CDZ I want to present this in this forum hopefully to get some real dialogue

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We have a President who says shutting the country was necessary to save over two million lives.

Told you the 2 million # was a failure of EARLY modeling that DID include "guesses" at the efficacy of "stay at home"... But they MISSED that number by more than a factor of 10 because not only was containment more effective, but the virus did not bubble up in as many major metros as they estimated.. Trump can take some credit -- but the 2 million is "old news" and not good for anything..
This aint going anywhere because you don't recognize the APPALLING situation this nation is in right now apparently..

You are wrong, but tell me what I can do to stop the spread of depression.

I think the entire situation is appalling. One of the most appalling comes from those who downplay the severity of a novel virus pandemic as being nothing worse than the common flu. or car crashes.

I posted this earlier:

More than 1,500 people died in a 48-hour period in New York City this week, according to the city Health Department. That still fails to capture the full extent of the crisis, as city officials are still not releasing numbers of probable COVID-19 deaths where tests were not conducted.​

At one hospital in Queens, a physician who oversees an intensive care unit said the hospital was struggling to find places to put the dead. Before the pandemic, they’d see 10 to 15 deaths a week, he said. Now they’re seeing 20 to 25 a day.​

That’s appalling. I’m getting to convince the non believers that is real and not an anti-Trump hoax.

Why do you oppose me doing that.

Here's why.. What is the TOTAL % of people who have been infected in America >????

Less than 2%... Only a fraction of 1% have it at this moment.

WHO is dying from this flu?

Avg age of death is about 80 yrs old.. Under age 50 and NOT med compromised deaths are rare.

What is the mortality rate of this flu?

OFFICIALLY?? the guess from the CDC is 0.8% to 1.25%... That makes it 8 to 12 times deadlier than a normal flu with herd and vaccine immunity.. However recent ANTIBODY tests to find the #infected so you calculate a death rate (#deaths/#infected) indicate that this is LIKELY TO BE a mortality rate of more like 0.15% to 0.3% making it 0,5 to 3 times more deadly than a 'normal' flu..

Go look up one of the FIRST antibody tests out of Stanford for Santa Clara County. Released the past 2 days.. The number of people that have been infected indicate the death rate MAY be 25 to 80 times LOWER than the early CDC estimate. Meaning MOST of the people who have HAD this flu did not even SEEK medical help.. May not have KNOWN they had it.. So they aren't IN the #reported that you see on the news....

Here's WHO is dying from Covid below in the chart.. Given all this information -- it's the ELDERLY and the med compromised that should "stay at home" and ALL of our attention should be on KEEPING THEM safe while everybody else goes back to work in a REASONABLE and SAFE manner...

Told you the 2 million # was a failure of EARLY modeling that DID include "guesses" at the efficacy of "stay at home"... But they MISSED that number by more than a factor of 10 because not only was containment more effective, but the virus did not bubble up in as many major metros as they estimated..

Of course the 2.2 million projection did not include "guesses" at the efficacy of "stay at home"..

Go look up one of the FIRST antibody tests out of Stanford for Santa Clara County. Released the past 2 days..

Why didn’t you disclose this about the Santa Clara study

This article is a preprint and has not been certified by peer review [what does this mean?]. It reports new medical research that has yet to be evaluated and so should not be used to guide clinical practice.
I don't easily abide monologues-

I want to talk about intellectual honesty. I posted this in another thread

I'm using that article as an example because I use the term intellectual honesty a lot- Rush, is a great example as well as our own beloved, I'm sure, PoliticalChic- I've said for years Rush is very intelligent, but he is hyper-partisan. I've told our very own, beloved, I'm sure, PoliticalChic, the same thing- I give them their just due for their intelligence, (and I'll add now, their tenacity as there is a lot to be said for that trait) but I can't abide their hyper-partisan intellect. Both are intelligent enough to know better and the evidence is overwhelming that there is very little difference in the Party elite outside their rhetoric, which is used as a tool to keep citizens divided. Any half wit can see there is no difference. Hitting a brick wall at 100 or at 90 still is hitting a brick wall. The only (maybe) difference is the rate of descent to the same destination- and that rate of descent is accelerating almost daily.

In the article it says what it says- I'm not going to give away the punch line- you have to read it and make your own determination.
As you say, it really is about intellectual honesty.

