I think it's time to call Texas on their bluff

Like I said, enjoy your $50 gas, Dumbass.

Texas State Energy Profile​

Texas Quick Facts​

  • Texas is the top crude oil- and natural gas-producing state in the nation. In 2021, Texas accounted for 43% of the nation's crude oil production and 25% of its marketed natural gas production.
  • Texas has the most crude oil refineries and the most refining capacity of any state. The 31 petroleum refineries in Texas can process a combined total of almost 5.9 million barrels of crude oil per calendar day—32% of the nation's refining capacity as of January 2021.
  • In 2021, Texas produced about 26% of all U.S. wind-powered electricity generation, leading the nation for the 16th year in a row. Wind power surpassed the state's nuclear generation for the first time in 2014 and exceeded coal-fired generation for the first time in 2019.
  • Texas produces more electricity than any other state, generating nearly twice as much as second-place Florida. In 2021, Texas accounted for about 12% of the nation's total electricity net generation.
Texas can't even power their own fucking state during a thunderstorm, or a few inches of snow. I'm betting everyone in Texas would be dead before winter was over if they seceded.
Texas has been threatening to secede for decades now. and I say it's time to let them.....

On a few conditions....
1; The Texas government has to buy the properties of any US citizens who do not wish to secede at fair market value +10% (same rate as required under eminent domain in many states), cover 100% of moving costs, and cover all fees and taxes on the houses that the people buy in their new states.

2; Texas will NOT be allowed into NAFTA, nor any other free trade agree with the United States for a period of no less than 10 years.

3; The United States will NOT give any type of financial or economic aid to Texas. Loans will be allowed, but will have the requirement that they be paid back with 10% interest.

4; Texas must repay any unpaid loans it has received from the federal government. Refusal will result in Texas being barred from trade with the US.

5; Texas may not, under any circumstances, drill for oil in US waters. Any attempt to do this will result in harsh economic sanctions.

7; Texas citizens will be required to have passports and visas in order to enter the United States.
I take it you are completely unaware of California wanting to secede from the US. They have circulated a petition a number of times. They have even talked about splitting the state up.
Funny how clowns always only find one party to go I hate them.
Texas can't even power their own fucking state during a thunderstorm, or a few inches of snow. I'm betting everyone in Texas would be dead before winter was over if they seceded.
I would ask for a link, but we all know you are full of shit. They had rolling outages during a winter storm of the century. Right now they are in the middle of a massive heat wave with no outages.

KKKalifornia will be having their annual rolling blackouts soon. Happens every summer.

You think Pretty Boy Gavin is gonna build you a few refineries to help you with your $50 gas, Simp?

I think it's time to call Texas on their bluff​

Texas has been threatening to secede for decades now. and I say it's time to let them.....

On a few conditions....
1; The Texas government has to buy the properties of any US citizens who do not wish to secede at fair market value +10% (same rate as required under eminent domain in many states), cover 100% of moving costs, and cover all fees and taxes on the houses that the people buy in their new states.

2; Texas will NOT be allowed into NAFTA, nor any other free trade agree with the United States for a period of no less than 10 years.

3; The United States will NOT give any type of financial or economic aid to Texas. Loans will be allowed, but will have the requirement that they be paid back with 10% interest.

4; Texas must repay any unpaid loans it has received from the federal government. Refusal will result in Texas being barred from trade with the US.

5; Texas may not, under any circumstances, drill for oil in US waters. Any attempt to do this will result in harsh economic sanctions.

7; Texas citizens will be required to have passports and visas in order to enter the United States.
Total traitor bullshit.
Texas has been threatening to secede for decades now. and I say it's time to let them.....

On a few conditions....
1; The Texas government has to buy the properties of any US citizens who do not wish to secede at fair market value +10% (same rate as required under eminent domain in many states), cover 100% of moving costs, and cover all fees and taxes on the houses that the people buy in their new states.

