I thought Trump was acting more and more like Nero but this guy thinks it's King Lear

Ben Thomson

Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2020
'Wilson, who published a book titled Shakespeare and Trump earlier this year, said "the forces are being picked off and the tyrant is holed up in his castle and he's growing increasingly anxious and he feels insecure and he starts blustering about his legitimate sovereignty and he starts accusing the opposition of treason."'...Shakespeare scholar says post-election Trump exhibiting 'classic Act V behavior'
I guess I missed the extra act in King Lear when Lear had his crown stolen from him by Edmund,
'Wilson, who published a book titled Shakespeare and Trump earlier this year, said "the forces are being picked off and the tyrant is holed up in his castle and he's growing increasingly anxious and he feels insecure and he starts blustering about his legitimate sovereignty and he starts accusing the opposition of treason."'...Shakespeare scholar says post-election Trump exhibiting 'classic Act V behavior'
key words are you ''THOUGHT''' = only your idiotic TDS bullshit opinion
Lear's my favorite Shakespearean tragedy. Yeah,, there are a lot of ways you can compare Trump to Lear. Big ego, swayed by flattery, punishes honesty. Loses all his trappings of power and then loses his shit.
The obsession continues. How many more years will it last as long as the left’s obsession with Reagan?
'Wilson, who published a book titled Shakespeare and Trump earlier this year, said "the forces are being picked off and the tyrant is holed up in his castle and he's growing increasingly anxious and he feels insecure and he starts blustering about his legitimate sovereignty and he starts accusing the opposition of treason."'...Shakespeare scholar says post-election Trump exhibiting 'classic Act V behavior'
I guess I missed the extra act in King Lear when Lear had his crown stolen from him by Edmund,
That's because it never happened, then or now. It's funny how those trying the steal the election from Biden are ones saying the election was stolen. Funny, if weren't down right disgusting what the Trumpistas are doing to America.
'Wilson, who published a book titled Shakespeare and Trump earlier this year, said "the forces are being picked off and the tyrant is holed up in his castle and he's growing increasingly anxious and he feels insecure and he starts blustering about his legitimate sovereignty and he starts accusing the opposition of treason."'...Shakespeare scholar says post-election Trump exhibiting 'classic Act V behavior'
I guess I missed the extra act in King Lear when Lear had his crown stolen from him by Edmund,
That's because it never happened, then or now. It's funny how those trying the steal the election from Biden are ones saying the election was stolen. Funny, if weren't down right disgusting what the Trumpistas are doing to America.

What are they doing? Last election we had people accusing Russia of stealing the election, they went as far as wanting to address the entire Electoral College to sway them to vote for Clinton. They wanted to declare the election void and it went on and on. Both sides need to be reigned in, the extremist are going nuts.
Lear's my favorite Shakespearean tragedy. Yeah,, there are a lot of ways you can compare Trump to Lear. Big ego, swayed by flattery, punishes honesty. Loses all his trappings of power and then loses his shit.
It is one of my favorites because I got to be in a production of it in college.
...........imaginary evidence.......
Heh, and the millions of people who witnessed the sun rise this morning were only imagining it, eh dimwit?
More Trumpista "logic"! One has nothing to do with the other, but that doesn't matter when you're only spreading word salad that no judge will accept as evidence.
Lear, yeah. I'm surprised no one has mentioned the senility issue, which is front and center with that play. Maybe because Biden has problems with that so no one on the left wants to mention it; but the raging.........it is Lear. He does want his power back.

From the Canadian series Slings and Arrows, a song about Lear ---

It's nice to take a walk in the rain.
For several hours.........
Without your clothes on..........
It's nice to take a walk in the rain.
More Trumpista "logic"!
You're repeating yourself, Polly. Someone needs to change your papers at the bottom of your cage. You're stinking up the place.
I'm repeating myself? LOL!!! The Trumpistas are the ones doing that, claiming they have evidence, but not finding many judges that agree with them. They're like children that need to be told "NO" a thousand times before they'll listen.

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