I voted for Trump in 2016

I am 38. My wife and I live in Boston and are parents or two girls. I am a Jew and son of legal immigrants from Russia. I run my own business and my wife raises our kids at home. My parents came here with nothing and built a life for themselves and for me. They still donate a lot of money to charities. They were Democrats since the 70s. I am and always was an Independent.

I voted for DJT because I thought he would be better for the economy, border security and military strength than HRC.

Yet in the mind of many Leftists I am racist based on this vote. As a result I naturally become defensive and verbally attack them back. And this is coming from a moderate who is pro choice, believes we need much better gun control policies, naturally hates white supremacists and I am anti religion teachings in public schools.

That being said I think sports should be played by biological sex not what one identifies with and that the racism card is way overplayed. I do
Not believe we can discuss universal healthcare until we solve our expensive schools as doctors who paid $400k to become doctors should not have their income upside limited by the Govt. I agree that the current healthcare system is broken.

So to all those who call racist because of my vote for DJT in 2016, I say “FU”.

Thank you
anyone for Trump or says ''fried chicken or ''black hole'' is racist

You can't use the terms invasion or wall either.
Don't waste your breath trying to convince Trump supporters he's repugnant

‘The sad truth is that with all that Trump has said and done, millions of Americans don’t see where he has ever crossed the line.

Slurring Mexican immigrants as criminals and rapists? Calling for a ban on all Muslims coming into the country? Suggesting that a U.S.-born judge overseeing a Trump University lawsuit should recuse himself because of his Mexican heritage (“He’s a Mexican,” Trump said)? Saying people in the United States from Nigeria will never “go back to their huts”? Referring to Haiti and African countries as “s---hole countries” while wishing the United States would take more people from places like Norway? Tweeting that four black and brown members of Congress — three of them born in the United States — should “go back” to their countries of origin? Launching a slimy birther crusade against President Barack Obama? Constantly resorting to racially charged language?


What he believes in, they believe in. Trump’s loyal base of supporters rejects or ignores any charge of bias. They stay locked in, because they see things his way; he is speaking for them.

So, don’t waste time trying to convince them that Trump has a dark side.

They have heard what you heard; have seen what you’ve seen. The difference: They delight in the Trump thoughts, words and deeds that you denounce.’


It is indeed a waste of breath.
o JoeB131 is also a raging anti-semite as well as a dumb jackass. He wonders why he has bad luck, derp! He sure is one fart smeller.

I have wonderful luck... but that's not the point, Derp.

I get tired of watching fine young American Women come home in body bags because the Jews want to pretend their magic Sky Man loves them the very best.

I do? No asshole. I said Israel should do as it thinks best. Obama banned people from the Knesset in 2012 from coming to the US and that was his right. Palestine is a fictional place like Narnia. Those two support the BDS movement which calls for the destruction of all Jews in Israel. Why would Israel want them in their country? Maybe you should read up on that prior to opining on it?

Hey, buddy, here's BDS' website.. Nowhere on their do they call for the death of all Jews or even the State of Israel.

BDS Movement

Here's the ugly reality about Israel. Israel is like an abused child that grew up to be an abuser.

No one disputes the Nazis did awful things... but the lesson the Zionsts have taken away from that is to engage in the same kind of behavior towards the Palestinians.

Claiming that Palestine is fictional is a Dr. Geobbels level of doublespeak.

The market doesn’t demand anything. The voters obviously want stronger borders and border control.

Uh, the voters said no to Trump, including 2 of the four states on the border.

I just told you that in MA we aggressively curb these places.

You can tell me that, but it doesn't make it true. In fact, one website lists no less than 268 Asian Massage Parlors in your state... I won't link to it here because it probably violates forum rules. There's also a healthy number of gentlemen's clubs in your state..

These laws aren't enforced for a good reason. They're stupid.

Think about the pure stupidity of prostitution laws. Complete strangers can hook up in a bar for free, but the minute money changes hands, it's a crime? That's just... silly.

Some idiot mayors do hide illegals in their sanctuary cities and hence don’t punish employers for using them. Mistake.

Not really. The cities aren't in the business of enforcing immigration laws, just keeping the peace. People won't report crimes if they know they can be deported for making a report. That's why cities and some states are ignoring immigration laws.

Trump has had three years to fix the problem, but he hasn't. He hasn't gotten Mexico to pay for that wall yet, either.
o JoeB131 is also a raging anti-semite as well as a dumb jackass. He wonders why he has bad luck, derp! He sure is one fart smeller.