These people, hardcore Left and hardcore Right, all follow the same approach. Particularly in the media, and particularly those who appear to think they're in the media:
  1. Begin with a simplistic, shallow, one-sided, highly partisan premise
  2. Highlight, focus on, and expand all information, data and news that supports your premise
  3. Avoid, ignore, diminish, dismiss and/or distort all information that is contrary to your premise
  4. Jump to dishonest conclusions, make assumptions, and belch out simplistic extrapolations based on the above purposely twisted reality
  5. When challenged, defend yourself by saying "everything I said was true" - which purposely overlooks all the information and facts you have avoided, distorted and ignored.
That is intellectual dishonesty in its purest form: Purposely mixing fact and fiction to push an ideological "point". And they do it so often that it appears to come naturally to them.

It can be Limbaugh, it can be Maddow, it can be any of their peers or any of their fans. These people are a malignancy on this country, and they're winning.

You are hardcore left. What room do you have to talk?
I don't easily abide monologues-

I want to talk about intellectual honesty. I posted this in another thread

I'm using that article as an example because I use the term intellectual honesty a lot- Rush, is a great example as well as our own beloved, I'm sure, PoliticalChic- I've said for years Rush is very intelligent, but he is hyper-partisan. I've told our very own, beloved, I'm sure, PoliticalChic, the same thing- I give them their just due for their intelligence, (and I'll add now, their tenacity as there is a lot to be said for that trait) but I can't abide their hyper-partisan intellect. Both are intelligent enough to know better and the evidence is overwhelming that there is very little difference in the Party elite outside their rhetoric, which is used as a tool to keep citizens divided. Any half wit can see there is no difference. Hitting a brick wall at 100 or at 90 still is hitting a brick wall. The only (maybe) difference is the rate of descent to the same destination- and that rate of descent is accelerating almost daily.

In the article it says what it says- I'm not going to give away the punch line- you have to read it and make your own determination.
As you say, it really is about intellectual honesty.

These people, hardcore Left and hardcore Right, all follow the same approach. Particularly in the media, and particularly those who appear to think they're in the media:
  1. Begin with a simplistic, shallow, one-sided, highly partisan premise
  2. Highlight, focus on, and expand all information, data and news that supports your premise
  3. Avoid, ignore, diminish, dismiss and/or distort all information that is contrary to your premise
  4. Jump to dishonest conclusions, make assumptions, and belch out simplistic extrapolations based on the above purposely twisted reality
  5. When challenged, defend yourself by saying "everything I said was true" - which purposely overlooks all the information and facts you have avoided, distorted and ignored.
That is intellectual dishonesty in its purest form: Purposely mixing fact and fiction to push an ideological "point". And they do it so often that it appears to come naturally to them.

It can be Limbaugh, it can be Maddow, it can be any of their peers or any of their fans. These people are a malignancy on this country, and they're winning.

You are hardcore left. What room do you have to talk?
I have plenty of room to talk, because unlike you, I hold BOTH ends fully accountable, regularly, as I clearly did in the post YOU JUST QUOTED.

And you obviously don't know my politics. I'm not an obedient Trump sycophant, so I must be a radical pinko socialist Hitler commie, to you.

I wonder if you realize the only time we communicate is when you jump in to complain about me, without me mentioning (or thinking about) you.
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Not at all.. The org that compiled it is mixing apples and oranges.. #deaths with death rates.. And a death rate for an epidemic virus is STATIC, not dynamic... So the chart is a useless fraud..

I told you -- EVEN CDC doesn't know a death rate yet...

It’s a simple curve comparison of deaths per week on a per capita basis.

The authors say;

Note that the data sets begin at different points in the year (as marked on the left). Also note that the figures shown here are for new deaths each week, not for cumulative deaths.

There is no ‘death rate’ comparison at all.

Crashes, Not Like...
It’s about the spike.
Ari Schulman, Brendan Foht, Samuel Matlack

How deadly is Covid-19 compared to seasonal flu, past pandemics, or car crashes?

To offer context, we have produced two charts showing coronavirus deaths along with deaths from other common causes in the past to which the disease has recently been compared. One chart shows deaths for the United States, the other for New York, the state hardest hit.

Note that the data sets begin at different points in the year (as marked on the left). Also note that the figures shown here are for new deaths each week, not for cumulative deaths.

