I want to know why "pro-choicers" are ghosting my thread about 60 million abortions

And you are hiding your accountability for SPREADING YOUR LEGS.........

So, another run-of-the-mill pervy pro-life control freak. They're dreadfully common.

A woman's body does not belong to you, your church, or your precious, precious big authoritarian government.

Get over it and deal with it.
No...............I've stated that I disagree with Late Term Abortions.........PERIOD...... Many states have told you to stick your comment where the sun doesn't shine........

If you can't figure out to abort or not by 20 weeks plus then you are a moron anyway.

Born at 19 weeks............minimal chance of survival.......video shows a girl 12 years old...........

Imagine that..............It is after 20 weeks where the survival rate goes up and up.................They could have aborted and saved us seeing this video.......

Because she would be dead.
7 states already allow abortion up to birth — not just New York

The seven (now eight) states that have no gestational limits on abortion are: Alaska, Colorado, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, and Vermont, along with Washington, D.C.

The baby can now be killed at birth in the 9th month...........in those States.........Dem run states..............Oh it's not a REAL LIFE YET.............

All I am seeking is an explanation.

Why was it necessary to kill 60 million people?

Clinton said abortion should be "rare".

But "pro-choicers" have not fulfilled the promise that abortion would be "rare".

Have you been involved in any abortions in any capacity?
Hey, me neither! Cool.
Nor I. Ironically, the OP supports fat donnie who's paid for at least 8 abortions for his mistresses.
I mean, if abortion is supposed to be "rare" then the pro-choice crowd should be making the attempt to persuade women not to have abortions unless there is no other alternative possible.

"Persuade" does not mean "force".....except in your trumpland.
Why was it necessary to kill 60 million people?

You clearly really get off on the thought that everyone else is Satanic, and that you're some kind of Holy Warrior.

That's the same motivation that drives Islamic jihadists. You only differ from them in minor doctrinal matters. The basic mindset and beliefs are the same.
Right, but I'm not blowing up buildings or driving trucks through crowded sidewalks.

I'm attempting to save babies from being killed at abortion clinics.

Do you see any difference?
By whining? How many have you saved by whining on this message board?
I mean, if abortion is supposed to be "rare" then the pro-choice crowd should be making the attempt to persuade women not to have abortions unless there is no other alternative possible.


You mean like i should go around trying to convince people not to have tonsilectomies?

I am curious- I believe you truly believe abortion is murder- and are truly against it. Because you consider a newly implanted embryo to be a human being.

But at the same time you hoped for the death of millions of Americans- presumably hundreds of thousands of those would be pregnant women- so in essence- you were hoping for the abortion of hundreds of thousands of babies.

Just because the mother is a Democrat.

Tell me again about your superior moral position?
Why was it necessary to kill 60 million people?

You clearly really get off on the thought that everyone else is Satanic, and that you're some kind of Holy Warrior.

That's the same motivation that drives Islamic jihadists. You only differ from them in minor doctrinal matters. The basic mindset and beliefs are the same.
Right, but I'm not blowing up buildings or driving trucks through crowded sidewalks.

I'm attempting to save babies from being killed at abortion clinics.

Do you see any difference?

What are you doing to stop safe and legal abortions- besides complain here?
So, you believe it's hatred that motivates me to oppose the murder of 60 million human beings?

You do realize that some of those 60 million will grow up to be Democrats.
So you believe that's a convincing argument to persuade me? That I hate Democrats so much I would want them killed before they're born?

You have pretty much said that.

When you expressed your hope that every Democrat in America would commit suicide- and that would include all of those pregnant Democrats.
I guess my question is, why is something so obvious as "murder is wrong" not obvious to you?

Murder is wrong.
We disagree on whether a 3 day embryo is a human being.
The majority of Americans disagree with you on that.
So it isn't that obvious.

If I truly believed that babies were being murdered down the street from me- as you say you do- I would be one of those abortion protesters chaining myself to the doors to stop the murder.

Why aren't you?
Why the lack of response?
Why should we? You never listen. It's all been said a million times.
Listen to what..............Why late term abortions or abortions at the time of birth should be allowed...........


I don't think so...........Perhaps you say that is CHOICE..........and perhaps we may CALL YOU A MURDERER..

Why should I listen to those who argue about allowing abortion even at birth..........hmmmm...
Who on here has done that, other than right wingers claiming such.

And HELLO, the 1% of abortions for most women who end up having late term abortions are mothers who wanted their child and of both parents wanting their , husbands and wives who wanted their child, where a medical situation deems the abortion is medically necessary.

You are being dishonest in your position on abortions with comments like above, just like most right wing pro lifers and that's why most people prefer not to discuss it with you or the op or the rest of you so called prolifers.

