I Was A Single Mom In High School

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Not many had children younger than 12 or 13.Though it happened, then as now.

Generally, women died from infection after childbirth, if they were going to die.

Do you advocate 12 year girls having children? We are NOT in the Middle Ages or pre-Middle Ages this is NOW and if a man gets a 12 year old pregnant the law in the Western World is that he is arrested and put into a prison.
How on earth you got that impression, I don't know. I'm just relaying the history.

I don't know you are CONGRATULATING her in this thread for having a baby at the age of 12 years in age yes?

What is wrong with you?
I congratulated her for not killing her child, and for overcoming a difficult situation.

I'm not one of the idiots who acts like babies are an unsurmountable tragedy that women must regret for the rest of their lives. We're made to have children so when it happens, I don't put on sackcloth and ashes and tell the girls their lives are over and treat them like it's the worst thing ever. That just sets them up for failure and depression.

As I commented it is exceptionally disturbing to be discussing a CHILD giving birth to a CHILD at the age of 12 years in age.
Then don't discuss it.
I've had many discussions with children who have been through worse. You don't help them by having hysterics about it and acting like they've been tainted and destroyed.
Well good job on not killing your baby and proving that having a baby is not the end of a person's life, even if they are really young.
Margaret Beaufort, the mother of King Henry VII, was 13 years old when she gave birth to him. She is one of the most remarkable women, and mothers, that our planet has ever seen.

They had children younger in those days because they in general died younger, eg. in the Middle Ages they never knew when they could die from any one of the variety of diseases they had around.

Not many had children younger than 12 or 13.Though it happened, then as now.

Generally, women died from infection after childbirth, if they were going to die.

Do you advocate 12 year girls having children? We are NOT in the Middle Ages or pre-Middle Ages this is NOW and if a man gets a 12 year old pregnant the law in the Western World is that he is arrested and put into a prison.
How on earth you got that impression, I don't know. I'm just relaying the history.

IMHO this is an exceptionally disturbing thread on every level.
Then bow out.
Abortion is not ‘killing a baby.’

Of course it is; you're just a sociopath, is all.

And what a woman’s choice might be is the correct choice.

This is a stupid argument, always has been; they make their choice when they choose to have sex. It isn't rocket science, it's basic biology. If they get pregnant from it then they are now responsible for another life. They have no right to kill it just because sickos like yourself enjoy the idea.
You were pregnant at 12???
Well good job on not killing your baby and proving that having a baby is not the end of a person's life, even if they are really young.
Margaret Beaufort, the mother of King Henry VII, was 13 years old when she gave birth to him. She is one of the most remarkable women, and mothers, that our planet has ever seen.
Abortion is not ‘killing a baby.’

And what a woman’s choice might be is the correct choice.

Abortion is murder. What do you think that is? A Mole? You think she's got a bald Eagle growing in her? It's a human. Do a DNA test, it's human.

What do you call killing a human being that has done nothing wrong to deserve death? It's called murder.
You were pregnant at 12???
Well good job on not killing your baby and proving that having a baby is not the end of a person's life, even if they are really young.
Margaret Beaufort, the mother of King Henry VII, was 13 years old when she gave birth to him. She is one of the most remarkable women, and mothers, that our planet has ever seen.
Abortion is not ‘killing a baby.’

And what a woman’s choice might be is the correct choice.

Abortion is murder. What do you think that is? A Mole? You think she's got a bald Eagle growing in her? It's a human. Do a DNA test, it's human.

What do you call killing a human being that has done nothing wrong to deserve death? It's called murder.
Abortion is not murder unless you lack the education to understand that murder is a legal term.
Sadly when I was in school, they actually had girls with kids go to a different school where they had kind of a daycare there and they could watch their kids at the same time as continuing their education, without the baby disturbing other students.
Sadly when I was in school, they actually had girls with kids go to a different school where they had kind of a daycare there and they could watch their kids at the same time as continuing their education, without the baby disturbing other students.
Sounds like a good setup. What was sad about it?
You were pregnant at 12???
Well good job on not killing your baby and proving that having a baby is not the end of a person's life, even if they are really young.
Margaret Beaufort, the mother of King Henry VII, was 13 years old when she gave birth to him. She is one of the most remarkable women, and mothers, that our planet has ever seen.
Abortion is not ‘killing a baby.’

