I Was A Single Mom In High School

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Bad judgement on the girls part for not saying no saddle no ride.
How does a naive 12 year old say no to a trusted married minister who in effect groomed you for getting raped? My units never taught me about sex nor did the baptist school I attended.
"Unfortunately, we've spent the last 60 years telling kids in elementary school that sex is fun and essentially has no consequences." Which is the fault of Liberalism and now the same Liberalism is telling a new generation of young children that boys can have vaginas and periods and that girls also can have a penis etc this illustrates why the SJW Teachers should be prohibited from being anywhere near young minds.
You are way off the wall here. No teacher I know ever advocated sex for underage girls. Fact is all of them taught abstinence and or use of birth control.
....you have no idea how hard it was. I'm not complaining, just sharing. Complicating matters, I was white. Now mind you, I was dealing with a daughter of my own age back in 97. I was new to Milwaukee. Anyways, there was this prevailing, unsaid aura that labeled me a "white" teenage mom. It didn't last long once people got to know me, but still, they believed only black girls got pregnant at an early age.

So basically you're saying that white society has higher moral standards than black society?

A choice to get raped by a trusted member of the baptist clergy? May I remind you these hypocrites, despite their righteous anti-abortion stance, wanted me to get one. Which is why, to this day, I have no use for baptists and evangelicals
If some one said whay you just said about all Africans, maybe you'd understand.
May I remind you these hypocrites, despite their righteous anti-abortion stance, wanted me to get one. Which is why, to this day, I have no use for baptists and evangelicals.

But, you didn't reject Christ, did you?

I kind of feel the same way about religious labels. For the most part, they're all so secular anyway. I won't call myself a Christian, for example, because of that. But I do not reject the good Lord.
What a horrible story, but thanks to Windparadox for telling it.

Whenever I write about this on USMB, I get screamed at, but it's true. Evangelicals are horrible parents to girls. They deliberately keep their daughters ignorant about sex and about birth control, perhaps so they can sell them to the highest bidder on the marriage market. Selling one's offspring's hymen can bring in big bucks. Her parental units did this to her because of their cult, and she has been the one to suffer for her parental units' sins.

May I also put in a bad word here for this Owen couple in Florida who tried to screw over their own son. Pfft!

Windparadox is right to call the two who screwed around enough to have her and then failed her "parental units." It puts a good distance between her and these two. They certainly were not "mom" and "dad." These two did nothing but produce a baby whom they then failed to raise.

BTW: I think that we have to distinguish between denominations of Baptists. I've met some pretty sharp Baptists and there are people like Jimmy and Roslyn Carter, who are some very respectable people who have tried to bring their best to the world. I think that the Gore family are Baptist, as are Al Sharpton and many other Baptists who are African-American, and have tried in their way to do the same.

The Roman Catholic Church has an hierarchy, much the same as a medieval country, so it is easy to place blame, as I do as a cradle Catholic for this church's history, mistreatment of women, banning female people from the ministry, aid to the Nazi criminals after WWII, mistreatment of mothers in the Magdalene laundries, the cover-ups of pedophiles. It is far harder to parse the many strains of Baptist, as they have no central governance. There are the Carters and the Gores, but also the jeffress and grahams, the falwell types, etc.
Just thankful I had parents and not parental units. They were Christians (Methodists), truly great and caring people, who served the community in more ways than could be numbered. They weren't the type to quote scripture, cast judgment on others, and they tried their best to be a powerful positive influence on everyone they met. In a way, they walked with God and He walked with them.

Sorry you had the experiences you had with the church Windparadox, but I can assure you they were not doing God's work.

I kind of feel the same way about religious labels. For the most part, they're all so secular anyway. I won't call myself a Christian, for example, because of that. But I do not reject the good Lord.

I have a serious disdain for organized religion. In too many cases I think it uses the faith and righteousness of the devout, to excuse or camouflage the more nefarious actions of those who use the church/religion to victimize others.
This is a stupid argument, always has been; they make their choice when they choose to have sex. It isn't rocket science, it's basic biology. If they get pregnant from it then they are now responsible for another life. They have no right to kill it just because sickos like yourself enjoy the idea.
A choice to get raped by a trusted member of the baptist clergy? May I remind you these hypocrites, despite their righteous anti-abortion stance, wanted me to get one. Which is why, to this day, I have no use for baptists and evangelicals.
We aren't all like that.
What a horrible story, but thanks to Windparadox for telling it.

