I Was A Single Mom In High School

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Don't be so hard on yourself Wind

belive me when i say i've cried with the saints, sin a little, it's GOOD for the soul

Congratulations on not killing your baby and having it. A much better choice.
Both my parental units and the church, wanted me to get a secret abortion. I refused. So, I was sent to live with my aunt in Milwaukee at 12 years old, I lived in Indiana at the time. Never came back.
You were pregnant at 12???
You can get pregnant even younger than 12. You didnt know that?

And those people who didn't know that, are the ones demanding no sex ed for kids that young because "it can't happen".
Unfortunately, we've spent the last 60 years telling kids in elementary school that sex is fun and essentially has no consequences.

Yep, and that is exactly the problem. I was just mentioning that on another thread. Lefties have been sending the message that sex can be completely separate from its life giving potential… So what do people expect to happen, when you send them that message and encourage them to have sex and just throw a condom at them? It's akin to letting kids play Russian roulette.
The same now but with the LGBTQ Agenda.

Liberalism is a progressive disease.

Well yes.

The situation is that I strongly support sex education in schools, that from ages 11 years they should be having education in sexual things and NORMAL sex, not Homo pervert things of course and also they should be taught about the importance of contraception.

The Abstinence thing is ridiculous, nobody accepts that Abstinence is a successful way of preventing underage pregnancy, but education is and education about contraception certainly is.
Unfortunately, we've spent the last 60 years telling kids in elementary school that sex is fun and essentially has no consequences.

Yep, and that is exactly the problem. I was just mentioning that on another thread. Lefties have been sending the message that sex can be completely separate from its life giving potential… So what do people expect to happen, when you send them that message and encourage them to have sex and just throw a condom at them? It's akin to letting kids play Russian roulette.

"Lefties have been sending the message that sex can be completely separate from its life giving potential…"

That's because the Leftist attitude is that if they have sex they don't have to worry about using contraception because they can have an abortion ie. Abortion as a Means of Contraception, life especially unborn life is NOTHING to that crowd, they do NOT even consider the baby as HUMAN, as a living thing, to them it's ZERO it's just a collection of random cells that can be destroyed and nothing of value is lost in the process.
Congratulations on not killing your baby and having it. A much better choice.
Both my parental units and the church, wanted me to get a secret abortion. I refused. So, I was sent to live with my aunt in Milwaukee at 12 years old, I lived in Indiana at the time. Never came back.
You did the right thing. Tough choices though.

Indeed, especially with the mob of sociopaths begging her to kill the baby.
Sadly when I was in school, they actually had girls with kids go to a different school where they had kind of a daycare there and they could watch their kids at the same time as continuing their education, without the baby disturbing other students.
Sounds like a good setup. What was sad about it?

It was sad because those girls missed out on the social interactions with other schoolmates. They were treated almost as if they wore a scarlet letter.
So it was the manner in which they were treated more than the setup?
------------------------ the experienced girls were probably pretty popular with the boys eh Ace and Lew .

Lew is just a bigot and hypocrite. Now he's stumbling around trying to claim it's 'about the crying babies n stuff', as he didn't just sleep all the time or actually showed up for classes. lol what a fraud.
You were pregnant at 12???
Well good job on not killing your baby and proving that having a baby is not the end of a person's life, even if they are really young.
Margaret Beaufort, the mother of King Henry VII, was 13 years old when she gave birth to him. She is one of the most remarkable women, and mothers, that our planet has ever seen.
Abortion is not ‘killing a baby.’

And what a woman’s choice might be is the correct choice.

Abortion is murder. What do you think that is? A Mole? You think she's got a bald Eagle growing in her? It's a human. Do a DNA test, it's human.

What do you call killing a human being that has done nothing wrong to deserve death? It's called murder.
Abortion is not murder unless you lack the education to understand that murder is a legal term.

Of course it's murder. By your 'morals', there is no reason not to be able to kill babies up to two years old. that's how sick in the head you racist Democrats are.

After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?
Well good job on not killing your baby and proving that having a baby is not the end of a person's life, even if they are really young.
Margaret Beaufort, the mother of King Henry VII, was 13 years old when she gave birth to him. She is one of the most remarkable women, and mothers, that our planet has ever seen.
Abortion is not ‘killing a baby.’

And what a woman’s choice might be is the correct choice.

Abortion is murder. What do you think that is? A Mole? You think she's got a bald Eagle growing in her? It's a human. Do a DNA test, it's human.

What do you call killing a human being that has done nothing wrong to deserve death? It's called murder.
Abortion is not murder unless you lack the education to understand that murder is a legal term.

Of course it's murder. By your 'morals', there is no reason not to be able to kill babies up to two years old. that's how sick in the head you racist Democrats are.

After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?
It cant be murder unless youre convicted you moron. Since abortion is legal there is no way in hell it can be called murder.
Lewdog is a nasty little bigot who thinks any girl who gets knocked up is to be treated as a little nympho whore who will screw anybody, including him, without any resistance or commitments on his part.

