I think the old Nazi Soldiers were true Gentlemen

They are so close to the woman that aiming is totally unnecessary. A close view does not show they are targeting the civilians. The civilians to the right are not running away in panic, they are taking cover from fire from the other direction. The Germans aim at the source of fire.
not at all clear to me. What is a "jewish operation" why are the people on the
right lying sorta HUDDLED on the ground and the woman with the child standing with
her back to the persons with the big rifles hunched over the child? She is FACING
your proposed incoming fire using her child as a shield?
not at all clear to me. What is a "jewish operation" why are the people on the
right lying sorta HUDDLED on the ground and the woman with the child standing with
her back to the persons with the big rifles hunched over the child? She is FACING
your proposed incoming fire using her child as a shield?
She is trying to follow up to the other civs. Open your eyes. The two left rifles would rather target the German soldier. They actually aim at a direction a bit left to him. The soldier aims at a target left to the woman.
She is trying to follow up to the other civs. Open your eyes. The two left rifles would rather target the German soldier. They actually aim at a direction a bit left to him. The soldier aims at a target left to the woman.
oh I did not see a German soldier. Where is the German soldier or what makes him
I like the movie Inglorious Basterds and I like the war heroe Frederick Zoller, he is a true Gentleman

I replaced his face with my face in the video, with a app, it is called reface, you can download it from google playstore.

Yes they loved fine ART and classic music when they were not exterminating the JEWISH race
You spend way too much time in your mom's basement Mort. Next thing you know the democrat party will want you to run for senator.
Most of that stuff is not true.

After my military service in Laos during the Vietnam War, I moved to what was then W. Germany where I lived, worked and studied for years.
There, I came to know Holocaust survivors, German WW 2 Veterans, German civilian fire bombing survivors, Russian former POWs and Veterans of other Armies
Even before going into the Army, I spent lots of time with American WW 2 Veterans.

What I've learned both on my own and from Veterans is that no nationality, race, religion or ethnic group is any more evil or virtuous than another.

One of WW 2's survivors was a former "White Russian" (vs "Red Russian") whose home was burned, servants and family murdered by the Soviets (Red Russians).
This woman was captured by all the major armies but to the end of her life maintained that the Germans were better disciplined and kinder to her than any of the others.

There are, regrettably, still those so naive that they think that only the other side used / uses propaganda when virtually all of the standard WW 2 / Holocaust narrative is no more than residual Allied propaganda.

The truth, however is:

"Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past."
George Orwell
After my military service in Laos during the Vietnam War, I moved to what was then W. Germany where I lived, worked and studied for years.
There, I came to know Holocaust survivors, German WW 2 Veterans, German civilian fire bombing survivors, Russian former POWs and Veterans of other Armies
Even before going into the Army, I spent lots of time with American WW 2 Veterans.

What I've learned both on my own and from Veterans is that no nationality, race, religion or ethnic group is any more evil or virtuous than another.

One of WW 2's survivors was a former "White Russian" (vs "Red Russian") whose home was burned, servants and family murdered by the Soviets (Red Russians).
This woman was captured by all the major armies but to the end of her life maintained that the Germans were better disciplined and kinder to her than any of the others.

There are, regrettably, still those so naive that they think that only the other side used / uses propaganda when virtually all of the standard WW 2 / Holocaust narrative is no more than residual Allied propaganda.

The truth, however is:

"Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past."
George Orwell
Holocaust did happen. But that has nothing to do with the German military.
She is trying to follow up to the other civs. Open your eyes. The two left rifles would rather target the German soldier. They actually aim at a direction a bit left to him. The soldier aims at a target left to the woman.

You're wasting your time with hate filled & insulting individuals that I just ignore.

I'm familiar with the photo you are discussing and many other fakes that were created by the Allies during and especially after the war.

The standard WW 2 / Holocaust narrative is simply residual Allied propaganda.
It's tragic that so many are so naive and poorly educated as to believe that only the other side used propaganda.
All the fake Allied films (1), photos (2), (3) and "eyewitness accounts" (4) are slowly being exposed for the hate filled anti German propaganda they are.

I can't believe that anyone could be so naive as to believe that only the other side use / uses propaganda.

