I think it's funny that the left & CNN are now getting a dose of what Fox & the right got for 8 year

The best smackdown of CNN was at the correspondents dinner which Trump was too scared to attend.

Yeah, Trump was scared.

Tell us again, how did Putin get you to flip your vote

Why do RWNJs believe that asking the same question over and over will somehow get them a different answer?

One more time ...


How much did Putin pay you to vote for Trump?

If CNN is getting it perpetually wrong, then why isn't Trump suing them? He LOVES to sue, remember? Almost 4000 lawsuits in the last 40 years. What's stopping him now? Besides the fact that his lawyers have had to hire lawyers since Bob Mueller opened up the Special Counsel investigation....
If CNN is getting it perpetually wrong, then why isn't Trump suing them? He LOVES to sue, remember? Almost 4000 lawsuits in the last 40 years. What's stopping him now? Besides the fact that his lawyers have had to hire lawyers since Bob Mueller opened up the Special Counsel investigation....

He loves to threaten to sue...

Another empty Trump threat falls flat against Comey

evidence of Donald Trump's long history of trying to intimidate people he doesn't like with hollow threats of lawsuits, and notes the failure of his recent threat to file a complaint against James Comey as a setback in his attack on the FBI's Trump Russia investigation.
And don't think it is any accident, either. The more the Left squirms, the more Trump squeezes them. Payback's a bitch after the way they mocked, ridiculed and humiliated them at the 2012 press celebration.

You are OK with the POTUS holding a grudge for 5 years over a few jokes?

Why not? The Left has already said their attacks against Trump are for things said about Obama EIGHT years ago!

Who? Who has said that?

You are kidding right? Either that or you are an absolute moron.
Trump hated being called on his bullshit by CNN, so he's terrified of them now.

Back when they were willing to air his demands we cut and run from Iraq, he loved CNN.

Back when they were willing air his complaints that "Bush Lied, People Died", he loved CNN.

Back when they were willing to air his birtherism, he loved CNN.

Now that they are calling him on his bullshit, he wets himself.

And don't think it is any accident, either. The more the Left squirms, the more Trump squeezes them. Payback's a bitch after the way they mocked, ridiculed and humiliated them at the 2012 press celebration.

You are OK with the POTUS holding a grudge for 5 years over a few jokes?

Why not? The Left has already said their attacks against Trump are for things said about Obama EIGHT years ago!

Who? Who has said that?

You are kidding right? Either that or you are an absolute moron.

Name one and cite the quote. Damn, you fuckers are boring.
Trump's too scared to face CNN one on one. He has to run away and post cartoons.

He'd get his ass kicked if he faced direct questions.

He loved CNN when they would let him rant and rave about Bush. He couldn't get on CNN enough when he was a birther or when he was calling for us to cut and run from Iraq.

But to have the spotlight turn around on him? He runs.

Total chickenshit. Sad.

The brown buffoon before him was scared of fox and hated them. You forgot about that as you partisan hack to the left.
And don't think it is any accident, either. The more the Left squirms, the more Trump squeezes them. Payback's a bitch after the way they mocked, ridiculed and humiliated them at the 2012 press celebration.

You are OK with the POTUS holding a grudge for 5 years over a few jokes?

Why not? The Left has already said their attacks against Trump are for things said about Obama EIGHT years ago!

Who? Who has said that?

You are kidding right? Either that or you are an absolute moron.

Name one and cite the quote. Damn, you fuckers are boring.

That is because you fuckers play stupid, fucktard.
Do you really think you can get away with that gross generalization by saying" the left" and have it mean something? Stop bringing up facts. You're confusing his supporters.

Do you really think you can get away with a name like "Reasonable" and have it mean anything? You wouldn't know a fact if it came at you at 55 mph and ran you over. You're nothing more than a "word-switcher," a game player, nothing you say means a hoot, you ignore all of the facts, which I know you know what they are because no one can be as wrong as you are all of the time by accident, then you seize upon one irrelevant thing and try to make it the issue instead, just as they teach you in Little Commie School.

You are the very personification of what Ronald Reagan spoke of in this very succinct and historic observation so many years ago . . . .

Did you even bother reading that thread and then the link cited?

It came from the Obama administration them self.

"g5000" is here for one reason only. A TROLL.


Libtards just cannot believe the shoe is on the other foot and can dish it out but can't take it.
It's hilarious the pseudocons are pretending to be all concerned about honesty in the media these days. My god, that's fucking funny!

