I voted for Trump in 2016

I am 38. My wife and I live in Boston and are parents or two girls. I am a Jew and son of legal immigrants from Russia. I run my own business and my wife raises our kids at home. My parents came here with nothing and built a life for themselves and for me. They still donate a lot of money to charities. They were Democrats since the 70s. I am and always was an Independent.

I voted for DJT because I thought he would be better for the economy, border security and military strength than HRC.

Yet in the mind of many Leftists I am racist based on this vote. As a result I naturally become defensive and verbally attack them back. And this is coming from a moderate who is pro choice, believes we need much better gun control policies, naturally hates white supremacists and I am anti religion teachings in public schools.

That being said I think sports should be played by biological sex not what one identifies with and that the racism card is way overplayed. I do
Not believe we can discuss universal healthcare until we solve our expensive schools as doctors who paid $400k to become doctors should not have their income upside limited by the Govt. I agree that the current healthcare system is broken.

So to all those who call racist because of my vote for DJT in 2016, I say “FU”.
Thank you

I am not calling you a racist but you support someone who not only tolerates racist actions but also at times encourages it from a pulpit...

He also takes no responsibility for his actions...

By the way you asked for three things:
  • Economy : Deficit is increasing. If t he economy is going well why are they increasing the borrowing?
  • Border security : Illegal Immigration is increasing. Trump Administration has convicted zero companies since Jan 2018 for hiring illegal immigrants .
  • Military strength : No point buying more aircraft when the Russians are cyber attacking the US. Trump has effectually done very little to defend US against Russia.
I am not to be hyper critical about people voting for Trump, he is a con artist. But please wake up and smell the coffee..

Since when do lefties give a shit about the deficit? Obama's economy was great according to lefties and in 8 years he almost doubled the national debt.

Since when do lefties give a shit about border security? They want open borders and free health care for all illegals.

Since when do lefties give a shit about military strength? Obama gutted our military to levels not seen since before WW2.
Conquest is not theft, Herr Lesh.

A statement you are now trying (feebly) to walk back

I always said this. If the Arabs want it back they should just take it like they tried in 1948 and 1967.
By that reasoning...Hitler was right in invading Poland

Poland didn't attack Hitler first.

Follow this timeline, Herr Lesh.

  1. UK gives Jews the land of Israel. At the same time they are expelled from Egypt, Morocco, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan and settle in Israel.
  2. 1948 they are attacked by Arabs and win.
  3. 1967 they are attacked by Arabs and win.
They take the land that they deem is theirs. Arabs keep attacking them via intifadas, suicide bombers and rockets. They reject all peace talks. What would you do in Israel's shoes?

In terms of WW2. Hitler started annexing land. Poland never attacked Hitler or provoked him but he had taken other land before and Europe said nothing. Poland was the last stroke and then only Churchill had the balls to declare war on Nazi Germany. Do you really believe that the Jews decided to attack peaceful Arabs and put them behind a wall or do they have their side to tell too?
Follow this timeline, Herr Lesh.

  1. UK gives Jews the land of Israel.

A, It wasn't theirs to give. People already lived there.

B. Hitler used the claim that Germans living in the Polish regions were being mistreated by the Poles. Also that Poland had been taken from Germany after WWI and oh yea...Hitler claimed that Poland attacked Germany

So yea

You're a Jewish Nazi
Conquest is not theft, Herr Lesh.

A statement you are now trying (feebly) to walk back

I always said this. If the Arabs want it back they should just take it like they tried in 1948 and 1967.
By that reasoning...Hitler was right in invading Poland
I'm Jewish with Polish grandparents Their names are on Ellis Island They'd turn over in their graves knowing this POS was our President
Follow this timeline, Herr Lesh.

  1. UK gives Jews the land of Israel.

A, It wasn't theirs to give. People already lived there.

B. Hitler used the claim that Germans living in the Polish regions were being mistreated by the Poles. Also that Poland had been taken from Germany after WWI and oh yea...Hitler claimed that Poland attacked Germany

So yea

You're a Jewish Nazi

1) It was as they won it from the Ottoman Empire.

2) He did a faux claim that Poland attacked Germany first and that was debunked.

3) You may call me whatever you like. It is a free country, Herr Lesh.
Conquest is not theft, Herr Lesh.

A statement you are now trying (feebly) to walk back

I always said this. If the Arabs want it back they should just take it like they tried in 1948 and 1967.
By that reasoning...Hitler was right in invading Poland
I'm Jewish with Polish grandparents Their names are on Ellis Island They'd turn over in their graves knowing this POS was our President

You’re a traitor and you have no idea what your grandparents would or would not say.
Conquest is not theft, Herr Lesh.

