I Was A Single Mom In High School

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Babies in elementary school , junior high , high school and lately i get a glimpse every once in awhile of some prisons in the USA where the 'baby momas' and other 'baby mommas' general women and some wives raise their future gang member kids in prison in the USA . Reminds me of some ' south american' countries where the whole family is in prison because the old man is in prison . -------------
Sounds like what white people did in the Mafia.
Hey racist man, the mafia was eye-tal-yans,
Congratulations on not killing your baby and having it. A much better choice.
Both my parental units and the church, wanted me to get a secret abortion. I refused. So, I was sent to live with my aunt in Milwaukee at 12 years old, I lived in Indiana at the time. Never came back.
Good for you, for being so strong.
But do the ‘units’ know you refer to them as ‘units’?
Sadly when I was in school, they actually had girls with kids go to a different school where they had kind of a daycare there and they could watch their kids at the same time as continuing their education, without the baby disturbing other students.
Sounds like a good setup. What was sad about it?

Lewdog is a nasty little bigot who thinks any girl who gets knocked up is to be treated as a little nympho whore who will screw anybody, including him, without any resistance or commitments on his part.

Or, he has his eye on the kids; like all Democrats, he's very pedo-friendly, too.

The solution is that underage girls should not be having sex to begin with and in the event they are they should be FORCED the Contraceptive Pill, it just illustrates how degenerate Western society has become that we should either Cheerlead underage girls getting pregnant and congratulate them for not having an abortion - CHILDREN are NOT supposed to have CHILDREN - or we are supposed to agree to NORMAL girls having their educational classes disrupted by screaming children of underage girls who have been having sex with adult men who effectively therefore should be arrested and be in prison for violating the law by having sex with underage children.
Someone who can get pregnant is biologically no longer a child.

And kids this age who are pregnant often don't know, or don't tell anybody, about their pregnancy until they're quite far along.

My sister in law's sister got pregnant at 13. Her parents found out when she was in her 9th month because she was chubby and wore really loose clothes.

When they found out (from the boyfriend's parents who had just found out..boyfriend was also 13) the 9 months pregnant girl ran out of the house and jumped the 8 foot back yard fence hahahahaha

There are a huge variety of circumstances that can attend the pregnancy of a young person. The baby itself is not the problem...the baby is the natural consequence of sex and life.

That child was raised by his grandparents, he enjoyed a loving family which included his mother..who never married and mostly lived at home until her untimely death of some sort of embolism just a few years ago. She graduated high school and worked for an airline I think.
Congrats on getting through that. Must have been a really hard time in your life. I look at all that is necessary in giving your child the best start possible in life and stand in awe of single mothers that make it through.
I owe a lot to aunt. She put her life on hold for me.
I’m not religious, but for want of a better phrase, God bless your aunt.
Abortion is not murder unless you lack the education to understand that murder is a legal term.

So murder could be legalized and therefore not murder? Like "Hitler didnt murder jews because it was legal under German law"?

We arent in court. Murder is an english word perfectly suitable for conversation if not law.
Congratulations on not killing your baby and having it. A much better choice.
Both my parental units and the church, wanted me to get a secret abortion. I refused. So, I was sent to live with my aunt in Milwaukee at 12 years old, I lived in Indiana at the time. Never came back.
Good for you, for being so strong.
But do the ‘units’ know you refer to them as ‘units’?

Blows me away the “units” would send their kid off. I would not do that with my kid. Not judging, we all do what we do for our own reasons but just saying.
Sadly when I was in school, they actually had girls with kids go to a different school where they had kind of a daycare there and they could watch their kids at the same time as continuing their education, without the baby disturbing other students.
Sounds like a good setup. What was sad about it?

Lewdog is a nasty little bigot who thinks any girl who gets knocked up is to be treated as a little nympho whore who will screw anybody, including him, without any resistance or commitments on his part.

Or, he has his eye on the kids; like all Democrats, he's very pedo-friendly, too.