Fool Me A Thousand Times

Just read posts 1 and 3 in that topic to see just how funny these tards and their sudden concern for truth and facts are.

I just bothered to read one you lying hack....

It wasnt the right wing media who said 93 million would lose health coverage it came from Kathrine her self

Obama Officials In 2010: 93 Million Americans Will Be Unable To Keep Their Health Plans Under Obamacare

So to prove some fake news wasn't fake, you cited MORE fake news? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Oh my god, that's priceless. You tards are a never ending source of amusement. :lol:

What the Obama Administration said was that the employers who were grandfathered under ObamaCare's rules for minimum standards would, over time, probably change their health insurance plans enough to lose their grandfather status. The Obama Administration NEVER claimed those employers would drop their insurance plans. That part was made up by hack fake news, which you just guzzled. Again.


So to prove some totally stupid comments of yours weren't idiotic, you make even MORE idiotic comments? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That is just SO PRICELESS! And so predictable. You Libs are an endless source of amusement the rut you've all dug yourselves in and you have no idea how to get out. You have no more idea what the facts are, what the Obama Administration really did than a sand flea, and you have the nerve to quote fake news about fake news while being the source of yet nothing but lies and bull.
It's hilarious the pseudocons are pretending to be all concerned about honesty in the media these days. My god, that's fucking funny!

Fool Me A Thousand Times

Just read posts 1 and 3 in that topic to see just how funny these tards and their sudden concern for truth and facts are.

I just bothered to read one you lying hack....

It wasnt the right wing media who said 93 million would lose health coverage it came from Kathrine her self

Obama Officials In 2010: 93 Million Americans Will Be Unable To Keep Their Health Plans Under Obamacare

So to prove some fake news wasn't fake, you cited MORE fake news? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Oh my god, that's priceless. You tards are a never ending source of amusement. :lol:

What the Obama Administration said was that the employers who were grandfathered under ObamaCare's rules for minimum standards would, over time, probably change their health insurance plans enough to lose their grandfather status. The Obama Administration NEVER claimed those employers would drop their insurance plans. That part was made up by hack fake news, which you just guzzled. Again.


So to prove some totally stupid comments of yours weren't idiotic, you make even MORE idiotic comments? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That is just SO PRICELESS! And so predictable. You Libs are an endless source of amusement the rut you've all dug yourselves in and you have no idea how to get out. You have no more idea what the facts are, what the Obama Administration really did than a sand flea, and you have the nerve to quote fake news about fake news while being the source of yet nothing but lies and bull.
I will take this post as an admission that you can't find any actual quote of anyone in the Obama Administration saying 93 million people were going to lose their health insurance as a consequence of ObamaCare.

And if you weren't so stupid, you would have realized the Obama Administration would never have said such a thing would result from ObamaCare.

Man, the level of retardation on the part of you rubes is ASTOUNDING!

Just keep on chugging that fake news, rube. I need the yuks.
It's hilarious the pseudocons are pretending to be all concerned about honesty in the media these days. My god, that's fucking funny!

Fool Me A Thousand Times

Just read posts 1 and 3 in that topic to see just how funny these tards and their sudden concern for truth and facts are.

I just bothered to read one you lying hack....

It wasnt the right wing media who said 93 million would lose health coverage it came from Kathrine her self

Obama Officials In 2010: 93 Million Americans Will Be Unable To Keep Their Health Plans Under Obamacare

So to prove some fake news wasn't fake, you cited MORE fake news? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Oh my god, that's priceless. You tards are a never ending source of amusement. :lol:

What the Obama Administration said was that the employers who were grandfathered under ObamaCare's rules for minimum standards would, over time, probably change their health insurance plans enough to lose their grandfather status. The Obama Administration NEVER claimed those employers would drop their insurance plans. That part was made up by hack fake news, which you just guzzled. Again.


So to prove some totally stupid comments of yours weren't idiotic, you make even MORE idiotic comments? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That is just SO PRICELESS! And so predictable. You Libs are an endless source of amusement the rut you've all dug yourselves in and you have no idea how to get out. You have no more idea what the facts are, what the Obama Administration really did than a sand flea, and you have the nerve to quote fake news about fake news while being the source of yet nothing but lies and bull.

He got caught in his own lie..

You have threads worried on how gays and women are now treated, pretty funny since nothing has changed.

