I think I'm going to move to Breckenridge......

See.......there's your problem.........you take everything to ridiculous extremes.

No, we were told that if it grows out of the ground, we can have it, meaning that its up to us to figure out the PROPER use of whatever it is.

Besides........considering all the medical research done by Harvard and British Medical Society, as well as the findings they've discovered concerning the interaction of cannabis and the human brain, I'm wondering why they haven't legalized it YET?

Like I said, it's been proven by them that cannabis helps clear out the plaque build up in people with Alzheimer's disease.

Too bad Reagan had to keep saying no.
And all of this time I though Colorado people were screwed up because of the altitude. It's been because of the dope all along. Well ain't that a kick in the pants?
They suffered a huge influx of Fornicalians in the mid-90s. Seems the the shaky ground, riots, fires and mudslides started getting on their nerves.

Problem is that they moved there because it was different, yet brought their moon child politics with them and set about making it more like the screwy place they left.
And all of this time I though Colorado people were screwed up because of the altitude. It's been because of the dope all along. Well ain't that a kick in the pants?
They suffered a huge influx of Fornicalians in the mid-90s. Seems the the shaky ground, riots, fires and mudslides started getting on their nerves.

Problem is that they moved there because it was different, yet brought their moon child politics with them and set about making it more like the screwy place they left.

And, if they could take a few more, that would be great. Waaay too many airheads in Ca.
And all of this time I though Colorado people were screwed up because of the altitude. It's been because of the dope all along. Well ain't that a kick in the pants?
They suffered a huge influx of Fornicalians in the mid-90s. Seems the the shaky ground, riots, fires and mudslides started getting on their nerves.

Problem is that they moved there because it was different, yet brought their moon child politics with them and set about making it more like the screwy place they left.

And, if they could take a few more, that would be great. Waaay too many airheads in Ca.

Will *you* ever get back there to clean it up? ;):cool:
The Jews? You do realize that they used cannabis oil as part of the Holy Anointing Oil of the Kings of Israel. Jesus Himself was anointed with it.

Where in the Torah or Bible does it say this??? :doubt:


The word Cannabis derives from the Hebrew word Kaneh-Bosem which literally translates 'Fragrant Cane' and is known to have been an integral part of healing rituals during the time of Jesus and considered a holy sacrament by the ancient wise ones. Jesus did in fact use the same herb as his ancient semitic ancestors, and which is still used by people around the world for its enlightening and healing properties. Jesus used cannabis based oils to heal eye and skin diseases and his very name derives from being anointed with cannabis enriched holy oil.

The Greek title "Christ" is the translation of the Hebrew word Messiah, which in English becomes "The Anointed". The Messiah was recognized as such by his being anointed with the holy anointing oil, the use of which was restricted to the instillation of Hebrew priests and kings.

"Anointing was common among kings of Israel. It was the sign and symbol of royalty. The word 'Messiah' signifies the 'Anointed One', and none of the kings of Israel were styled the Messiah unless anointed."

The ancient recipe for this anointing oil, recorded in the Old Testament book of Exodus (30: 22-23) included over nine pounds of flowering cannabis tops, Hebrew "kaneh-bosem"( pluralized ; singular is kaneh-bos), extracted into a hind (about 6.5 litres) of olive oil, along with a variety of other herbs and spices. The ancient chosen ones were literally drenched in this potent cannabis holy oil.

"Knowledge and healing were two aspects of the same life-force. If to be rubbed with the 'Holy Plant' was to receive divine knowledge, it was also to be cured of every sickness. James suggests that anyone of the Christian community who was sick should call to the elders to anoint him with oil in the name of Jesus The Twelve are sent out among their fellow-men casting out demons and anointing the sick with oil (Mark 6:13)."

Jesus Used Cannabis : Holy Anointing Oil | punt.nl: Je eigen gratis weblog, gratis fotoalbum, webmail, startpagina enz

There ya go.

Sorry, that's not what I see in Exodus.