I have wonderful luck... but that's not the point, Derp.

I get tired of watching fine young American Women come home in body bags because the Jews want to pretend their magic Sky Man loves them the very best.

I do? No asshole. I said Israel should do as it thinks best. Obama banned people from the Knesset in 2012 from coming to the US and that was his right. Palestine is a fictional place like Narnia. Those two support the BDS movement which calls for the destruction of all Jews in Israel. Why would Israel want them in their country? Maybe you should read up on that prior to opining on it?

Hey, buddy, here's BDS' website.. Nowhere on their do they call for the death of all Jews or even the State of Israel.

BDS Movement

Here's the ugly reality about Israel. Israel is like an abused child that grew up to be an abuser.

No one disputes the Nazis did awful things... but the lesson the Zionsts have taken away from that is to engage in the same kind of behavior towards the Palestinians.

Claiming that Palestine is fictional is a Dr. Geobbels level of doublespeak.

The market doesn’t demand anything. The voters obviously want stronger borders and border control.

Uh, the voters said no to Trump, including 2 of the four states on the border.

I just told you that in MA we aggressively curb these places.

You can tell me that, but it doesn't make it true. In fact, one website lists no less than 268 Asian Massage Parlors in your state... I won't link to it here because it probably violates forum rules. There's also a healthy number of gentlemen's clubs in your state..

These laws aren't enforced for a good reason. They're stupid.

Think about the pure stupidity of prostitution laws. Complete strangers can hook up in a bar for free, but the minute money changes hands, it's a crime? That's just... silly.

Some idiot mayors do hide illegals in their sanctuary cities and hence don’t punish employers for using them. Mistake.

Not really. The cities aren't in the business of enforcing immigration laws, just keeping the peace. People won't report crimes if they know they can be deported for making a report. That's why cities and some states are ignoring immigration laws.

Trump has had three years to fix the problem, but he hasn't. He hasn't gotten Mexico to pay for that wall yet, either.

So those 2 can just fly in at the Palestinian airport, amirite?
o JoeB131 is also a raging anti-semite as well as a dumb jackass. He wonders why he has bad luck, derp! He sure is one fart smeller.

I have wonderful luck... but that's not the point, Derp.

I get tired of watching fine young American Women come home in body bags because the Jews want to pretend their magic Sky Man loves them the very best.

I do? No asshole. I said Israel should do as it thinks best. Obama banned people from the Knesset in 2012 from coming to the US and that was his right. Palestine is a fictional place like Narnia. Those two support the BDS movement which calls for the destruction of all Jews in Israel. Why would Israel want them in their country? Maybe you should read up on that prior to opining on it?

Hey, buddy, here's BDS' website.. Nowhere on their do they call for the death of all Jews or even the State of Israel.

BDS Movement

Here's the ugly reality about Israel. Israel is like an abused child that grew up to be an abuser.

No one disputes the Nazis did awful things... but the lesson the Zionsts have taken away from that is to engage in the same kind of behavior towards the Palestinians.

Claiming that Palestine is fictional is a Dr. Geobbels level of doublespeak.

The market doesn’t demand anything. The voters obviously want stronger borders and border control.

Uh, the voters said no to Trump, including 2 of the four states on the border.

I just told you that in MA we aggressively curb these places.

You can tell me that, but it doesn't make it true. In fact, one website lists no less than 268 Asian Massage Parlors in your state... I won't link to it here because it probably violates forum rules. There's also a healthy number of gentlemen's clubs in your state..

These laws aren't enforced for a good reason. They're stupid.

Think about the pure stupidity of prostitution laws. Complete strangers can hook up in a bar for free, but the minute money changes hands, it's a crime? That's just... silly.

Some idiot mayors do hide illegals in their sanctuary cities and hence don’t punish employers for using them. Mistake.

Not really. The cities aren't in the business of enforcing immigration laws, just keeping the peace. People won't report crimes if they know they can be deported for making a report. That's why cities and some states are ignoring immigration laws.

Trump has had three years to fix the problem, but he hasn't. He hasn't gotten Mexico to pay for that wall yet, either.

You have shown your ignorance yet again. What a dumbass pussy you are. The payment for the Wall was supposed to come in the form of a 10% tax on monies earned here and sent back to Mexico. Time will tell if he enforces that.



o JoeB131 is also a raging anti-semite as well as a dumb jackass. He wonders why he has bad luck, derp! He sure is one fart smeller.

