I think it's time to call Texas on their bluff

Ted Cruz should be your poster boy. He's claiming to be the anointed king of end times wealth transfer.
Ted Cruz would be no one's poster boy anymore than you'd be anyone's centerfold (unless there's a Fat Dingbat magazine), and you're fatter, uglier and certainly stupider than he is.
The constant threats make Texas look bad... Weak, stupid and childish.. like Ted Cruz.
Lets be clear, Texas doesn't make these statements (well not since the "unpleasantness"...). Private persons who may have experienced to much of our fine Texas sunshine make these statements.
Of course they wouldn't. It's not worth doing unless they get to fuck over a bunch of people and steal their property. I think that's half the point.
Conservatives want Texas to ‘leave’ the Union to make it even more of a neo-fascist hellhole.

Once no longer subject to that pesky Constitution, conservatives can reinstate segregation, deny persons of color the right to vote (a right that will no longer exist), further relegate women to second-class citizens, expel all immigrants absent due process (another right that will no longer exist), establish Christianity as the official state religion, ban Islam subject to criminal prosecution, and criminalize being gay and transgender.

It's a rightwing dream come true.
I am telling you, little uninformed poster...that NAFTA doesn't exist. We have a new, better deal for Americans, called the USMCA....this is a few years ago too...amazing how you aren't aware

This is true that we have a different deal with Mexico and Canada. But yet are trade deficit with Mexico has continued to go up. Same with China by the way. tRump lied to you!!!
Texas has been threatening to secede for decades now. and I say it's time to let them.....

On a few conditions....
1; The Texas government has to buy the properties of any US citizens who do not wish to secede at fair market value +10% (same rate as required under eminent domain in many states), cover 100% of moving costs, and cover all fees and taxes on the houses that the people buy in their new states.

How do propose to enforce that?

The Texas government will simply claim eminent domain...

2; Texas will NOT be allowed into NAFTA, nor any other free trade agree with the United States for a period of no less than 10 years.

That's not only the call of the United States. Canada and Mexico have a say, as well. Would you be willing to jeopardize the agreements with them just to keep Texas out?

3; The United States will NOT give any type of financial or economic aid to Texas. Loans will be allowed, but will have the requirement that they be paid back with 10% interest.

Ot, Texas can secure loans from China and Russia, giving both an opportunity to take up residence on America's doorstep...

4; Texas must repay any unpaid loans it has received from the federal government. Refusal will result in Texas being barred from trade with the US.
And how would you enforce the repayment?

5; Texas may not, under any circumstances, drill for oil in US waters. Any attempt to do this will result in harsh economic sanctions.

Texas, if they secede, would have territorial sea claim out to 12 miles from their coast, into the Gulf of Mexico.

And the United States would be powerless to stop them from drilling as much as they want...

7; Texas citizens will be required to have passports and visas in order to enter the United States.

That's no big deal. US citizens would have to have them to enter Texas...
1; The Texas government has to buy the properties of any US citizens who do not wish to secede at fair market value +10% (same rate as required under eminent domain in many states), cover 100% of moving costs, and cover all fees and taxes on the houses that the people buy in their new states.
Unnecessary. The market will be booming because everybody wants to move out of the shit hole you fuckers have created.
2; Texas will NOT be allowed into NAFTA, nor any other free trade agree with the United States for a period of no less than 10 years.
Oh, PLEASE don't throw me in the briar patch.
3; The United States will NOT give any type of financial or economic aid to Texas. Loans will be allowed, but will have the requirement that they be paid back with 10% interest.
We'll get aid from your enemies.
4; Texas must repay any unpaid loans it has received from the federal government. Refusal will result in Texas being barred from trade with the US.
The U.S. must give back all taxes paid in the last 10 years from Texas citizens or entities. Or go fuck yourself. Come and take it.
5; Texas may not, under any circumstances, drill for oil in US waters. Any attempt to do this will result in harsh economic sanctions.
Texas WILL drill for oil in TEXAS waters or fuck off. We'll go to war.
7; Texas citizens will be required to have passports and visas in order to enter the United States.
We will make it against the law for Texans to travel to the any communist state, including the U.S.

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