"22 Moreover the LORD spoke unto Moses, saying: 23 'Take thou also unto thee the chief spices, of flowing myrrh five hundred shekels, and of sweet cinnamon half so much, even two hundred and fifty, and of sweet calamus two hundred and fifty, 24 and of cassia five hundred, after the shekel of the sanctuary, and of olive oil a hin. 25 And thou shalt make it a holy anointing oil, a perfume compounded after the art of the perfumer; it shall be a holy anointing oil. "

Dope is dope, I prefer to have a level head where I can think clearly and for myself. And I don't give a shit who disagrees with me.
other states will soon follow...the war has been lost...give it up....

damn sunni you didnt tell me i got to smoke dope in the burka...
Where in the Torah or Bible does it say this??? :doubt:


The word Cannabis derives from the Hebrew word Kaneh-Bosem which literally translates 'Fragrant Cane' and is known to have been an integral part of healing rituals during the time of Jesus and considered a holy sacrament by the ancient wise ones. Jesus did in fact use the same herb as his ancient semitic ancestors, and which is still used by people around the world for its enlightening and healing properties. Jesus used cannabis based oils to heal eye and skin diseases and his very name derives from being anointed with cannabis enriched holy oil.

The Greek title "Christ" is the translation of the Hebrew word Messiah, which in English becomes "The Anointed". The Messiah was recognized as such by his being anointed with the holy anointing oil, the use of which was restricted to the instillation of Hebrew priests and kings.

"Anointing was common among kings of Israel. It was the sign and symbol of royalty. The word 'Messiah' signifies the 'Anointed One', and none of the kings of Israel were styled the Messiah unless anointed."

The ancient recipe for this anointing oil, recorded in the Old Testament book of Exodus (30: 22-23) included over nine pounds of flowering cannabis tops, Hebrew "kaneh-bosem"( pluralized ; singular is kaneh-bos), extracted into a hind (about 6.5 litres) of olive oil, along with a variety of other herbs and spices. The ancient chosen ones were literally drenched in this potent cannabis holy oil.

"Knowledge and healing were two aspects of the same life-force. If to be rubbed with the 'Holy Plant' was to receive divine knowledge, it was also to be cured of every sickness. James suggests that anyone of the Christian community who was sick should call to the elders to anoint him with oil in the name of Jesus The Twelve are sent out among their fellow-men casting out demons and anointing the sick with oil (Mark 6:13)."

Jesus Used Cannabis : Holy Anointing Oil | punt.nl: Je eigen gratis weblog, gratis fotoalbum, webmail, startpagina enz

There ya go.

Sorry, that's not what I see in Exodus.

"22 Moreover the LORD spoke unto Moses, saying: 23 'Take thou also unto thee the chief spices, of flowing myrrh five hundred shekels, and of sweet cinnamon half so much, even two hundred and fifty, and of sweet calamus two hundred and fifty, 24 and of cassia five hundred, after the shekel of the sanctuary, and of olive oil a hin. 25 And thou shalt make it a holy anointing oil, a perfume compounded after the art of the perfumer; it shall be a holy anointing oil. "

Dope is dope, I prefer to have a level head where I can think clearly and for myself. And I don't give a shit who disagrees with me.

Well......gee Ollie.....you really are stupid today.......

I pointed out that you can't tell what they were talking about with a KJV Bible. Know why? It was translated from Hebrew, to Greek, to Latin, to English. With a game of "telephone" like that, it's hard to trust the translation, which is why the first link was posted that led to an ACTUAL PHOTOGRAPH OF THE PAGE IN THE TORAH (first 5 books of the Bible) which pointed to the word "cannabis".

Wanna know another place where the KJV is wrong? Check the 10 Commandments, because the commandment "thou shalt not kill" is actually a mistranslation.

The real translation states "thou shalt not MURDER". World of difference.

By the way, how much do you REALLY know about cannabis? Me? I was a Navy Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor for the last 8 years of my career. No, I didn't partake until after I retired and had been that way for around 6 months.

I've got news for you..........most of the propaganda put out there is bullshit.
And here is the reason...........

Breckenridge, Colorado voters legalize marijuana, paraphernalia

By Stephen C. Webster
Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009 -- 10:19 pm
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Breckenridge, Colorado voters legalize marijuana, paraphernaliaVoters in the ski resort town of Breckenridge, Colorado legalized marijuana and marijuana paraphernalia by a nearly three-to-one margin on Tuesday.

