I voted for Trump in 2016

I am 38. My wife and I live in Boston and are parents or two girls. I am a Jew and son of legal immigrants from Russia. I run my own business and my wife raises our kids at home. My parents came here with nothing and built a life for themselves and for me. They still donate a lot of money to charities. They were Democrats since the 70s. I am and always was an Independent.

I voted for DJT because I thought he would be better for the economy, border security and military strength than HRC.

Yet in the mind of many Leftists I am racist based on this vote. As a result I naturally become defensive and verbally attack them back. And this is coming from a moderate who is pro choice, believes we need much better gun control policies, naturally hates white supremacists and I am anti religion teachings in public schools.

That being said I think sports should be played by biological sex not what one identifies with and that the racism card is way overplayed. I do
Not believe we can discuss universal healthcare until we solve our expensive schools as doctors who paid $400k to become doctors should not have their income upside limited by the Govt. I agree that the current healthcare system is broken.

So to all those who call racist because of my vote for DJT in 2016, I say “FU”.

Thank you

You're so full of shit! You voted for tRump to take advantage of the federal 50% tax liability cut to increase your pocket. You're nothing more than a capitalist racketeer out for himself by voting for the guy who white supremacists hold near and dear. You should be ashamed of yourself.
You must be a mind reader...a regular Nostradumbass.
You’re arguing just to argue the BDS movement is for the elimination of Israel. I have posted the quotes of the founder of the movement.

You do realize there's a difference between the elimination of a government and an elimination of a people, right?

You don’t even know what a phobia is. Maher the flaming Liberal is not scared of Islam he just doesn’t like some of its teachings and practices.

You see, this is the whole problem.

Palestinian: "You invaded my country, stole my land, killed some of my loved ones, and have stuck me in this awful slum in Gaza where you treat me like a second class citizen. I definitely want to kill you."

Zionist: "See...see... their religion is Crazy, man!"

I don't care what religion you are... you do that, they are REALLY going to hate you.

I'm old enough to remember when we were still in Vietnam, and you had all these people talking about how crazy the Vietnamese were, blowing us up, sending their kids out to stab our soldiers with punji sticks, and so on.

Funny thing. When we left, they stopped having a problem with us.

Our problem with the Islamic World is not that any religion is crazier than any other. All religions are by definition crazy. You're all talking to an imaginary friend in the sky.

No, our problem is, thanks to the Zionists having the balls of our politicians in a lock-box, is that we keep going over there, and either directly or by proxy, doing things to piss them off. That's when we aren't arming the occasional crazy person like Bin Laden or Saddam and then acting all surprised when they turn the guns we gave them on us.

The BDS movement’s objectives are known. Do you need me to post proof that the Patriots won the SB last season? Some things are just common knowledge.

Naw, man, you see, the thing is if you go into a bar and pick a fight with some bikers, I'm not obligated to get involved because you claim the bikers are bad people. Maybe they ARE bad people, but you picked the fight with them.

The Zionists don't want to have a fight with the Palestinians.. GO BACK TO FUCKING EUROPE! I mean, the Europeans are really sorry for what happened last time, it'll take you a few centuries to piss them off bad enough to want to kill you again. The Palestinians want to kill you now, FOR GOOD REASONS.

But even if you don't... STILL NOT MY PROBLEM. And this is the reason why Talib and Omar and BDS scare the shit out of you... they are asking the question you don't want asked.

"Why is this MY problem?"
You’re arguing just to argue the BDS movement is for the elimination of Israel. I have posted the quotes of the founder of the movement.

You do realize there's a difference between the elimination of a government and an elimination of a people, right?

You don’t even know what a phobia is. Maher the flaming Liberal is not scared of Islam he just doesn’t like some of its teachings and practices.

You see, this is the whole problem.

Palestinian: "You invaded my country, stole my land, killed some of my loved ones, and have stuck me in this awful slum in Gaza where you treat me like a second class citizen. I definitely want to kill you."

Zionist: "See...see... their religion is Crazy, man!"

I don't care what religion you are... you do that, they are REALLY going to hate you.

I'm old enough to remember when we were still in Vietnam, and you had all these people talking about how crazy the Vietnamese were, blowing us up, sending their kids out to stab our soldiers with punji sticks, and so on.

