I think the "Hands up Dont Shoot" & "No Justice No Peace" crowd are the dumbest people in the US

Just behave. Be a decent person. Get a job and love & take care of your family. Don't be a criminal. It won't likely end well for ya.

and then you learn Gray was illegally arrested for no reason....

He was arrested an ultimately killed for possessing a legal knife.

Imagine if he was white and arrested and killed for possessing a legal gun...

...that's an easy one isn't it?

That actually does happen. It just doesn't get much media attention. When Police kill white people, you Race-Baiters generally aren't concerned. But police kill white people all the time. Just because you don't care, doesn't mean it's not happening.

So where are the many cases of white guys being killed ONLY for possessing legal guns?

It happens. You just don't care. You enjoy Race-Baiting too much to care when white people are killed by cops. That's the big problem i have with you Communists/Progressives. Especially you white Communists/Progressives. You're very disingenuous people.

An out of control American Police Force isn't a race-issue. It's a Militarized Police State issue. And something could be done about it if people could get together and address that. Americans need to accept that they're now living in a Police State. The Police have been given too much power. That's the root of the problem.
Just behave. Be a decent person. Get a job and love & take care of your family. Don't be a criminal. It won't likely end well for ya.

and then you learn Gray was illegally arrested for no reason....

The Police will be charged. And if prosecuted, they'll go to prison. But Gray wasn't a Saint. Just be a good person. Don't be a criminal. And things will likely work out for ya.

The new racism in full view.

Just be decent. Do what's right. Don't be a criminal. If one lives by that, things usually work out ok. It's not racism to believe in that.
Just behave. Be a decent person. Get a job and love & take care of your family. Don't be a criminal. It won't likely end well for ya.

and then you learn Gray was illegally arrested for no reason....

The Police will be charged. And if prosecuted, they'll go to prison. But Gray wasn't a Saint. Just be a good person. Don't be a criminal. And things will likely work out for ya.

The new racism in full view.
It is?



The 12 key highlights from the DOJ s scathing Ferguson report - The Washington Post
It is?



In the poster's NEED to inject some sort of negative comment about the black victim into his posting on the topic.

Since when is stating facts racist?
Such is the hypersensitive world of the PC Police, always looking for the opportunity to scream "racist".


PC is ruining us as a nation because it takes away the ability of using our common sense.
Worse, it shuts down communication, and communication is critical in addressing problems.


Like protesters communicating repeatedly that they are policed more aggressively and zealously for no good reason other than it's easy to do so? That's been communicated quite clearly but seems to be lost on your crowd.
I know Race-Baiters don't like to hear this but... The reality is, if you don't have a long criminal record, you won't likely have a violent confrontation with the Police. Most of these ugly incidents involve people who are just doing the wrong thing. They've chosen a life of crime.

So, just be a decent person and don't be a criminal. However that being said, the Police are out of control. They've been given too much power. It's time to reign them in. We need to make them 'Peace Officers.' Get the tanks and military gear off the streets. Let's make our Police about peace.
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You don't have to be a brain surgeon to know that waiting for all the evidence is the only wise choice.

You also don't have to be a brain surgeon to realize ALL of those protesting don't give a damn about any facts or evidence. If they did they would either be a work or at home not out on the streets associating themselves with CRIMINAL THUGS

Nor does one need to be a brain surgeon to understand the outrage. Most protesters were non violent and didn't vandalize or start fires. One only needs to have average intelligence to take the time to consider all sides of the issue, seek out the evidence and evaluate it - those of lesser than average intelligence, and those who are controlled by their biases and emotions, fail to do so. In that, they exacerbate problems and rarely consider solutions.

Reading the above, I've come to the conclusion that GMU is no different than those who did riot, did vandalize and did commit arson.
I know Race-Baiters don't like to hear this but... The reality is, if you don't have a long criminal record, you won't likely have a violent confrontation with the Police. Most of these ugly incidents involve people who are just doing the wrong thing. They've chosen a life of crime.

So, just be a decent person and don't be a criminal. However that being said, the Police are out of control. They've been given too much power. It's time to reign them in. We need to make them 'Peace Officers.' Get the tanks and military gear off the streets. Let's make our Police about peace,

Do you believe a police officer or any LE officer, ought to be as well armed as those who would do them harm? LE is a dangerous job, made more so by the types of weaponry available to ordinary people, people who have no use of force policy and little or no training in combat situations.
You don't have to be a brain surgeon to know that waiting for all the evidence is the only wise choice.