After all:

"Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past."
George Orwell

(1). "Holocaust Fake pics 1"
Holocaust Fake pics 1

(2). “The Director of the Holocau$t - Khazar Expatriate Billy Wilder”

EXCERPT “Almost all the films you've ever seen of the Holocaust were staged. Using Allied propaganda as a rough script, directors from Hollywood were shipped to Germany and Poland to direct propaganda films for post-war use. One of the most notable of these was Billy Wilder, director of meny very well known films, such as "Some Like It Hot" with Marilyn Monroe." CONTINUED

(3). “Soviet’s Anti-Nazi Propaganda, Fake Pictures during World War”

EXCERPT “The Soviets and the rest of the allies were in fact faking hundreds of pictures during and after the World war, as a part of psychological warfare against the German people and propagandize their own people.

However, in later years, with the user of computers and the internet, the usage of those hundreds of images were proved to be faked during and after World War Two, which also intended to demonize Hitler and the NSDAP (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei).”CONTINUED

(4). "The Nuremberg Trials and the Holocaust"
"Dubious testimony"

"French historian Germain Tillion, a specialist of the Second World War period, has warned that former camp inmates who lie are, in fact, very much more numerous than people generally suppose, and a subject like that of the concentration camp world -- well designed, alas, to stimulate sado-masochistic imaginations -- offered them an exceptional field of action. We have known numerous mentally damaged persons, half-swindlers and half fools, who exploited an imaginary deportation. We have known others of them -- authentic deportees -- whose sick minds strove to even go beyond the monstrosities that they had seen or that people said happened to them.

"Jewish historian Samuel Gringauz, who was himself interned in the ghetto of Kaunas (Lithuania) during the war, criticized what he called the "hyperhistorical" nature of most Jewish "survivor testimony." He wrote that "most of the memoirs and reports are full of preposterous verbosity, graphomanic exaggeration, dramatic effects, overestimated self-inflation, dilettante philosophizing, would-be lyricism, unchecked rumors, bias, partisan attacks and apologies." /61

"Shmuel Krakowki, archives director of the Israeli government's Holocaust center, Yad Vashem, confirmed in 1986 that more than 10,000 of the 20,000 "testimonies" of Jewish "survivors" on file there are "unreliable." Many survivors, wanting "to be part of history" may have let their imaginations run away with them, Krakowski said. "Many were never in the places where they claimed to have witnessed atrocities, while others relied on second-hand information given them by friends or passing strangers." He confirmed that many of the testimonies on file at Yad Vashem were later proved to be inaccurate when locations and dates could not pass an expert historian's appraisal. /62

"We now know that witnesses at the main Nuremberg trial gave false testimony. Perhaps the most obvious were the three witnesses who ostensibly confirmed German guilt for the Katyn massacre of Polish officers." CONTINUED
You're wasting your time with hate filled & insulting individuals that I just ignore.

I'm familiar with the photo you are discussing and many other fakes that were created by the Allies during and especially after the war.

The standard WW 2 / Holocaust narrative is simply residual Allied propaganda.
It's tragic that so many are so naive and poorly educated as to believe that only the other side used propaganda.
All the fake Allied films (1), photos (2), (3) and "eyewitness accounts" (4) are slowly being exposed for the hate filled anti German propaganda they are.

I can't believe that anyone could be so naive as to believe that only the other side use / uses propaganda.

After all:

"Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past."
George Orwell

(1). "Holocaust Fake pics 1"
Holocaust Fake pics 1

(2). “The Director of the Holocau$t - Khazar Expatriate Billy Wilder”

EXCERPT “Almost all the films you've ever seen of the Holocaust were staged. Using Allied propaganda as a rough script, directors from Hollywood were shipped to Germany and Poland to direct propaganda films for post-war use. One of the most notable of these was Billy Wilder, director of meny very well known films, such as "Some Like It Hot" with Marilyn Monroe." CONTINUED

(3). “Soviet’s Anti-Nazi Propaganda, Fake Pictures during World War”

EXCERPT “The Soviets and the rest of the allies were in fact faking hundreds of pictures during and after the World war, as a part of psychological warfare against the German people and propagandize their own people.

