I think it's time to call Texas on their bluff

Oh right. the one that Trump claimed was better, but most economists said little little to actrually boost the US economy because it didn't prohibit use of sweatshops by US companies. I forgot about that one.

Free trade was a mistake to begin with IMHO, at least with countries like China and Mexico which have few labor protections. All Free trade with those countries does is allow US companies to outsource jobs to use sweatshops and slaves
You have no fucking clue what USMCA is! Do you?

China has nothing to do with it, so you should shut your cock holster.
Oh so they would allow anyone who refused Texas citizenship to keep their properties and live in the state?
Hmmmm, yes. Does the U.S. expropriate your property if you move to a different country?
why, no, it doesn't.
Hmmmm. So all US military bases would have to close. How much should Texas charge for the use of its ports? Most Texans would support passports if it means keeping out New Yorkers and Californians as well as other undesirables. Best of all, Texas could set its own immigration policies. So don't go thinking it would be all bad.
Very little texas gas is sold domestically. It's all exported. It doesn't affect the gas prices at home as much as people think it does.

Plus, without Texas republicans blocking bills, the US would likely be able to get weaned off of fossel fuels. Texas will never stopn using fossel fuels because the GOP is completely paid off by the oil companies. So, good luck, since most of the oil in the gulf if NOT in Texas waters.

How can you be so fucking stupid and lie like that?
Japan is the primary one, but we trade with them becausse our deal allows us to have bases there for first strike capabilities.

We own China more thamn they own us. and the only other major debt holder to the US is South Korea, which we have the same deal we have with Japan.

Russia and India don't have free trade.

Oh, really? What would those "first strike capabilities" be?
Texas has been threatening to secede for decades now. and I say it's time to let them.....
Actually not.

No state can unilaterally ‘secede’ from the Union – it’s un-Constitutional.

This nonsense about ‘seceding’ is more ignorance and stupidity from the right.
Like I said, we don't need Texas ot any of those other inbred, meth labs of states. We don't care if they secede. It would be a net gain for us, because we pay them more in aid than they pay in taxes. The issue is that most of the retards who threaten to secede think that they wil still get all the benefits of citizenship.

They think they will still get things like medicare and social security, and get to come and go as they please.
If Texas secedes, everyone who lives there will still be a U.S. citizen, so yes they will get things like Medicare and Social Security, just as if they were U.S. citizens living in Mexico.

That's not how it works. When a state secedes, they are no longer citizens. They have no rights and they get nothing. These states won't get free trade. They won't get bailed out when their economies collapse. We will wash our hands with the lot of you and good riddance.

They won't be able to come and go as they please, but otherwise that is how it works. There is nothing in U.S. law that says you lose your U.S. citizenship if you leave the country. You're still entitled to Medicare and Social security. In fact, many Americans move overseas when they retire because it's cheaper to live there. They still collect their benefits.

You just made it obvious what a petulant, bitter piece of shit you are.
Actually not.

No state can unilaterally ‘secede’ from the Union – it’s un-Constitutional.

This nonsense about ‘seceding’ is more ignorance and stupidity from the right.
What if a state secedes? Will you agree they should be prevented by all means, including massacring their women and children?
Actually not.

No state can unilaterally ‘secede’ from the Union – it’s un-Constitutional.

This nonsense about ‘seceding’ is more ignorance and stupidity from the right.
Bullshit. Please point out the text in the Constitution that says it's not allowed..
Texas can't even power their own fucking state during a thunderstorm, or a few inches of snow. I'm betting everyone in Texas would be dead before winter was over if they seceded.
Why are so you such a fucking liar? It it a character trait or did you sustain a TBI?
Actually not.

No state can unilaterally ‘secede’ from the Union – it’s un-Constitutional.

This nonsense about ‘seceding’ is more ignorance and stupidity from the right.
But the OP, someone no brighter than yourself, wants Texas to secede.
The gulf shore state are ones who are leeches on the American people. Every single one of them uses far more in federal aid than they pay in federal taxes. Them leaving would be a net gain for the US economy.
There's a simple cure for that: simply end all the welfare programs that cause it.
Texas citizens will be required to have passports and visas in order to enter the United States.
Another reason why no state can ‘secede.’

Residents of Texas would remain citizens of the United States – whether they like it or not.

Needless to say, not all residents of Texas would want to ‘secede,’ they’ll want to remain US citizens.

And because no citizen may have his citizenship taken from him against his will, residents of Texas will remain US citizens.

Of course, those who want to ‘secede’ are at liberty to renounce their US citizenship and leave the country to live somewhere else.
Rather than fantasize about the secession of Texas….lets fantasize about relocating ALL fucked in the head disgusting leftists and all the filth they embrace to Mexifornia and Loon York….lets imagine a nation with no wetbacks, no faggots, no rug munchers, no feminazis, no chicks with dicks, no America hating trash, no criminals, no degenerates….Now that’s something to fantasize about.
Why not both?
Another reason why no state can ‘secede.’

Residents of Texas would remain citizens of the United States – whether they like it or not.

Needless to say, not all residents of Texas would want to ‘secede,’ they’ll want to remain US citizens.

And because no citizen may have his citizenship taken from him against his will, residents of Texas will remain US citizens.

Of course, those who want to ‘secede’ are at liberty to renounce their US citizenship and leave the country to live somewhere else.
The state can still seceded even if every resident remains a U.S. citizen. You failed to explain why the later would prevent the former.

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