I voted for McCain. Did you?

All of this love from the Left now that he is dead and hated Trump with a passion. No, this is not a post admonishing people for not voting for him in 2008 but to anyone who believed John McCain was a racist warmonger who was going to turn back Roe v Wade, you can sit this one out.
McCain/Palin 2008. Oh hell yes I voted for that ticket. But McCain ran a horrible campaign and never had a chance against Obama. But he did a great job picking Palin. She was the outsider Washington needed. We finally got that outsider 8 years later.

And the same level of stupid.

Which is why the economy is booming, stock market is at record highs, unemployment has record lows, employees are getting bonuses, peace on the Korean peninsula and great SCOTUS picks are being made.

Yea, you're burt hurt. Big time! LMAO
Of course I voted Democrat I'm not stupid or brainwashed. I vote for policy, this new b******* GOP giveaway to the rich and corrupt bubbles and busts and stupidest Wars ever and obstruction of anything good for the rest of us--or the country-- it's so pathetic only brainwashed functional morons could vote for the lying greedy a******GOP.
All of this love from the Left now that he is dead and hated Trump with a passion. No, this is not a post admonishing people for not voting for him in 2008 but to anyone who believed John McCain was a racist warmonger who was going to turn back Roe v Wade, you can sit this one out.
I voted for Obama...twice.
Sorry; GW soured me on open border globalists.

So you voted for an open borders globalist, good job.

our liberal friends confuse Gov. Palin with a liberal comedian that used to imitate her. Much like they confuse Alec Baldwin with the president.

Liberals most influential personalities are comedians...because their ideology is a joke.

Humor requires intelligence which is why you don’t find a conservative one.
Oh, we know humor.
The problem is that you guys aren’t actually funny.

You don’t know humor. You just know fear and fear ain’t funny.
I voted for McCain but how in the world could you call him a racist, when in the middle of the campaign while answering audience questions he told a lady she was wrong for saying Obama was a Muslim that couldn't be trusted... and then he said Obama was a good family man? The only reason McCain didn't win, was because too many Republicans thought he was too moderate to vote for him.
our liberal friends confuse Gov. Palin with a liberal comedian that used to imitate her. Much like they confuse Alec Baldwin with the president.

Liberals most influential personalities are comedians...because their ideology is a joke.

Humor requires intelligence which is why you don’t find a conservative one.
Oh, we know humor.
The problem is that you guys aren’t actually funny.

You don’t know humor. You just know fear and fear ain’t funny.
I am not afraid of anything on a personal level.

My brain functions 2 to 3 wavelengths above yours.
All of this love from the Left now that he is dead and hated Trump with a passion. No, this is not a post admonishing people for not voting for him in 2008 but to anyone who believed John McCain was a racist warmonger who was going to turn back Roe v Wade, you can sit this one out.
I think four things cost McCain the election.

1, Sarah Palin

2. Obama was just too good.

3. When asked how many houses he owned, he didn't know. Made him look so out of touch.

4. He said he knew how to fix the economy. Elect him and he would do it. It looked like blackmail.
our liberal friends confuse Gov. Palin with a liberal comedian that used to imitate her. Much like they confuse Alec Baldwin with the president.

Liberals most influential personalities are comedians...because their ideology is a joke.

Humor requires intelligence which is why you don’t find a conservative one.
Oh, we know humor.
The problem is that you guys aren’t actually funny.
You will always have n***** jokes...
All of this love from the Left now that he is dead and hated Trump with a passion. No, this is not a post admonishing people for not voting for him in 2008 but to anyone who believed John McCain was a racist warmonger who was going to turn back Roe v Wade, you can sit this one out.
I voted for Obama...twice.
Sorry; GW soured me on open border globalists.

So you voted for an open borders globalist, good job.

Nobody is for open borders except for total morons. The idiocy You dupes believe... Worst propaganda machine in our history by far, so many conspiracy theories with no evidence. Poor America.
I voted for McCain in his elections for the House and Senate. I forget whether in 2008 I skipped the presidential race completely or randomly went with a none-of-the-above pick from the independents and minor party candidates. McCain was too much of an interventionist for me to want him as commander-in-chief.
I voted for the brilliant Alan Keyes everytime he ran. Look at him pwn that sick, retarded, warmongering, semi illiterate, neocon McCain as well as the idiot, illiterate, neocon Bush.

I voted for the brilliant Alan Keyes everytime he ran. Look at him pwn that sick, retarded, warmongering, semi illiterate, neocon McCain as well as the idiot, illiterate, neocon Bush.

Powerful intervention including many troops on the ground is the Republican thing no matter what they say. Democratic bombing, under Clinton and Obama, ended genocide in Kosovo and Libya. With no American casualties.
All of this love from the Left now that he is dead and hated Trump with a passion. No, this is not a post admonishing people for not voting for him in 2008 but to anyone who believed John McCain was a racist warmonger who was going to turn back Roe v Wade, you can sit this one out.
I voted for Obama...twice.
Sorry; GW soured me on open border globalists.

So you voted for an open borders globalist, good job.

Nobody is for open borders except for total morons. The idiocy You dupes believe... Worst propaganda machine in our history by far, so many conspiracy theories with no evidence. Poor America.

Nobody is for commiecrats except for total morons, you and your mid-sentence capitalization proves that.

All of this love from the Left now that he is dead and hated Trump with a passion. No, this is not a post admonishing people for not voting for him in 2008 but to anyone who believed John McCain was a racist warmonger who was going to turn back Roe v Wade, you can sit this one out.
I voted for Obama...twice.
Sorry; GW soured me on open border globalists.

So you voted for an open borders globalist, good job.

Nobody is for open borders except for total morons. The idiocy You dupes believe... Worst propaganda machine in our history by far, so many conspiracy theories with no evidence. Poor America.

Nobody is for commiecrats except for total morons, you and your mid-sentence capitalization proves that.

My smart phone does that stupid smartphone. It's amazing, Hillary says she has a dream of open borders some day for trade at a meeting of bankers in Brazil, and not only do you dupes believe she meant for immigration, but there are even a few moron Democrats believe it too...
All of this love from the Left now that he is dead and hated Trump with a passion. No, this is not a post admonishing people for not voting for him in 2008 but to anyone who believed John McCain was a racist warmonger who was going to turn back Roe v Wade, you can sit this one out.
I voted for Obama...twice.
Sorry; GW soured me on open border globalists.

So you voted for an open borders globalist, good job.

Nobody is for open borders except for total morons. The idiocy You dupes believe... Worst propaganda machine in our history by far, so many conspiracy theories with no evidence. Poor America.

Nobody is for commiecrats except for total morons, you and your mid-sentence capitalization proves that.

My smart phone does that stupid smartphone. It's amazing, Hillary says she has a dream of open borders some day for trade at a meeting of bankers in Brazil, and not only do you dupes believe she meant for immigration, but there are even a few moron Democrats believe it too...
I actually saw a woman black Democrat I guess down at the border saying she was 4 open borders. Pass the 2010 Democratic immigration bill with a good SSID card and end illegal immigration forever.

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