I Was A Single Mom In High School

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....you have no idea how hard it was. I'm not complaining, just sharing. Complicating matters, I was white. Now mind you, I was dealing with a daughter of my own age back in 97. I was new to Milwaukee. Anyways, there was this prevailing, unsaid aura that labeled me a "white" teenage mom. It didn't last long once people got to know me, but still, they believed only black girls got pregnant at an early age.

I disagree with you on most topics, but you have my respect and admiration. God bless you.
Not sure what to make of this. Was the rape an act of violence against the poster or was it consensual sex but with an older man? The poster goes on to later have two children with two different men.

Is this an example of bad luck or simply bad judgement?

What a horrible story, but thanks to Windparadox for telling it.

Whenever I write about this on USMB, I get screamed at, but it's true. Evangelicals are horrible parents to girls. They deliberately keep their daughters ignorant about sex and about birth control, perhaps so they can sell them to the highest bidder on the marriage market. Selling one's offspring's hymen can bring in big bucks. Her parental units did this to her because of their cult, and she has been the one to suffer for her parental units' sins.

May I also put in a bad word here for this Owen couple in Florida who tried to screw over their own son. Pfft!

Windparadox is right to call the two who screwed around enough to have her and then failed her "parental units." It puts a good distance between her and these two. They certainly were not "mom" and "dad." These two did nothing but produce a baby whom they then failed to raise.

BTW: I think that we have to distinguish between denominations of Baptists. I've met some pretty sharp Baptists and there are people like Jimmy and Roslyn Carter, who are some very respectable people who have tried to bring their best to the world. I think that the Gore family are Baptist, as are Al Sharpton and many other Baptists who are African-American, and have tried in their way to do the same.

The Roman Catholic Church has an hierarchy, much the same as a medieval country, so it is easy to place blame, as I do as a cradle Catholic for this church's history, mistreatment of women, banning female people from the ministry, aid to the Nazi criminals after WWII, mistreatment of mothers in the Magdalene laundries, the cover-ups of pedophiles. It is far harder to parse the many strains of Baptist, as they have no central governance. There are the Carters and the Gores, but also the jeffress and grahams, the falwell types, etc.
Ah lez shows up to exploit a woman's rape for the purpose of facilitating a long anti Christian rant....good on ya, lez.
-------------------------------------- and thats what it is , imo , anti Christian Drama , probably BS in my opinion .
Not "anti-Christian." Not all Christians worldwide behave like baboons. It's only the phony "Christians" who do.
What a horrible story, but thanks to Windparadox for telling it.

Whenever I write about this on USMB, I get screamed at, but it's true. Evangelicals are horrible parents to girls. They deliberately keep their daughters ignorant about sex and about birth control, perhaps so they can sell them to the highest bidder on the marriage market. Selling one's offspring's hymen can bring in big bucks. Her parental units did this to her because of their cult, and she has been the one to suffer for her parental units' sins.

May I also put in a bad word here for this Owen couple in Florida who tried to screw over their own son. Pfft!

Windparadox is right to call the two who screwed around enough to have her and then failed her "parental units." It puts a good distance between her and these two. They certainly were not "mom" and "dad." These two did nothing but produce a baby whom they then failed to raise.

BTW: I think that we have to distinguish between denominations of Baptists. I've met some pretty sharp Baptists and there are people like Jimmy and Roslyn Carter, who are some very respectable people who have tried to bring their best to the world. I think that the Gore family are Baptist, as are Al Sharpton and many other Baptists who are African-American, and have tried in their way to do the same.

The Roman Catholic Church has an hierarchy, much the same as a medieval country, so it is easy to place blame, as I do as a cradle Catholic for this church's history, mistreatment of women, banning female people from the ministry, aid to the Nazi criminals after WWII, mistreatment of mothers in the Magdalene laundries, the cover-ups of pedophiles. It is far harder to parse the many strains of Baptist, as they have no central governance. There are the Carters and the Gores, but also the jeffress and grahams, the falwell types, etc.
Ah lez shows up to exploit a woman's rape for the purpose of facilitating a long anti Christian rant....good on ya, lez.
-------------------------------------- and thats what it is , imo , anti Christian Drama , probably BS in my opinion .
Not "anti-Christian." Not all Christians worldwide behave like baboons. It's only the phony "Christians" who do.

Way to miss the point.

Which is that the left re-victimizes victims by standing on their damaged, bleeding bodies whenever possible to promote their hateful ideology.
Well, so far, the OP is MIA.
Just what the fuck is the purpose of this thread????
I don't know you are CONGRATULATING her in this thread for having a baby at the age of 12 years in age yes?
I was raped fool.
Oh. I see she wanders by now and then with insults. Why the fuck did she start this thread? For what purpose? Drops hints here and there, wanders off again, comes back, reads comments she doesn't like, wanders off again.