The solution is that underage girls should not be having sex to begin with and in the event they are they should be FORCED the Contraceptive Pill, it just illustrates how degenerate Western society has become that we should either Cheerlead underage girls getting pregnant and congratulate them for not having an abortion - CHILDREN are NOT supposed to have CHILDREN - or we are supposed to agree to NORMAL girls having their educational classes disrupted by screaming children of underage girls who have been having sex with adult men who effectively therefore should be arrested and be in prison for violating the law by having sex with underage children.
Someone who can get pregnant is biologically no longer a child.

And kids this age who are pregnant often don't know, or don't tell anybody, about their pregnancy until they're quite far along.

My sister in law's sister got pregnant at 13. Her parents found out when she was in her 9th month because she was chubby and wore really loose clothes.

When they found out (from the boyfriend's parents who had just found out..boyfriend was also 13) the 9 months pregnant girl ran out of the house and jumped the 8 foot back yard fence hahahahaha

There are a huge variety of circumstances that can attend the pregnancy of a young person. The baby itself is not the problem...the baby is the natural consequence of sex and life.

Society is supposed to be about reducing the underage pregnancy rate, not the attitude of oh well shit happens. The fundamental issue is that children should not be having sex and having children and that if children are having sex and having children then the fundamental problem is what has been not taught in the home environment.
Well good job on not killing your baby and proving that having a baby is not the end of a person's life, even if they are really young.
Margaret Beaufort, the mother of King Henry VII, was 13 years old when she gave birth to him. She is one of the most remarkable women, and mothers, that our planet has ever seen.

They had children younger in those days because they in general died younger, eg. in the Middle Ages they never knew when they could die from any one of the variety of diseases they had around.

Not many had children younger than 12 or 13.Though it happened, then as now.

Generally, women died from infection after childbirth, if they were going to die.

Do you advocate 12 year girls having children? We are NOT in the Middle Ages or pre-Middle Ages this is NOW and if a man gets a 12 year old pregnant the law in the Western World is that he is arrested and put into a prison.
How on earth you got that impression, I don't know. I'm just relaying the history.

I don't know you are CONGRATULATING her in this thread for having a baby at the age of 12 years in age yes?
I think people are congratulating her for getting through what must have been a very very difficult time, and for not bowing to pressure to kill her baby.
Sadly when I was in school, they actually had girls with kids go to a different school where they had kind of a daycare there and they could watch their kids at the same time as continuing their education, without the baby disturbing other students.
Sounds like a good setup. What was sad about it?

It was sad because those girls missed out on the social interactions with other schoolmates. They were treated almost as if they wore a scarlet letter.

See it's that insistence that it's some sort of tragedy, and that there's something wrong with the girls who get pregnant.

There's nothing wrong with them.
They aren't sad. They're PREGNANT.

They had social interactions with other schoolmates...schoolmates in the same situation.

The whole attitude of treating girls like they're pathetic, like their lives are destroyed by pregnancy, that their lives are now substandard because they are fulfilling their biological purpose unexpectedly early SCARS THEM. It makes them think there is something wrong with them, it depresses them, it leads them to believe they have something to be ashamed of.

Indians have a much healthier attitude about pregnancy. They always celebrate pregnancy and babies. Regardless of how the babies come about, the person who is pregnant is treated as if they are bringing a gift into the world, and there is absolutely no stigma or pity attached. The tribe celebrates, the family celebrates, and the kid who has the baby just carries on with their life.

"See it's that insistence that it's some sort of tragedy, and that there's something wrong with the girls who get pregnant.

There's nothing wrong with them.
They aren't sad. They're PREGNANT.

They had social interactions with other schoolmates...schoolmates in the same situation.

The whole attitude of treating girls like they're pathetic, like their lives are destroyed by pregnancy, that their lives are now substandard because they are fulfilling their biological purpose unexpectedly early SCARS THEM. It makes them think there is something wrong with them, it depresses them, it leads them to believe they have something to be ashamed of."

Again you IGNORE the ENTIRE elephant in the room:

Underage girls are NOT supposed to be having sex and getting pregnant by men.

"they are fulfilling their biological purpose"

You fulfill that biological purpose when you are mature enough to deal with a baby, girls pre- 16 years in age are not mature enough, children should not be having children, we are NOT in the Middle Ages anymore when this type of thing was considered normal and a man who has sex with an underage girl pre- 14 years in age is in violation of the law and should be in prison.
Underaged girls have been having sex and getting pregnant since the dawn of time.

