acceptable in America? We killed fascists 70 years ago.

if it hadn't been for Antifa showing up and for you guys on the left making this molehill into a mountain.

Nazis marching through the streets of America in 2017 with torches throwing Sieg Heil's and waving swastikas is a mountain. And if you don't think so, there is something wrong with you.

iThe white supremacists are just a fringe extremist group who have been around and holding rallies for a very long time now.

These white supremacists have not. And these white supremacists get away with it because of apologists like you who vomit out "free speech" because you're too lazy or cowardly to confront fascism head on. Who are you doing that for? Yourself. Do you ever think about anyone but yourself? Clearly, no. So fuck off.
ronically, ANTIFA is trying to fight Fascism with Fascism

How are you supposed to fight fascists? The last time this country did, we killed them. Was that fascist of us?
There are other ways to fight them.... Ignore them... Beat them by presenting a better argument or exposing the flaws in their argument. That would be the civilized way of doing it, however, we seem to be moving away from civilized discourse
Do you support fighting fascism with fascism?

How is antifa fascist? How are they fighting with fascism to achieve the goals you defined a couple posts ago? No Nazis = No Antifa. Besides, what happened the last time this country fought fascists? We killed them. So.....
What do you call it when ANTIFA shuts down the speech of alt right speakers at college campuses? The shutting down of speech is what?
did it dawn on you that if even faux news is turning on the orange sociopath and Rupert Murdoch's son donated a million dollars to combat hatred because of him. that maybe you're the problem and not the media?

No. It's all the Swamp, baby, the Swamp. Go, Donald!

Glug! Glug! Glug!
Another self inflicted wound by the Trump administration

Obama and Hillary just sit back and laugh

I told you so
There are other ways to fight them.... Ignore them

So how did that work out for everyone in the 1930's?

... Beat them by presenting a better argument or exposing the flaws in their argument.

How so? These people are impervious to facts and logic (hence why they're Nazis in the first place). So you make a better argument than a Nazi...so what? You think that matters to this guy:


That would be the civilized way of doing it, however, we seem to be moving away from civilized discourse

Ah, so it was uncivilized of us to kill Nazis in WWII?
What do you call it when ANTIFA shuts down the speech of alt right speakers at college campuses?

Anti-fascism. There is no other way to end fascism than by shutting it down completely. Fascism is not free speech, so we need to stop making accomodations for people who think it is.

The shutting down of speech is what?

The shutting down of Nazi speech is necessary and vital to preserving our freedoms. Because Nazis want to take your freedoms away. That's why they're Nazis. Antifa wants to take away fascists' speech, and that's a bad thing why? You know fascist speech is speech of incitement. So what the fuck, dude?
The media is frothing themselves over this and no one cares.
Oh, yeah, Wolf Blitzer came totally unhinged when he suggested the Barcelona attack was an imitation of the Charlottseville murderer.

What a fucking idiot that man is. You just know he sucked a lot of dick to get his job, roflmao.
There are other ways to fight them.... Ignore them

So how did that work out for everyone in the 1930's?

... Beat them by presenting a better argument or exposing the flaws in their argument.

How so? These people are impervious to facts and logic (hence why they're Nazis in the first place). So you make a better argument than a Nazi...so what? You think that matters to this guy:


That would be the civilized way of doing it, however, we seem to be moving away from civilized discourse

Ah, so it was uncivilized of us to kill Nazis in WWII?
Newsflash... its not the 1930s!!!

Assholes are always going to exist you can't kill them and you go down a slippery slope trying to silence all of them. To be a smart opposition you need to outwit them and minimize them, not stoop to their level and fuel the fight.
These people would have been ignored

Shouldn't we all be anti-fascist? Since when is fascism acceptable in America? We killed fascists 70 years ago.

if it hadn't been for Antifa showing up and for you guys on the left making this molehill into a mountain.

Nazis marching through the streets of America in 2017 with torches throwing Sieg Heil's and waving swastikas is a mountain. And if you don't think so, there is something wrong with you.

iThe white supremacists are just a fringe extremist group who have been around and holding rallies for a very long time now.

These white supremacists have not. And these white supremacists get away with it because of apologists like you who vomit out "free speech" because you're too lazy or cowardly to confront fascism head on. Who are you doing that for? Yourself. Do you ever think about anyone but yourself? Clearly, no. So fuck off.

So you want to kill them now? Wow.
What do you call it when ANTIFA shuts down the speech of alt right speakers at college campuses?

