I Told You 8 Years Ago, What Needed To Be Done

First we divide into two nations...then we cut off the Dems food, oil and gas supplies. :muahaha:
Ha ha ...

You know there is a thing called money... Dems got it and Red States don't...

The world produces way more food than we need to people that pay for it... Oil & Gas is a global commodity which costs less than a 1c a gallon to ship worldwide...

This comment just shows the ignorance of MAGA.. MAGA are considered the dumbest fuckers in the 1st world...
Ha ha ...

You know there is a thing called money... Dems got it and Red States don't...

The world produces way more food than we need to people that pay for it... Oil & Gas is a global commodity which costs less than a 1c a gallon to ship worldwide...

This comment just shows the ignorance of MAGA.. MAGA are considered the dumbest fuckers in the 1st world...
LMAO you won't have any money after we increase your food costs 1000% :muahaha: That's before we cut off your water supply, oh that's going to be expensive. The reality is, Dems need us we don't need Dems.
Ha ha ...

You know there is a thing called money... Dems got it and Red States don't...

The world produces way more food than we need to people that pay for it... Oil & Gas is a global commodity which costs less than a 1c a gallon to ship worldwide...

This comment just shows the ignorance of MAGA.. MAGA are considered the dumbest fuckers in the 1st world...

You mean like the blue state of California with it's $45 billion dollar deficit, and the blue state of New York's $9 billion dollar deficit?

Unlike the red state of Texas which has a $33 billion dollar surplus.
Ha ha ...

You know there is a thing called money... Dems got it and Red States don't...

The world produces way more food than we need to people that pay for it... Oil & Gas is a global commodity which costs less than a 1c a gallon to ship worldwide...

This comment just shows the ignorance of MAGA.. MAGA are considered the dumbest fuckers in the 1st world...
Democrats , the party of the rich.
8 Years ago, I wrote this OP >>

By not separating into 2 separate countries (one blue, the other red), and trusting the Democrats to be civil, this has been shown to be a huge mistake. Look at the results of keeping the Democrats as part of the same country as Republicans.

  • Months of BLM/Antifa riots in 2000 after George Floyd death. 150 federal buildings were defaced and 750 police officers injured nationwide in the liberal Democrat/Socialist violence.
  • Democrats killed US democracy & 2000 election stolen by malicious Democrats
  • Oil drilling cancelled causing massive inflation (100-200% in rental housing and gas prices)
  • Open border with millions of unvetted illegal aliens pouring in, wrecking blue sanctuary cities.
  • Woke lunacies being dumped on everyone including kids in schools.
  • US Constitution abandoned by Biden DOJ wih due process denied to 1000+ Jan 6 protestors, illegally incarcerated past time limits.
  • Political witch hunt & farce indictments and conviction of President Trump, in banana republic "trials". Who's next ?
All this has shown that these idiot lunatics are not capable of a modicum of decency and intelligence, and keeping them in the same country with you, a major mistake.

Nation - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture, and language in common. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th edition).
Pretty good writing. Direct, TRUE and solutions shown.
When the slaves were freed, Lincoln expected to have them be equals in the nation. The problem was he was assassinated by a Democrat and his vice-president, Johnson, was a Democrat and let the old southern cronies get back into power and they began systematically violating the black's rights, restricting the blacks right to vote. They kept blacks out of good schools and dumped them into failing schools and broke up the black family dynamic with their so-called social programs.
The whole cause of the division was the Democrat Party that wanted to keep buying and selling human beings like they were livestock. It was a worldwide evil that needed to end.
So, if you want to point a finger at anything, point it at the Democrat Party. Currently, they are not even the Democrat Party of JFK, they've morphed into a neo-Marxist Party and are treasonously acting against our Constitution.
Lincolns plan was to ship the negros out of the US...
When the slaves were freed, Lincoln expected to have them be equals in the nation. The problem was he was assassinated by a Democrat and his vice-president, Johnson, was a Democrat and let the old southern cronies get back into power and they began systematically violating the black's rights, restricting the blacks right to vote. They kept blacks out of good schools and dumped them into failing schools and broke up the black family dynamic with their so-called social programs.
The whole cause of the division was the Democrat Party that wanted to keep buying and selling human beings like they were livestock. It was a worldwide evil that needed to end.
So, if you want to point a finger at anything, point it at the Democrat Party. Currently, they are not even the Democrat Party of JFK, they've morphed into a neo-Marxist Party and are treasonously acting against our Constitution.
No Lincoln did not expect that. He wanted the Federal Government to issue bonds to get the cash, pay for the slaves, and ship them out of the USA. Blacks had been ruled on by the Supreme Court not to have rights. I compare those blacks to we troops who got drafted by the Feds into the Army. We were handled as if we were slaves.
I was reading about the fall of empires the other day. Two things popped out at me:

