I think the "Hands up Dont Shoot" & "No Justice No Peace" crowd are the dumbest people in the US

They aren't dumb

They have an AGENDA. and is now using rioting and burning down towns in order to achieve it.

the sooner people wake up. they better START speaking out against this BS
On the contrary. Most of them are there precisely because they THINK they know what happened. They do not have the facts and not all of them have an agenda. One thing they do all have is ignorance
Yeah, wait for all the facts while we float bogus stories about the victim

Facts don't matter.

The rabid racists will just say the protestors are "thugs". They will lie about those who are killed by police. They will ignore the constitutionally-guaranteed right to due process and defend people being shot down on the street.
Obama & the mayor called the same people we do thugs so you can shove your racism up your ass. That is if, it will fit next to your head.
Yeah, wait for all the facts while we float bogus stories about the victim

You talking about the victim that was going for the policemans gun?

Yeah heres the video:

I thought you were talking about the ferguson dude. I'm with you on this one.

CC and many others want to paint every cop with the deeds of the few bad ones.
Strangely enough if this same ludicrous philosophy is applied to their race they freak out....
You don't have to be a brain surgeon to know that waiting for all the evidence is the only wise choice.

You also don't have to be a brain surgeon to realize ALL of those protesting don't give a damn about any facts or evidence. If they did they would either be a work or at home not out on the streets associating themselves with CRIMINAL THUGS

The state attorney is reading the charges against the police now.

Yeah, wait for all the facts while we float bogus stories about the victim

You talking about the victim that was going for the policemans gun?

Yeah heres the video:

I thought you were talking about the ferguson dude. I'm with you on this one.

CC and many others want to paint every cop with the deeds of the few bad ones.
Strangely enough if this same ludicrous philosophy is applied to their race they freak out....

Ahh Gramps and his game of equals.

Gramps believes that because blacks dont trust police that is wrong and that belief is just like police and whites applying the same generalizations on blacks.

See at the root, Gramps believes words hurt more than jail, police beatings, harrassment etc.

Because when white people excuse blacks being targeted...Gramps returns with what he thinks is a similar situation.

Believing something but not having the power to act on it

But then again, he also thinks that what I believe is just like the media reporting rumors because I am like a national newspaper also
Yeah, wait for all the facts while we float bogus stories about the victim

You talking about the victim that was going for the policemans gun?

Yeah heres the video:

I thought you were talking about the ferguson dude. I'm with you on this one.

CC and many others want to paint every cop with the deeds of the few bad ones.
Strangely enough if this same ludicrous philosophy is applied to their race they freak out....

Ahh Gramps and his game of equals.

Gramps believes that because blacks dont trust police that is wrong and that belief is just like police and whites applying the same generalizations on blacks.

See at the root, Gramps believes words hurt more than jail, police beatings, harrassment etc.

Because when white people excuse blacks being targeted...Gramps returns with what he thinks is a similar situation.

Believing something but not having the power to act on it

But then again, he also thinks that what I believe is just like the media reporting rumors because I am like a national newspaper also

YOU are the one that linked to a video that has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with my title or op.
Unless you're also going to link to the protests, riots, looting & burning that resulted from that situation.

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words are worst than death - GrampaMurkedU
Many of the 'protesters' were asked about the man, and their replies were 'Who?' Just a big party for many out there. An opportunity to burn and steal. And the OP is right. They should be working and making sure their children get to school. Get off the streets. Get jobs and be productive citizens.

If you're doing right, things usually work out for you. If you're doing wrong, things usually go very bad for you. These hood communities need to start doing good, and start sweeping their streets clean of criminal thugs.
Do you think you should wait for "all the facts" until you convict the cops?

Aw, just kidding, I know you don't.

Why start now, huh?


You know, now that I think about it my personal feelings about the cops IS just like the cops releasing bogus information from fake witnesses and having rumors printed in the national news.

You're right...I'm calling my editor now to retract my story :rolleyes:

Or a dishonest media editing video footage and sending out half of the story so wrong impressions can be formed tainting the investigation.

If this happened you would be more specific. The reason you arent is because you are most likely translating what happened into what you believe happened

This is exactly what happened.

When? Where? Link?

This is the why America is getting fed up with Democrats....and liberal/progressives.

The evidence is nonexistent. There is no transparency. Nobody has produced one shred of substantial evidence to support the rumors. The media leaks unvetted eyewitness claims and passes them off as evidence. In Ferguson they did it to officer Wilson.....and their claims all turned out to be a pack of lies. Now, public officials are telling us nothing about the case, but the mayor let slip that she could care less if property is destroyed. Instead she walks back earlier statements about thugs and criminals to...."we must address their concerns"...

Do I have to ask you for a link again dude?

Nevermind, if anything you said was real you'd link to it.

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