A statement you are now trying (feebly) to walk back

I always said this. If the Arabs want it back they should just take it like they tried in 1948 and 1967.
By that reasoning...Hitler was right in invading Poland
I'm Jewish with Polish grandparents Their names are on Ellis Island They'd turn over in their graves knowing this POS was our President

You’re a traitor and you have no idea what your grandparents would or would not say.
Oh I knew them well enough and this traitor served when I was called Your yellow AH in the WH ran like a scared rat
A statement you are now trying (feebly) to walk back

I always said this. If the Arabs want it back they should just take it like they tried in 1948 and 1967.
By that reasoning...Hitler was right in invading Poland
I'm Jewish with Polish grandparents Their names are on Ellis Island They'd turn over in their graves knowing this POS was our President

You’re a traitor and you have no idea what your grandparents would or would not say.
Oh I knew them well enough and this traitor served when I was called Your yellow AH in the WH ran like a scared rat

We're talking about Trump not Clinton.
A statement you are now trying (feebly) to walk back

I always said this. If the Arabs want it back they should just take it like they tried in 1948 and 1967.
By that reasoning...Hitler was right in invading Poland
I'm Jewish with Polish grandparents Their names are on Ellis Island They'd turn over in their graves knowing this POS was our President

You’re a traitor and you have no idea what your grandparents would or would not say.
Oh I knew them well enough and this traitor served when I was called Your yellow AH in the WH ran like a scared rat

Then they were traitors too? IDK. Mine served on the front lines in the Soviet Union. Saw many of their brothers, sisters and friends die at the hands of Nazis. I am not religious but I am a Jew and I will defend Jews around the world because of a homage to my ancestors and because there are so few of us left. I have zero room for traitors like you and zero tolerance.
I always said this. If the Arabs want it back they should just take it like they tried in 1948 and 1967.
By that reasoning...Hitler was right in invading Poland
I'm Jewish with Polish grandparents Their names are on Ellis Island They'd turn over in their graves knowing this POS was our President

You’re a traitor and you have no idea what your grandparents would or would not say.
Oh I knew them well enough and this traitor served when I was called Your yellow AH in the WH ran like a scared rat

Then they were traitors too? IDK. Mine served on the front lines in the Soviet Union. Saw many of their brothers, sisters and friends die at the hands of Nazis. I am not religious but I am a Jew and I will defend Jews around the world because of a homage to my ancestors and because there are so few of us left. I have zero room for traitors like you and zero tolerance.
That only lets me know who besides trump are my enemies I'm an American not an Israeli suck up
I always said this. If the Arabs want it back they should just take it like they tried in 1948 and 1967.
By that reasoning...Hitler was right in invading Poland
I'm Jewish with Polish grandparents Their names are on Ellis Island They'd turn over in their graves knowing this POS was our President

You’re a traitor and you have no idea what your grandparents would or would not say.
Oh I knew them well enough and this traitor served when I was called Your yellow AH in the WH ran like a scared rat

Then they were traitors too? IDK. Mine served on the front lines in the Soviet Union. Saw many of their brothers, sisters and friends die at the hands of Nazis. I am not religious but I am a Jew and I will defend Jews around the world because of a homage to my ancestors and because there are so few of us left. I have zero room for traitors like you and zero tolerance.
Sane people have zero tolerance for Jewish Nazis like yourself

Folks...Imagine if Edward gave me your property...and I forced you to live on a little corner of the back yard...and built a wall around you and any time you complained kicked you in the teeth. What would your reaction be?
By that reasoning...Hitler was right in invading Poland
I'm Jewish with Polish grandparents Their names are on Ellis Island They'd turn over in their graves knowing this POS was our President

You’re a traitor and you have no idea what your grandparents would or would not say.
Oh I knew them well enough and this traitor served when I was called Your yellow AH in the WH ran like a scared rat

Then they were traitors too? IDK. Mine served on the front lines in the Soviet Union. Saw many of their brothers, sisters and friends die at the hands of Nazis. I am not religious but I am a Jew and I will defend Jews around the world because of a homage to my ancestors and because there are so few of us left. I have zero room for traitors like you and zero tolerance.
That only lets me know who besides trump are my enemies I'm an American not an Israeli suck up

You’re a traitor and an asshole. I defend Jews in America as well. You just troll on a Messageboard. And I am your enemy. Do not ever doubt that.
By that reasoning...Hitler was right in invading Poland
I'm Jewish with Polish grandparents Their names are on Ellis Island They'd turn over in their graves knowing this POS was our President