United States

The chart shows deaths per capita to allow for comparison of data from different years. Deaths are shown from:

  • Covid-19, starting from February 17. (Covid Tracking Project)
  • The 2017-18 flu season: This was the deadliest recent flu season. The chart shows one line for deaths attributed directly to flu, and another for deaths attributed to either flu or pneumonia. The smaller line is an undercount of flu-caused deaths, the larger is an overcount, with the real number lying somewhere in between. (More on this below.) The data begin on October 1, 2017, which the CDC considered the first week of that flu season. (CDC)
  • Heart disease and cancer: The first and second leading causes of death in the United States. The chart shows total 2017 deaths averaged per week. (CDC)
  • Car crashes: Weekly deaths beginning from January 1, 2018. (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)
  • 1957-58 Asian flu pandemic: Weekly influenza and pneumonia deaths beginning from August 24, 1957. These data come from a contemporary CDC program that surveilled 108 American cities with a total population of about 50 million people. We have used that figure, rather than the total U.S. population at the time, to calculate deaths per million. (CDC)
New York State


Because the number of weekly Covid-19 deaths in New York is now larger than the typical number of weekly deaths from all causes, we are omitting most of the individual causes from the chart. And because the state’s population has been highly stable over the time periods considered — decreasing by just 0.7 percent since 2017, according to the latest Census Bureau estimates — we have chosen to show both absolute deaths and deaths per capita. The causes shown are:

  • Covid-19 deaths, starting from March 2. (Covid Tracking Project)
  • The 2017-18 flu season, with week 1 beginning on October 1, 2017. (CDC)
  • All deaths from all causes for the same period as the 2017-18 flu season. (CDC)
Note the markedly larger scale of deaths per million on the New York chart as compared to the United States — indicating how much harder Covid-19 has hit that state than the country as a whole.
Of course the 2.2 million projection did not include "guesses" at the efficacy of "stay at home"..

Of course it DID.. Confirmed by Birx and Fauci in those WH press briefings you won't watch or CANT SEE on the broadcasts you watch... They were CRUDE guesses at remediating the situation with MASS confinement -- but they WERE in there.. Also guessing at how many major metros would bubble up...

Models are not scientific evidence.. They are scientific TOOLS for THINKING about complex systems. And unfortunately, in uncharted territory -- politicians and the media have to act or react on something.

Why didn’t you disclose this about the Santa Clara study

Because at THIS point -- NONE of that matters. Science is slow.. The pandemic is NOT. And every data point matters.. ESPECIALLY when it's the 1st results on a topic that has IMMEDIATE public policy implications? I remember not too long ago arguing about "models" and "theories" on GWarming that were not correct EVEN AFTER the "process" was done...

Because I KNOW, having done this myself, that GETTING PUBLISHED is NOT the same thing as "the science being settled".... :rolleyes:
Not at all.. The org that compiled it is mixing apples and oranges.. #deaths with death rates.. And a death rate for an epidemic virus is STATIC, not dynamic... So the chart is a useless fraud..

I told you -- EVEN CDC doesn't know a death rate yet...

It’s a simple curve comparison of deaths per week on a per capita basis.

The authors say;

Note that the data sets begin at different points in the year (as marked on the left). Also note that the figures shown here are for new deaths each week, not for cumulative deaths.

There is no ‘death rate’ comparison at all.

Crashes, Not Like...
It’s about the spike.
Ari Schulman, Brendan Foht, Samuel Matlack

How deadly is Covid-19 compared to seasonal flu, past pandemics, or car crashes?

To offer context, we have produced two charts showing coronavirus deaths along with deaths from other common causes in the past to which the disease has recently been compared. One chart shows deaths for the United States, the other for New York, the state hardest hit.

Note that the data sets begin at different points in the year (as marked on the left). Also note that the figures shown here are for new deaths each week, not for cumulative deaths.

United States

The chart shows deaths per capita to allow for comparison of data from different years. Deaths are shown from:

  • Covid-19, starting from February 17. (Covid Tracking Project)
  • The 2017-18 flu season: This was the deadliest recent flu season. The chart shows one line for deaths attributed directly to flu, and another for deaths attributed to either flu or pneumonia. The smaller line is an undercount of flu-caused deaths, the larger is an overcount, with the real number lying somewhere in between. (More on this below.) The data begin on October 1, 2017, which the CDC considered the first week of that flu season. (CDC)
  • Heart disease and cancer: The first and second leading causes of death in the United States. The chart shows total 2017 deaths averaged per week. (CDC)
  • Car crashes: Weekly deaths beginning from January 1, 2018. (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)
  • 1957-58 Asian flu pandemic: Weekly influenza and pneumonia deaths beginning from August 24, 1957. These data come from a contemporary CDC program that surveilled 108 American cities with a total population of about 50 million people. We have used that figure, rather than the total U.S. population at the time, to calculate deaths per million. (CDC)
New York State