Funny thing. When we left, they stopped having a problem with us.

Our problem with the Islamic World is not that any religion is crazier than any other. All religions are by definition crazy. You're all talking to an imaginary friend in the sky.

No, our problem is, thanks to the Zionists having the balls of our politicians in a lock-box, is that we keep going over there, and either directly or by proxy, doing things to piss them off. That's when we aren't arming the occasional crazy person like Bin Laden or Saddam and then acting all surprised when they turn the guns we gave them on us.

The BDS movement’s objectives are known. Do you need me to post proof that the Patriots won the SB last season? Some things are just common knowledge.

Naw, man, you see, the thing is if you go into a bar and pick a fight with some bikers, I'm not obligated to get involved because you claim the bikers are bad people. Maybe they ARE bad people, but you picked the fight with them.

The Zionists don't want to have a fight with the Palestinians.. GO BACK TO FUCKING EUROPE! I mean, the Europeans are really sorry for what happened last time, it'll take you a few centuries to piss them off bad enough to want to kill you again. The Palestinians want to kill you now, FOR GOOD REASONS.

But even if you don't... STILL NOT MY PROBLEM. And this is the reason why Talib and Omar and BDS scare the shit out of you... they are asking the question you don't want asked.

"Why is this MY problem?"

See the thing is. You don’t need to start sentences like that.

Israel was won via conquest. See the thing is, we did the same thing with America. I ll make you a deal. When we return the US to Native Americans and Turkey returns Constantinople to the Christians, I will agree with you that the Jews should return the land, which is rightfully theirs but why nitpick to the dirty terrorists. See the thing is (annoying right?) Jews lived all over the Middle East not just Europe. But they were expelled as Islam became more radical. Expelled from Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia. They settled in their ancient homeland of Israel and some Europeans joined them. They fought off the intifadas and the suicide bombers. Build a nice wall and even gave some land back to the terrorists, who continue to attack them.

America is a melting pot. Should the citizens here “go back to fucking Europe” or Asia or Africa? You talk out of both sides of your mouth. The thing is (mocking you is fun) you’re an ignorant fool who doesn’t know history, doesn’t know what a phobia is and again accuses those who he disagrees with of being racist, homophobe, bigot, Islamaphobe. When people just disagree.

I have been a Jew all my life. I do not really practice, I am not really religious and IDC all that much about the “Godly ways”. What I have experienced is antisemtism from assholes who dislike me for something I cannot control. That makes them morons. You’re case in point.
See the thing is. You don’t need to start sentences like that.

Israel was won via conquest. See the thing is, we did the same thing with America. I ll make you a deal. When we return the US to Native Americans and Turkey returns Constantinople to the Christians, I will agree with you that the Jews should return the land, which is rightfully theirs but why nitpick to the dirty terrorists. See the thing is (annoying right?) Jews lived all over the Middle East not just Europe. But they were expelled as Islam became more radical. Expelled from Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia. They settled in their ancient homeland of Israel and some Europeans joined them. They fought off the intifadas and the suicide bombers. Build a nice wall and even gave some land back to the terrorists, who continue to attack them.

Guy, they weren't expelled because "Islam became more radical." They were expelled in direct retaliation for the Zionists expelling the Palestinians from their lands. But most of the Zionists are Ashkenazim Jews, not Sephradim. The plan to resettle them there was the British doing Colonialism by other means. That was after they broke every promise they made to the Arabs to secure their aid in fighting the Ottomans in WWI.

Your history is a bit confused.

I should also point out that most Americans- decent ones, anyway - admit that what we did to the Native Americans WAS a great wrong that we need to make up for.

America is a melting pot. Should the citizens here “go back to fucking Europe” or Asia or Africa? You talk out of both sides of your mouth. The thing is (mocking you is fun) you’re an ignorant fool who doesn’t know history, doesn’t know what a phobia is and again accuses those who he disagrees with of being racist, homophobe, bigot, Islamaphobe. When people just disagree.

Yeah, buddy, I have a degree in history from UIC.. What do you have?

The thing is, the immigrants who came here were welcomed.. yes, even by the Native Americans, initially, who liked all the trade goods Europeans brought with them.

Point is, Imperialism might ahve been acceptable in the 18th Century, but in the 21st century, we know it's wrong.