You also don't have to be a brain surgeon to realize ALL of those protesting don't give a damn about any facts or evidence. If they did they would either be a work or at home not out on the streets associating themselves with CRIMINAL THUGS

Nor does one need to be a brain surgeon to understand the outrage. Most protesters were non violent and didn't vandalize or start fires. One only needs to have average intelligence to take the time to consider all sides of the issue, seek out the evidence and evaluate it - those of lesser than average intelligence, and those who are controlled by their biases and emotions, fail to do so. In that, they exacerbate problems and rarely consider solutions.

Reading the above, I've come to the conclusion that GMU is no different than those who did riot, did vandalize and did commit arson.

It is not our job to seek out evidence & evaluate it. We are not jurors nor are we executioners.
The justice system will do what you seem to think is your job.
And to suggest that I am the same as the rioters just shows you have a severe deficiency in common sense and/or intelligence in general
I know Race-Baiters don't like to hear this but... The reality is, if you don't have a long criminal record, you won't likely have a violent confrontation with the Police. Most of these ugly incidents involve people who are just doing the wrong thing. They've chosen a life of crime.

So, just be a decent person and don't be a criminal. However that being said, the Police are out of control. They've been given too much power. It's time to reign them in. We need to make them 'Peace Officers.' Get the tanks and military gear off the streets. Let's make our Police about peace,

Do you believe a police officer or any LE officer, ought to be as well armed as those who would do them harm? LE is a dangerous job, made more so by the types of weaponry available to ordinary people, people who have no use of force policy and little or no training in combat situations.

Our Police Force has been Militarized. American Police give off that brutal Nazi-vibe now. They're actually encouraging violence. We need to go in a different direction. We need to make them 'Peace Officers.' They need to promote peace. Put 'Peace Officer' on the side of their car, instead of 'Police.'

They can set the tone. Otherwise, Civil Unrest will become the norm. The People are lashing out against a police force that doesn't serve and protect the People anymore. They only serve and protect their Police State masters at his point. That's the impression many are getting anyway. So get the tanks and military gear off the streets. Make our Police about peace.
You don't have to be a brain surgeon to know that waiting for all the evidence is the only wise choice.

You also don't have to be a brain surgeon to realize ALL of those protesting don't give a damn about any facts or evidence. If they did they would either be a work or at home not out on the streets associating themselves with CRIMINAL THUGS

They are without question, the core of the cult OKA: The Intellectually Less Fortunate.
We just need radical change in how our Police are trained and presented. They need to drop the ugly Nazi Gestapo-vibe. It's only antagonizing and causing more violence.

Violence begets violence. Our Police need to be presented differently. They need to become closer to the communities. The Gestapo shtick will only lead to much more violent Civil Unrest.
I know Race-Baiters don't like to hear this but... The reality is, if you don't have a long criminal record, you won't likely have a violent confrontation with the Police. Most of these ugly incidents involve people who are just doing the wrong thing. They've chosen a life of crime.

So, just be a decent person and don't be a criminal. However that being said, the Police are out of control. They've been given too much power. It's time to reign them in. We need to make them 'Peace Officers.' Get the tanks and military gear off the streets. Let's make our Police about peace.

You can't look objectively at the DOJ report and then simply dismiss the concerns of protesters around the country as " race baiting" without appearing to have an agenda of your own.
I suggest some of you who consider LE officers, deputies and agents as little different than a Nazi, simply make an appointment with your local agency and take a ride-a-long.
You don't have to be a brain surgeon to know that waiting for all the evidence is the only wise choice.

You also don't have to be a brain surgeon to realize ALL of those protesting don't give a damn about any facts or evidence. If they did they would either be a work or at home not out on the streets associating themselves with CRIMINAL THUGS
I hate stupid catch phrases. Whoever makes them up belittles the intelligence of Americans.
I know Race-Baiters don't like to hear this but... The reality is, if you don't have a long criminal record, you won't likely have a violent confrontation with the Police. Most of these ugly incidents involve people who are just doing the wrong thing. They've chosen a life of crime.

So, just be a decent person and don't be a criminal. However that being said, the Police are out of control. They've been given too much power. It's time to reign them in. We need to make them 'Peace Officers.' Get the tanks and military gear off the streets. Let's make our Police about peace.

You can't look objectively at the DOJ report and then simply dismiss the concerns of protesters around the country as " race baiting" without appearing to have an agenda of your own.

Too many are exploiting the race stuff. Fact is, the Police are killing too many Citizens of various races. It's a Militarized Police State issue. It isn't solely a race issue. But many see profit in Race-Baiting incitement. They prefer to exploit, rather than address the root of the problem.

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