Or, he has his eye on the kids; like all Democrats, he's very pedo-friendly, too.

The solution is that underage girls should not be having sex to begin with and in the event they are they should be FORCED the Contraceptive Pill, it just illustrates how degenerate Western society has become that we should either Cheerlead underage girls getting pregnant and congratulate them for not having an abortion - CHILDREN are NOT supposed to have CHILDREN - or we are supposed to agree to NORMAL girls having their educational classes disrupted by screaming children of underage girls who have been having sex with adult men who effectively therefore should be arrested and be in prison for violating the law by having sex with underage children.

At no point did I ever say anything about kids and them being allowed to have sex. This poster just accused me of crimes and his post has been reported. This is not acceptable behavior on this forum. This happened yesterday as well.

I never said you said they should be allowed to have sex, I said that we should not expect classrooms to be disrupted with the screaming children of underage girls who have been having sex with adult men.

You replied to his comment about me with your post and said that underage girls should not be having sex as if you agreed with his statement.

Well yes because I think underage girls should not be having sex with men.

I put more blame on Men who have sex with underage girls.
Someone needs to get Lucy her fix. She's wigging out.

It's not ME who is advocating there is nothing wrong with CHILDREN having CHILDREN, that if a girl pre-14 years in age has a baby then that's okay, I think the majority of the public in the majority of Western nations would agree that it's NOT okay for CHILDREN to be having CHILDREN.

By advocating the opposite this becomes a GIFT to all types of sordid predators of children.

I doubt she agrees with children having children or adult men impregnating a 12 yr old. She is giving support to the idea that the 12 yr old had the baby instead of having an abortion.
The solution is that underage girls should not be having sex to begin with and in the event they are they should be FORCED the Contraceptive Pill, it just illustrates how degenerate Western society has become that we should either Cheerlead underage girls getting pregnant and congratulate them for not having an abortion - CHILDREN are NOT supposed to have CHILDREN - or we are supposed to agree to NORMAL girls having their educational classes disrupted by screaming children of underage girls who have been having sex with adult men who effectively therefore should be arrested and be in prison for violating the law by having sex with underage children.

At no point did I ever say anything about kids and them being allowed to have sex. This poster just accused me of crimes and his post has been reported. This is not acceptable behavior on this forum. This happened yesterday as well.

I never said you said they should be allowed to have sex, I said that we should not expect classrooms to be disrupted with the screaming children of underage girls who have been having sex with adult men.

You replied to his comment about me with your post and said that underage girls should not be having sex as if you agreed with his statement.

Well yes because I think underage girls should not be having sex with men.

I put more blame on Men who have sex with underage girls.

Yes the underage girls are victims, they are victims of predators.
was the age of the imseminater mentioned , don't know but a 12 year old girl can easily be impregnated by a 12 year old boy . Also , can't prove it but i highly doubt that any type ' REAL ' Christian would advocate an abortion unless its some kind of wierd lefty type 'kristian' Drifter.
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was it an adult male ?? Course like i say , a 12 year old boy can knock up a 12 year old girl or a 45 year old high or middle school teacher and i have proof of the adult 'cougar'
teachers knocked up by their widdle student boyfriends .
The solution is that underage girls should not be having sex to begin with and in the event they are they should be FORCED the Contraceptive Pill, it just illustrates how degenerate Western society has become that we should either Cheerlead underage girls getting pregnant and congratulate them for not having an abortion - CHILDREN are NOT supposed to have CHILDREN - or we are supposed to agree to NORMAL girls having their educational classes disrupted by screaming children of underage girls who have been having sex with adult men who effectively therefore should be arrested and be in prison for violating the law by having sex with underage children.

At no point did I ever say anything about kids and them being allowed to have sex. This poster just accused me of crimes and his post has been reported. This is not acceptable behavior on this forum. This happened yesterday as well.

I never said you said they should be allowed to have sex, I said that we should not expect classrooms to be disrupted with the screaming children of underage girls who have been having sex with adult men.

You replied to his comment about me with your post and said that underage girls should not be having sex as if you agreed with his statement.

Well yes because I think underage girls should not be having sex with men.

I put more blame on Men who have sex with underage girls.
------------------------------ as i asked , was it an Adult Male that knocked up the 12 year old Drifter ??
At no point did I ever say anything about kids and them being allowed to have sex. This poster just accused me of crimes and his post has been reported. This is not acceptable behavior on this forum. This happened yesterday as well.

I never said you said they should be allowed to have sex, I said that we should not expect classrooms to be disrupted with the screaming children of underage girls who have been having sex with adult men.

You replied to his comment about me with your post and said that underage girls should not be having sex as if you agreed with his statement.

Well yes because I think underage girls should not be having sex with men.

I put more blame on Men who have sex with underage girls.
------------------------------ as i asked , was it an Adult Male that knocked up the 12 year old Drifter ??

Why don't you ask the girl who got knocked up?
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