I have been a Jew all my life. I do not really practice, I am not really religious and IDC all that much about the “Godly ways”. What I have experienced is antisemtism from assholes who dislike me for something I cannot control. That makes them morons. You’re case in point.

But the thing is, you guys can control it... you can make a good faith effort to not oppress the Palestinians.

Here's what I find fucking hysterical.... you whining about "Antisemitism", when the Palestinians are FAR more of a Semitic people than the European Zionist invaders.
See the thing is. You don’t need to start sentences like that.

Israel was won via conquest. See the thing is, we did the same thing with America. I ll make you a deal. When we return the US to Native Americans and Turkey returns Constantinople to the Christians, I will agree with you that the Jews should return the land, which is rightfully theirs but why nitpick to the dirty terrorists. See the thing is (annoying right?) Jews lived all over the Middle East not just Europe. But they were expelled as Islam became more radical. Expelled from Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia. They settled in their ancient homeland of Israel and some Europeans joined them. They fought off the intifadas and the suicide bombers. Build a nice wall and even gave some land back to the terrorists, who continue to attack them.

Guy, they weren't expelled because "Islam became more radical." They were expelled in direct retaliation for the Zionists expelling the Palestinians from their lands. But most of the Zionists are Ashkenazim Jews, not Sephradim. The plan to resettle them there was the British doing Colonialism by other means. That was after they broke every promise they made to the Arabs to secure their aid in fighting the Ottomans in WWI.

Your history is a bit confused.

I should also point out that most Americans- decent ones, anyway - admit that what we did to the Native Americans WAS a great wrong that we need to make up for.

America is a melting pot. Should the citizens here “go back to fucking Europe” or Asia or Africa? You talk out of both sides of your mouth. The thing is (mocking you is fun) you’re an ignorant fool who doesn’t know history, doesn’t know what a phobia is and again accuses those who he disagrees with of being racist, homophobe, bigot, Islamaphobe. When people just disagree.

Yeah, buddy, I have a degree in history from UIC.. What do you have?

The thing is, the immigrants who came here were welcomed.. yes, even by the Native Americans, initially, who liked all the trade goods Europeans brought with them.

Point is, Imperialism might ahve been acceptable in the 18th Century, but in the 21st century, we know it's wrong.

I have been a Jew all my life. I do not really practice, I am not really religious and IDC all that much about the “Godly ways”. What I have experienced is antisemtism from assholes who dislike me for something I cannot control. That makes them morons. You’re case in point.

But the thing is, you guys can control it... you can make a good faith effort to not oppress the Palestinians.

Here's what I find fucking hysterical.... you whining about "Antisemitism", when the Palestinians are FAR more of a Semitic people than the European Zionist invaders.

1) No they were expelled because Islam became more radical.

2) Right or wrong is subjective we are not giving the US back to the Native Americans. There are 50+ Islamic nations if the Jews left their homes then the Palies can leave and move to Iran, Iraq, Jordan. Funny how you don’t complain about how Lebanon treats Palies. Why is that? Or how Turkey treats the Kurds? What is your solution in the conflict of Israel and Palies? Do tell.

3) The Jew hate has zero to do with Israel. It is because some Americans on both sides of the political spectrum hate Jews. You’re case in point.

I have finance degree from Duke and an MBA from Northeastern. I am a history buff but didn’t waste my college years studying it.

Lastly, Jews are the real Palestinians. If you want to be all righteous about it.

Oh and provide a link that most Americans hate Columbus Day and want to give the land back or feel really badly for the “natives”.
1) No they were expelled because Islam became more radical.

No... they weren't. They were expelled AFTER the Zionists stole their land. I realize that timelines are kind of tough for you.

2) Right or wrong is subjective we are not giving the US back to the Native Americans. There are 50+ Islamic nations if the Jews left their homes then the Palies can leave and move to Iran, Iraq, Jordan. Funny how you don’t complain about how Lebanon treats Palies. Why is that? Or how Turkey treats the Kurds? What is your solution in the conflict of Israel and Palies? Do tell.

I'm all for a Kurdish homeland... we've effectively established one.

There's a whole bunch of European countries for the European Zionists to go back to, too.

