I want the Republicans to win big in 2010 and win the White House in 2012

The republican plan is still a big secret. They're saving it for after the election.

It doesn't appear so far that they need one. The Democrats have screwed the people so badly that it seems many are willing to prefer no plan over failed plans.
Cons are counting on people like you.

The only Cons are in the Government or in Prison. I am sure Taz does not support Demcons in the Government.
I want this to happen for the simple fact that I want to see the blatant hypocrisy that will be present on USMB.

For a non-partisan flamer like myself, I will have loads of fun with that!

I actually agree; if the R's control the Congress and the White House in 2012 they will of course blame Obama and the Democrats for all that is wrong with America, and cut taxes for the richest Americans, suggesting this is the only way to save our nation.
Then, when we really hit bottom, as we almost did in the last days of the administration of Bush II, the R's will finally become extinct, and no amount of bull shit from the mouth of Palin, Gingrich or Graham will convince the sheep otherwise - and we wil finally have a democratic republic focused on policy which benefits the greatest number of Americans.
What they deserve is to find ot that the RepubliCONs agenda is the same as it's been for the last thirty years. Fewer good paying job, soaring national debt, attempts to scrap old age insurance (AKA Social Security), military adventurism (and all the military contractors on the governments teet), I could go on...If you think that's been good I can't help you.

how many good paying jobs are you demonRats offering up.. oh yea that be right minus about 20 million..
I want this to happen for the simple fact that I want to see the blatant hypocrisy that will be present on USMB.

For a non-partisan flamer like myself, I will have loads of fun with that!

I actually agree; if the R's control the Congress and the White House in 2012 they will of course blame Obama and the Democrats for all that is wrong with America, and cut taxes for the richest Americans, suggesting this is the only way to save our nation.
Then, when we really hit bottom, as we almost did in the last days of the administration of Bush II, the R's will finally become extinct, and no amount of bull shit from the mouth of Palin, Gingrich or Graham will convince the sheep otherwise - and we wil finally have a democratic republic focused on policy which benefits the greatest number of Americans.

We know this because Bush constantly blamed Clinton for the recession and 9/11, right?
Oh, wait.
The republican plan is still a big secret. They're saving it for after the election.

Even though the Republican party has no apparent plans, we've seen what at least some of the Tea Party wants to do. Unsurprisingly, its a bit vacuous.

"Vacuous," opposed to what?

Greenbeard said:
One of the primary reasons this hasn't been done before is that it's a terrible idea. Contractionary fiscal policy during good economic times (e.g. the '90s) is fine but during a recession it won't work. Tax revenues fall and spending rising automatically during recessions--this is true even without any sort of stimulus spending. Take away the automatic stabilizers and you'll merely deepen the recession. There are times to seek a balanced budget and there are times when running a deficit is necessary.

As for the two-thirds bit--are there really people out there who want to take the California model for passing a budget national?

Vacuous compared to a $12 T deficite?

Certainly, there are "times to seek a balanced budget." These times should be the rule, not the exception. Unhappily, its proven naive to expect legislatures to plan spending and income levels that ever seek a balance.
I want this to happen for the simple fact that I want to see the blatant hypocrisy that will be present on USMB.

For a non-partisan flamer like myself, I will have loads of fun with that!

I actually agree; if the R's control the Congress and the White House in 2012 they will of course blame Obama and the Democrats for all that is wrong with America, and cut taxes for the richest Americans, suggesting this is the only way to save our nation.
Then, when we really hit bottom, as we almost did in the last days of the administration of Bush II, the R's will finally become extinct, and no amount of bull shit from the mouth of Palin, Gingrich or Graham will convince the sheep otherwise - and we wil finally have a democratic republic focused on policy which benefits the greatest number of Americans.


Is this an admission that the current set of Democrats in control can't do shit?
I want this to happen for the simple fact that I want to see the blatant hypocrisy that will be present on USMB.

For a non-partisan flamer like myself, I will have loads of fun with that!

I actually agree; if the R's control the Congress and the White House in 2012 they will of course blame Obama and the Democrats for all that is wrong with America, and cut taxes for the richest Americans, suggesting this is the only way to save our nation.
Then, when we really hit bottom, as we almost did in the last days of the administration of Bush II, the R's will finally become extinct, and no amount of bull shit from the mouth of Palin, Gingrich or Graham will convince the sheep otherwise - and we wil finally have a democratic republic focused on policy which benefits the greatest number of Americans.


Is this an admission that the current set of Democrats in control can't do shit?

Agreed: It appears that the new Dem strategy is to hope Republicans win in 2010 and 2012 so they can assume their traditional role of pandering to the stupid and the lazy.
When ever there is a shift in power in Washington, each side switches to either offense or defense. Mind you, I am not hoping for a big conservative victory, but I think offense is more fun.
I want this to happen for the simple fact that I want to see the blatant hypocrisy that will be present on USMB.

For a non-partisan flamer like myself, I will have loads of fun with that!

