CDZ I want to present this in this forum hopefully to get some real dialogue

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I'm not about to debate C-19's virility or M&M stats in this thread fellas

Save for when we allow totalitarianism to trash our constitution ,freedoms , rights because we're all cowering in fear

One needs to respect America has been a roll model for all the oppressed, all the subjugated , all those dark corners of this rock's recent history

We as a people have a personal responsibility to uphold the torch of freedom , the light of liberty

Not allow governance to piss on it,while the world watches.....

If your position cannot be proven wrong by any amount of new data, then it is not based on science or reason.

It is a matter of blind faith.

All that has happened regarding mitigation of COVID19 infection and community spread to this point in time has already been established as historical fact.

Do you think think the following mitigation by the NBA was a political move to hurt Trump?

Mar 12, 2020 · The NBA has suspended its season after a player preliminarily tested positive for coronavirus, stunning fans and players......
illness & death turned into a political circus, both sides, to much face time, to much virus money being shifted to cronies , not enough focus on health care.
Your conspiracy theory is based on a completely dishonest false equivalency comparing H1N1 to COVID-19.

Why is it verboten to compare THIS flu to "other flus"??? Is it because we've IGNORING 20K or 33K deaths a year for the past several decades from flus were we HAVE immunity and sometimes a vaccine? Doesn't MATTER to you that the death rate numbers for Covid are "educated guesses" and the TRUTH is not even known by the CDC?

Are you UNABLE to coop with intellectual exercises that MIGHT put things in a better perspective than the COMPLETELY WRONG initial guidance from WHO or the COMPLETELY WRONG early models of deaths projections that were mischaracterized by the media and led to panic????

It's a free country dude.. We allow free thinking and discourse and opinion... And it's up to YOU and ME to sort it all out in the end.. Not the phony "fact checkers" or politicians or rabid party warriors...
“Think of the number — potentially 2.2 million people if we did nothing, if we didn’t do the distancing, if we didn’t do all of the things that we’re doing,” Trump said Sunday.

Trump did screw up there.. That 2.2 million people was one of those early FAULTY estimates.. But nonetheless it was the BEST guess of scientists QUALIFIED to guess.. THey just blew it.. So which is worse? An entire country going into bunker mode, crashing the whole economy, and panicking scared hurting people EVEN MORE than Covid --- because of BAD scientific guessing?? Or comparing Covid to other flus?
If your position cannot be proven wrong by any amount of new data, then it is not based on science or reason.

It is a matter of blind faith.

All that has happened regarding mitigation of COVID19 infection and community spread to this point in time has already been established as historical fact.

Do you think think the following mitigation by the NBA was a political move to hurt Trump?

Mar 12, 2020 · The NBA has suspended its season after a player preliminarily tested positive for coronavirus, stunning fans and players......

Irrelevant to both our positions. I mean, really. you know that. The reasons are obvious.

You don't care about that. you admitted that.

You really think that my point about this being a politics tainted panic is going to be undermined by you presenting an example of someone taking a step to reduce transmission...?

That's silly.
It's a free country dude.. We allow free thinking and discourse and opinion... And it's up to YOU and ME to sort it all out in the end.. Not the phony "fact checkers" or politicians or rabid party warriors...

It was a free country FCT

once the rubicon is crossed , there's no going back to our ethical can't be just a little pregnant...

what's that worth, is my point

16#328 reply to 16#324
Why is it verboten to compare THIS flu to "other flus"???

It is not verboten to compare COVID19 to other novel virus flu. In fact that is what I have been doing for weeks here.

Culminating in this:


Trump supporters and libertarians in general reject the science behind this chart because it does not conform to the Trumpian world view that if a desired reality does not exist - create one. Here is a good example of that;

Post #52.
It is- as was h1n1 and all previous strains and there was no hysteria- this is all media bullshit because they don't like Trump and will sell their souls just to be able to hate him publicly.

H1N1 never threatened to overwhelm the hospitals and there were a very low number of flu-related deaths that year.
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I don't easily abide monologues-

I want to talk about intellectual honesty. I posted this in another thread

I'm using that article as an example because I use the term intellectual honesty a lot- Rush, is a great example as well as our own beloved, I'm sure, PoliticalChic- I've said for years Rush is very intelligent, but he is hyper-partisan. I've told our very own, beloved, I'm sure, PoliticalChic, the same thing- I give them their just due for their intelligence, (and I'll add now, their tenacity as there is a lot to be said for that trait) but I can't abide their hyper-partisan intellect. Both are intelligent enough to know better and the evidence is overwhelming that there is very little difference in the Party elite outside their rhetoric, which is used as a tool to keep citizens divided. Any half wit can see there is no difference. Hitting a brick wall at 100 or at 90 still is hitting a brick wall. The only (maybe) difference is the rate of descent to the same destination- and that rate of descent is accelerating almost daily.