You’re a traitor and you have no idea what your grandparents would or would not say.
Oh I knew them well enough and this traitor served when I was called Your yellow AH in the WH ran like a scared rat

Then they were traitors too? IDK. Mine served on the front lines in the Soviet Union. Saw many of their brothers, sisters and friends die at the hands of Nazis. I am not religious but I am a Jew and I will defend Jews around the world because of a homage to my ancestors and because there are so few of us left. I have zero room for traitors like you and zero tolerance.
Sane people have zero tolerance for Jewish Nazis like yourself

Folks...Imagine if Edward gave me your property...and I forced you to live on a little corner of the back yard...and built a wall around you and any time you complained kicked you in the teeth. What would your reaction be?

If I kept throwing rocks at you, smashing your garden and breaking your windows then I would deserve to have a wall put around me. Edward would not give you anything. He would only take.
I'm Jewish with Polish grandparents Their names are on Ellis Island They'd turn over in their graves knowing this POS was our President

You’re a traitor and you have no idea what your grandparents would or would not say.
Oh I knew them well enough and this traitor served when I was called Your yellow AH in the WH ran like a scared rat

Then they were traitors too? IDK. Mine served on the front lines in the Soviet Union. Saw many of their brothers, sisters and friends die at the hands of Nazis. I am not religious but I am a Jew and I will defend Jews around the world because of a homage to my ancestors and because there are so few of us left. I have zero room for traitors like you and zero tolerance.
That only lets me know who besides trump are my enemies I'm an American not an Israeli suck up

You’re a traitor and an asshole. I defend Jews in America as well. You just troll on a Messageboard. And I am your enemy. Do not ever doubt that.
Yes one is known by the enemies he has You are mine and there are other low browed pos republicans that are also
You’re a traitor and you have no idea what your grandparents would or would not say.
Oh I knew them well enough and this traitor served when I was called Your yellow AH in the WH ran like a scared rat

Then they were traitors too? IDK. Mine served on the front lines in the Soviet Union. Saw many of their brothers, sisters and friends die at the hands of Nazis. I am not religious but I am a Jew and I will defend Jews around the world because of a homage to my ancestors and because there are so few of us left. I have zero room for traitors like you and zero tolerance.
That only lets me know who besides trump are my enemies I'm an American not an Israeli suck up

You’re a traitor and an asshole. I defend Jews in America as well. You just troll on a Messageboard. And I am your enemy. Do not ever doubt that.
Yes one is known by the enemies he has You are mine and there are other low browed pos republicans that are also

I am not a Republican. I do Not belong to any party. You’re a sycophant. A loser. A traitor. A pussy. Sad.
Oh I knew them well enough and this traitor served when I was called Your yellow AH in the WH ran like a scared rat

Then they were traitors too? IDK. Mine served on the front lines in the Soviet Union. Saw many of their brothers, sisters and friends die at the hands of Nazis. I am not religious but I am a Jew and I will defend Jews around the world because of a homage to my ancestors and because there are so few of us left. I have zero room for traitors like you and zero tolerance.
That only lets me know who besides trump are my enemies I'm an American not an Israeli suck up

You’re a traitor and an asshole. I defend Jews in America as well. You just troll on a Messageboard. And I am your enemy. Do not ever doubt that.
Yes one is known by the enemies he has You are mine and there are other low browed pos republicans that are also

I am not a Republican. I do Not belong to any party. You’re a sycophant. A loser. A traitor. A pussy. Sad.
You're not a repub ? You worship that POS trump that makes you nothing but scum Go back to Israeli
Then they were traitors too? IDK. Mine served on the front lines in the Soviet Union. Saw many of their brothers, sisters and friends die at the hands of Nazis. I am not religious but I am a Jew and I will defend Jews around the world because of a homage to my ancestors and because there are so few of us left. I have zero room for traitors like you and zero tolerance.
That only lets me know who besides trump are my enemies I'm an American not an Israeli suck up

You’re a traitor and an asshole. I defend Jews in America as well. You just troll on a Messageboard. And I am your enemy. Do not ever doubt that.
Yes one is known by the enemies he has You are mine and there are other low browed pos republicans that are also

I am not a Republican. I do Not belong to any party. You’re a sycophant. A loser. A traitor. A pussy. Sad.
You're not a repub ? You worship that POS trump that makes you nothing but scum Go back to Israeli

I would Vote for Tulsi. I do not worship anyone. You’re a fat old loser.

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