I actually agree; if the R's control the Congress and the White House in 2012 they will of course blame Obama and the Democrats for all that is wrong with America, and cut taxes for the richest Americans, suggesting this is the only way to save our nation.
Then, when we really hit bottom, as we almost did in the last days of the administration of Bush II, the R's will finally become extinct, and no amount of bull shit from the mouth of Palin, Gingrich or Graham will convince the sheep otherwise - and we wil finally have a democratic republic focused on policy which benefits the greatest number of Americans.

Way to spin the truth. When in fact it will be the truth everything that is happening now and the things that will come will be because of what obama and the democrats have done but when the democrats have been removed and everything remains in the shitter you will of course blame it all on the Republicans.
remember when obama was elected the left could not mock the right ...blah blah etc and so forth....

i wonder if the same rules will apply in the upcoming elections.....

or is it simply that the conservative must be protected by the admins of this board?
But first, we get to see the USMB Liberals commit suicide online the night of November 2nd! Another board I'll be watching is Democrat Underground.

you know, i can't imagine a lot of things lower than wishing people dead because you don't agree with their politics.

remember when obama was elected the left could not mock the right ...blah blah etc and so forth....

i wonder if the same rules will apply in the upcoming elections.....

or is it simply that the conservative must be protected by the admins of this board?

gee... i wonder. :rolleyes:
xotoxi, I think you're going to get your wish.

Another fun thing to see once the GOP is back in power how many Gallup poll discussion threads are started by Sinatra when the approval rating is plummeting.

Over/Under: ZERO
When ever there is a shift in power in Washington, each side switches to either offense or defense. Mind you, I am not hoping for a big conservative victory, but I think offense is more fun.

As I see it, nothing ever changes much, no matter who is in power.

The deficit will continue to climb: with dems, it will be because of social programs; with GOP, it will be because of wars.
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The republican plan is still a big secret. They're saving it for after the election.

It doesn't appear so far that they need one. The Democrats have screwed the people so badly that it seems many are willing to prefer no plan over failed plans.
Cons are counting on people like you.

I guess it's no different than how the current people running our nation into the ground counted on imbeciles like you to vote them in.

Actually, I never said who I was voting for. I merely pointed out the epic failure of your party attempting to run the country. There are people who run for offices that don't have Rs and Ds next to their names, you know.
I want this to happen for the simple fact that I want to see the blatant hypocrisy that will be present on USMB.

For a non-partisan flamer like myself, I will have loads of fun with that!

I actually agree; if the R's control the Congress and the White House in 2012 they will of course blame Obama and the Democrats for all that is wrong with America, and cut taxes for the richest Americans, suggesting this is the only way to save our nation.
Then, when we really hit bottom, as we almost did in the last days of the administration of Bush II, the R's will finally become extinct, and no amount of bull shit from the mouth of Palin, Gingrich or Graham will convince the sheep otherwise - and we wil finally have a democratic republic focused on policy which benefits the greatest number of Americans.

I can't believe there are people out there like you who still peddle this bullshit about this party becoming extinct or that party going away. We've been stuck with both parties for 150 years and neither one is going anywhere. Every time one of them gets swept out of power a bunch of partisan goobers like you come along and start chirping about how the American people will never trust them again, they're going the way of the dinosaur, blah, blah, blah. Just like the Republicans were dead forever after 1932. Just like the Democrats were dead forever after the 1950s. Just like the Republicans were dead forever after 1974. Just like the Democrats were dead forever after 1980 and again in 1994. Just like the Republicans were dead forever after 2006.

They're never going away because there will always be plenty of sheep like you who will still vote for one of them. Add this to the fact that you believe by eliminating the GOP and leaving us with just the Democratic Party will somehow blossom our nation into some Utopian paradise just goes to show what a non-credible assclown you are.
I want this to happen for the simple fact that I want to see the blatant hypocrisy that will be present on USMB.

For a non-partisan flamer like myself, I will have loads of fun with that!

I actually agree; if the R's control the Congress and the White House in 2012 they will of course blame Obama and the Democrats for all that is wrong with America, and cut taxes for the richest Americans, suggesting this is the only way to save our nation.
Then, when we really hit bottom, as we almost did in the last days of the administration of Bush II, the R's will finally become extinct, and no amount of bull shit from the mouth of Palin, Gingrich or Graham will convince the sheep otherwise - and we wil finally have a democratic republic focused on policy which benefits the greatest number of Americans.

We know this because Bush constantly blamed Clinton for the recession and 9/11, right?
Oh, wait.

Haven't you heard? Barry ushered in a new fad, 'blaming the preceding administration for all that's wrong in America'. So far, it's 19 months and counting. That makes this administration fair game come 2012.
But first, we get to see the USMB Liberals commit suicide online the night of November 2nd! Another board I'll be watching is Democrat Underground.

you know, i can't imagine a lot of things lower than wishing people dead because you don't agree with their politics.


you laughed your ass off right along with obie wan when wanda smanda syks wished death on Limbaugh. took you a bit to find that immoral.. glad to see you have progressed gurl.

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