I thought Climate Changed in NY?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Dear Abby, It was almost 70 a week ago and the Warmers were telling us that was our new normal. Now it snowed. I thought the Climate Changed? Did the AGWCult just pick a weather event and try to pass it off as "Climate Change" Is that legal, ethical, or scientific?

  1. the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period

Confused and skeptical in Pleasantville NY
Dear Abby, It was almost 70 a week ago and the Warmers were telling us that was our new normal. Now it snowed. I thought the Climate Changed? Did the AGWCult just pick a weather event and try to pass it off as "Climate Change" Is that legal, ethical, or scientific?

  1. the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period

Confused and skeptical in Pleasantville NY
Frank, a week into winter and Chicago got snow and ice, inches of either. Funny thing this climate change. I thought that wasn't happening in today's winter. and I thought we were in an el nino
Dear Confused,

If you're too busy playing Fallout to do any actual research, I'd recommend you find a third-grader who is not home-schooled and ask them to explain the difference between weather and climate to you.

Good luck!

The Dear Abby Syndicate*

*You do know Abigail Van Buren died in 2013, right?
Dear Confused in NY,

People often over estimate their influence on events and environment. They seek to project power in situations which they have none. This may lead to manipulating data and public opinion in order to accomplish their goals. Sadly, the weak minded or those who benefit from their views will join their cause, however unwarranted.

Dear Confused,

If you're too busy playing Fallout to do any actual research, I'd recommend you find a third-grader who is not home-schooled and ask them to explain the difference between weather and climate to you.

Good luck!

The Dear Abby Syndicate*

*You do know Abigail Van Buren died in 2013, right?
Weather is instantaneous, Climate is avg of weather over time. This is how they try to act smug, like they know it all. They won't define any time period.

The whole issue seem ludicrous! Atmospheric volume is tremendous? (10 to 18th power) a little tinkle out tailpipe of an few F150 ain't even like spitting into ocean.

please make it stop.
Dear Confused,

If you're too busy playing Fallout to do any actual research, I'd recommend you find a third-grader who is not home-schooled and ask them to explain the difference between weather and climate to you.

Good luck!

The Dear Abby Syndicate*

*You do know Abigail Van Buren died in 2013, right?

So, the 70 degree temperature was just a weather event.


The earth is in a cooling period for the last 18 years which coincides with the D.O.D's "geo-engineering" program and the spraying of nano-particulates of heavy metals like strontium, barium and aluminum ....some areas are getting 30 percent less sunlight while these metals actually trap heat. They are also used in conjunction with ionospheric heaters to create high pressure zones while squashing low pressure zones. They can weaken or strengthen a storm front...depending on what they wish to accomplish. China and Russia also have this technology but their technique isn't as finely honed as USA.INC.

Which is COMPLETELY different than picking specific areas of ice thaw in support of global warming.

You missed your chance to make a point...too bad

Too obvious for a Faither huh?

Yep, you guys quote me then never have a point and instead hide behind question marks or sarcasm. Because if you had a point you'd make it instead of constantly responding about how someone doesnt "get it"

Which is COMPLETELY different than picking specific areas of ice thaw in support of global warming.

You missed your chance to make a point...too bad

Too obvious for a Faither huh?

Yep, you guys quote me then never have a point and instead hide behind question marks or sarcasm. Because if you had a point you'd make it instead of constantly responding about how someone doesnt "get it"

No, you are ignoring the point I made, probably out of embrassment,
Dear Abby, It was almost 70 a week ago and the Warmers were telling us that was our new normal. Now it snowed. I thought the Climate Changed? Did the AGWCult just pick a weather event and try to pass it off as "Climate Change" Is that legal, ethical, or scientific?

  1. the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period

Confused and skeptical in Pleasantville NY

New York is the bird cage in the coal mine-----POLITICALLY AND COSMICALLY
speaking. The FORCES test things out------FIRST ON STATEN ISLAND----then
on MANHATTAN. ---------for further information contact HERA AND ZEUS-----mount Olympus----Greece.
Dear Abby, It was almost 70 a week ago and the Warmers were telling us that was our new normal. Now it snowed. I thought the Climate Changed? Did the AGWCult just pick a weather event and try to pass it off as "Climate Change" Is that legal, ethical, or scientific?

  1. the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period

Confused and skeptical in Pleasantville NY

New York is the bird cage in the coal mine-----POLITICALLY AND COSMICALLY
speaking. The FORCES test things out------FIRST ON STATEN ISLAND----then
on MANHATTAN. ---------for further information contact HERA AND ZEUS-----mount Olympus----Greece.

Makes much more sense than anything the AGWCult offers

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