Your problem is you conflate everything.

Both of the really young girls I knew who got pregnant got pregnant with their boyfriends, who lived nearby and were the same age. Nobody needs to go to prison for that. Nobody expected those kids to go out and get a house.

Pregnancy isn't a crime. Having sex with an underaged kid is, if you are an adult...but the pregnancy itself isn't a crime, nor is it a disease, nor is it an injury.
Sadly when I was in school, they actually had girls with kids go to a different school where they had kind of a daycare there and they could watch their kids at the same time as continuing their education, without the baby disturbing other students.
Sounds like a good setup. What was sad about it?

Lewdog is a nasty little bigot who thinks any girl who gets knocked up is to be treated as a little nympho whore who will screw anybody, including him, without any resistance or commitments on his part.

Or, he has his eye on the kids; like all Democrats, he's very pedo-friendly, too.

The solution is that underage girls should not be having sex to begin with and in the event they are they should be FORCED the Contraceptive Pill, it just illustrates how degenerate Western society has become that we should either Cheerlead underage girls getting pregnant and congratulate them for not having an abortion - CHILDREN are NOT supposed to have CHILDREN - or we are supposed to agree to NORMAL girls having their educational classes disrupted by screaming children of underage girls who have been having sex with adult men who effectively therefore should be arrested and be in prison for violating the law by having sex with underage children.
Someone who can get pregnant is biologically no longer a child.

And kids this age who are pregnant often don't know, or don't tell anybody, about their pregnancy until they're quite far along.

My sister in law's sister got pregnant at 13. Her parents found out when she was in her 9th month because she was chubby and wore really loose clothes.

When they found out (from the boyfriend's parents who had just found out..boyfriend was also 13) the 9 months pregnant girl ran out of the house and jumped the 8 foot back yard fence hahahahaha

There are a huge variety of circumstances that can attend the pregnancy of a young person. The baby itself is not the problem...the baby is the natural consequence of sex and life.

Society is supposed to be about reducing the underage pregnancy rate, not the attitude of oh well shit happens. The fundamental issue is that children should not be having sex and having children and that if children are having sex and having children then the fundamental problem is what has been not taught in the home environment.

Whose society is that?

Where is the manual that says "society must reduce the underaged pregnancy rate"?

It is natural for young girls to get pregnant. One of the dumbest thing our society ever did was to extend childhood into the mid-20s.
Sadly when I was in school, they actually had girls with kids go to a different school where they had kind of a daycare there and they could watch their kids at the same time as continuing their education, without the baby disturbing other students.
Sounds like a good setup. What was sad about it?

It was sad because those girls missed out on the social interactions with other schoolmates. They were treated almost as if they wore a scarlet letter.

See it's that insistence that it's some sort of tragedy, and that there's something wrong with the girls who get pregnant.

There's nothing wrong with them.
They aren't sad. They're PREGNANT.

They had social interactions with other schoolmates...schoolmates in the same situation.

The whole attitude of treating girls like they're pathetic, like their lives are destroyed by pregnancy, that their lives are now substandard because they are fulfilling their biological purpose unexpectedly early SCARS THEM. It makes them think there is something wrong with them, it depresses them, it leads them to believe they have something to be ashamed of.

Indians have a much healthier attitude about pregnancy. They always celebrate pregnancy and babies. Regardless of how the babies come about, the person who is pregnant is treated as if they are bringing a gift into the world, and there is absolutely no stigma or pity attached. The tribe celebrates, the family celebrates, and the kid who has the baby just carries on with their life.

"See it's that insistence that it's some sort of tragedy, and that there's something wrong with the girls who get pregnant.

There's nothing wrong with them.
They aren't sad. They're PREGNANT.

They had social interactions with other schoolmates...schoolmates in the same situation.

The whole attitude of treating girls like they're pathetic, like their lives are destroyed by pregnancy, that their lives are now substandard because they are fulfilling their biological purpose unexpectedly early SCARS THEM. It makes them think there is something wrong with them, it depresses them, it leads them to believe they have something to be ashamed of."