However, in later years, with the user of computers and the internet, the usage of those hundreds of images were proved to be faked during and after World War Two, which also intended to demonize Hitler and the NSDAP (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei).”CONTINUED

(4). "The Nuremberg Trials and the Holocaust"
The Nuremberg Trials (part 1)
"Dubious testimony"

"French historian Germain Tillion, a specialist of the Second World War period, has warned that former camp inmates who lie are, in fact, very much more numerous than people generally suppose, and a subject like that of the concentration camp world -- well designed, alas, to stimulate sado-masochistic imaginations -- offered them an exceptional field of action. We have known numerous mentally damaged persons, half-swindlers and half fools, who exploited an imaginary deportation. We have known others of them -- authentic deportees -- whose sick minds strove to even go beyond the monstrosities that they had seen or that people said happened to them.

"Jewish historian Samuel Gringauz, who was himself interned in the ghetto of Kaunas (Lithuania) during the war, criticized what he called the "hyperhistorical" nature of most Jewish "survivor testimony." He wrote that "most of the memoirs and reports are full of preposterous verbosity, graphomanic exaggeration, dramatic effects, overestimated self-inflation, dilettante philosophizing, would-be lyricism, unchecked rumors, bias, partisan attacks and apologies." /61

"Shmuel Krakowki, archives director of the Israeli government's Holocaust center, Yad Vashem, confirmed in 1986 that more than 10,000 of the 20,000 "testimonies" of Jewish "survivors" on file there are "unreliable." Many survivors, wanting "to be part of history" may have let their imaginations run away with them, Krakowski said. "Many were never in the places where they claimed to have witnessed atrocities, while others relied on second-hand information given them by friends or passing strangers." He confirmed that many of the testimonies on file at Yad Vashem were later proved to be inaccurate when locations and dates could not pass an expert historian's appraisal. /62

"We now know that witnesses at the main Nuremberg trial gave false testimony. Perhaps the most obvious were the three witnesses who ostensibly confirmed German guilt for the Katyn massacre of Polish officers." CONTINUED
Holocaust was the exploitation of the camp prisoners. They got little to eat and were reduced to skeletons. Who was unable to work, got eliminated. Whether this story was amplified by the allies to dwarf their own horrors is not really important.
More important is, that every soldier, even every baby today, got this guilt on the shoulders. That politicians use this history to act against our interests.
Holocaust did happen. But that has nothing to do with the German military.

I agree.
The Holocaust happened but it had much more to do with unavoidable outbreaks of typhus and related diseases. The most deaths occurred when the Germans were unable to supply the camps with food and medicine because the Allies destroyed the civilian railways to the camps.
The Red Cross blamed the subsequent consequences on the Allies (1)

It is noteworthy, I believe that 15,000 inmates of Bergen Belsen after liberation. Should the British in charge of the camp be blamed for their deaths?


(1). "RED CROSS DENIES HOLOCAUST!: 1948 ICRC Report: No Evidence Of Genocide, Gas Chambers Or Systematic Extermination Of Jews. Most Deaths Caused By “Barbarous Bombing Of Civilian Germany By the U.S and U.K. Which Is A War Crime!” – ICRC PDF Here. UPDATE: In 2006, 58 Years Later, The ICRC Changed Their Story."
I agree.
The Holocaust happened but it had much more to do with unavoidable outbreaks of typhus and related diseases. The most deaths occurred when the Germans were unable to supply the camps with food and medicine because the Allies destroyed the civilian railways to the camps.
The Red Cross blamed the subsequent consequences on the Allies (1)

It is noteworthy, I believe that 15,000 inmates of Bergen Belsen after liberation. Should the British in charge of the camp be blamed for their deaths?


(1). "RED CROSS DENIES HOLOCAUST!: 1948 ICRC Report: No Evidence Of Genocide, Gas Chambers Or Systematic Extermination Of Jews. Most Deaths Caused By “Barbarous Bombing Of Civilian Germany By the U.S and U.K. Which Is A War Crime!” – ICRC PDF Here. UPDATE: In 2006, 58 Years Later, The ICRC Changed Their Story."
I don´t think that this is true. The Germans repaired railways within hours after bombing raids.
Holocaust was the exploitation of the camp prisoners. They got little to eat and were reduced to skeletons. Who was unable to work, got eliminated. Whether this story was amplified by the allies to dwarf their own horrors is not really important.
More important is, that every soldier, even every baby today, got this guilt on the shoulders. That politicians use this history to act against our interests.

