I think republicans misunderstand the left’s hatred of Trump because...

How dare Trump win when Newsweek already printed the Hillary cover.
Can you get more irrelevant than this post?
That's the reason for the Trump hate and the lying about Trump too. He won. The fix was in for Hillary. All the democrats have now is their rapidly diminishing frame up insurance.
I know you love to point out democrat failure, but it does nothing to change the fact that a complete retard is president.
...they don’t realize it is an unprecedented hatred of a politician. Let me put it this way:

GW Bush was an idiot who fucked up the country, but at least he attempted to be a man of dignity and professionalism when it comes to the executive role. Foreign leaders showed him respect. There were things he did right, even if most of what he did was wrong.

Mike Pence is a socially backwards sack of shit, but at least he is intelligent and, like Bush, brings a sense of dignity to public office. If he took over as president, I would be THRILLED. I would at least trust Pence to have control over nuclear weapons and wouldn’t fear his personal ego would create war.

Now let’s examine Trump. He is stupid, childish, insecure, inconsistent, unhinged, and a complete international embarrassment. Nothing about him is admirable.

Does this put things in perspective for republican voters?
Just another worthless leftist traitor rant. 7 more years of this whining and crying. Nothing to see here, folks.
republicans misunderstand the left’s hatred of Trump

Actually ... it's very easy to understand. Like all hatred, it's based on ignorance and superstition.

Trump is a seriously inadequate President of the USA. If he was President of some African Shithole, the World would shrug and say, 'Just another dead-shit Head of State..' , but he's OUR President, and it will be many years before America is 'Great' again.
...they don’t realize it is an unprecedented hatred of a politician. Let me put it this way:

GW Bush was an idiot who fucked up the country, but at least he attempted to be a man of dignity and professionalism when it comes to the executive role. Foreign leaders showed him respect. There were things he did right, even if most of what he did was wrong.

Mike Pence is a socially backwards sack of shit, but at least he is intelligent and, like Bush, brings a sense of dignity to public office. If he took over as president, I would be THRILLED. I would at least trust Pence to have control over nuclear weapons and wouldn’t fear his personal ego would create war.

Now let’s examine Trump. He is stupid, childish, insecure, inconsistent, unhinged, and a complete international embarrassment. Nothing about him is admirable.

Does this put things in perspective for republican voters?
Weird. I was sure it was butt hurt.
An individual’s butthurt is besides the point. The objective reality of a Trump presidency is all that matters.
It's not "an individual's butthurt" as you said, it is the mass butthurt of the left, as you also said.
...they don’t realize it is an unprecedented hatred of a politician. Let me put it this way:

GW Bush was an idiot who fucked up the country, but at least he attempted to be a man of dignity and professionalism when it comes to the executive role. Foreign leaders showed him respect. There were things he did right, even if most of what he did was wrong.

Mike Pence is a socially backwards sack of shit, but at least he is intelligent and, like Bush, brings a sense of dignity to public office. If he took over as president, I would be THRILLED. I would at least trust Pence to have control over nuclear weapons and wouldn’t fear his personal ego would create war.

Now let’s examine Trump. He is stupid, childish, insecure, inconsistent, unhinged, and a complete international embarrassment. Nothing about him is admirable.

Does this put things in perspective for republican voters?
you don't like him b/c he isn't trump (D)

leftist are irrational on good days
Trump is a seriously inadequate President of the USA. If he was President of some African Shithole, the World would shrug and say, 'Just another dead-shit Head of State..' , but he's OUR President, and it will be many years before America is 'Great' again.
you think America stopped being great b/c of Trump?

All semi-auto's need to be banned with a minimum of 5 years in prison on the first offense.
Life on the second.

Fuck this shit!

This is the issue that should be taken as seriously as we take drugs as it ends up killing tens of thousands of people per year.
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They only hate Trump because he is a liberal with an (R) after his name now, you know like how blacks call other blacks uncle toms or how could any woman vote republican....

Oh so Trump is liberal now? When the fuck did you decide this?

Everyone knows it and I have been saying it on here for two years..

Name me a conservative who had three wives , talks about pussy, wants tariffs and is fiscally irresponsible?

BTW a picture says a thousand words

View attachment 177035
Lol why don’t you talk like this all the time?


