I think the 2016 Democrat Nomimee will be another black guy.

Hmm.., Could his name be Barack Hussein Obama II? Oh, I forgot that the 22nd Amendment states that presidents are only allowed two terms.
Knowing that Obama dislikes the Constitution and it's amendments, perhaps he'll sign and "Executive Order" nullifying just that or maybe the Constitution in totality?
Heck if Hugo Chavez could do it, why not Barack H. Obama.

Hmm.., Could his name be Barack Hussein Obama II? Oh, I forgot that the 22nd Amendment states that presidents are only allowed two terms.
Knowing that Obama dislikes the Constitution and it's amendments, perhaps he'll sign and "Executive Order" nullifying just that or maybe the Constitution in totality?
Heck if Hugo Chavez could do it, why not Barack H. Obama.
Barry Soetoro?
A gay guy for sure. They want to FIRM UP the base.

With the Republicans falling apart over their Latino problem, female problems, dissing their own members that are part of the 47%, failure to negotiate a bi-partisan budget deal, etc., it probably won't be necessary. Hillary in a walk-over, IMO.

To old and Benghazi will take its toll on her. She's done and its not to soon. I hate the bitch.
In all honesty .... it doesn't matter race or color or sexual inclination or anything .... only one thing matters for the loonie left:

lemmings all of them :(
Andrew Cuomo is a possibility...Booker has to be a senator- he's too young...
Does not matter the color of the skin. Cut any politician and they bleed green look into their mind the have an insatiable appetite for power. Party affiliation is not a determinative factor.

True too. power is a very strong incentive!

...and an insatiable need among politicians...
Certainly PUBS aren't out for the good of the country or its people, especially the unfortunate, dupes.

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