"I Want Obama to Take Our Guns"

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Gold Member
May 10, 2014
W. Kamau Bell is a sociopolitical stand-up comedian and the host of the

upcoming CNN original series "United Shades of America." He lives in

Berkeley, California. Follow him on Twitter

(CNN)It's times like this that I wish President Obama were the black

militant socialist the right is convinced he is: some combination of young

Malcolm X and an even older Bernie Sanders. (I am thinking about the kind of

Bernie Sanders we will see if he doesn't become president and totally gives

up on the system.)

W. Kamau Bell W. Kamau Bell

This country could use that kind of president, with black people in fear for

our lives during every interaction with police and with literally every

American at risk of some other American deciding to take out as many

innocent people as possible because ... Jesus and Muslims and women with


We could use a President who was, like, "OK. Everybody turn in all your guns

tomorrow by 5 p.m. After that, if I catch you with a gun then I'm sending

SEAL Team Six to your house with a recent Facebook picture of you and those

tanks that shoot fire that we haven't used since Waco -- Ummm -- I mean

since World War II."

If the President were that guy, then all the anger and distrust (and

outright disrespect) directed at him would make sense.

But it doesn't, because he isn't.

The 'Guns in America' town hall in under 2 minutes

The 'Guns in America' town hall in under 2 minutes 01:55

Thursday's town hall meeting on guns in America was a stark example of how

out of proportion the right's feelings are to what the President is actually

doing, or to what he might want to do, or to even what he says at all about

pretty much anything.

When I heard President Obama was having the meeting, I was kind of happy for

him. I thought, "He does well in those situations." I pictured President

Obama standing in the middle of a semicircle of people, with that whole


sleeves-rolled-up -- that whole "Let's get to work!" look that he likes to

sport at times.

In those situations he is at his best: relaxed, funny, off the cuff,

thoughtful and smart, like your favorite substitute teacher.

"He will be able to knock this out of the park," I thought. But the moment

the town hall began I knew he was in trouble.

It felt more like a deposition than a town hall meeting. It felt more like

President Obama was testifying in his own defense and his alibi was falling

apart. And why was that? All the President wants is for fewer Americans to

die from gun violence. That shouldn't be a controversial opinion.

But it is controversial to many on the right, because the President himself

is controversial. His very existence is problematic. He, himself, doesn't

makes sense to people on the right, so they don't trust him.

How the conversation continued after the guns town hall

How the conversation continued after the guns town hall 04:28

Seven years into the Obama presidency the right feels the same way about

President Obama as I would if I woke up tomorrow and a talking horse were

president. I'd be like, "Seriously? This horse is the president? Well, that

just doesn't make any sense. Lemme see that horse's papers. I know I saw

them before, but I just want to see them one more time."

The big difference between me and the right is that after seven years of the

Mr. Ed presidency I think I would start to settle in and believe it was

true. But to the loudest members of the GOP, something still doesn't feel

right about this Obama character being President. They can't trust anything

that comes out of his mouth. And they feel like they have to do something.

Obama's new gun rules don't mean your doctor will rat you out

Your doctor won't rat you out

And that brings us to all these guns. For me, this boils down to a few


Gun owners, how many different ways and/or times does President Obama have

to say that he doesn't want to take your guns away? Is there a specific way

he needs to say it? Because if there is, then just tell him and I'm betting

he will hold a press conference immediately and say it that way.

Or is there a number you all have in your head, and once he hits it you will

stop pretending like he's never said it? Can you tell us what the number is?

Or at least can you tell us if President Obama is close to hitting the

number? Because if he is, again, I'm pretty sure the President would clear

his schedule and just spend the next few weeks saying, "I don't want to take

your guns away" over and over until he hits the magic number.

Martin Luther King Jr.'s daughter on Obama's town hall

Martin Luther King Jr.'s daughter on Obama's town hall 03:17

And then we could all have a productive discussion about how to solve the

problem of America doing nothing when innocent people die for no reason due

to guns being held by the people who kill people.

So Thursday night, instead of having a productive and engaging discussion

about how to have fewer parents learning from a phone call that their

children have been murdered at school, President Obama was mostly on trial

for a crime he didn't commit: stealing our Second Amendment rights.

The real divide on gun control

The real question on gun control

And let me be clear, this would be a great week for President Obama to be on

trial. Not about guns, but about his administration raiding the homes of

undocumented Central American refugees and then deporting them back to the

countries they fled for fear of violence in the first place.

You would think that between not taking people's guns away and deporting

undocumented people, President Obama would be a favorite of conservatives

this week. He should be the leading GOP candidate for President with this

record, but no. They still can't get past the fact he is the President in

the first place -- twice.

Teen: President gave me genuine answer

Teen: President gave me genuine answer 02:40

And let me be clear about something else, gun owners. I want President Obama

to want to take your guns away. I don't trust you with your guns. I don't

trust you to fire them safely. I don't trust you to store them safely. I

don't trust your kids not to find them. I don't trust you not to get them


I don't trust you not to issue a blanket blame of everyone with mental

health issues every time there is a mass shooting, even though we all know

that for the most part people with mental health issues are only dangerous

to a pint of Ben & Jerry's.

And frankly, I don't trust you not to shoot me with your guns for no reason.

But that's just me, and my friends and family.

But it certainly isn't President Obama. So stop pretending that it is.

The longer you gun owners do pretend the President wants your guns, the more

innocent people die, because you can't get past your disbelief that Obama is

the President long enough to have a conversation that would save people's

lol... "In fear with every interaction with police"

Pull your pants up and get a belt and you shouldn't have so many 'run ins' with the man

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