All the more funny considering that women practically run the world now and gays have been elevated to protected, preferential status. Eric Holder never came to MY town to look into some little thing that didn't go my way!
It's hilarious the pseudocons are pretending to be all concerned about honesty in the media these days. My god, that's fucking funny!

Fool Me A Thousand Times

Just read posts 1 and 3 in that topic to see just how funny these tards and their sudden concern for truth and facts are.

I just bothered to read one you lying hack....

It wasnt the right wing media who said 93 million would lose health coverage it came from Kathrine her self

Obama Officials In 2010: 93 Million Americans Will Be Unable To Keep Their Health Plans Under Obamacare

So to prove some fake news wasn't fake, you cited MORE fake news? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Oh my god, that's priceless. You tards are a never ending source of amusement. :lol:

What the Obama Administration said was that the employers who were grandfathered under ObamaCare's rules for minimum standards would, over time, probably change their health insurance plans enough to lose their grandfather status. The Obama Administration NEVER claimed those employers would drop their insurance plans. That part was made up by hack fake news, which you just guzzled. Again.


So to prove some totally stupid comments of yours weren't idiotic, you make even MORE idiotic comments? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That is just SO PRICELESS! And so predictable. You Libs are an endless source of amusement the rut you've all dug yourselves in and you have no idea how to get out. You have no more idea what the facts are, what the Obama Administration really did than a sand flea, and you have the nerve to quote fake news about fake news while being the source of yet nothing but lies and bull.

He got caught in his own lie..

No, you two dumb clowns were caught drinking recycled piss. :lol:

Now that you've interjected yourself, show me where any Obama Administration person said 93 million people were going to lose their health insurance because of ObamaCare.

Go ahead. Provide the quote.

This is fun!
It's hilarious the pseudocons are pretending to be all concerned about honesty in the media these days. My god, that's fucking funny!

Fool Me A Thousand Times

Just read posts 1 and 3 in that topic to see just how funny these tards and their sudden concern for truth and facts are.

I just bothered to read one you lying hack....

It wasnt the right wing media who said 93 million would lose health coverage it came from Kathrine her self

Obama Officials In 2010: 93 Million Americans Will Be Unable To Keep Their Health Plans Under Obamacare

So to prove some fake news wasn't fake, you cited MORE fake news? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Oh my god, that's priceless. You tards are a never ending source of amusement. :lol:

What the Obama Administration said was that the employers who were grandfathered under ObamaCare's rules for minimum standards would, over time, probably change their health insurance plans enough to lose their grandfather status. The Obama Administration NEVER claimed those employers would drop their insurance plans. That part was made up by hack fake news, which you just guzzled. Again.


So to prove some totally stupid comments of yours weren't idiotic, you make even MORE idiotic comments? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That is just SO PRICELESS! And so predictable. You Libs are an endless source of amusement the rut you've all dug yourselves in and you have no idea how to get out. You have no more idea what the facts are, what the Obama Administration really did than a sand flea, and you have the nerve to quote fake news about fake news while being the source of yet nothing but lies and bull.
I will take this post as an admission that you can't find any actual quote of anyone in the Obama Administration saying 93 million people were going to lose their health insurance as a consequence of ObamaCare.

And if you weren't so stupid, you would have realized the Obama Administration would never have said such a thing would result from ObamaCare.

Man, the level of retardation on the part of you rubes is ASTOUNDING!

Just keep on chugging that fake news, rube. I need the yuks.

Liar read the link

COVER STORYBangle Billionaire: How Alex And Ani Founder Carolyn Rafaelian Built An American Jewelry Empire
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OpinionOCT 31, 2013 @ 03:33 AM250,034
Obama Officials In 2010: 93 Million Americans Will Be Unable To Keep Their Health Plans Under Obamacare

The Apothecary

Insights into health care and entitlement reform.

Avik Roy, Forbes Staff

On October 30, 2013, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius testified before the House Energy and Commerce Committee on the continuing problems with the Affordable Care Act's insurance exchanges. (Photo credit: Avik Roy/Forbes)

On Wednesday, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius testified before Congress about the continuing issues with the rollout of Obamacare’s health insurance exchanges. “Hold me accountable for the debacle,” said Sebelius. “I’m responsible.” I attended the hearing, and I was struck by the scope, scale, and depth of the health law’s problems,

It's hilarious the pseudocons are pretending to be all concerned about honesty in the media these days. My god, that's fucking funny!

