I think republicans misunderstand the left’s hatred of Trump because...

Be honest, you would never vote for a Democrat. You’d vote for a tree stump if it had a R after it’s name.

I'm not a Republican. I'm a Conservative. If the Democrat were a Conservative, I'd definitely vote for him.

Unfortunately neither party tends to run Conservative candidates; instead preferring Establishment-loving Centrists/Moderates.

That's why I tend to vote for third party or independent candidates or don' vote at all. My vote for Trump was as much a protest against Establishment Republicans as it was the Democrat candidate (and there were no decent third party candidates on the ballot).
...they don’t realize it is an unprecedented hatred of a politician. Let me put it this way:

GW Bush was an idiot who fucked up the country, but at least he attempted to be a man of dignity and professionalism when it comes to the executive role. Foreign leaders showed him respect. There were things he did right, even if most of what he did was wrong.

Mike Pence is a socially backwards sack of shit, but at least he is intelligent and, like Bush, brings a sense of dignity to public office. If he took over as president, I would be THRILLED. I would at least trust Pence to have control over nuclear weapons and wouldn’t fear his personal ego would create war.

Now let’s examine Trump. He is stupid, childish, insecure, inconsistent, unhinged, and a complete international embarrassment. Nothing about him is admirable.

Does this put things in perspective for republican voters?
Oh no, we hated the Muslim Kenyan Marxist Socialist and his Not Proud to be an American wife much, much more.
...they don’t realize it is an unprecedented hatred of a politician. Let me put it this way:

GW Bush was an idiot who fucked up the country, but at least he attempted to be a man of dignity and professionalism when it comes to the executive role. Foreign leaders showed him respect. There were things he did right, even if most of what he did was wrong.

Mike Pence is a socially backwards sack of shit, but at least he is intelligent and, like Bush, brings a sense of dignity to public office. If he took over as president, I would be THRILLED. I would at least trust Pence to have control over nuclear weapons and wouldn’t fear his personal ego would create war.

Now let’s examine Trump. He is stupid, childish, insecure, inconsistent, unhinged, and a complete international embarrassment. Nothing about him is admirable.

Does this put things in perspective for republican voters?

Yes. We get it. You are the party of hate. You hate him so much that despite handing you DACA and a pathway to citizenship and most of
The stuff you want in Immigration but rather than take it and run you’d rather give into your hate for trump and get nothing.

While you are hating we will be living
...they don’t realize it is an unprecedented hatred of a politician. Let me put it this way:

GW Bush was an idiot who fucked up the country, but at least he attempted to be a man of dignity and professionalism when it comes to the executive role. Foreign leaders showed him respect. There were things he did right, even if most of what he did was wrong.

Mike Pence is a socially backwards sack of shit, but at least he is intelligent and, like Bush, brings a sense of dignity to public office. If he took over as president, I would be THRILLED. I would at least trust Pence to have control over nuclear weapons and wouldn’t fear his personal ego would create war.

Now let’s examine Trump. He is stupid, childish, insecure, inconsistent, unhinged, and a complete international embarrassment. Nothing about him is admirable.

Does this put things in perspective for republican voters?
You're pissed because the best you could barf up was Hildebeast, and you lost. Now you're hell bent on finding something, anything to try to bring him down. The longer it takes to find that "smoking gun" the more and more enraged you get. Next time find a better candidate than "it's her turn" Hitlery...

But you know what is best about all this? Watching you throw tantrums and have meltdowns over President Trump.
They only hate Trump because he is a liberal with an (R) after his name now, you know like how blacks call other blacks uncle toms or how could any woman vote republican....

His Supreme Court pick could have been worse.

He’s too much a republican for us to like him. The tax break was trickle down. A gift to the rich. But it wasn’t like the rich didn’t get richer on Clinton’s and Obama’s watches too

He has at least said the right things about American workers.

Question is will he cut Medicare and social security? But again that shit happened on Obama’s watch too
They only hate Trump because he is a liberal with an (R) after his name now, you know like how blacks call other blacks uncle toms or how could any woman vote republican....

His Supreme Court pick could have been worse.

He’s too much a republican for us to like him. The tax break was trickle down. A gift to the rich. But it wasn’t like the rich didn’t get richer on Clinton’s and Obama’s watches too

He has at least said the right things about American workers.

Question is will he cut Medicare and social security? But again that shit happened on Obama’s watch too

Why do you care you claim your rich?
...they don’t realize it is an unprecedented hatred of a politician. Let me put it this way:

GW Bush was an idiot who fucked up the country, but at least he attempted to be a man of dignity and professionalism when it comes to the executive role. Foreign leaders showed him respect. There were things he did right, even if most of what he did was wrong.