And what a woman’s choice might be is the correct choice.
You think a 12 year old is a woman?

Of course you do.

A 12 year old is a child, so post 18 having sex with a 12 year old = You Know What begins with a P.

Yes. These lefties always eventually out themselves as very 'pedo-friendly' types. Most of them are sick deviants of one kind or another.
Sadly when I was in school, they actually had girls with kids go to a different school where they had kind of a daycare there and they could watch their kids at the same time as continuing their education, without the baby disturbing other students.
Sounds like a good setup. What was sad about it?

It was sad because those girls missed out on the social interactions with other schoolmates. They were treated almost as if they wore a scarlet letter.
Sadly when I was in school, they actually had girls with kids go to a different school where they had kind of a daycare there and they could watch their kids at the same time as continuing their education, without the baby disturbing other students.
Sounds like a good setup. What was sad about it?

It was sad because those girls missed out on the social interactions with other schoolmates. They were treated almost as if they wore a scarlet letter.
So it was the manner in which they were treated more than the setup?
Well good job on not killing your baby and proving that having a baby is not the end of a person's life, even if they are really young.
Margaret Beaufort, the mother of King Henry VII, was 13 years old when she gave birth to him. She is one of the most remarkable women, and mothers, that our planet has ever seen.
Abortion is not ‘killing a baby.’

And what a woman’s choice might be is the correct choice.
You think a 12 year old is a woman?

Of course you do.

A 12 year old is a child, so post 18 having sex with a 12 year old = You Know What begins with a P.

Yes. These lefties always eventually out themselves as very 'pedo-friendly' types. Most of them are sick deviants of one kind or another.

It's a sordid topic and in many different threads I have already commented what I think should happen.
Sadly when I was in school, they actually had girls with kids go to a different school where they had kind of a daycare there and they could watch their kids at the same time as continuing their education, without the baby disturbing other students.
Sounds like a good setup. What was sad about it?

It was sad because those girls missed out on the social interactions with other schoolmates. They were treated almost as if they wore a scarlet letter.
So it was the manner in which they were treated more than the setup?

Yeah if they had it set up so that the daycare was in the high school, and the students could stop in and see their child during the day... and breastfeed or whatever was needed, and the girls could attend class with their friends and classmates it would have been much better. I think it was a policy created with good intentions in mind, but wasn't thought all the way through.
Sadly when I was in school, they actually had girls with kids go to a different school where they had kind of a daycare there and they could watch their kids at the same time as continuing their education, without the baby disturbing other students.
Sounds like a good setup. What was sad about it?

It was sad because those girls missed out on the social interactions with other schoolmates. They were treated almost as if they wore a scarlet letter.

See it's that insistence that it's some sort of tragedy, and that there's something wrong with the girls who get pregnant.

There's nothing wrong with them.
They aren't sad. They're PREGNANT.

They had social interactions with other schoolmates...schoolmates in the same situation.

The whole attitude of treating girls like they're pathetic, like their lives are destroyed by pregnancy, that their lives are now substandard because they are fulfilling their biological purpose unexpectedly early SCARS THEM. It makes them think there is something wrong with them, it depresses them, it leads them to believe they have something to be ashamed of.

Indians have a much healthier attitude about pregnancy. They always celebrate pregnancy and babies. Regardless of how the babies come about, the person who is pregnant is treated as if they are bringing a gift into the world, and there is absolutely no stigma or pity attached. The tribe celebrates, the family celebrates, and the kid who has the baby just carries on with their life.
Babies in elementary school , junior high , high school and lately i get a glimpse every once in awhile of some prisons in the USA where the 'baby momas' and other 'baby mommas' general women and some wives raise their future gang member kids in prison in the USA . Reminds me of some ' south american' countries where the whole family is in prison because the old man is in prison . -------------
She wasn't 17 she was 12.