Fool Me A Thousand Times

Just read posts 1 and 3 in that topic to see just how funny these tards and their sudden concern for truth and facts are.

I just bothered to read one you lying hack....

It wasnt the right wing media who said 93 million would lose health coverage it came from Kathrine her self

Obama Officials In 2010: 93 Million Americans Will Be Unable To Keep Their Health Plans Under Obamacare

So to prove some fake news wasn't fake, you cited MORE fake news? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Oh my god, that's priceless. You tards are a never ending source of amusement. :lol:

What the Obama Administration said was that the employers who were grandfathered under ObamaCare's rules for minimum standards would, over time, probably change their health insurance plans enough to lose their grandfather status. The Obama Administration NEVER claimed those employers would drop their insurance plans. That part was made up by hack fake news, which you just guzzled. Again.


So to prove some totally stupid comments of yours weren't idiotic, you make even MORE idiotic comments? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That is just SO PRICELESS! And so predictable. You Libs are an endless source of amusement the rut you've all dug yourselves in and you have no idea how to get out. You have no more idea what the facts are, what the Obama Administration really did than a sand flea, and you have the nerve to quote fake news about fake news while being the source of yet nothing but lies and bull.
I will take this post as an admission that you can't find any actual quote of anyone in the Obama Administration saying 93 million people were going to lose their health insurance as a consequence of ObamaCare.

And if you weren't so stupid, you would have realized the Obama Administration would never have said such a thing would result from ObamaCare.

Man, the level of retardation on the part of you rubes is ASTOUNDING!

Just keep on chugging that fake news, rube. I need the yuks.

Liar read the link

COVER STORYBangle Billionaire: How Alex And Ani Founder Carolyn Rafaelian Built An American Jewelry Empire
log in or sign up to comment.

OpinionOCT 31, 2013 @ 03:33 AM250,034
Obama Officials In 2010: 93 Million Americans Will Be Unable To Keep Their Health Plans Under Obamacare

The Apothecary

Insights into health care and entitlement reform.

Avik Roy, Forbes Staff

On October 30, 2013, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius testified before the House Energy and Commerce Committee on the continuing problems with the Affordable Care Act's insurance exchanges. (Photo credit: Avik Roy/Forbes)

On Wednesday, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius testified before Congress about the continuing issues with the rollout of Obamacare’s health insurance exchanges. “Hold me accountable for the debacle,” said Sebelius. “I’m responsible.” I attended the hearing, and I was struck by the scope, scale, and depth of the health law’s problems,

Show me the quote, retard.

Show me someone in the Obama Administration saying 93 million people were going to have their employer insurance canceled because of ObamaCare.

Go ahead.
I will take this post as an admission that you can't find any actual quote of anyone in the Obama Administration saying 93 million people were going to lose their health insurance as a consequence of ObamaCare.

Man, you are so far gone I can't even see you. Better get those meds refilled before it's too late!
You are OK with the POTUS holding a grudge for 5 years over a few jokes?

Why not? The Left has already said their attacks against Trump are for things said about Obama EIGHT years ago!

Who? Who has said that?

You are kidding right? Either that or you are an absolute moron.

Name one and cite the quote. Damn, you fuckers are boring.

That is because you fuckers play stupid, fucktard.

Not one name nor one citation. Great job Cletus.
Now, here are the FACTS:

A company that has 50 or more full time employees must provide a minimum level of healthcare services to their employees at an affordable price. I believe the threshold is 9 percent of MGI.

If the employer fails to do so, they must pay a fine for every employee beyond the first 30 employees.

An employer who provided insurance to their employees before ObamaCare is exempt from these requirements. They are "grandfathered".

If the grandfathered employer substantially changes their health plan, they lose their grandfather status and must meet the above requirements.

There is nothing in the law about ObamaCare cancelling the insurance of grandfathered companies when they lose their grandfather status. Nothing. The dipshit who wrote the Forbes article made that up.

In 2010, the Obama administration guesstimated that 40 to 66 percent of grandfathered employers would lose their grandfather status over the course of the years 2011 to 2013 due to making substantial changes to their insurance plans.

Case in point, my company lost its grandfather status because we IMPROVED our health insurance plan for company employees. We decided to bring the company insurance benefits up to the level of the ObamaCare requirements, even though we did not have to do that due to our grandfather status.

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