Again Billy I told you Trump was a liberal back in 2016....what are you brain dead?

At this point, I find the "liberal butthurt" theme from the RW fascinating

Dec 20, 2016

bear513Platinum Member
Top Poster Of Month

The gloating has only just begun, you people made us suffer through 8 years of Obama now its payback time.

Dude, whatever. Have fun with gloating. If gloating is that important to you, then do it. But at the very least, either admit Trump is a sack of garbage, or make an effort to defend his actions up until this point.
Click to expand...

..We know it upsets you billy that trump doesn't have a (D) after his name but have some compassion Trump is a liberal after all.
Have you ever heard of liberal policy? Cutting services for the people and the country and cutting taxes on the rich ain't it...
...they don’t realize it is an unprecedented hatred of a politician. Let me put it this way:

GW Bush was an idiot who fucked up the country, but at least he attempted to be a man of dignity and professionalism when it comes to the executive role. Foreign leaders showed him respect. There were things he did right, even if most of what he did was wrong.

Mike Pence is a socially backwards sack of shit, but at least he is intelligent and, like Bush, brings a sense of dignity to public office. If he took over as president, I would be THRILLED. I would at least trust Pence to have control over nuclear weapons and wouldn’t fear his personal ego would create war.

Now let’s examine Trump. He is stupid, childish, insecure, inconsistent, unhinged, and a complete international embarrassment. Nothing about him is admirable.

Does this put things in perspective for republican voters?
Just another worthless leftist traitor rant. 7 more years of this whining and crying. Nothing to see here, folks.
You can choose to deny how pathetic Trump is all you want - it won’t change reality.
It wouldn't matter who the Republican was that was in the White House. The left would demonize that person, they would claim they were the stupidest person to ever walk the earth, an unprecedented embarrassment, blah blah blah.
Now let’s examine Trump. He is stupid, childish, insecure, inconsistent, unhinged, and a complete international embarrassment. Nothing about him is admirable.

Sounds like all your beefs with President Twitter are personal, which is a pretty shallow perspective IMHO.

I'm not a "Republican voter" but Personally I don't like Trump either, never have, probably never will but he's the President so I don't really care about his personality all that much, after all, it's not like I have to socialize with the sumbitch.

What I do care about is what policies he pursues and what the RESULTS of those policies are, which at this point I'd grade him at a "C -", he hasn't fucked up the fundamentals of the economy and has actually played a role in improving the situation at the margins (via de-regulation and income tax reduction), beyond that he hasn't done much to improve or degrade anything.

Your irrational hatred of him as a person is not going to accomplish anything, in fact remaining singularly focused on it instead of getting its act together with some sort of a positive agenda and the messaging to go along with it is probably going to end up costing your Party dearly.

The greatest thing that Trump *could* accomplish while in office is by becoming the catalyst that leads to the simultaneously destruction of both the Republican Party and the Democrat Party and if he managed to do that, I'd say he's national hero, regardless of the fact that he's a egomaniacal douche bag.
How dare Trump win when Newsweek already printed the Hillary cover.
Can you get more irrelevant than this post?
That's the reason for the Trump hate and the lying about Trump too. He won. The fix was in for Hillary. All the democrats have now is their rapidly diminishing frame up insurance.
I know you love to point out democrat failure, but it does nothing to change the fact that a complete retard is president.

A retard who played the political Electoral College game better than any other career politician could have. :)
It's true, Trump is not a conservative, at least not in the tradition of William F Buckley. He's a radical anti-SJW. He's declared war on progressives and doesn't play by the rules that the left has forced on society.
...they don’t realize it is an unprecedented hatred of a politician. Let me put it this way:

GW Bush was an idiot who fucked up the country, but at least he attempted to be a man of dignity and professionalism when it comes to the executive role. Foreign leaders showed him respect. There were things he did right, even if most of what he did was wrong.

Mike Pence is a socially backwards sack of shit, but at least he is intelligent and, like Bush, brings a sense of dignity to public office. If he took over as president, I would be THRILLED. I would at least trust Pence to have control over nuclear weapons and wouldn’t fear his personal ego would create war.

Now let’s examine Trump. He is stupid, childish, insecure, inconsistent, unhinged, and a complete international embarrassment. Nothing about him is admirable.