Again you IGNORE the ENTIRE elephant in the room:

Underage girls are NOT supposed to be having sex and getting pregnant by men.

"they are fulfilling their biological purpose"

You fulfill that biological purpose when you are mature enough to deal with a baby, girls pre- 16 years in age are not mature enough, children should not be having children, we are NOT in the Middle Ages anymore when this type of thing was considered normal and a man who has sex with an underage girl pre- 14 years in age is in violation of the law and should be in prison.

^^^^ koshergrl thinks it's funny or whatever the below comments:

"Underage girls are NOT supposed to be having sex and getting pregnant by men."

"You fulfill that biological purpose when you are mature enough to deal with a baby, girls pre- 16 years in age are not mature enough, children should not be having children, we are NOT in the Middle Ages anymore when this type of thing was considered normal and a man who has sex with an underage girl pre- 14 years in age is in violation of the law and should be in prison."


It's okay for underage girls to have sex with men and get pregnant?

Men who have sex with underage girls are NOT violating the law and should NOT be in prison?
One of the best teachers I ever had was a speech teacher in Los Alamos, New Mexico. He and his wife were married at 15 when she got pregnant.

He was a lovely person, they were incredibly happy, and he was an amazing teacher. Most of the debate and speech skills I have today came right from his class...and I was only in his class for like 3 months.
Sounds like a good setup. What was sad about it?

Lewdog is a nasty little bigot who thinks any girl who gets knocked up is to be treated as a little nympho whore who will screw anybody, including him, without any resistance or commitments on his part.

Or, he has his eye on the kids; like all Democrats, he's very pedo-friendly, too.

The solution is that underage girls should not be having sex to begin with and in the event they are they should be FORCED the Contraceptive Pill, it just illustrates how degenerate Western society has become that we should either Cheerlead underage girls getting pregnant and congratulate them for not having an abortion - CHILDREN are NOT supposed to have CHILDREN - or we are supposed to agree to NORMAL girls having their educational classes disrupted by screaming children of underage girls who have been having sex with adult men who effectively therefore should be arrested and be in prison for violating the law by having sex with underage children.
Someone who can get pregnant is biologically no longer a child.

And kids this age who are pregnant often don't know, or don't tell anybody, about their pregnancy until they're quite far along.

My sister in law's sister got pregnant at 13. Her parents found out when she was in her 9th month because she was chubby and wore really loose clothes.

When they found out (from the boyfriend's parents who had just found out..boyfriend was also 13) the 9 months pregnant girl ran out of the house and jumped the 8 foot back yard fence hahahahaha

There are a huge variety of circumstances that can attend the pregnancy of a young person. The baby itself is not the problem...the baby is the natural consequence of sex and life.

Society is supposed to be about reducing the underage pregnancy rate, not the attitude of oh well shit happens. The fundamental issue is that children should not be having sex and having children and that if children are having sex and having children then the fundamental problem is what has been not taught in the home environment.

Whose society is that?

Where is the manual that says "society must reduce the underaged pregnancy rate"?

It is natural for young girls to get pregnant. One of the dumbest thing our society ever did was to extend childhood into the mid-20s.

"One of the dumbest thing our society ever did was to extend childhood into the mid-20s"

We are not discussing the mid-20s though are we? We are discussing underage girls having children PRE-14 years of age, something which you seem to think is okay because you know "they are fulfilling their biological need"

So the Age of Consent then should be lowered to WHAT? 10 years in age? 8 years in age? Afterall girl children should be a Free For All for men to have sex with?
Sadly when I was in school, they actually had girls with kids go to a different school where they had kind of a daycare there and they could watch their kids at the same time as continuing their education, without the baby disturbing other students.
Sounds like a good setup. What was sad about it?

It was sad because those girls missed out on the social interactions with other schoolmates. They were treated almost as if they wore a scarlet letter.

See it's that insistence that it's some sort of tragedy, and that there's something wrong with the girls who get pregnant.

There's nothing wrong with them.
They aren't sad. They're PREGNANT.

They had social interactions with other schoolmates...schoolmates in the same situation.