Whenever I write about this on USMB, I get screamed at, but it's true. Evangelicals are horrible parents to girls. They deliberately keep their daughters ignorant about sex and about birth control, perhaps so they can sell them to the highest bidder on the marriage market. Selling one's offspring's hymen can bring in big bucks. Her parental units did this to her because of their cult, and she has been the one to suffer for her parental units' sins.

May I also put in a bad word here for this Owen couple in Florida who tried to screw over their own son. Pfft!

Windparadox is right to call the two who screwed around enough to have her and then failed her "parental units." It puts a good distance between her and these two. They certainly were not "mom" and "dad." These two did nothing but produce a baby whom they then failed to raise.

BTW: I think that we have to distinguish between denominations of Baptists. I've met some pretty sharp Baptists and there are people like Jimmy and Roslyn Carter, who are some very respectable people who have tried to bring their best to the world. I think that the Gore family are Baptist, as are Al Sharpton and many other Baptists who are African-American, and have tried in their way to do the same.

The Roman Catholic Church has an hierarchy, much the same as a medieval country, so it is easy to place blame, as I do as a cradle Catholic for this church's history, mistreatment of women, banning female people from the ministry, aid to the Nazi criminals after WWII, mistreatment of mothers in the Magdalene laundries, the cover-ups of pedophiles. It is far harder to parse the many strains of Baptist, as they have no central governance. There are the Carters and the Gores, but also the jeffress and grahams, the falwell types, etc.
Ah lez shows up to exploit a woman's rape for the purpose of facilitating a long anti Christian rant....good on ya, lez.
This is a stupid argument, always has been; they make their choice when they choose to have sex. It isn't rocket science, it's basic biology. If they get pregnant from it then they are now responsible for another life. They have no right to kill it just because sickos like yourself enjoy the idea.
A choice to get raped by a trusted member of the baptist clergy? May I remind you these hypocrites, despite their righteous anti-abortion stance, wanted me to get one. Which is why, to this day, I have no use for baptists and evangelicals.

Wait a second. Your complaint is that they *dont* follow the teachings of their religion...but now you reject the religion?
What a horrible story, but thanks to Windparadox for telling it.

Whenever I write about this on USMB, I get screamed at, but it's true. Evangelicals are horrible parents to girls. They deliberately keep their daughters ignorant about sex and about birth control, perhaps so they can sell them to the highest bidder on the marriage market. Selling one's offspring's hymen can bring in big bucks. Her parental units did this to her because of their cult, and she has been the one to suffer for her parental units' sins.

May I also put in a bad word here for this Owen couple in Florida who tried to screw over their own son. Pfft!

Windparadox is right to call the two who screwed around enough to have her and then failed her "parental units." It puts a good distance between her and these two. They certainly were not "mom" and "dad." These two did nothing but produce a baby whom they then failed to raise.

BTW: I think that we have to distinguish between denominations of Baptists. I've met some pretty sharp Baptists and there are people like Jimmy and Roslyn Carter, who are some very respectable people who have tried to bring their best to the world. I think that the Gore family are Baptist, as are Al Sharpton and many other Baptists who are African-American, and have tried in their way to do the same.

The Roman Catholic Church has an hierarchy, much the same as a medieval country, so it is easy to place blame, as I do as a cradle Catholic for this church's history, mistreatment of women, banning female people from the ministry, aid to the Nazi criminals after WWII, mistreatment of mothers in the Magdalene laundries, the cover-ups of pedophiles. It is far harder to parse the many strains of Baptist, as they have no central governance. There are the Carters and the Gores, but also the jeffress and grahams, the falwell types, etc.
Ah lez shows up to exploit a woman's rape for the purpose of facilitating a long anti Christian rant....good on ya, lez.