Because the number of weekly Covid-19 deaths in New York is now larger than the typical number of weekly deaths from all causes, we are omitting most of the individual causes from the chart. And because the state’s population has been highly stable over the time periods considered — decreasing by just 0.7 percent since 2017, according to the latest Census Bureau estimates — we have chosen to show both absolute deaths and deaths per capita. The causes shown are:

  • Covid-19 deaths, starting from March 2. (Covid Tracking Project)
  • The 2017-18 flu season, with week 1 beginning on October 1, 2017. (CDC)
  • All deaths from all causes for the same period as the 2017-18 flu season. (CDC)
Note the markedly larger scale of deaths per million on the New York chart as compared to the United States — indicating how much harder Covid-19 has hit that state than the country as a whole.

Have to admit -- I did a really bad job of beating this graph dead -- so NOW that you're actually discussing it -- let me do a better job...

Starting with the discussion of "mortality rates"... All the things in the original graph are different.. The Mortality probabilities for car crashes DOESN't change with time.. Neither do ANY of the original things in the original graph.. But HEART disease for instance has a mortality based on "per capita".. Auto accidents have a probability based on "per capita" -- NOT on the number of people "infected" with heart disease...

For a contagious VIRUS -- the calculation of mortality probability is ALSO a STATIC, non-time varying number.. It's NOT based (or normalized) on "per capita"... It's based and normalized on #INFECTED !!!!!!

There is no need to display mortality probabilities vs time for a contagion epidemic.. And it's meaningless to base that or normalize that by "per capita"... This static number does not change with #Infected which HAS been a guess, but the Mortality rate can only GO DOWN from here as the early antibody studies are showing...

((( Because I spent 19 years in Silicon Valley in the HEART of Santa Clara county, I know these results are NOT generally extrapolated to ALL of Cali or ALL of the US.. WHY??? Because of the higher concentration of travel and trade between the companies in Silicon Valley and China... But they DO mean that the #reported in CALI IS way higher than anyone thought.. Tho -- it MIGHT be the case in San Fran county as well because of the large China travel there as well)))))

So -- enjoy the better "scientific peer review" I'm sharing here.. Science is a ROUGH place.. Filled with primadonnas and narcissists who will peck each other to DEATH if they could.. So just tossing a random graph out with OBVIOUS flaws is gonna get a LOT of jeers and Bronx cheers....
There is no need to display mortality probabilities vs time for a contagion epidemic.. And it's meaningless to base that or normalize that by "per capita"... This static number does not change with #Infected which HAS been a guess, but the Mortality rate can only GO DOWN from here as the early antibody studies are showing...

THE graph is plotting deaths per week based on HISTORICAL data that will never ever change. That plots a curve to show the spike of patients and deaths that can overwhelm the hospital and the morgue and and overwhelm the staff to handle patients at once.

COVID19 is already at a historical record number of deaths per week.

It’s a very simple chart using basic math.

Any normal human being can read it and see that C19 has caused a spike in deaths not seen for over a hundred years.

If there is something wrong with number of deaths per week or any of the comparisons let me know.


There is no per week spike in deaths comparable to that red C19 Line.
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its a very simple chart using basic math.

That's the problem here. It's TOO simple and basically deceptive...
COVID19 at it’s historical number of deaths per week.

Nothing wrong with the Covid curve.. If it's deaths per week.. NORMALIZED by "per capita"... BUT that tells you NOTHING about the STATIC lethality of the disease.. It's misleading because Covid is PEAKING right now.. The problem would be comparing THOSE WEEKS to a 2019/2020 flu season that is (for all purposes) OVER in the same weeks.. Those flus PEAKED back in Nov thru January... And those flus had in place "natural and vaccine" immunity... And the "per capita" doesn't tell YOU how many people GOT those normal flus...
There were less than a couple hundred deaths from Covid til about mid January.. And I haven't EVEN CHECKED the accuracy of the number for covid deaths in your chart because of ALL the other problems it has...
There is no need to display mortality probabilities vs time for a contagion epidemic.. And it's meaningless to base that or normalize that by "per capita"... This static number does not change with #Infected which HAS been a guess, but the Mortality rate can only GO DOWN from here as the early antibody studies are showing...