The whole attitude of treating girls like they're pathetic, like their lives are destroyed by pregnancy, that their lives are now substandard because they are fulfilling their biological purpose unexpectedly early SCARS THEM. It makes them think there is something wrong with them, it depresses them, it leads them to believe they have something to be ashamed of.

Indians have a much healthier attitude about pregnancy. They always celebrate pregnancy and babies. Regardless of how the babies come about, the person who is pregnant is treated as if they are bringing a gift into the world, and there is absolutely no stigma or pity attached. The tribe celebrates, the family celebrates, and the kid who has the baby just carries on with their life.

"See it's that insistence that it's some sort of tragedy, and that there's something wrong with the girls who get pregnant.

There's nothing wrong with them.
They aren't sad. They're PREGNANT.

They had social interactions with other schoolmates...schoolmates in the same situation.

The whole attitude of treating girls like they're pathetic, like their lives are destroyed by pregnancy, that their lives are now substandard because they are fulfilling their biological purpose unexpectedly early SCARS THEM. It makes them think there is something wrong with them, it depresses them, it leads them to believe they have something to be ashamed of."

Again you IGNORE the ENTIRE elephant in the room:

Underage girls are NOT supposed to be having sex and getting pregnant by men.

"they are fulfilling their biological purpose"

You fulfill that biological purpose when you are mature enough to deal with a baby, girls pre- 16 years in age are not mature enough, children should not be having children, we are NOT in the Middle Ages anymore when this type of thing was considered normal and a man who has sex with an underage girl pre- 14 years in age is in violation of the law and should be in prison.

^^^^ koshergrl thinks it's funny or whatever the below comments:

"Underage girls are NOT supposed to be having sex and getting pregnant by men."

"You fulfill that biological purpose when you are mature enough to deal with a baby, girls pre- 16 years in age are not mature enough, children should not be having children, we are NOT in the Middle Ages anymore when this type of thing was considered normal and a man who has sex with an underage girl pre- 14 years in age is in violation of the law and should be in prison."


It's okay for underage girls to have sex with men and get pregnant?

Men who have sex with underage girls are NOT violating the law and should NOT be in prison?

No, I made it quite clear that it is a violation of the law for men to have sex with underaged girls.

You seriously seem befuddled or under the influence.
They had children younger in those days because they in general died younger, eg. in the Middle Ages they never knew when they could die from any one of the variety of diseases they had around.

Not many had children younger than 12 or 13.Though it happened, then as now.

Generally, women died from infection after childbirth, if they were going to die.

Do you advocate 12 year girls having children? We are NOT in the Middle Ages or pre-Middle Ages this is NOW and if a man gets a 12 year old pregnant the law in the Western World is that he is arrested and put into a prison.
How on earth you got that impression, I don't know. I'm just relaying the history.

I don't know you are CONGRATULATING her in this thread for having a baby at the age of 12 years in age yes?
I think people are congratulating her for getting through what must have been a very very difficult time, and for not bowing to pressure to kill her baby.

Koshergrl seems to be commenting that there is nothing wrong with underage girls having children pre-14 years in age because they are "fulfilling their biological need" Also does not agree that Society should be reducing the underage pregnancy rate with better education both in schools and in the home environment.
Someone needs to get Lucy her fix. She's wigging out.

It's not ME who is advocating there is nothing wrong with CHILDREN having CHILDREN, that if a girl pre-14 years in age has a baby then that's okay, I think the majority of the public in the majority of Western nations would agree that it's NOT okay for CHILDREN to be having CHILDREN.

By advocating the opposite this becomes a GIFT to all types of sordid predators of children.
Someone needs to get Lucy her fix. She's wigging out.

It's not ME who is advocating there is nothing wrong with CHILDREN having CHILDREN, that if a girl pre-14 years in age has a baby then that's okay, I think the majority of the public in the majority of Western nations would agree that it's NOT okay for CHILDREN to be having CHILDREN.

By advocating the opposite this becomes a GIFT to all types of sordid predators of children.

You are assuming that every young girl that has a child is doing so with a grown man. That's not true... most of the time it is with boys their own age.
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