I thought the liberal NYC overlords made it so guns could not be in NYC?

I bought two guns from a gun show and they ran a background check it took 20 mins...libs just like to make shit up.
Thing is, as we see, they can lie faster than we can prove them wrong.
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If true, which I doubt, he is breaking federal law.
The guns from his store are owned by his business, not him.
As such, he HAS to sell them as if he sold them from his store, otherwise he is in violation of federal law.

See, I have to question whether this is illegal or whether he has somehow found a way around the law.

He has been there every year for as long as I could remember, probably about 8 years now.

I generally take my father there, get lunch with him and then take him to the range.
If true, which I doubt, he is breaking federal law.
The guns from his store are owned by his business, not him.
As such, he HAS to sell them as if he sold them from his store, otherwise he is in violation of federal law.
See, I have to question whether this is illegal or whether he has somehow found a way around the law.
This does not change the fact that -every- gun dealer, selling guns at a gun show or out of their store, is required by federal law to run a background check, regardless of what state he is in.

If he does not, as you questionably claim, he is breaking the law.
New Yorkers can arm themselves if they want to.

The guy got his gun in Florida, was illegally carrying it in New York, and was out to shoot one guy, for employment reasons.
Why is this even news? More people died from slipping and falling in their own bathtubs today. This is completely statistically insignificant in a country with ~300,000,000 people.

Oh right, gotta keep the masses conditioned that "guns=bad" in an election year.
because history's proven so well that we should live like it's the wild west.

Care to elaborate on history and who in the present times advocates for what you describe? Please, enlighten us all with your great knowledge and wisdom of leftiness!
You should know by now that Jillian is a drive-by troll, with no intention (or capability) of an honest and intelligent discussion of thuis, or any other, issue.
jillian is a hypocrite. Her husband owns a firearm, but I guess that's just different somehow. :rolleyes:
Why is this even news? More people died from slipping and falling in their own bathtubs today. This is completely statistically insignificant in a country with ~300,000,000 people.

Oh right, gotta keep the masses conditioned that "guns=bad" in an election year.

It's news because it's drama-killing.

A guy "snapped". That makes for good television.

Not to mention, I haven't heard any anti-gun people pushing this story - only pro-gun Conservatives, like the OP. NYC already has strict gun laws.
How bout background checks on gun sales PERIOD instead of guns by the boatload coming in from a-hole red states, SHYTTEHEADS?
My vote for one of the top 10 most useless posts.

All gun sales from gun dealers already involve a background check, regardless of the state.


Have you ever been to a gun show in FL?

You can buy a handgun/rifle/shotgun from a private seller (virtually everyone with a booth there) and you walk right out with it.

In fact, gun store owners go there and sell them without doing background checks as well.

What the hell are you doing going to a gun show and buying guns?
If any of you gun fanatics stopped for a minute to read the early reports of the shooting, you would realize that if everyone had been carrying, it would not have prevented this tragedy.

Want to bet, stupid? How come mass shootings ONLY happen where guns are banned? Meanwhile, just in the past couple of months alone, a 71 year old man with a conceal carry license stopped an armed robbery by shooting TWO males that were between 18-20. He shot BOTH of them, and neither of them died. But they were the only one's injured. That's right, an old freaking man stopped two young guys all by himself because he was armed. You fucking liberals are so fucking ignorant on every issue, but it doesn't stop you from trying to weigh in on those issues, does it?

Elderly Man Samuel Williams Shoots Robbers at Internet Cafe | Video | TheBlaze.com
Two Dead in Empire State Shooting | NBC New York

Oh wait, they just took guns away from the good people so the bad guys can go on a rampage. Gotcha. Good work, lefties.

The Supreme Court re-affirmed the right of individuals to own guns a couple years ago.

And sadly, radical left-wing asshole Bloomberg ignores the Constitution and has outlawed firearms in New York city. Of course, like all idiot liberal Dumbocrats, he a major fucking hypocrite because he has surrounded by a security detail that is heavily armed. It's ok for HIM to have guns in NY, but nobody else. This is typical of all dictators.
Two Dead in Empire State Shooting | NBC New York

Oh wait, they just took guns away from the good people so the bad guys can go on a rampage. Gotcha. Good work, lefties.

The Supreme Court re-affirmed the right of individuals to own guns a couple years ago.

And sadly, radical left-wing asshole Bloomberg ignores the Constitution and has outlawed firearms in New York city. Of course, like all idiot liberal Dumbocrats, he a major fucking hypocrite because he has surrounded by a security detail that is heavily armed. It's ok for HIM to have guns in NY, but nobody else. This is typical of all dictators.

You know Bloomberg isn't a Democrat, right?
Care to elaborate on history and who in the present times advocates for what you describe? Please, enlighten us all with your great knowledge and wisdom of leftiness!
You should know by now that Jillian is a drive-by troll, with no intention (or capability) of an honest and intelligent discussion of thuis, or any other, issue.
jillian is a hypocrite. Her husband owns a firearm, but I guess that's just different somehow. :rolleyes:
Jillian is a fraud and the Queen Mother of the useful idiots - she claims to be a lawyer, but has yet to post anyting more coherent than a C+ middle-school essay paper.
because history's proven so well that we should live like it's the wild west.

Actually, despite what you see in the movies, the "wild wild west" was a very peaceful and law-abiding place. Adjusted for the difference in population, the wild west had less crime and less violent crime than today.

Probably because you knew you could get shot.

Same reason why major cities in Texas have a very low crime rate, most likely, while cities like Chicago, LA, and NYC are home to daily bloodbaths.

Two Dead in Empire State Shooting | NBC New York

Oh wait, they just took guns away from the good people so the bad guys can go on a rampage. Gotcha. Good work, lefties.

The Supreme Court re-affirmed the right of individuals to own guns a couple years ago.

And sadly, radical left-wing asshole Bloomberg ignores the Constitution and has outlawed firearms in New York city. Of course, like all idiot liberal Dumbocrats, he a major fucking hypocrite because he has surrounded by a security detail that is heavily armed. It's ok for HIM to have guns in NY, but nobody else. This is typical of all dictators.

Sad to say, they are reporting that most of the bystanders were shot by police.
Roe and Heller are similar and important in that they both restrict government and enhance civil liberties – that some abuse those civil liberties is not justification to allow government greater authority at the expense of those civil liberties, however tempting.

Banning firearms, like banning abortion, is offensive to the Constitution and will not serve the desired purpose of saving lives, born or unborn – guns and abortions will be acquired whether legal or not.

And both are similar in that there is no ‘quick fix’ solution, and a solution will be realized neither at the polls nor in the courts.
My vote for one of the top 10 most useless posts.

All gun sales from gun dealers already involve a background check, regardless of the state.


Have you ever been to a gun show in FL?

You can buy a handgun/rifle/shotgun from a private seller (virtually everyone with a booth there) and you walk right out with it.

In fact, gun store owners go there and sell them without doing background checks as well.

What the hell are you doing going to a gun show and buying guns?

As explained in multiple posts afterwards.. :lol:

I take my elderly father there.. It is the least I can do, considering that he raised me and took care of me in my youth.

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