I voted for McCain. Did you?

All of this love from the Left now that he is dead and hated Trump with a passion. No, this is not a post admonishing people for not voting for him in 2008 but to anyone who believed John McCain was a racist warmonger who was going to turn back Roe v Wade, you can sit this one out.

i voted for his running mate
So you voted for an open borders globalist, good job.

Nobody is for open borders except for total morons. The idiocy You dupes believe... Worst propaganda machine in our history by far, so many conspiracy theories with no evidence. Poor America.

Nobody is for commiecrats except for total morons, you and your mid-sentence capitalization proves that.

My smart phone does that stupid smartphone. It's amazing, Hillary says she has a dream of open borders some day for trade at a meeting of bankers in Brazil, and not only do you dupes believe she meant for immigration, but there are even a few moron Democrats believe it too...

Yeah, I'm always telling the wife she has to be smarter than the apparatus she's attempting to operate. I guess you haven't learned that lesson either. LMAO

But tell me about all these assholes chanting to abolish ICE, I guess you folks think if an illegal alien can win the game of hide and seek with the border patrol, they should be home free. That is open borders.

Pass the God damn bill with an ID card and end this mess. Doesn't sound like open doesn't sound like open borders to me.

Doesn't sound like open doesn't sound like open borders to me.

Sounds like you should have taken your meds and retired hours ago. LMAO

Republicans who voted for McCain were thrilled with how Bush and the GOP left the economy. If only Bush were president for a year longer, they could have finished the job.
Ah, but do you remember not so long ago, the left was having babies....

Republicans who voted for McCain were thrilled with how Bush and the GOP left the economy. If only Bush were president for a year longer, they could have finished the job.
I find it interesting that a low 2 digit IQ, LIKE YOURS, can continually LIE, and very few step on the cockroach....that shall change
All of this love from the Left now that he is dead and hated Trump with a passion. No, this is not a post admonishing people for not voting for him in 2008 but to anyone who believed John McCain was a racist warmonger who was going to turn back Roe v Wade, you can sit this one out.

I couldn't stand John McCain, but I did vote for him.
I did what some say is throwing away my vote in both 2008 and 2016. I voted third party.
see here's the thing, until there are third party congressional numbers enough to actually help a third party candidate, then voting for a third party candidate is usually very unreasonable. We see that with Trump. Although he ran as a GOP candidate, his agenda was third party, and getting congressional help to pass his agenda is very difficult. More than anyone would have ever realized.
All of this love from the Left now that he is dead and hated Trump with a passion. No, this is not a post admonishing people for not voting for him in 2008 but to anyone who believed John McCain was a racist warmonger who was going to turn back Roe v Wade, you can sit this one out.
Nope. I refused to vote for him or Romney. Not because of any of that shit but because he was a Neo Con war monger piece of shit.
All of this love from the Left now that he is dead and hated Trump with a passion. No, this is not a post admonishing people for not voting for him in 2008 but to anyone who believed John McCain was a racist warmonger who was going to turn back Roe v Wade, you can sit this one out.
I have not voted on the federal level since 2006. I saw the Republican party being hijacked by retards, psychos, liars, hypocrites, and bigots and have refused to reward them with my vote.

Since then, the GOP has only become more and more insane. In fact, the GOP is extinct. Dead, dead, dead. The final kill stroke was delivered by someone who became a Republican just a few years ago.
All of this love from the Left now that he is dead and hated Trump with a passion. No, this is not a post admonishing people for not voting for him in 2008 but to anyone who believed John McCain was a racist warmonger who was going to turn back Roe v Wade, you can sit this one out.

I voted for Ralph Nader because McCain was so bad. I figured I might as well make a third party statement
All of this love from the Left now that he is dead and hated Trump with a passion. No, this is not a post admonishing people for not voting for him in 2008 but to anyone who believed John McCain was a racist warmonger who was going to turn back Roe v Wade, you can sit this one out.

I intended on voting for McCain, but he lost me when he said he would bail-out homeowners. I ended up voting for Nadar in protest.......ha!
All of this love from the Left now that he is dead and hated Trump with a passion. No, this is not a post admonishing people for not voting for him in 2008 but to anyone who believed John McCain was a racist warmonger who was going to turn back Roe v Wade, you can sit this one out.

I have no particular love for McCain. He should have been voted out after the Keating scandal. He should have been barred from the Senate.

But anyone who hates Trump can't be all bad!
All of this love from the Left now that he is dead and hated Trump with a passion. No, this is not a post admonishing people for not voting for him in 2008 but to anyone who believed John McCain was a racist warmonger who was going to turn back Roe v Wade, you can sit this one out.
I voted for Obama...twice.
Sorry; GW soured me on open border globalists.

Thank you for admitting that you were stupid.
All of this love from the Left now that he is dead and hated Trump with a passion. No, this is not a post admonishing people for not voting for him in 2008 but to anyone who believed John McCain was a racist warmonger who was going to turn back Roe v Wade, you can sit this one out.

You tried to sell this reverse-revisionism about racism over the weekend and you got spanked. Now you're back expecting different results?

What the fuck IS IT with you morons who see somebody die and take it as a cue to go score your little message board points? Where do y'all LEARN this shit? I seriously can't remember so much overt butthurt over a death, ever.
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