The Palis aren't from Lebanon... Or Jordan... or any of the other countries that have had to deal with the refugee problem the Zionists caused in their land grab.

My solution would be a two state solution, with the Zionists paying hefty reparations to get the Palestinian nation on its feet. Jerusalem becomes a Free City (Like Danzig between the World Wars) that all faiths can have access to. Perhaps administered by the UN.

3) The Jew hate has zero to do with Israel. It is because some Americans on both sides of the political spectrum hate Jews. You’re case in point.

Um, once again, voted for a Jew to be governor of my state... he's already disappointing me, but so did the last three guys I voted for.

I have finance degree from Duke and an MBA from Northeastern. I am a history buff but didn’t waste my college years studying it.

Good thing, too... with your views, a good history professor would laugh you out of class.

MBA? Keep in mind, Bush and Trump are MBA's... it's like the easiest degree for dumb people to get.

Lastly, Jews are the real Palestinians. If you want to be all righteous about it.

No, they aren't. THey just practice a bastardized version of the religion that was practiced there 2000 years ago. They've had 2000 years of interbreeding with white people from Europe and adopting their languages, customs and values...

Oh and provide a link that most Americans hate Columbus Day and want to give the land back or feel really badly for the “natives”.

Research Reveals America's Attitudes about Native People and Native Issues

Nobody hate Columbus day... that really isn't the point, is it.
1) No they were expelled because Islam became more radical.

No... they weren't. They were expelled AFTER the Zionists stole their land. I realize that timelines are kind of tough for you.

2) Right or wrong is subjective we are not giving the US back to the Native Americans. There are 50+ Islamic nations if the Jews left their homes then the Palies can leave and move to Iran, Iraq, Jordan. Funny how you don’t complain about how Lebanon treats Palies. Why is that? Or how Turkey treats the Kurds? What is your solution in the conflict of Israel and Palies? Do tell.

I'm all for a Kurdish homeland... we've effectively established one.

There's a whole bunch of European countries for the European Zionists to go back to, too.

The Palis aren't from Lebanon... Or Jordan... or any of the other countries that have had to deal with the refugee problem the Zionists caused in their land grab.

My solution would be a two state solution, with the Zionists paying hefty reparations to get the Palestinian nation on its feet. Jerusalem becomes a Free City (Like Danzig between the World Wars) that all faiths can have access to. Perhaps administered by the UN.

3) The Jew hate has zero to do with Israel. It is because some Americans on both sides of the political spectrum hate Jews. You’re case in point.

Um, once again, voted for a Jew to be governor of my state... he's already disappointing me, but so did the last three guys I voted for.

I have finance degree from Duke and an MBA from Northeastern. I am a history buff but didn’t waste my college years studying it.

Good thing, too... with your views, a good history professor would laugh you out of class.

MBA? Keep in mind, Bush and Trump are MBA's... it's like the easiest degree for dumb people to get.

Lastly, Jews are the real Palestinians. If you want to be all righteous about it.

No, they aren't. THey just practice a bastardized version of the religion that was practiced there 2000 years ago. They've had 2000 years of interbreeding with white people from Europe and adopting their languages, customs and values...

Oh and provide a link that most Americans hate Columbus Day and want to give the land back or feel really badly for the “natives”.

Research Reveals America's Attitudes about Native People and Native Issues

Nobody hate Columbus day... that really isn't the point, is it.

1) No. Your history is wrong. There was already heavy fighting among the Jews and non Jews so they moved. Again a tiny strip of land. "Palestinians" are Jordanians. Trans Jordan was their land. Problem is they want ALL the land. Not a two state solution.

2) You keep saying you voted for a Jew. It is like a racist having a black friend. I can tell Jew hate when I see it. You have it.

3) I know more than most professors. Think they could get into Duke?

4) Your own link. Only 34 percent of Americans believe that Native people face discrimination.

Wars have consequences. Israel won both of the wars when they were attacked. They are a tiny state. Why can the Palestinians not move to one of their Muslim havens? Like in Afghanistan where a bomber killed people because they were not Sunni. ZERO to do with Israel. You don't see that barbarism at all. Shameful. What land do the Kurds have? LOL.