Mike Pence is a socially backwards sack of shit, but at least he is intelligent and, like Bush, brings a sense of dignity to public office. If he took over as president, I would be THRILLED. I would at least trust Pence to have control over nuclear weapons and wouldn’t fear his personal ego would create war.

Now let’s examine Trump. He is stupid, childish, insecure, inconsistent, unhinged, and a complete international embarrassment. Nothing about him is admirable.

Does this put things in perspective for republican voters?
Let's put this into perspective. Only among the GOP base do Bush and Pence have dignity and professionalism. I think the real difference is they tell fewer lies and their hate wasn't as obvious.
...they don’t realize it is an unprecedented hatred of a politician. Let me put it this way:

GW Bush was an idiot who fucked up the country, but at least he attempted to be a man of dignity and professionalism when it comes to the executive role. Foreign leaders showed him respect. There were things he did right, even if most of what he did was wrong.

Mike Pence is a socially backwards sack of shit, but at least he is intelligent and, like Bush, brings a sense of dignity to public office. If he took over as president, I would be THRILLED. I would at least trust Pence to have control over nuclear weapons and wouldn’t fear his personal ego would create war.

Now let’s examine Trump. He is stupid, childish, insecure, inconsistent, unhinged, and a complete international embarrassment. Nothing about him is admirable.

Does this put things in perspective for republican voters?

I am a Republican Voter. And your observations do not change my perspective---which is that you and other Bolshevik Turds are also Dumb-asses*.

There is an old rule that you should never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel---meaning newspapers...and modernize its means T. V, and the Internet....and the reason is they have to power to fool Dumb-Asses* via overwhelming propaganda.

But Trump doesn't play by the old rules. He has some personality issues, but out of his unique personna are some good things----for example---he isn't cowed by the Lying Cocksuckers at CNN, or any other of the Cocksucking New York Media.

*You are a Dumb-Ass.
They only hate Trump because he is a liberal with an (R) after his name now, you know like how blacks call other blacks uncle toms or how could any woman vote republican....

His Supreme Court pick could have been worse.

He’s too much a republican for us to like him. The tax break was trickle down. A gift to the rich. But it wasn’t like the rich didn’t get richer on Clinton’s and Obama’s watches too

He has at least said the right things about American workers.

Question is will he cut Medicare and social security? But again that shit happened on Obama’s watch too

Why do you care you claim your rich?
Not that rich. I’m going to cobo boat show to buy a pontoon boat today. What are you doing?

I came here to say I hope I’m wrong about the south. Plus how dare me when Detroit is the most segregated right?
...they don’t realize it is an unprecedented hatred of a politician. Let me put it this way:

GW Bush was an idiot who fucked up the country, but at least he attempted to be a man of dignity and professionalism when it comes to the executive role. Foreign leaders showed him respect. There were things he did right, even if most of what he did was wrong.

Mike Pence is a socially backwards sack of shit, but at least he is intelligent and, like Bush, brings a sense of dignity to public office. If he took over as president, I would be THRILLED. I would at least trust Pence to have control over nuclear weapons and wouldn’t fear his personal ego would create war.

Now let’s examine Trump. He is stupid, childish, insecure, inconsistent, unhinged, and a complete international embarrassment. Nothing about him is admirable.

Does this put things in perspective for republican voters?
Just another worthless leftist traitor rant. 7 more years of this whining and crying. Nothing to see here, folks.
Pretty much sums it up. They were nasty douches when it came to GWB,McCain and Sarah Palin too. Just more of the same from them.
...they don’t realize it is an unprecedented hatred of a politician. Let me put it this way:

GW Bush was an idiot who fucked up the country, but at least he attempted to be a man of dignity and professionalism when it comes to the executive role. Foreign leaders showed him respect. There were things he did right, even if most of what he did was wrong.

Mike Pence is a socially backwards sack of shit, but at least he is intelligent and, like Bush, brings a sense of dignity to public office. If he took over as president, I would be THRILLED. I would at least trust Pence to have control over nuclear weapons and wouldn’t fear his personal ego would create war.

Now let’s examine Trump. He is stupid, childish, insecure, inconsistent, unhinged, and a complete international embarrassment. Nothing about him is admirable.

Does this put things in perspective for republican voters?
Just another worthless leftist traitor rant. 7 more years of this whining and crying. Nothing to see here, folks.
Pretty much sums it up. They were nasty douches when it came to GWB,McCain and Sarah Palin too. Just more of the same from them.

Their insistence that their vitreol is due to the person is fallacious. The truth is, the hate spigot is wide open and the hate will spew, simply because of partisan animosity. It literally doesn't matter who the Republican is.

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