Does this put things in perspective for republican voters?
Just another worthless leftist traitor rant. 7 more years of this whining and crying. Nothing to see here, folks.
You can choose to deny how pathetic Trump is all you want - it won’t change reality.

What is pathetic is someone trying to claim George W. Bush was better than Trump.

What is pissing you really off is Trump is trying and for a man that has no Political Experience he has survived while his own political party want him out for someone like Pence!

As I wrote before anyone uttering they prefer Pence over Trump is nuts!

Pence is someone you will wish had never been President... Hell I have seen posters write about Haley or Ivanka in 2024 and not much about Pence...


Simple, Pence is the left worst nightmare!

Yes, Trump is not Presidential but he has not done much to destroy the fabric of this Nation.

You may not like his stance on illegal immigration, Muslims or his support for tax cuts and second amendment but he has yet to do anything that has thrown us into a war or crash the economy ( unlike Bush ).

So reality is you are still butt hurt that California Popular vote did not override the Electoral College and live in this false reality world where Trump is Hitler, Lucifer and Nero all rolled into one when in reality Trump is a reality star that won because Red States and Purple States had it with Californian Liberals and RINO's and wanted something different!
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...they don’t realize it is an unprecedented hatred of a politician. Let me put it this way:

GW Bush was an idiot who fucked up the country, but at least he attempted to be a man of dignity and professionalism when it comes to the executive role. Foreign leaders showed him respect. There were things he did right, even if most of what he did was wrong.

Mike Pence is a socially backwards sack of shit, but at least he is intelligent and, like Bush, brings a sense of dignity to public office. If he took over as president, I would be THRILLED. I would at least trust Pence to have control over nuclear weapons and wouldn’t fear his personal ego would create war.

Now let’s examine Trump. He is stupid, childish, insecure, inconsistent, unhinged, and a complete international embarrassment. Nothing about him is admirable.

Does this put things in perspective for republican voters?

There was nothing admirable about bush or O.
...they don’t realize it is an unprecedented hatred of a politician. Let me put it this way:

GW Bush was an idiot who fucked up the country, but at least he attempted to be a man of dignity and professionalism when it comes to the executive role. Foreign leaders showed him respect. There were things he did right, even if most of what he did was wrong.

Mike Pence is a socially backwards sack of shit, but at least he is intelligent and, like Bush, brings a sense of dignity to public office. If he took over as president, I would be THRILLED. I would at least trust Pence to have control over nuclear weapons and wouldn’t fear his personal ego would create war.

Now let’s examine Trump. He is stupid, childish, insecure, inconsistent, unhinged, and a complete international embarrassment. Nothing about him is admirable.

Does this put things in perspective for republican voters?

Libs say shit like this about every major republican that comes along.

This is about your problems.

Trump is unprofessional. That is a valid criticism.

Beyond that he is a populist with completely reasonable policies.

Bring the jobs home, deport the illegals, stand for the national anthem, ect.
They only hate Trump because he is a liberal with an (R) after his name now, you know like how blacks call other blacks uncle toms or how could any woman vote republican....

Oh so Trump is liberal now? When the fuck did you decide this?

Everyone knows it and I have been saying it on here for two years..

Name me a conservative who had three wives , talks about pussy, wants tariffs and is fiscally irresponsible?

BTW a picture says a thousand words

View attachment 177035

Any claims of fiscal responsibility by Republicans are laughable. You just put a massive tax cut on the credit card and then, for good measure, increased spending by half a trillion dollars on top of the tax cut.
They only hate Trump because he is a liberal with an (R) after his name now, you know like how blacks call other blacks uncle toms or how could any woman vote republican....

Oh so Trump is liberal now? When the fuck did you decide this?

Everyone knows it and I have been saying it on here for two years..

Name me a conservative who had three wives , talks about pussy, wants tariffs and is fiscally irresponsible?

BTW a picture says a thousand words

View attachment 177035

Any claims of fiscal responsibility by Republicans are laughable. You just put a massive tax cut on the credit card and then, for good measure, increased spending by half a trillion dollars on top of the tax cut.

Your point about fiscal responsibility is fair,

but plenty of conservatives, especially Free Traders, have been bitching about Trump's lack of conservative ideology all along.

If you missed that, you have been living in a bubble.

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