In the article it says what it says- I'm not going to give away the punch line- you have to read it and make your own determination.
Rush is being honest, there is no pandemic, if you see the national and world death totals for all causes per day you will see no inflation
Trump supporters and libertarians in general
In your all knowing everything there is to know about everything you might engage some libertarians and Libertarians prior to make an idiot of yourself in public- most libertarians and most Libertarians despise Trump- bit, never let a perceived opportunity to dis those you know absolutely nothing aboutslap you down-

H1N1 never threatened to overwhelm the hospitals and there were a very low number of flu-related deaths that year.
Neither has this latest strain of flu- it's TDS hype is more dangerous to non-thinkers who break their arms patting themselves on the back with nonsensical rhetoric feeling they are being cute-
Trump supporters and libertarians in general
In your all knowing everything there is to know about everything you might engage some libertarians and Libertarians prior to make an idiot of yourself in public- most libertarians and most Libertarians despise Trump- bit, never let a perceived opportunity to dis those you know absolutely nothing aboutslap you down-

H1N1 never threatened to overwhelm the hospitals and there were a very low number of flu-related deaths that year.
Neither has this latest strain of flu- it's TDS hype is more dangerous to non-thinkers who break their arms patting themselves on the back with nonsensical rhetoric feeling they are being cute-
Dr Phil says that multiple times more people are going to die of depression related stress ailments than will die of the Kung Flu
r Phil says that multiple times more people are going to die of depression related stress ailments than will die of the Kung Flu

Will they need to be quarantined and intubated in the hospitals because of their depression related ailment.

Depression does not spread by talking face to face to people does it?
16#328 reply to 16#324
Why is it verboten to compare THIS flu to "other flus"???

It is not verboten to compare COVID19 to other novel virus flu. In fact that is what I have been doing for weeks here.

Culminating in this:

View attachment 325200

Trump supporters and libertarians in general reject the science behind this chart because it does not conform to the Trumpian world view that if a desired reality does not exist - create one. Here is a good example of that;

Post #52.
It is- as was h1n1 and all previous strains and there was no hysteria- this is all media bullshit because they don't like Trump and will sell their souls just to be able to hate him publicly.

H1N1 never threatened to overwhelm the hospitals and there were a very low number of flu-related deaths that year.

But you've admitted that your position is not based on facts, so this is not your real reasons.

It is just you advertising for your position, using arguments that you think other people might like.

What is your real, emotion based reason for this?

Mr. NotfooledbyW.
Dr Phil says that multiple times more people are going to die of depression related stress ailments than will die of the Kung Flu

Are you attempting to deny that a disproportionate number of Americans have been dying in hospitals and nursing homes and Emergency Ambulance calls during the past four weeks.

No matter the cause of death can you prove that there is no abnormal death rate this year than seen in previous years?
But you've admitted that your position is not based on facts,

Where do you think I admitted that?

When you state that your position cannot be disproved by new information, you are admitting that it is not based on information or facts or reason, but something else.

Which you did.

If you can't understand that, I'm not sure I can make it any clearer. We are at the level of wet things being wet, not dry, in terms of thinking.
Dr Phil says that multiple times more people are going to die of depression related stress ailments than will die of the Kung Flu

Are you attempting to deny that a disproportionate number of Americans have been dying in hospitals and nursing homes and Emergency Ambulance calls during the past four weeks.

No matter the cause of death can you prove that there is no abnormal death rate this year than seen in previous years?
The number of Americans dying in hospitals and nursing homes is far less than died in hospitals and nursing homes in 2018

r Phil says that multiple times more people are going to die of depression related stress ailments than will die of the Kung Flu

Will they need to be quarantined and intubated in the hospitals because of their depression related ailment.

Depression does not spread by talking face to face to people does it?
So if 1,000,000 or more die of depression and 50,000 die of covid 19 which is less than the 80,000 that died of the flu in 2018 you are fine with that?

Wake up there is no pandemic, my entire family had Covid-19 and we are all fine, one of the members of my family lost their hearing for a week, I had the sweats lol now I am immune while you live in fear

Great 2 b me

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