I thought Alyssa Milano believed “survivors”..WTF? The LefTarded can’t be taken seriously...EVER.

Oh nothing...we’re just making shit up.
Try this...www.google.com
I’m asking for your understanding of it. Not a google link. What is he accused of doing?

Okay, I’ll play...
Apparently you haven’t read the new rule book...ANY affection MUST be requested by the Feminazi before said affection can be applied...PERIOD. This is not negotiable and the new rule is retroactive to 1776.
I know this sounds bat shit fucking crazy...but that’s your people.
And do you agree with that rule book? Why don’t you stand up for your principles and argue this one based on what you think is right. Those aren’t my people, I think those going after Joe for showing too much affection are bat shit fucking crazy as you say

You know me...there isn't a single thing the Left pushes that I agree with...NOT ONE THING.
Good, glad to see you’re sticking to your principles... even though I disagree with many of them :)

Sorry to hear that, get back to us when you have some principles.
Alyssa Milano???
Is she somebody?
Someone please tell me what this cunning runts' claim to fame is.
I never said he was guilty...your group of #MeToo Loons have made it clear...anyone accused of anything is guilty as accused. Am I making this up?
Ok, so what are they saying Biden is guilty of?

Oh nothing...we’re just making shit up.
Try this...www.google.com
I’m asking for your understanding of it. Not a google link. What is he accused of doing?

Okay, I’ll play...
Apparently you haven’t read the new rule book...ANY affection MUST be requested by the Feminazi before said affection can be applied...PERIOD. This is not negotiable and the new rule is retroactive to 1776.
I know this sounds bat shit fucking crazy...but that’s your people.
And do you agree with that rule book? Why don’t you stand up for your principles and argue this one based on what you think is right. Those aren’t my people, I think those going after Joe for showing too much affection are bat shit fucking crazy as you say
His advances made them feel uncomfortable, why do you hate women?
Yanno, even Biden's accuser has said that while she wasn't sexually assaulted, she still feels that her personal space was violated.

There was no sexual assault claim by Biden's accuser.

Connecticut woman says then-Vice President Joe Biden touched her inappropriately at a Greenwich fundraiser in 2009

A Connecticut woman says Joe Biden touched her inappropriately and rubbed noses with her during a 2009 political fundraiser in Greenwich when he was vice president, drawing further scrutiny to the Democrat and his history of unwanted contact with women as he ponders a presidential run

"It wasn't sexual, but he did grab me by the head," Amy Lappos told The Courant Monday. "He put his hand around my neck and pulled me in to rub noses with me. When he was pulling me in, I thought he was going to kiss me on the mouth."

Even his original accuser Lucy Flores said that it wasn't sexual assault..................

The controversy over Joe Biden’s treatment of women, explained

A former Nevada state legislator named Lucy Flores wrote a personal essay that New York magazine published on Friday, in which she describes an encounter with Biden at a 2014 campaign event. Flores says the then-vice president came up behind her, touched her shoulders, and kissed the back of her head. The behavior, she says, wasn’t criminal, but it made her feel uncomfortable. Amy Lappos, a former congressional aide who recalls Biden rubbing noses with her at a 2009 fundraiser, similarly says the incident “wasn’t sexual” but also that there’s “absolutely a line of decency” and “a line of respect” that Biden crossed. On Tuesday, two more women came forward to the New York Times with, similarly, stories they described as having “made them uncomfortable.”
I’m asking for your understanding of it. Not a google link. What is he accused of doing?

Okay, I’ll play...
Apparently you haven’t read the new rule book...ANY affection MUST be requested by the Feminazi before said affection can be applied...PERIOD. This is not negotiable and the new rule is retroactive to 1776.
I know this sounds bat shit fucking crazy...but that’s your people.
And do you agree with that rule book? Why don’t you stand up for your principles and argue this one based on what you think is right. Those aren’t my people, I think those going after Joe for showing too much affection are bat shit fucking crazy as you say

You know me...there isn't a single thing the Left pushes that I agree with...NOT ONE THING.
Good, glad to see you’re sticking to your principles... even though I disagree with many of them :)

Sorry to hear that, get back to us when you have some principles.
Wow, good diss man. You win
Ok, so what are they saying Biden is guilty of?

Oh nothing...we’re just making shit up.
Try this...www.google.com
I’m asking for your understanding of it. Not a google link. What is he accused of doing?

Okay, I’ll play...
Apparently you haven’t read the new rule book...ANY affection MUST be requested by the Feminazi before said affection can be applied...PERIOD. This is not negotiable and the new rule is retroactive to 1776.
I know this sounds bat shit fucking crazy...but that’s your people.
And do you agree with that rule book? Why don’t you stand up for your principles and argue this one based on what you think is right. Those aren’t my people, I think those going after Joe for showing too much affection are bat shit fucking crazy as you say
His advances made them feel uncomfortable, why do you hate women?
I love women. I saw an old man with stanky breath talking to a girl the other day and she was definatley feeling uncomfortable. So what does it all mean?
The Lowclass Loons have zero credibility...they are the weakest, most confused bunch of Feminazis I’ve ever seen.
Alyssa Milano's 'I believe' Kavanaugh accuser becomes 'we can't assume' Biden guilt

This is based on the position of one person.

And you judge every person who calls themselves a 'liberal' on this one person's, opinion.

I well and truly believe you are either mentally disturbed and/or incredibly delusional about this.

Only someone like that would make such a ridiculous assumption.

Have a nice day.
Alyssa Milano???
Is she somebody?
Someone please tell me what this cunning runts' claim to fame is.

Isn’t she some kind of singer of some sort?

I’m an old guy, what do I know?

Perhaps a wannabe singer, more well know as a actress in Who's the Boss...maybe 20 years ago.

Hell, Charmed was 20 years ago. Who's the Boss first came around a good 35 years ago.

Oops, although I probably would be concerned if I did remember.
The Lowclass Loons have zero credibility...they are the weakest, most confused bunch of Feminazis I’ve ever seen.
Alyssa Milano's 'I believe' Kavanaugh accuser becomes 'we can't assume' Biden guilt
What exactly do you think Biden is guilty of?
Child molestation
Hey BrokeLoser I’m starting to see why you enjoy making fun of these overly sensitive snowflakes that like making mountains out of molehills.

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