Anti-fascism. There is no other way to end fascism than by shutting it down completely. Fascism is not free speech, so we need to stop making accomodations for people who think it is.

The shutting down of speech is what?

The shutting down of Nazi speech is necessary and vital to preserving our freedoms. Because Nazis want to take your freedoms away. That's why they're Nazis. Antifa wants to take away fascists' speech, and that's a bad thing why? You know fascist speech is speech of incitement. So what the fuck, dude?

Holy shit. You are dumb. Lol.
What do you call it when ANTIFA shuts down the speech of alt right speakers at college campuses?

Anti-fascism. There is no other way to end fascism than by shutting it down completely. Fascism is not free speech, so we need to stop making accomodations for people who think it is.

The shutting down of speech is what?

The shutting down of Nazi speech is necessary and vital to preserving our freedoms. Because Nazis want to take your freedoms away. That's why they're Nazis. Antifa wants to take away fascists' speech, and that's a bad thing why? You know fascist speech is speech of incitement. So what the fuck, dude?
You're dodging. The shutting down of speech is fascism, even if the speech you are trying to shut down is fascist. You are just practicing "justified" fascism
ChrisL I don't agree with everything you said but I appreciate the debate and I've actually had a change of heart. I like to think I am open minded and not a stubborn subscriber to one ideology. I created a thread about it and wanted to thank you for the thought provoking engagement. I was and still am pretty emotional about this as I am passionately against racism, however I don't want to ever let my emotion hijack my intellect and I was flirting close to letting that happen with this issue.

Racist groups vs Free Speech, i've converted...
Newsflash... its not the 1930s!!!

Nothing is like the 1930's, just like nothing is like the 2010's. I don't understand what you're waiting for? Everyone always says that if they could travel back in time and kill Hitler to prevent the Holocaust, they would. So now we have the same kind of shit happening and I'm just sitting here wondering what the fuck you're waiting for to happen? Nazis declared open war on Charlottesville when they ran over and murdered people. Clearly it was an act of terrorism. We've responded to foreign terrorists with brute force anytime one of them attacks us. So why can't we do the same to Nazis, who we already fought once and defeated?

Assholes are always going to exist you can't kill them and you go down a slippery slope trying to silence all of them. To be a smart opposition you need to outwit them and minimize them, not stoop to their level and fuel the fight.

So don't silence Nazis, is your position. ::face palm::

The fight has already started! What do you think it was when the Nazi ran over those people last weekend? That was an act of terrorism. An act of war. So if we're at war, let's fucking fight. Shutting down their speech is nice. That's being nice.
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So you want to kill them now? Wow.

They already declared war, as far as I'm concerned. That happened the minute one of them decided he was going to white power his way through a crowd at full speed. War has started. Nazis fired the first shot. Time to do what we used to do to Nazis; get rid of 'em.
Newsflash... its not the 1930s!!!

Nothing is like the 1930's, just like nothing is like the 2010's. I don't understand what you're waiting for? Everyone always says that if they could travel back in time and kill Hitler to prevent the Holocaust, they would. So now we have the same kind of shit happening and I'm just sitting here wondering what the fuck you're waiting for to happen? Nazis declared open war on Charlottesville when they ran over and murdered people. Clearly it was an act of terrorism. We've responded to foreign terrorists with brute force anytime one of them attacks us. So why can't we do the same to Nazis, who we already fought once and defeated?

Assholes are always going to exist you can't kill them and you go down a slippery slope trying to silence all of them. To be a smart opposition you need to outwit them and minimize them, not stoop to their level and fuel the fight.

So don't silence Nazis, is your position. ::face palm::

The fight has already started! What do you think it was when the Nazi ran over those people last weekend? That was an act of terrorism. An act of war. So if we're at war, let's fucking fight.
WE don't have the same thing happening. He have very few sickos making a lot of noise. Fuck them, don't compare them to Hitler. Thats way too overdramatic
The shutting down of speech is fascism, even if the speech you are trying to shut down is fascist. You are just practicing "justified" fascism

Shutting down fascism is fascism? We used to call that patriotism. You're twisting yourself in pretzel logic in order to appear reasonable. But for whom? For yourself. So this isn't about fascism or free speech, this is you wanting to be a nice person and letting fascists be fascists. Well, nice people make the best Nazis. What's it gonna take before you finally realize this shit is serious? Nazis marching through the streets, carrying torches, killing people? Too late. Shit's already happening, bro.

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