I have wonderful luck... but that's not the point, Derp.

I get tired of watching fine young American Women come home in body bags because the Jews want to pretend their magic Sky Man loves them the very best.

I do? No asshole. I said Israel should do as it thinks best. Obama banned people from the Knesset in 2012 from coming to the US and that was his right. Palestine is a fictional place like Narnia. Those two support the BDS movement which calls for the destruction of all Jews in Israel. Why would Israel want them in their country? Maybe you should read up on that prior to opining on it?

Hey, buddy, here's BDS' website.. Nowhere on their do they call for the death of all Jews or even the State of Israel.

BDS Movement

Here's the ugly reality about Israel. Israel is like an abused child that grew up to be an abuser.

No one disputes the Nazis did awful things... but the lesson the Zionsts have taken away from that is to engage in the same kind of behavior towards the Palestinians.

Claiming that Palestine is fictional is a Dr. Geobbels level of doublespeak.

The market doesn’t demand anything. The voters obviously want stronger borders and border control.

Uh, the voters said no to Trump, including 2 of the four states on the border.

I just told you that in MA we aggressively curb these places.

You can tell me that, but it doesn't make it true. In fact, one website lists no less than 268 Asian Massage Parlors in your state... I won't link to it here because it probably violates forum rules. There's also a healthy number of gentlemen's clubs in your state..

These laws aren't enforced for a good reason. They're stupid.

Think about the pure stupidity of prostitution laws. Complete strangers can hook up in a bar for free, but the minute money changes hands, it's a crime? That's just... silly.

Some idiot mayors do hide illegals in their sanctuary cities and hence don’t punish employers for using them. Mistake.

Not really. The cities aren't in the business of enforcing immigration laws, just keeping the peace. People won't report crimes if they know they can be deported for making a report. That's why cities and some states are ignoring immigration laws.

Trump has had three years to fix the problem, but he hasn't. He hasn't gotten Mexico to pay for that wall yet, either.

So those 2 can just fly in at the Palestinian airport, amirite?

Why did you get banned? JoeB conveniently ignores this

o JoeB131 is also a raging anti-semite as well as a dumb jackass. He wonders why he has bad luck, derp! He sure is one fart smeller.

I have wonderful luck... but that's not the point, Derp.

I get tired of watching fine young American Women come home in body bags because the Jews want to pretend their magic Sky Man loves them the very best.

I do? No asshole. I said Israel should do as it thinks best. Obama banned people from the Knesset in 2012 from coming to the US and that was his right. Palestine is a fictional place like Narnia. Those two support the BDS movement which calls for the destruction of all Jews in Israel. Why would Israel want them in their country? Maybe you should read up on that prior to opining on it?

Hey, buddy, here's BDS' website.. Nowhere on their do they call for the death of all Jews or even the State of Israel.

BDS Movement

Here's the ugly reality about Israel. Israel is like an abused child that grew up to be an abuser.

No one disputes the Nazis did awful things... but the lesson the Zionsts have taken away from that is to engage in the same kind of behavior towards the Palestinians.

Claiming that Palestine is fictional is a Dr. Geobbels level of doublespeak.

The market doesn’t demand anything. The voters obviously want stronger borders and border control.

Uh, the voters said no to Trump, including 2 of the four states on the border.

I just told you that in MA we aggressively curb these places.

You can tell me that, but it doesn't make it true. In fact, one website lists no less than 268 Asian Massage Parlors in your state... I won't link to it here because it probably violates forum rules. There's also a healthy number of gentlemen's clubs in your state..

These laws aren't enforced for a good reason. They're stupid.

Think about the pure stupidity of prostitution laws. Complete strangers can hook up in a bar for free, but the minute money changes hands, it's a crime? That's just... silly.

Some idiot mayors do hide illegals in their sanctuary cities and hence don’t punish employers for using them. Mistake.

Not really. The cities aren't in the business of enforcing immigration laws, just keeping the peace. People won't report crimes if they know they can be deported for making a report. That's why cities and some states are ignoring immigration laws.

Trump has had three years to fix the problem, but he hasn't. He hasn't gotten Mexico to pay for that wall yet, either.

So those 2 can just fly in at the Palestinian airport, amirite?

Why did you get banned? JoeB conveniently ignores this

View attachment 274925

Drunken e-fighting.
So those 2 can just fly in at the Palestinian airport, amirite?