Oh, I see. She said high school, so, that was my best ball park estimate, give or take a year. I don't know her aside from reading her thoughts on the board topics. She's well spoken and competent to discuss the many issues we debate here, irrelevant of agreement or disagreement, and she's very polite, but that's the extent of what I know about her.

I imagine it was very hard at that age under her circumstances, whatever they may have been beyond such a young pregnancy itself. I do not know those circumstances. So, I cannot relate to her specific ordeal, therefore I will not make any attempt to do so. Though, I have experienced abuses that few people in America might be of the capacity to understand may be able to exist.

My previous thoughts on it remain the same none the less. She made it out of it alive. Seems like she's sane and competent. Goood for her.

Alright, then. I'll leave you all to the thread.
Sadly when I was in school, they actually had girls with kids go to a different school where they had kind of a daycare there and they could watch their kids at the same time as continuing their education, without the baby disturbing other students.
Sounds like a good setup. What was sad about it?

Lewdog is a nasty little bigot who thinks any girl who gets knocked up is to be treated as a little nympho whore who will screw anybody, including him, without any resistance or commitments on his part.

Or, he has his eye on the kids; like all Democrats, he's very pedo-friendly, too.

The solution is that underage girls should not be having sex to begin with and in the event they are they should be FORCED the Contraceptive Pill, it just illustrates how degenerate Western society has become that we should either Cheerlead underage girls getting pregnant and congratulate them for not having an abortion - CHILDREN are NOT supposed to have CHILDREN - or we are supposed to agree to NORMAL girls having their educational classes disrupted by screaming children of underage girls who have been having sex with adult men who effectively therefore should be arrested and be in prison for violating the law by having sex with underage children.
Sadly when I was in school, they actually had girls with kids go to a different school where they had kind of a daycare there and they could watch their kids at the same time as continuing their education, without the baby disturbing other students.
Sounds like a good setup. What was sad about it?

Lewdog is a nasty little bigot who thinks any girl who gets knocked up is to be treated as a little nympho whore who will screw anybody, including him, without any resistance or commitments on his part.

Or, he has his eye on the kids; like all Democrats, he's very pedo-friendly, too.

The solution is that underage girls should not be having sex to begin with and in the event they are they should be FORCED the Contraceptive Pill, it just illustrates how degenerate Western society has become that we should either Cheerlead underage girls getting pregnant and congratulate them for not having an abortion - CHILDREN are NOT supposed to have CHILDREN - or we are supposed to agree to NORMAL girls having their educational classes disrupted by screaming children of underage girls who have been having sex with adult men who effectively therefore should be arrested and be in prison for violating the law by having sex with underage children.

At no point did I ever say anything about kids and them being allowed to have sex. This poster just accused me of crimes and his post has been reported. This is not acceptable behavior on this forum. This happened yesterday as well.
Sadly when I was in school, they actually had girls with kids go to a different school where they had kind of a daycare there and they could watch their kids at the same time as continuing their education, without the baby disturbing other students.
Sounds like a good setup. What was sad about it?

It was sad because those girls missed out on the social interactions with other schoolmates. They were treated almost as if they wore a scarlet letter.
So it was the manner in which they were treated more than the setup?
------------------------ the experienced girls were probably pretty popular with the boys eh Ace and Lew .
You were pregnant at 12???
Well good job on not killing your baby and proving that having a baby is not the end of a person's life, even if they are really young.
Margaret Beaufort, the mother of King Henry VII, was 13 years old when she gave birth to him. She is one of the most remarkable women, and mothers, that our planet has ever seen.
Abortion is not ‘killing a baby.’

And what a woman’s choice might be is the correct choice.
Can someone get this troll out of here?
Babies in elementary school , junior high , high school and lately i get a glimpse every once in awhile of some prisons in the USA where the 'baby momas' and other 'baby mommas' general women and some wives raise their future gang member kids in prison in the USA . Reminds me of some ' south american' countries where the whole family is in prison because the old man is in prison . -------------
Sounds like what white people did in the Mafia.
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