It is the first municipality in the United States to allow paraphernalia, such as pipes, bongs and bubblers.

"[The measure] passed 73 percent to 27 percent," ABC 7 News in Denver reported.

"'This votes demonstrates that Breckenridge citizens overwhelmingly believe that adults should not be punished for making the safer choice to use marijuana instead of alcohol,' said Sean McAllister, a Breckenridge attorney who proposed the ordinance," ABC continued.

"Possession remains illegal under state law, but Breckenridge Police Chief Rick Holman said his department will 'still have the ability to exercise discretion,'" Colorado's Summit Daily News added.
Story continues below...

Breckenridge, Colorado voters legalize marijuana, paraphernalia | Raw Story

Who's with me?

until they make the 2 biggest killers (tobacco and alcohol ) illegal,im all for legalized pot....
I'd sooner deal with a pot-head than a drunk any day. Pot-heads don't try and thump you or spew on your pants.

and in my party days i always seemed to notice at the parties with alcohol always seemed to be loud and rowdy,fights, cops called....end of party......ones were it was basically pot....no one even knew we were there..........
I'd sooner deal with a pot-head than a drunk any day. Pot-heads don't try and thump you or spew on your pants.

and in my party days i always seemed to notice at the parties with alcohol always seemed to be loud and rowdy,fights, cops called....end of party......ones were it was basically pot....no one even knew we were there..........

Just the pizza guy.:lol:
And all of this time I though Colorado people were screwed up because of the altitude. It's been because of the dope all along. Well ain't that a kick in the pants?

Drugs.... responsible for the dumbing down of America.

i think Cali the Govt,TV and our current educational system is responsible for that...
I go with personal experience with stoners (not the occasional user). I am no fan of them.

Sorry, that's not what I see in Exodus.

"22 Moreover the LORD spoke unto Moses, saying: 23 'Take thou also unto thee the chief spices, of flowing myrrh five hundred shekels, and of sweet cinnamon half so much, even two hundred and fifty, and of sweet calamus two hundred and fifty, 24 and of cassia five hundred, after the shekel of the sanctuary, and of olive oil a hin. 25 And thou shalt make it a holy anointing oil, a perfume compounded after the art of the perfumer; it shall be a holy anointing oil. "

Dope is dope, I prefer to have a level head where I can think clearly and for myself. And I don't give a shit who disagrees with me.

Well......gee Ollie.....you really are stupid today.......

I pointed out that you can't tell what they were talking about with a KJV Bible. Know why? It was translated from Hebrew, to Greek, to Latin, to English. With a game of "telephone" like that, it's hard to trust the translation, which is why the first link was posted that led to an ACTUAL PHOTOGRAPH OF THE PAGE IN THE TORAH (first 5 books of the Bible) which pointed to the word "cannabis".

Wanna know another place where the KJV is wrong? Check the 10 Commandments, because the commandment "thou shalt not kill" is actually a mistranslation.

The real translation states "thou shalt not MURDER". World of difference.

By the way, how much do you REALLY know about cannabis? Me? I was a Navy Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor for the last 8 years of my career. No, I didn't partake until after I retired and had been that way for around 6 months.

I've got news for you..........most of the propaganda put out there is bullshit.

You really do make every attempt to call names, And i thought you had to be out of the fourth grade before you got into the Navy.

Anyway I have looked up your Keneh Bosem, or Keneh Bosom. And I have found that there are a few sources that do believe it refers to the hemp plant. However most sources do not. I do not rely on one source for something you might claim. I know you will chose the source that fits what you want to be true.

At any rate I know enough about drugs that I learned to stay away from them after experimentation in my youth. In other words I grew wiser with age. Unlike some people we know of.

By the way, your 8 years as a Drug and Alcohol NCO means nothing to your argument once you made your last statement.

"......most of the propaganda put out there is bullshit"

Now go give a Marine a ride somewhere.
hey sarg, why isn't Lush in jail? 10,ooo pills is trafficking in most states compared to those poor black boys that are still in jail for a couple of joints

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