Well, no, because Palestine is under an illegal military occupation by the Zionist Entity... that's the whole point here.
Except your point is false.

There is nothing illegal about Israel they are a legally constituted nation using military force to defend their nation.

Something you would know nothing about being a stolen valor fraud who never served but claimed you DID.
o JoeB131 is also a raging anti-semite as well as a dumb jackass. He wonders why he has bad luck, derp! He sure is one fart smeller.

I have wonderful luck... but that's not the point, Derp.

I get tired of watching fine young American Women come home in body bags because the Jews want to pretend their magic Sky Man loves them the very best.

I do? No asshole. I said Israel should do as it thinks best. Obama banned people from the Knesset in 2012 from coming to the US and that was his right. Palestine is a fictional place like Narnia. Those two support the BDS movement which calls for the destruction of all Jews in Israel. Why would Israel want them in their country? Maybe you should read up on that prior to opining on it?

Hey, buddy, here's BDS' website.. Nowhere on their do they call for the death of all Jews or even the State of Israel.

BDS Movement

Here's the ugly reality about Israel. Israel is like an abused child that grew up to be an abuser.

No one disputes the Nazis did awful things... but the lesson the Zionsts have taken away from that is to engage in the same kind of behavior towards the Palestinians.

Claiming that Palestine is fictional is a Dr. Geobbels level of doublespeak.

The market doesn’t demand anything. The voters obviously want stronger borders and border control.

Uh, the voters said no to Trump, including 2 of the four states on the border.

I just told you that in MA we aggressively curb these places.

You can tell me that, but it doesn't make it true. In fact, one website lists no less than 268 Asian Massage Parlors in your state... I won't link to it here because it probably violates forum rules. There's also a healthy number of gentlemen's clubs in your state..

These laws aren't enforced for a good reason. They're stupid.

Think about the pure stupidity of prostitution laws. Complete strangers can hook up in a bar for free, but the minute money changes hands, it's a crime? That's just... silly.

Some idiot mayors do hide illegals in their sanctuary cities and hence don’t punish employers for using them. Mistake.

Not really. The cities aren't in the business of enforcing immigration laws, just keeping the peace. People won't report crimes if they know they can be deported for making a report. That's why cities and some states are ignoring immigration laws.

Trump has had three years to fix the problem, but he hasn't. He hasn't gotten Mexico to pay for that wall yet, either.

So those 2 can just fly in at the Palestinian airport, amirite?
Another thing Israeli right-wingers don't allow... Complaining about right-wing a****** Israeli governments is not anti-semitism... Blind American allegiance to right wing Israelis is the number one reason Middle East Muslims hate us...
o JoeB131 is also a raging anti-semite as well as a dumb jackass. He wonders why he has bad luck, derp! He sure is one fart smeller.

I have wonderful luck... but that's not the point, Derp.

I get tired of watching fine young American Women come home in body bags because the Jews want to pretend their magic Sky Man loves them the very best.

I do? No asshole. I said Israel should do as it thinks best. Obama banned people from the Knesset in 2012 from coming to the US and that was his right. Palestine is a fictional place like Narnia. Those two support the BDS movement which calls for the destruction of all Jews in Israel. Why would Israel want them in their country? Maybe you should read up on that prior to opining on it?

Hey, buddy, here's BDS' website.. Nowhere on their do they call for the death of all Jews or even the State of Israel.

BDS Movement

Here's the ugly reality about Israel. Israel is like an abused child that grew up to be an abuser.

No one disputes the Nazis did awful things... but the lesson the Zionsts have taken away from that is to engage in the same kind of behavior towards the Palestinians.

Claiming that Palestine is fictional is a Dr. Geobbels level of doublespeak.

The market doesn’t demand anything. The voters obviously want stronger borders and border control.

Uh, the voters said no to Trump, including 2 of the four states on the border.

I just told you that in MA we aggressively curb these places.

You can tell me that, but it doesn't make it true. In fact, one website lists no less than 268 Asian Massage Parlors in your state... I won't link to it here because it probably violates forum rules. There's also a healthy number of gentlemen's clubs in your state..

These laws aren't enforced for a good reason. They're stupid.

Think about the pure stupidity of prostitution laws. Complete strangers can hook up in a bar for free, but the minute money changes hands, it's a crime? That's just... silly.

Some idiot mayors do hide illegals in their sanctuary cities and hence don’t punish employers for using them. Mistake.