I lived, worked and studied in what was then West Germany for about 3 years but that was about 50 years ago when many more German WW 2 Veterans were still alive and would talk to me because I was also a soldier on the "wrong" side. I've known many other WW 2 Veterans of several armies and don't believe any side was more moral than the other.

Stalin had his deplorable gulags, Eisenhower had his real death camp, Churchill had / has its infamous "Cage" and on and on.

With the release of former Soviet Union's captured documents we see that the war was far from over in May of 1945 as about 4 million German POWs were still doing slave labor in Allied countries as late. as 1949.

Other under reported news:

"Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation, 1944 1950 Revised Edition"
Amazon product ASIN 0889225672
EXCERPT "More than 9 million Germans died as a result of deliberate Allied starvation and expulsion policies after World War II—one quarter of the country was annexed, and about 15 million people expelled in the largest act of ethnic cleansing the world has ever known. Over 2 million of these alone, including countless children, died on the road or in concentration camps in Poland and elsewhere. That these deaths occurred at all is still being denied by Western governments." CONTINUED
I don´t think that this is true. The Germans repaired railways within hours after bombing raids.

I meant in the later stages of the war when there were few materials for repairs and even fewer men to do the work.

Why don't you believe the evaluation by Red Cross?

I understand that because you live in Germany, there is limited free speech on this topic and don't want to get you in trouble.

I lived, worked and studied in what was then West Germany for about 3 years but that was about 50 years ago when many more German WW 2 Veterans were still alive and would talk to me because I was also a soldier on the "wrong" side. I've known many other WW 2 Veterans of several armies and don't believe any side was more moral than the other.

Stalin had his deplorable gulags, Eisenhower had his real death camp, Churchill had / has its infamous "Cage" and on and on.

With the release of former Soviet Union's captured documents we see that the war was far from over in May of 1945 as about 4 million German POWs were still doing slave labor in Allied countries as late. as 1949.

Other under reported news:

"Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation, 1944 1950 Revised Edition"
Amazon product ASIN 0889225672
EXCERPT "More than 9 million Germans died as a result of deliberate Allied starvation and expulsion policies after World War II—one quarter of the country was annexed, and about 15 million people expelled in the largest act of ethnic cleansing the world has ever known. Over 2 million of these alone, including countless children, died on the road or in concentration camps in Poland and elsewhere. That these deaths occurred at all is still being denied by Western governments." CONTINUED
Do you know that German POWs in the USA were free to walk around, got paid labor and could do what they like?
There were 2 branches - the left wing was Prussian, they supported Jewish communism.
This is the legacy of the slave-owning unprofessional slave army of Prussia and Belarus

The right wing was formed under the influence of the Danube aristocracy, they obviously had concepts of military honor, they came from the cavalry, the elite troops of Europe
I meant in the later stages of the war when there were few materials for repairs and even fewer men to do the work.

Why don't you believe the evaluation by Red Cross?

I understand that because you live in Germany, there is limited free speech on this topic and don't want to get you in trouble.

No problem, they can suck my ass with their freedom of their speech.

The Nazi policy for the camps was "death through labor". This is not made up. Gas chambers have never been proven but there was huge mass murdering going on, no point in denial. Honorable military is one side of the medal, the other is the murderous nazi regime.
I like the movie Inglorious Basterds and I like the war heroe Frederick Zoller, he is a true Gentleman

I replaced his face with my face in the video, with a app, it is called reface, you can download it from google playstore.

You crave attention so badly, you start these insane and drivel-filled threads about you and your fantasies about NAZIs far too often.

I although I don’t know what your major malfunction is, it is still true that your posts are becoming less and less interesting.

You even look a lot like an old troll doll. Putting on Nazi type uniforms only makes you appear even more repulsive.
BS. Don´t you know that Jews even joined the Wehrmacht? They were protected from being deported by the Nazis.

There is really no point in criminalizing the Wehrmacht.

Actually, there were about 150,000 Jews in Germany's WW 2 military with many of them rising to the highest ranks and receiving Germany's highest honors.

All of this was done with the full knowledge and approval of Hitler and the German high command.

There were also even high ranking Jews in the National Socialist party which tells us that there is plenty left to be learned about oversimplified and tragic era.


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