The ills of people spouting off nonsense like yours HURTS the goal or quest of reducing abortions...making it a political toy, hurts the cause, period.

AND our yearly abortions have been reduced from our peak in 1990 of 1.6 million, by 50%, to 800k, because many single women have chosen to be single mothers, which has increased greatly in numbers.

We are heading in the right direction...

Making abortion safe, available, but rare...

Coming out of the mother's will... to bear a child, married or not.

That should make prolifers happy.

Until right wingers get the bill for child welfare assistance.... :rolleyes:
And you are hiding your accountability for SPREADING YOUR LEGS.........

If you don't want to have a baby then use protection, or the guy should use a rubber..............If not .......oh well........YOU ARE ACCOUNTABLE for THAT BABY...........

Now I never said I was against the early abortions........LEGALLY..even though I disagree with it...........I've gone the path of MANY STATES that after the 3rd Trimester it shouldn't be allowed.......by that point the baby is well into development...........and at that point I consider it taking a life......

Unless you are in danger of losing the mother...........that child should have the right to be born and NOT HAVE HIS OR HER LIFE TAKEN.......Because at that point I CONSIDER LIFE TO HAVE BEGUN.

The main argument here is WHEN DOES LIFE BEGIN...........Many Dems say it doesn't begin til it's out........which I DISAGREE WITH.

You have SEX.............protect yourself...............or BE ACCOUNTABLE FOR PUTTING IT IN OR SPREADING THOSE LEGS.

Meanwhile of course- now the anti-abortion folks want to force children who have been raped to go through an entire pregnancy and force them to risk their life and health.
Instead of giving them the morning after pill.

Because many Republicans say that life begins the moment the embryo implants- and that if forcing a child to go through pregnancy and risking her life might- might- result in a living baby- it will be worth it.
I'm not asking you to leave me alone. Please explain to me how my belief that killing 60 million human beings is wrong is motivated by hatred?

Because you don't think abortion is killing a human being. You're making that up. Given the way you enjoy hating so much, it's a reasonable assumption to make that you make it up so you have a reason to hate.
Really? Who do I hate?

Pretty much everyone.

Really- do this yourself- search for the word 'hate' and your name

This was the first thread I found from you.
Abortion is the reason I hate Democrats

So you hate 60,000,000 Americans- which of course means you hate 90% of African Americans and some 70% of American Jews.

I don't have the time to go through and identify everyone else you hate.

But clearly you hate Democrats so much you literally told us all you hoped Trump wins and we all commit suicide.
What I find intriguing is that the "pro-choice" people have given me all the usual arguments, but they have no explained why they aren't looking for alternatives to abortion so that so many unborn children don't have to die.

Because you did promise, through Bill Clinton, that abortion would be "rare".

And when I think of the word "rare" I think of a number, maybe less than 1000 abortions per year. That would be "rare". I would not like there to be 1000 abortions per year, but I could live with it.

But we have had 60 million abortions since 1973, which averages to more than 1,000,000 abortions per year.

You have allowed Planned Parenthood to set up clinics where, if a woman goes in to seek advice about whether or not to get an abortion, the clinic worker will "sell" the woman on having an abortion in the same way a car salesman will "sell" a person coming in on buying a new car.

There really should be a neutral involved, don't you think, you can give the woman ALL her options, with no preference shown towards abortion. That would be reasonable, wouldn't it?

But the "pro-choice" movement has OPPOSED any sort of reasonable compromise where women can review their options. The "pro-choice" movement has acted on the notion that a woman should only be presented the option of having an abortion, with other options disfavored.

So really, "pro-choicers" why don't you want women to have a REAL choice?
And when they count abortions, so many are not even counted, like abortions through the "day after" pill.
And I would love to argue slavery with the "pro-choice" movement.

Are you "pro-choice" about slavery?

Abolitionists were told, when slavery was legal, that it was none of their business that some people owned blacks as slaves.

"If you don't like slavery, don't own a slave."

Well, I guess everyone knows the abolitionists didn't accept that argument as sound.
All I am seeking is an explanation.

Why was it necessary to kill 60 million people?

Clinton said abortion should be "rare".

But "pro-choicers" have not fulfilled the promise that abortion would be "rare".

What are conservatives doing to reduce the need for abortions?

Opposing insurance paid birth control
Cutting Medicaid
Reducing childcare payouts
Opposing SNAP
All I am seeking is an explanation.

Why was it necessary to kill 60 million people?

Clinton said abortion should be "rare".

But "pro-choicers" have not fulfilled the promise that abortion would be "rare".

What are conservatives doing to reduce the need for abortions?

Opposing insurance paid birth control
Cutting Medicaid
Reducing childcare payouts
Opposing SNAP

your ignorance knows no bounds,,,

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