Not really. The cities aren't in the business of enforcing immigration laws, just keeping the peace. People won't report crimes if they know they can be deported for making a report. That's why cities and some states are ignoring immigration laws.

Trump has had three years to fix the problem, but he hasn't. He hasn't gotten Mexico to pay for that wall yet, either.

So those 2 can just fly in at the Palestinian airport, amirite?
Another thing Israeli right-wingers don't allow... Complaining about right-wing a****** Israeli governments is not anti-semitism... Blind American allegiance to right wing Israelis is the number one reason Middle East Muslims hate us...

Israel has democratic elections. Agree or disagree?
o JoeB131 is also a raging anti-semite as well as a dumb jackass. He wonders why he has bad luck, derp! He sure is one fart smeller.

I have wonderful luck... but that's not the point, Derp.

I get tired of watching fine young American Women come home in body bags because the Jews want to pretend their magic Sky Man loves them the very best.

I do? No asshole. I said Israel should do as it thinks best. Obama banned people from the Knesset in 2012 from coming to the US and that was his right. Palestine is a fictional place like Narnia. Those two support the BDS movement which calls for the destruction of all Jews in Israel. Why would Israel want them in their country? Maybe you should read up on that prior to opining on it?

Hey, buddy, here's BDS' website.. Nowhere on their do they call for the death of all Jews or even the State of Israel.

BDS Movement

Here's the ugly reality about Israel. Israel is like an abused child that grew up to be an abuser.

No one disputes the Nazis did awful things... but the lesson the Zionsts have taken away from that is to engage in the same kind of behavior towards the Palestinians.

Claiming that Palestine is fictional is a Dr. Geobbels level of doublespeak.

The market doesn’t demand anything. The voters obviously want stronger borders and border control.

Uh, the voters said no to Trump, including 2 of the four states on the border.

I just told you that in MA we aggressively curb these places.

You can tell me that, but it doesn't make it true. In fact, one website lists no less than 268 Asian Massage Parlors in your state... I won't link to it here because it probably violates forum rules. There's also a healthy number of gentlemen's clubs in your state..

These laws aren't enforced for a good reason. They're stupid.

Think about the pure stupidity of prostitution laws. Complete strangers can hook up in a bar for free, but the minute money changes hands, it's a crime? That's just... silly.

Some idiot mayors do hide illegals in their sanctuary cities and hence don’t punish employers for using them. Mistake.

Not really. The cities aren't in the business of enforcing immigration laws, just keeping the peace. People won't report crimes if they know they can be deported for making a report. That's why cities and some states are ignoring immigration laws.

Trump has had three years to fix the problem, but he hasn't. He hasn't gotten Mexico to pay for that wall yet, either.

So those 2 can just fly in at the Palestinian airport, amirite?
Another thing Israeli right-wingers don't allow... Complaining about right-wing a****** Israeli governments is not anti-semitism... Blind American allegiance to right wing Israelis is the number one reason Middle East Muslims hate us...

The other reason is the Koran.
You have shown your ignorance yet again. What a dumbass pussy you are. The payment for the Wall was supposed to come in the form of a 10% tax on monies earned here and sent back to Mexico. Time will tell if he enforces that.

Yeah, whole lot of problems with that. The first one is that it's illegal. I mean, how do you tell what's being wired to a family and what's being wired to a tourist?

He's had three years to impose that and he hasn't... nor will he, the banks will never stand for it.

Except your point is false.

There is nothing illegal about Israel they are a legally constituted nation using military force to defend their nation.

Something you would know nothing about being a stolen valor fraud who never served but claimed you DID.

Be happy to show you pictures of myself in Uniform, it if would make you happy.

The Zionist Entity is a criminal colonial state... Like South Africa. The world won't miss it when it's pushed into the sea.
Israel has democratic elections. Agree or disagree?

disagree. If you let everyone in the Zionist Entity vote, the Arab Majority would vote it out of existence. Kind of like they did when South Africa let the blacks vote.

Why did you get banned? JoeB conveniently ignores this

A bunch of Zionist meme's? Yes, I'll ignore them.
You have shown your ignorance yet again. What a dumbass pussy you are. The payment for the Wall was supposed to come in the form of a 10% tax on monies earned here and sent back to Mexico. Time will tell if he enforces that.

Yeah, whole lot of problems with that. The first one is that it's illegal. I mean, how do you tell what's being wired to a family and what's being wired to a tourist?