Dude you need to get your money back for that degree.
1) No. Your history is wrong. There was already heavy fighting among the Jews and non Jews so they moved. Again a tiny strip of land. "Palestinians" are Jordanians. Trans Jordan was their land. Problem is they want ALL the land. Not a two state solution.

Um, yeah,most people would want to rid themselves of colonial invaders... what's your point?

2) You keep saying you voted for a Jew. It is like a racist having a black friend. I can tell Jew hate when I see it. You have it.

Naw... You see, I'd never vote for a Mormon. Main reason I stopped being a Republican... they nominated that POS Romney in 2012. But I can vote for a Jew. You guys are very good at playing the victim card, and people are getting a little tired of it.

4) Your own link. Only 34 percent of Americans believe that Native people face discrimination.

Read past the first paragraph, dummy. I mean, I realize that an MBA isn't that bright.. (I should know, I do their resumes).

Wars have consequences. Israel won both of the wars when they were attacked. They are a tiny state. Why can the Palestinians not move to one of their Muslim havens? Like in Afghanistan where a bomber killed people because they were not Sunni. ZERO to do with Israel. You don't see that barbarism at all. Shameful. What land do the Kurds have? LOL.

By that logic, then... the Jews should have accepted their defeat in WWII... and just happily walked into the ovens....

See how fucked up that is?

The Zionist Entity is a tiny state ON LAND THEY STOLE FROM SOMEONE ELSE.

Given the Zionists haven't won a war since 1967 without the Americans bailing them out, they shouldn't be too keen on the "Victors take the spoils" philosophy.
1) No. Your history is wrong. There was already heavy fighting among the Jews and non Jews so they moved. Again a tiny strip of land. "Palestinians" are Jordanians. Trans Jordan was their land. Problem is they want ALL the land. Not a two state solution.

Um, yeah,most people would want to rid themselves of colonial invaders... what's your point?

2) You keep saying you voted for a Jew. It is like a racist having a black friend. I can tell Jew hate when I see it. You have it.

Naw... You see, I'd never vote for a Mormon. Main reason I stopped being a Republican... they nominated that POS Romney in 2012. But I can vote for a Jew. You guys are very good at playing the victim card, and people are getting a little tired of it.

4) Your own link. Only 34 percent of Americans believe that Native people face discrimination.

Read past the first paragraph, dummy. I mean, I realize that an MBA isn't that bright.. (I should know, I do their resumes).

Wars have consequences. Israel won both of the wars when they were attacked. They are a tiny state. Why can the Palestinians not move to one of their Muslim havens? Like in Afghanistan where a bomber killed people because they were not Sunni. ZERO to do with Israel. You don't see that barbarism at all. Shameful. What land do the Kurds have? LOL.

By that logic, then... the Jews should have accepted their defeat in WWII... and just happily walked into the ovens....

See how fucked up that is?

The Zionist Entity is a tiny state ON LAND THEY STOLE FROM SOMEONE ELSE.

Given the Zionists haven't won a war since 1967 without the Americans bailing them out, they shouldn't be too keen on the "Victors take the spoils" philosophy.

Until your little mind understands that conquest is not theft this debate will go in circles. By your definition the Spaniards stole land from the Incas and Mayans. Muslims stole land from the Byzantine empire. Romans stole land from just about everyone.

You also changed your tune mid debate from two state solution to expelling the Jews. You also know that expelling the Jews will NEVER happen. The true solution is for the Palestinians to move to the 50+ other Muslim countries.
1) No. Your history is wrong. There was already heavy fighting among the Jews and non Jews so they moved. Again a tiny strip of land. "Palestinians" are Jordanians. Trans Jordan was their land. Problem is they want ALL the land. Not a two state solution.

Um, yeah,most people would want to rid themselves of colonial invaders... what's your point?

2) You keep saying you voted for a Jew. It is like a racist having a black friend. I can tell Jew hate when I see it. You have it.

Naw... You see, I'd never vote for a Mormon. Main reason I stopped being a Republican... they nominated that POS Romney in 2012. But I can vote for a Jew. You guys are very good at playing the victim card, and people are getting a little tired of it.

4) Your own link. Only 34 percent of Americans believe that Native people face discrimination.

Read past the first paragraph, dummy. I mean, I realize that an MBA isn't that bright.. (I should know, I do their resumes).