THE graph is plotting deaths per week based on HISTORICAL data that will never ever change. That plots a curve to show the spike of patients and deaths that can overwhelm the hospital and the morgue and and overwhelm the staff to handle patients at once.

COVID19 is already at a historical record number of deaths per week.

It’s a very simple chart using basic math.

Any normal human being can read it and see that C19 has caused a spike in deaths not seen for over a hundred years.

If there is something wrong with number of deaths per week or any of the comparisons let me know.

View attachment 325812
There is no per week spike in deaths comparable to that red C19 Line.

My Bad... I should have checked the Covid line in your lame ass chart first.. I got distracted by all the OTHER faults.. The numbers for that red line are PURE SHIT... Showing 200 deaths per million about 2 week March... That's 64,000 DEATHS PER WEEK... Did not happen that way... Number of CASES per day did not break 300 or 400 UNTIL your graph starts...

I think what you got is bad statistical sushi... I'm done and out...
There is no need to display mortality probabilities vs time for a contagion epidemic.. And it's meaningless to base that or normalize that by "per capita"... This static number does not change with #Infected which HAS been a guess, but the Mortality rate can only GO DOWN from here as the early antibody studies are showing...

THE graph is plotting deaths per week based on HISTORICAL data that will never ever change. That plots a curve to show the spike of patients and deaths that can overwhelm the hospital and the morgue and and overwhelm the staff to handle patients at once.

COVID19 is already at a historical record number of deaths per week.

It’s a very simple chart using basic math.

Any normal human being can read it and see that C19 has caused a spike in deaths not seen for over a hundred years.

If there is something wrong with number of deaths per week or any of the comparisons let me know.

View attachment 325812
There is no per week spike in deaths comparable to that red C19 Line.

My Bad... I should have checked the Covid line in your lame ass chart first.. I got distracted by all the OTHER faults.. The numbers for that red line are PURE SHIT... Showing 200 deaths per million about 2 week March... That's 64,000 DEATHS PER WEEK... Did not happen that way... Number of CASES per day did not break 300 or 400 UNTIL your graph starts...

I think what you got is bad statistical sushi... I'm done and out...


If the rest of the chart represents the average deaths per million in New York State then the quick math for his red line is...

250+ died per million
19.5 million people million people in the New York State


250 per million X 19.5 million people = 4875 people died in New York State for the day that red line passes the 250 people per million died mark.


I don't think so.

If the highest death count a day in New York State was 400 that's only 2800 people died during a week at most.


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I don't easily abide monologues-

I want to talk about intellectual honesty. I posted this in another thread

I'm using that article as an example because I use the term intellectual honesty a lot- Rush, is a great example as well as our own beloved, I'm sure, PoliticalChic- I've said for years Rush is very intelligent, but he is hyper-partisan. I've told our very own, beloved, I'm sure, PoliticalChic, the same thing- I give them their just due for their intelligence, (and I'll add now, their tenacity as there is a lot to be said for that trait) but I can't abide their hyper-partisan intellect. Both are intelligent enough to know better and the evidence is overwhelming that there is very little difference in the Party elite outside their rhetoric, which is used as a tool to keep citizens divided. Any half wit can see there is no difference. Hitting a brick wall at 100 or at 90 still is hitting a brick wall. The only (maybe) difference is the rate of descent to the same destination- and that rate of descent is accelerating almost daily.

In the article it says what it says- I'm not going to give away the punch line- you have to read it and make your own determination.
As you say, it really is about intellectual honesty.

These people, hardcore Left and hardcore Right, all follow the same approach. Particularly in the media, and particularly those who appear to think they're in the media:
  1. Begin with a simplistic, shallow, one-sided, highly partisan premise
  2. Highlight, focus on, and expand all information, data and news that supports your premise
  3. Avoid, ignore, diminish, dismiss and/or distort all information that is contrary to your premise
  4. Jump to dishonest conclusions, make assumptions, and belch out simplistic extrapolations based on the above purposely twisted reality
  5. When challenged, defend yourself by saying "everything I said was true" - which purposely overlooks all the information and facts you have avoided, distorted and ignored.
That is intellectual dishonesty in its purest form: Purposely mixing fact and fiction to push an ideological "point". And they do it so often that it appears to come naturally to them.