He's had three years to impose that and he hasn't... nor will he, the banks will never stand for it.

Except your point is false.

There is nothing illegal about Israel they are a legally constituted nation using military force to defend their nation.

Something you would know nothing about being a stolen valor fraud who never served but claimed you DID.

Be happy to show you pictures of myself in Uniform, it if would make you happy.

The Zionist Entity is a criminal colonial state... Like South Africa. The world won't miss it when it's pushed into the sea.

Please that it is illegal.
Israel has democratic elections. Agree or disagree?

disagree. If you let everyone in the Zionist Entity vote, the Arab Majority would vote it out of existence. Kind of like they did when South Africa let the blacks vote.

Why did you get banned? JoeB conveniently ignores this

A bunch of Zionist meme's? Yes, I'll ignore them.

No these were exact words from the founder of BDS and reiterated by Bill Maher a Democrat and no Israel does have Democratic elections. The people elected the Government.
No these were exact words from the founder of BDS and reiterated by Bill Maher a Democrat and no Israel does have Democratic elections. The people elected the Government.

Bill Maher is a flaming Islamaphobe. I wouldn't take anything he says seriously... just like I didn't take him seriously when he called our soldiers cowardly after 9/11 because they didn't commit suicide attacks.

The Zionist Entity has "Democratic Elections' the way South Africa or the Jim Crow South did.
I am 38. My wife and I live in Boston and are parents or two girls. I am a Jew and son of legal immigrants from Russia. I run my own business and my wife raises our kids at home. My parents came here with nothing and built a life for themselves and for me. They still donate a lot of money to charities. They were Democrats since the 70s. I am and always was an Independent.

I voted for DJT because I thought he would be better for the economy, border security and military strength than HRC.

Yet in the mind of many Leftists I am racist based on this vote. As a result I naturally become defensive and verbally attack them back. And this is coming from a moderate who is pro choice, believes we need much better gun control policies, naturally hates white supremacists and I am anti religion teachings in public schools.

That being said I think sports should be played by biological sex not what one identifies with and that the racism card is way overplayed. I do
Not believe we can discuss universal healthcare until we solve our expensive schools as doctors who paid $400k to become doctors should not have their income upside limited by the Govt. I agree that the current healthcare system is broken.

So to all those who call racist because of my vote for DJT in 2016, I say “FU”.

Thank you
anyone for Trump or says ''fried chicken or ''black hole'' is racist

I always say


eliminates racism ---

Fuck you Jimmy Conway! Which humperdoo do you like so far for 2020?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No these were exact words from the founder of BDS and reiterated by Bill Maher a Democrat and no Israel does have Democratic elections. The people elected the Government.

Bill Maher is a flaming Islamaphobe. I wouldn't take anything he says seriously... just like I didn't take him seriously when he called our soldiers cowardly after 9/11 because they didn't commit suicide attacks.

The Zionist Entity has "Democratic Elections' the way South Africa or the Jim Crow South did.

You’re arguing just to argue the BDS movement is for the elimination of Israel. I have posted the quotes of the founder of the movement. You’re a typical Leftist. Anyone who disagrees with you is a racist, sexist, homophobe, Islamaphobe. You don’t even know what a phobia is. Maher the flaming Liberal is not scared of Islam he just doesn’t like some of its teachings and practices. You have to be the dumbest person on this board and that is saying something. The BDS movement’s objectives are known. Do you need me to post proof that the Patriots won the SB last season? Some things are just common knowledge.
You have shown your ignorance yet again. What a dumbass pussy you are. The payment for the Wall was supposed to come in the form of a 10% tax on monies earned here and sent back to Mexico. Time will tell if he enforces that.

Yeah, whole lot of problems with that. The first one is that it's illegal. I mean, how do you tell what's being wired to a family and what's being wired to a tourist?

He's had three years to impose that and he hasn't... nor will he, the banks will never stand for it.

Except your point is false.

There is nothing illegal about Israel they are a legally constituted nation using military force to defend their nation.

Something you would know nothing about being a stolen valor fraud who never served but claimed you DID.

Be happy to show you pictures of myself in Uniform, it if would make you happy.

The Zionist Entity is a criminal colonial state... Like South Africa. The world won't miss it when it's pushed into the sea.
You can show pictures of people in uniform but not yourself.

You are a proven liar and fraud who never served except fast food

Israel is neither criminal nor illegal

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