Listen. I got pilloried for this some time back but I don’t care. Childhood sexual abuse creates messed up adults. It’s that simple. They usually become man hating liberals.
When you see the long rants against men and religion like that one from lysisyrata or Penelope then you can be fairly sure you are dealing with the results of childhood sexual abuse.
We have an entire political party run on the pathology of untreated childhood abuse.
Listen. I got pilloried for this some time back but I don’t care. Childhood sexual abuse creates messed up adults. It’s that simple. They usually become man hating liberals When you see the long rants against men and religion like that one from lysisyrata or Penelope then you can be fairly sure you are dealing with the results of childhood sexual abuse.We have an entire political party run on the pathology of untreated childhood abuse.
Judging by your opinions, you must have been dropped hard, several times.
Listen. I got pilloried for this some time back but I don’t care. Childhood sexual abuse creates messed up adults. It’s that simple. They usually become man hating liberals When you see the long rants against men and religion like that one from lysisyrata or Penelope then you can be fairly sure you are dealing with the results of childhood sexual abuse.We have an entire political party run on the pathology of untreated childhood abuse.
Judging by your opinions, you must have been dropped hard, several times.

I think you should get treatment for your childhood trauma instead of lashing out.
What a horrible story, but thanks to Windparadox for telling it.

Whenever I write about this on USMB, I get screamed at, but it's true. Evangelicals are horrible parents to girls. They deliberately keep their daughters ignorant about sex and about birth control, perhaps so they can sell them to the highest bidder on the marriage market. Selling one's offspring's hymen can bring in big bucks. Her parental units did this to her because of their cult, and she has been the one to suffer for her parental units' sins.

May I also put in a bad word here for this Owen couple in Florida who tried to screw over their own son. Pfft!

Windparadox is right to call the two who screwed around enough to have her and then failed her "parental units." It puts a good distance between her and these two. They certainly were not "mom" and "dad." These two did nothing but produce a baby whom they then failed to raise.

BTW: I think that we have to distinguish between denominations of Baptists. I've met some pretty sharp Baptists and there are people like Jimmy and Roslyn Carter, who are some very respectable people who have tried to bring their best to the world. I think that the Gore family are Baptist, as are Al Sharpton and many other Baptists who are African-American, and have tried in their way to do the same.

The Roman Catholic Church has an hierarchy, much the same as a medieval country, so it is easy to place blame, as I do as a cradle Catholic for this church's history, mistreatment of women, banning female people from the ministry, aid to the Nazi criminals after WWII, mistreatment of mothers in the Magdalene laundries, the cover-ups of pedophiles. It is far harder to parse the many strains of Baptist, as they have no central governance. There are the Carters and the Gores, but also the jeffress and grahams, the falwell types, etc.
Ah lez shows up to exploit a woman's rape for the purpose of facilitating a long anti Christian rant....good on ya, lez.

Listen. I got pilloried for this some time back but I don’t care. Childhood sexual abuse creates messed up adults. It’s that simple. They usually become man hating liberals.
When you see the long rants against men and religion like that one from lysisyrata or Penelope then you can be fairly sure you are dealing with the results of childhood sexual abuse.
We have an entire political party run on the pathology of untreated childhood abuse.
Yes but pregnancy is not childhood sexual abuse. It's just pregnancy. It isn't an act of violence. It's a biological event.

And a lot of child abuse trauma is made worse by the hysterical way that people treat child abuse victims..as if they're destroyed, as if they can't overcome, as if it's the absolute worst thing ever to happen to anybody. THAT scars children. It removes their ability to enjoy the childhood they have left because they are constantly reminded of a trauma that is now in the past, and they are faced with the realization that every person who looks at them isn't seeing them, they're just seeing this horrible event. Kids who are 9, 10, 12 years old don't need the pity of every adult that knows them 24 hours a day, they don't need to be told over and over how their childhood has been ruined, they don't need to be given permission to fail and sink into depression and despair.

And the pregnancy isn't the abuse. The pregnancy is just one of many results of the abuse (in the cases where abuse has occurred) and should be treated as an inevitable force of nature just as wet dreams and periods and boobs are an inevitable force of nature. Nine months of pregnancy is just nine months of pregnancy.
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