I Told You 8 Years Ago, What Needed To Be Done

We haven't had a stable society since Republicans unleashed freed slaves upon the country.
Get rid of the Democrats. Let them have their own little shitholes, SEPARATE from us normal people. Should have been done years ago.
8 Years ago, I wrote this OP >>

By not separating into 2 separate countries (one blue, the other red), and trusting the Democrats to be civil, this has been shown to be a huge mistake. Look at the results of keeping the Democrats as part of the same country as Republicans.

  • Months of BLM/Antifa riots in 2000 after George Floyd death. 150 federal buildings were defaced and 750 police officers injured nationwide in the liberal Democrat/Socialist violence.
  • Democrats killed US democracy & 2000 election stolen by malicious Democrats
  • Oil drilling cancelled causing massive inflation (100-200% in rental housing and gas prices)
  • Open border with millions of unvetted illegal aliens pouring in, wrecking blue sanctuary cities.
  • Woke lunacies being dumped on everyone including kids in schools.
  • US Constitution abandoned by Biden DOJ wih due process denied to 1000+ Jan 6 protestors, illegally incarcerated past time limits.
  • Political witch hunt & farce indictments and conviction of President Trump, in banana republic "trials". Who's next ?
All this has shown that these idiot lunatics are not capable of a modicum of decency and intelligence, and keeping them in the same country with you, a major mistake.

Nation - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture, and language in common. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th edition).
Geographically that would be hard to do.
In my state, Washington, the blue dominated urban/city areas would be islands surrounded by the red dominated suburban and rural areas.

Land traffic into the blue cities would have to travel through the red countryside. Much the same for flying over. Ocean traffic into the Sound would also have to go through red territory.

Would be a real mess in economics, trade, travel, commerce, etc.
From a military point of view, the Red would be able to cut-off and isolate the Blue cities, starve them out of existence.
Dividing the nation into two nations would be an utter disaster.

Who would decide who pays for businesses and homes when people have to move out because of their voter registration?

And this "You either believe like we believe of we will kick you out" nonsense is laughable. If more voters vote against you than for you, you lose. Scrambling to change who votes is just low.
Get rid of the Democrats. Let them have their own little shitholes, SEPARATE from us normal people. Should have been done years ago.
Dems can't survive on their own. Can you imagine how F'ed up that shit would get with bat shit crazy Dems running amok unfettered by any opposition? It would be the craziest country on planet earth.
8 Years ago, I wrote this OP >>

By not separating into 2 separate countries (one blue, the other red), and trusting the Democrats to be civil, this has been shown to be a huge mistake. Look at the results of keeping the Democrats as part of the same country as Republicans.

Too late , as you allowed the Founding Fathers, who were mainly Occultists, to ensure that your now impending end was contained in your beginning .
Get rid of the Democrats. Let them have their own little shitholes, SEPARATE from us normal people. Should have been done years ago.
You don’t have the power. We will remain united, regardless of what the the traitorous MAGA camp may throw at us. Remember, MAGA is only about 30% of the population, though they seem to have over 70% of the mouth. :cool-45:
You don’t have the power. We will remain united, regardless of what the the traitorous MAGA camp may throw at us. Remember, MAGA is only about 30% of the population, though they seem to have over 70% of the mouth. :cool-45:

There are forces far greater than the power of numbers , which come from Universe .
Over time it is martyrs that overthow the oppressors and the wicked .

The left have the mark of evil stamped on them and cannot resist Universe for long .
Do not fear MAGA . It is Universe that will grind
you into dust .
There are forces far greater than the power of numbers , which come from Universe .
Over time it is martyrs that overthow the oppressors and the wicked .

The left have the mark of evil stamped on them and cannot resist Universe for long .
Do not fear MAGA . It is Universe that will grind
you into dust .
Up the meds! :rolleyes-41:
Thes things will happen. What was many decades ago became truth a few decades ago. What was a few decades ago became truth closer to now. What is truth now will become a couple of decades from now if we even make to then. This about voting. I owe no prog comfort living women a damn thing. And it is coming closer and closer to them now as the wealth slowly peels like an onion. I love your vengeance. Truthfully those who have screwed with others over some decades are not strangely quiet and not admitting to destroying others. They are living good under salaries, pensions and benefits. You will not be happy until you take them to task.
Dems can't survive on their own. Can you imagine how F'ed up that shit would get with bat shit crazy Dems running amok unfettered by any opposition? It would be the craziest country on planet earth.
Sure, but that would be better than having them foul up our precious country that our founding fathers gave us. Sure they would be a total mess, but we would be clean of them.
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You don’t have the power. We will remain united, regardless of what the the traitorous MAGA camp may throw at us. Remember, MAGA is only about 30% of the population, though they seem to have over 70% of the mouth. :cool-45:
Polls show otherwise. Election will too.

And why would you WANT to remain united with red America ?.... when we don't want to have anything to do with you, or your scatterbrained policies.
Nothing stopping you from moving to Russia. I heard Putin is a huge law guy. No unfair prosecution under his watch!
are you agreeing that demofks don't allow freedom? good for you for finally catching up!!

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