Wars have consequences. Israel won both of the wars when they were attacked. They are a tiny state. Why can the Palestinians not move to one of their Muslim havens? Like in Afghanistan where a bomber killed people because they were not Sunni. ZERO to do with Israel. You don't see that barbarism at all. Shameful. What land do the Kurds have? LOL.

By that logic, then... the Jews should have accepted their defeat in WWII... and just happily walked into the ovens....

See how fucked up that is?

The Zionist Entity is a tiny state ON LAND THEY STOLE FROM SOMEONE ELSE.

Given the Zionists haven't won a war since 1967 without the Americans bailing them out, they shouldn't be too keen on the "Victors take the spoils" philosophy.

Until your little mind understands that conquest is not theft this debate will go in circles. By your definition the Spaniards stole land from the Incas and Mayans. Muslims stole land from the Byzantine empire. Romans stole land from just about everyone.

You also changed your tune mid debate from two state solution to expelling the Jews. You also know that expelling the Jews will NEVER happen. The true solution is for the Palestinians to move to the 50+ other Muslim countries.

So whoever steals it has the "right" to it?

Interesting. Can you point to international law that states that?
1) No. Your history is wrong. There was already heavy fighting among the Jews and non Jews so they moved. Again a tiny strip of land. "Palestinians" are Jordanians. Trans Jordan was their land. Problem is they want ALL the land. Not a two state solution.

Um, yeah,most people would want to rid themselves of colonial invaders... what's your point?

2) You keep saying you voted for a Jew. It is like a racist having a black friend. I can tell Jew hate when I see it. You have it.

Naw... You see, I'd never vote for a Mormon. Main reason I stopped being a Republican... they nominated that POS Romney in 2012. But I can vote for a Jew. You guys are very good at playing the victim card, and people are getting a little tired of it.

4) Your own link. Only 34 percent of Americans believe that Native people face discrimination.

Read past the first paragraph, dummy. I mean, I realize that an MBA isn't that bright.. (I should know, I do their resumes).

Wars have consequences. Israel won both of the wars when they were attacked. They are a tiny state. Why can the Palestinians not move to one of their Muslim havens? Like in Afghanistan where a bomber killed people because they were not Sunni. ZERO to do with Israel. You don't see that barbarism at all. Shameful. What land do the Kurds have? LOL.

By that logic, then... the Jews should have accepted their defeat in WWII... and just happily walked into the ovens....

See how fucked up that is?

The Zionist Entity is a tiny state ON LAND THEY STOLE FROM SOMEONE ELSE.

Given the Zionists haven't won a war since 1967 without the Americans bailing them out, they shouldn't be too keen on the "Victors take the spoils" philosophy.

Until your little mind understands that conquest is not theft this debate will go in circles. By your definition the Spaniards stole land from the Incas and Mayans. Muslims stole land from the Byzantine empire. Romans stole land from just about everyone.

You also changed your tune mid debate from two state solution to expelling the Jews. You also know that expelling the Jews will NEVER happen. The true solution is for the Palestinians to move to the 50+ other Muslim countries.

So whoever steals it has the "right" to it?

Interesting. Can you point to international law that states that?

Conquest is not theft, Herr Lesh. Can you point to international law that states the US has the right to take the land from Native Americans.
1) No. Your history is wrong. There was already heavy fighting among the Jews and non Jews so they moved. Again a tiny strip of land. "Palestinians" are Jordanians. Trans Jordan was their land. Problem is they want ALL the land. Not a two state solution.

Um, yeah,most people would want to rid themselves of colonial invaders... what's your point?

2) You keep saying you voted for a Jew. It is like a racist having a black friend. I can tell Jew hate when I see it. You have it.

Naw... You see, I'd never vote for a Mormon. Main reason I stopped being a Republican... they nominated that POS Romney in 2012. But I can vote for a Jew. You guys are very good at playing the victim card, and people are getting a little tired of it.

4) Your own link. Only 34 percent of Americans believe that Native people face discrimination.

Read past the first paragraph, dummy. I mean, I realize that an MBA isn't that bright.. (I should know, I do their resumes).

Wars have consequences. Israel won both of the wars when they were attacked. They are a tiny state. Why can the Palestinians not move to one of their Muslim havens? Like in Afghanistan where a bomber killed people because they were not Sunni. ZERO to do with Israel. You don't see that barbarism at all. Shameful. What land do the Kurds have? LOL.

