I think we should lower the voting age


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
I think we should lower the voting age to 16 and automatically register every single legal citizen of this country as a voter upon that age...A id should be sent out to everyone in America when they turn 16 period!

Voting is is the corner stone of our society!
I think we should lower the voting age to 16 and automatically register every single legal citizen of this country as a voter upon that age...A id should be sent out to everyone in America when they turn 16 period!

Voting is is the corner stone of our society!

Boot the illegals.
it'll probably happen eventually , 16 year olds being led by the nose by millenial lefty dummies .
it'll probably happen eventually , 16 year olds being led by the nose by millenial lefty dummies .

You're the one that wants to blow trillions in the middle east...What exactly makes more sense,,,spending it on the next generation, old and on America or in some shit hole?
Raise it to 21...if they're not responsible enough to own a handgun or drink alcohol, they aren't responsible enough to vote.
I think we should lower the voting age to 16 and automatically register every single legal citizen of this country as a voter upon that age...A id should be sent out to everyone in America when they turn 16 period!

Voting is is the corner stone of our society!

The problem is some people think that voting eligibility extends to those that think of themselves as Americans to be eligible to vote.
I think we should lower the voting age to 16 and automatically register every single legal citizen of this country as a voter upon that age...A id should be sent out to everyone in America when they turn 16 period!

Voting is is the corner stone of our society!
That means you'd be able to vote. I say no.
I believe in democracy and allowing everyone to have a voice....

Even people that are dead wrong.
it'll probably happen eventually , 16 year olds being led by the nose by millenial lefty dummies .

You're the one that wants to blow trillions in the middle east...What exactly makes more sense,,,spending it on the next generation, old and on America or in some shit hole?
------------------------------------------------------ next generation is just a buncha dummies similar to their doper parents SRocks .
I think we should lower the voting age to 16 and automatically register every single legal citizen of this country as a voter upon that age...A id should be sent out to everyone in America when they turn 16 period!

Voting is is the corner stone of our society!

I disagree.

Go look at Austria in 2008.

The FPOe, far right party gained 13 seats, the BZOe, also far right but only in Carinthia gained 14 seats. Part of the reason was that the far right parties were going around giving out free alcohol.
I think we should lower the voting age to 16 and automatically register every single legal citizen of this country as a voter upon that age...A id should be sent out to everyone in America when they turn 16 period!

Voting is is the corner stone of our society!

Have you listened to today's sixteen year olds? And you want them to weigh in on our political future? The only thing they should be voting on are pizza toppings..
I think we should lower the voting age to 16 and automatically register every single legal citizen of this country as a voter upon that age...A id should be sent out to everyone in America when they turn 16 period!

Voting is is the corner stone of our society!

The problem is some people think that voting eligibility extends to those that think of themselves as Americans to be eligible to vote.

Do you mean just because a person who comes into America ILLEGALLY and think they are Americans they are eligible to vote?
"I think I'm an American therefore I am eligible to vote"! Is that what you are saying?
No. Make it 35, and repeal the 17th, and 19th Amendments. Then, make an amendment requiring a poll test. No dumbasses are allowed to vote.
And you can't vote while on food stamps or welfare. You're considered a child until you can take care of yourself and that would stop welfare people from voting for their free cheese
I think we should lower the voting age to 16 and automatically register every single legal citizen of this country as a voter upon that age...A id should be sent out to everyone in America when they turn 16 period!

Voting is is the corner stone of our society!
There are a lot of people who don't have a ride. They should have buses driving down the main Street to the precinct

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