It can be Limbaugh, it can be Maddow, it can be any of their peers or any of their fans. These people are a malignancy on this country, and they're winning.

You are hardcore left. What room do you have to talk?
I have plenty of room to talk, because unlike you, I hold BOTH ends fully accountable, regularly, as I clearly did in the post YOU JUST QUOTED.

And you obviously don't know my politics. I'm not an obedient Trump sycophant, so I must be a radical pinko socialist Hitler commie, to you.

I wonder if you realize the only time we communicate is when you jump in to complain about me, without me mentioning (or thinking about) you.

The only time I communicate with anyone here is when I comment on their posts. Thats the normal way of doing things here.

And I do know your politics. You are an admitted Hillary voter. And I know Hillary's politics very well. Its no surprise you hate Trump though for some reason you act like it should be. He beat your candidate and you still haven't gotten over it. Its what drives you. That holier than thou fake neutrality isnt fooling anyone. Your every opinion is that of the wealthy ruling elites. Not much bravery required for that is there?
I don't easily abide monologues-

I want to talk about intellectual honesty. I posted this in another thread

I'm using that article as an example because I use the term intellectual honesty a lot- Rush, is a great example as well as our own beloved, I'm sure, PoliticalChic- I've said for years Rush is very intelligent, but he is hyper-partisan. I've told our very own, beloved, I'm sure, PoliticalChic, the same thing- I give them their just due for their intelligence, (and I'll add now, their tenacity as there is a lot to be said for that trait) but I can't abide their hyper-partisan intellect. Both are intelligent enough to know better and the evidence is overwhelming that there is very little difference in the Party elite outside their rhetoric, which is used as a tool to keep citizens divided. Any half wit can see there is no difference. Hitting a brick wall at 100 or at 90 still is hitting a brick wall. The only (maybe) difference is the rate of descent to the same destination- and that rate of descent is accelerating almost daily.

In the article it says what it says- I'm not going to give away the punch line- you have to read it and make your own determination.
As you say, it really is about intellectual honesty.

These people, hardcore Left and hardcore Right, all follow the same approach. Particularly in the media, and particularly those who appear to think they're in the media:
  1. Begin with a simplistic, shallow, one-sided, highly partisan premise
  2. Highlight, focus on, and expand all information, data and news that supports your premise
  3. Avoid, ignore, diminish, dismiss and/or distort all information that is contrary to your premise
  4. Jump to dishonest conclusions, make assumptions, and belch out simplistic extrapolations based on the above purposely twisted reality
  5. When challenged, defend yourself by saying "everything I said was true" - which purposely overlooks all the information and facts you have avoided, distorted and ignored.
That is intellectual dishonesty in its purest form: Purposely mixing fact and fiction to push an ideological "point". And they do it so often that it appears to come naturally to them.

It can be Limbaugh, it can be Maddow, it can be any of their peers or any of their fans. These people are a malignancy on this country, and they're winning.

You are hardcore left. What room do you have to talk?
I have plenty of room to talk, because unlike you, I hold BOTH ends fully accountable, regularly, as I clearly did in the post YOU JUST QUOTED.

And you obviously don't know my politics. I'm not an obedient Trump sycophant, so I must be a radical pinko socialist Hitler commie, to you.

I wonder if you realize the only time we communicate is when you jump in to complain about me, without me mentioning (or thinking about) you.

The only time I communicate with anyone here is when I comment on their posts. Thats the normal way of doing things here.

And I do know your politics. You are an admitted Hillary voter. And I know Hillary's politics very well. Its no surprise you hate Trump though for some reason you act like it should be. He beat your candidate and you still haven't gotten over it. Its what drives you. That holier than thou fake neutrality isnt fooling anyone. Your every opinion is that of the wealthy ruling elites. Not much bravery required for that is there?
So in your mind, I agree with Hillary on every issue, and voting for her had nothing to do with my opinion of her opponent. Great. Wrong.

And I'm not neutral, nor have I ever claimed to be. That's just a weird fantasy you have created about me in your mind.

This is boring. You're going to believe what you want, accurate or not. I'll next respond if you ever say something interesting.
If the highest death count a day in New York State was 400 for one week that's only 2800 people died during a week at most.


where did you get they 400 number?!

View attachment 325920


During that time was there any one dying of some other cause or is this just a ploy for New York to count everyone that died as a Chinese corona death to justify receiving a large pandemic damage relief fund?


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