1. 250 years is the average amount of time before the fall.
The US is well into the fall.

2. Disillusion amongst the citizenry, and hoarding wealth at the top, were given as the two leading factors.
If you're not disillusioned then you haven't been paying attention.
I wish you people would quit bitching about everything and get on board with Joe Biden.

Every few hundred years there's a civilizational collapse. This is necessary to clear out the accumulated insanity that worms its way into the collective conscious. It's painful, but pain is just weakness leaving the body. The collapse of Judeo-Masonic Civilization is for the best, and something we should all welcome.
8 Years ago, I wrote this OP >>

By not separating into 2 separate countries (one blue, the other red), and trusting the Democrats to be civil, this has been shown to be a huge mistake. Look at the results of keeping the Democrats as part of the same country as Republicans.

  • Months of BLM/Antifa riots in 2000 after George Floyd death. 150 federal buildings were defaced and 750 police officers injured nationwide in the liberal Democrat/Socialist violence.
  • Democrats killed US democracy & 2000 election stolen by malicious Democrats
  • Oil drilling cancelled causing massive inflation (100-200% in rental housing and gas prices)
  • Open border with millions of unvetted illegal aliens pouring in, wrecking blue sanctuary cities.
  • Woke lunacies being dumped on everyone including kids in schools.
  • US Constitution abandoned by Biden DOJ wih due process denied to 1000+ Jan 6 protestors, illegally incarcerated past time limits.
  • Political witch hunt & farce indictments and conviction of President Trump, in banana republic "trials". Who's next ?
All this has shown that these idiot lunatics are not capable of a modicum of decency and intelligence, and keeping them in the same country with you, a major mistake.

Nation - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture, and language in common. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th edition).
Democracy, it gives fools the power to vote, and when enough fools vote Left, then let the shit show begin. And boy, the USA is so fucked up.
Actually he wanted to deport them to Africa and he believed equality would be impossible.
He actually offered them two choices, return to Africa or stay here. Financially, after a financially devastating Civil War, the government couldn't continue meeting the requests of those that wanted to return. The government offered the blacks forty acres of land and a mule, however, vice-president Johnson made sure that didn't happen.
8 Years ago, I wrote this OP >>

By not separating into 2 separate countries (one blue, the other red), and trusting the Democrats to be civil, this has been shown to be a huge mistake. Look at the results of keeping the Democrats as part of the same country as Republicans.

  • Months of BLM/Antifa riots in 2000 after George Floyd death. 150 federal buildings were defaced and 750 police officers injured nationwide in the liberal Democrat/Socialist violence.
  • Democrats killed US democracy & 2000 election stolen by malicious Democrats
  • Oil drilling cancelled causing massive inflation (100-200% in rental housing and gas prices)
  • Open border with millions of unvetted illegal aliens pouring in, wrecking blue sanctuary cities.
  • Woke lunacies being dumped on everyone including kids in schools.
  • US Constitution abandoned by Biden DOJ wih due process denied to 1000+ Jan 6 protestors, illegally incarcerated past time limits.
  • Political witch hunt & farce indictments and conviction of President Trump, in banana republic "trials". Who's next ?
All this has shown that these idiot lunatics are not capable of a modicum of decency and intelligence, and keeping them in the same country with you, a major mistake.

Nation - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture, and language in common. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th edition).
You need to get some rest.

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