I Was A Single Mom In High School

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Gold Member
May 3, 2017
Northern WI.
....you have no idea how hard it was. I'm not complaining, just sharing. Complicating matters, I was white. Now mind you, I was dealing with a daughter of my own age back in 97. I was new to Milwaukee. Anyways, there was this prevailing, unsaid aura that labeled me a "white" teenage mom. It didn't last long once people got to know me, but still, they believed only black girls got pregnant at an early age.
....you have no idea how hard it was. I'm not complaining, just sharing. Complicating matters, I was white. Now mind you, I was dealing with a daughter of my own age back in 97. I was new to Milwaukee. Anyways, there was this prevailing, unsaid aura that labeled me a "white" teenage mom. It didn't last long once people got to know me, but still, they believed only black girls got pregnant at an early age.

"Complicating matters, I was white"

Just curious. How did being white complicate matters?
"Complicating matters, I was white"Just curious. How did being white complicate matters?
I was incredibly naive. Up until 12, I was brought up by strict evangelical parental units. I had never seen a black much less meet one until I moved in with my aunt. Lots of new things, complicated emotions.....We never even had a TV until I was 10. Unfortunately, it leaked out of the administration that they were admitting a teen mom. Everyone thought I would be black. I didn't get at the time.
....you have no idea how hard it was. I'm not complaining, just sharing. Complicating matters, I was white. Now mind you, I was dealing with a daughter of my own age back in 97. I was new to Milwaukee. Anyways, there was this prevailing, unsaid aura that labeled me a "white" teenage mom. It didn't last long once people got to know me, but still, they believed only black girls got pregnant at an early age.
Well, It looks like you turned out ok after all! :)
....you have no idea how hard it was. I'm not complaining, just sharing. Complicating matters, I was white. Now mind you, I was dealing with a daughter of my own age back in 97. I was new to Milwaukee. Anyways, there was this prevailing, unsaid aura that labeled me a "white" teenage mom. It didn't last long once people got to know me, but still, they believed only black girls got pregnant at an early age.
Well, It looks like you turned out ok after all! :)
Her units raised her adequately.
"Complicating matters, I was white"Just curious. How did being white complicate matters?
I was incredibly naive. Up until 12, I was brought up by strict evangelical parental units. I had never seen a black much less meet one until I moved in with my aunt. Lots of new things, complicated emotions.....We never even had a TV until I was 10. Unfortunately, it leaked out of the administration that they were admitting a teen mom. Everyone thought I would be black. I didn't get at the time.
By administration do you mean a school administration?
"Complicating matters, I was white"Just curious. How did being white complicate matters?
I was incredibly naive. Up until 12, I was brought up by strict evangelical parental units. I had never seen a black much less meet one until I moved in with my aunt. Lots of new things, complicated emotions.....We never even had a TV until I was 10. Unfortunately, it leaked out of the administration that they were admitting a teen mom. Everyone thought I would be black. I didn't get at the time.
Congratulations on not killing your baby and having it. A much better choice.
Both my parental units and the church, wanted me to get a secret abortion. I refused. So, I was sent to live with my aunt in Milwaukee at 12 years old, I lived in Indiana at the time. Never came back.
Congrats on getting through that. Must have been a really hard time in your life. I look at all that is necessary in giving your child the best start possible in life and stand in awe of single mothers that make it through.
I owe a lot to aunt. She put her life on hold for me.
....you have no idea how hard it was. I'm not complaining, just sharing. Complicating matters, I was white. Now mind you, I was dealing with a daughter of my own age back in 97. I was new to Milwaukee. Anyways, there was this prevailing, unsaid aura that labeled me a "white" teenage mom. It didn't last long once people got to know me, but still, they believed only black girls got pregnant at an early age.
------------------------------------ good for you , how'd that happen !! [chuckle]
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....you have no idea how hard it was. I'm not complaining, just sharing. Complicating matters, I was white. Now mind you, I was dealing with a daughter of my own age back in 97. I was new to Milwaukee. Anyways, there was this prevailing, unsaid aura that labeled me a "white" teenage mom. It didn't last long once people got to know me, but still, they believed only black girls got pregnant at an early age.
Out of curiosity, do you give motivational talks to girls about not having babies at 12 or before they can financially afford them?
You were pregnant at 12???
Well good job on not killing your baby and proving that having a baby is not the end of a person's life, even if they are really young.
Margaret Beaufort, the mother of King Henry VII, was 13 years old when she gave birth to him. She is one of the most remarkable women, and mothers, that our planet has ever seen.
....you have no idea how hard it was. I'm not complaining, just sharing. Complicating matters, I was white. Now mind you, I was dealing with a daughter of my own age back in 97. I was new to Milwaukee. Anyways, there was this prevailing, unsaid aura that labeled me a "white" teenage mom. It didn't last long once people got to know me, but still, they believed only black girls got pregnant at an early age.

You were white?
Rachel Dolezal is that you?
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