2; Texas will NOT be allowed into NAFTA, nor any other free trade agree with the United States for a period of no less than 10 years.

3; The United States will NOT give any type of financial or economic aid to Texas. Loans will be allowed, but will have the requirement that they be paid back with 10% interest.

4; Texas must repay any unpaid loans it has received from the federal government. Refusal will result in Texas being barred from trade with the US.

5; Texas may not, under any circumstances, drill for oil in US waters. Any attempt to do this will result in harsh economic sanctions.

7; Texas citizens will be required to have passports and visas in order to enter the United States.
You just had to start a tread and fill it your first post with idiocy?
Texas has been threatening to secede for decades now. and I say it's time to let them.....

On a few conditions....
1; The Texas government has to buy the properties of any US citizens who do not wish to secede at fair market value +10% (same rate as required under eminent domain in many states), cover 100% of moving costs, and cover all fees and taxes on the houses that the people buy in their new states.

2; Texas will NOT be allowed into NAFTA, nor any other free trade agree with the United States for a period of no less than 10 years.

3; The United States will NOT give any type of financial or economic aid to Texas. Loans will be allowed, but will have the requirement that they be paid back with 10% interest.

4; Texas must repay any unpaid loans it has received from the federal government. Refusal will result in Texas being barred from trade with the US.

5; Texas may not, under any circumstances, drill for oil in US waters. Any attempt to do this will result in harsh economic sanctions.

7; Texas citizens will be required to have passports and visas in order to enter the United States.
Rather than fantasize about the secession of Texas….lets fantasize about relocating ALL fucked in the head disgusting leftists and all the filth they embrace to Mexifornia and Loon York….lets imagine a nation with no wetbacks, no faggots, no rug munchers, no feminazis, no chicks with dicks, no America hating trash, no criminals, no degenerates….Now that’s something to fantasize about.
Texas has been threatening to secede for decades now. and I say it's time to let them.....

On a few conditions....
1; The Texas government has to buy the properties of any US citizens who do not wish to secede at fair market value +10% (same rate as required under eminent domain in many states), cover 100% of moving costs, and cover all fees and taxes on the houses that the people buy in their new states.

2; Texas will NOT be allowed into NAFTA, nor any other free trade agree with the United States for a period of no less than 10 years.

3; The United States will NOT give any type of financial or economic aid to Texas. Loans will be allowed, but will have the requirement that they be paid back with 10% interest.

4; Texas must repay any unpaid loans it has received from the federal government. Refusal will result in Texas being barred from trade with the US.

5; Texas may not, under any circumstances, drill for oil in US waters. Any attempt to do this will result in harsh economic sanctions.

7; Texas citizens will be required to have passports and visas in order to enter the United States.
Personally, I think Texas ought to give it some time. After all, Republicans are going to take back the House this election, possibly the Senate this election, more than likely the Senate in 2024 and possibly even the presidency in 2024 and they already have the Supreme Court. The stars are all aligned unless and unknown comet comes to spoil things. So, Texas should have no gripes if Republicans take over everything. It's even possible that if they have enough states they could pass Constitutional changes.
The issue is that retards in Texas think they will still be allowed to come into the US whenever they want if they are no longer part of the US. I've literally heard people in Texas claim that they will retain US citizenship and have duel citizenship. That's not how secession works. If they secede, they renounce all claim to US citizenship.

and if someone renounces US citizenship, but then changes their mind, they won't get it back automatically. Once a natural born itizen renounces citizenship, they lose all claim of being a natural born citizen. They have to be naturized like any other immigrant.
The word is "dual" idiot!
Texas often gets more in federal funding than they pay in taxes, They can barely keep their own economy going and apparently can't even run functioning power grid. They would be begging to be let back in. The question is, would we let them, or would we tellthem to go fuck themselves.

Or, would we let them back in, but as a territory, but not a state.

We are not talking about California.

Why do you lie?

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