By that logic, then... the Jews should have accepted their defeat in WWII... and just happily walked into the ovens....

See how fucked up that is?

The Zionist Entity is a tiny state ON LAND THEY STOLE FROM SOMEONE ELSE.

Given the Zionists haven't won a war since 1967 without the Americans bailing them out, they shouldn't be too keen on the "Victors take the spoils" philosophy.

Until your little mind understands that conquest is not theft this debate will go in circles. By your definition the Spaniards stole land from the Incas and Mayans. Muslims stole land from the Byzantine empire. Romans stole land from just about everyone.

You also changed your tune mid debate from two state solution to expelling the Jews. You also know that expelling the Jews will NEVER happen. The true solution is for the Palestinians to move to the 50+ other Muslim countries.

So whoever steals it has the "right" to it?

Interesting. Can you point to international law that states that?

Conquest is not theft, Herr Lesh. Can you point to international law that states the US has the right to take the land from Native Americans.

By any current international law...that would be illegal.

So you're saying that Germany had a "right" to Poland by right of conquest and Britain and France should have never gone to war there.

Interesting concept. Completely bullshit but interesting nonetheless

"Herr Asshole"...since we're engaging in name calling right scumbag?
1) No. Your history is wrong. There was already heavy fighting among the Jews and non Jews so they moved. Again a tiny strip of land. "Palestinians" are Jordanians. Trans Jordan was their land. Problem is they want ALL the land. Not a two state solution.

Um, yeah,most people would want to rid themselves of colonial invaders... what's your point?

2) You keep saying you voted for a Jew. It is like a racist having a black friend. I can tell Jew hate when I see it. You have it.

Naw... You see, I'd never vote for a Mormon. Main reason I stopped being a Republican... they nominated that POS Romney in 2012. But I can vote for a Jew. You guys are very good at playing the victim card, and people are getting a little tired of it.

4) Your own link. Only 34 percent of Americans believe that Native people face discrimination.

Read past the first paragraph, dummy. I mean, I realize that an MBA isn't that bright.. (I should know, I do their resumes).

Wars have consequences. Israel won both of the wars when they were attacked. They are a tiny state. Why can the Palestinians not move to one of their Muslim havens? Like in Afghanistan where a bomber killed people because they were not Sunni. ZERO to do with Israel. You don't see that barbarism at all. Shameful. What land do the Kurds have? LOL.

By that logic, then... the Jews should have accepted their defeat in WWII... and just happily walked into the ovens....

See how fucked up that is?

The Zionist Entity is a tiny state ON LAND THEY STOLE FROM SOMEONE ELSE.

Given the Zionists haven't won a war since 1967 without the Americans bailing them out, they shouldn't be too keen on the "Victors take the spoils" philosophy.

Until your little mind understands that conquest is not theft this debate will go in circles. By your definition the Spaniards stole land from the Incas and Mayans. Muslims stole land from the Byzantine empire. Romans stole land from just about everyone.

You also changed your tune mid debate from two state solution to expelling the Jews. You also know that expelling the Jews will NEVER happen. The true solution is for the Palestinians to move to the 50+ other Muslim countries.

So whoever steals it has the "right" to it?

Interesting. Can you point to international law that states that?

Conquest is not theft, Herr Lesh. Can you point to international law that states the US has the right to take the land from Native Americans.

By any current international law...that would be illegal.

So you're saying that Germany had a "right" to Poland by right of conquest and Britain and France should have never gone to war there.

Interesting concept. Completely bullshit but interesting nonetheless

"Herr Asshole"...since we're engaging in name calling right scumbag?

Herr Lesh. Israel is the only Jewish state. It is tiny. Islam has 50+ nations, all of which treat women poorly at best, kill gays, imprison those who speak against the Gov't and kill apostates. Israel won this land via numerous wars they didn't start. Note that GB didn't attack until Poland. Do you believe that Israel and the Jews were evil conquerors while the terrorist Arabs were peaceful people?


Even Leftist Maher has some profound thoughts.

Maher: BDS a "Bullsh*t Purity Test"; Media Believes "Jews Must Be Wrong" In Coverage of Palestinians

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