Meh. Something stinks in this "story".
What a horrible story, but thanks to Windparadox for telling it.

Whenever I write about this on USMB, I get screamed at, but it's true. Evangelicals are horrible parents to girls. They deliberately keep their daughters ignorant about sex and about birth control, perhaps so they can sell them to the highest bidder on the marriage market. Selling one's offspring's hymen can bring in big bucks. Her parental units did this to her because of their cult, and she has been the one to suffer for her parental units' sins.

May I also put in a bad word here for this Owen couple in Florida who tried to screw over their own son. Pfft!

Windparadox is right to call the two who screwed around enough to have her and then failed her "parental units." It puts a good distance between her and these two. They certainly were not "mom" and "dad." These two did nothing but produce a baby whom they then failed to raise.

BTW: I think that we have to distinguish between denominations of Baptists. I've met some pretty sharp Baptists and there are people like Jimmy and Roslyn Carter, who are some very respectable people who have tried to bring their best to the world. I think that the Gore family are Baptist, as are Al Sharpton and many other Baptists who are African-American, and have tried in their way to do the same.

The Roman Catholic Church has an hierarchy, much the same as a medieval country, so it is easy to place blame, as I do as a cradle Catholic for this church's history, mistreatment of women, banning female people from the ministry, aid to the Nazi criminals after WWII, mistreatment of mothers in the Magdalene laundries, the cover-ups of pedophiles. It is far harder to parse the many strains of Baptist, as they have no central governance. There are the Carters and the Gores, but also the jeffress and grahams, the falwell types, etc.
Ah lez shows up to exploit a woman's rape for the purpose of facilitating a long anti Christian rant....good on ya, lez.

I never was "anti-Christian," Ms. Ridiculous. Read my post again, if you can. And I only dealt with the confusing mosaic of the Baptist religion. I've never said anything about any Orthodox Christian denomination, or any other Christian denomination. There are such Christians out there in denominations such as Episcopalian, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, Quaker, and more. If you bother to read, you will find that I spoke well of the Carters and Gores, Baptist people.

Why do you doubt that the Christian faith is all split up into denominations and factions? It has been for centuries.
All teach the same dogma but they each were formed for different reasons good example was the Quakers who formed because the King formed the Church of England and outlawed the Catholic church. The Quakers form as the Society of Friends.
Not sure what to make of this. Was the rape an act of violence against the poster or was it consensual sex but with an older man? The poster goes on to later have two children with two different men.Is this an example of bad luck or simply bad judgement?.
Merely a lifestyle choice. I make over six figures and year so I can afford it. Of course it will not meet the approval of the religious self-righteous but it works for me. My oldest has already graduated from college and my two youngest are doing well in school. I live up in northern Wisconsin on about 90 acres of land. Lot's of good hunting. I've invested in two wind turbines and assorted solar panels that make we power self-sufficient. Life is good.
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You were pregnant at 12???
Well good job on not killing your baby and proving that having a baby is not the end of a person's life, even if they are really young.
Margaret Beaufort, the mother of King Henry VII, was 13 years old when she gave birth to him. She is one of the most remarkable women, and mothers, that our planet has ever seen.
Abortion is not ‘killing a baby.’........

Of course it is. If your conscience is uncomfortable with that, it should be.
What a horrible story, but thanks to Windparadox for telling it.

Whenever I write about this on USMB, I get screamed at, but it's true. Evangelicals are horrible parents to girls. They deliberately keep their daughters ignorant about sex and about birth control, perhaps so they can sell them to the highest bidder on the marriage market. Selling one's offspring's hymen can bring in big bucks. Her parental units did this to her because of their cult, and she has been the one to suffer for her parental units' sins.

May I also put in a bad word here for this Owen couple in Florida who tried to screw over their own son. Pfft!

Windparadox is right to call the two who screwed around enough to have her and then failed her "parental units." It puts a good distance between her and these two. They certainly were not "mom" and "dad." These two did nothing but produce a baby whom they then failed to raise.

BTW: I think that we have to distinguish between denominations of Baptists. I've met some pretty sharp Baptists and there are people like Jimmy and Roslyn Carter, who are some very respectable people who have tried to bring their best to the world. I think that the Gore family are Baptist, as are Al Sharpton and many other Baptists who are African-American, and have tried in their way to do the same.

The Roman Catholic Church has an hierarchy, much the same as a medieval country, so it is easy to place blame, as I do as a cradle Catholic for this church's history, mistreatment of women, banning female people from the ministry, aid to the Nazi criminals after WWII, mistreatment of mothers in the Magdalene laundries, the cover-ups of pedophiles. It is far harder to parse the many strains of Baptist, as they have no central governance. There are the Carters and the Gores, but also the jeffress and grahams, the falwell types, etc.
Ah lez shows up to exploit a woman's rape for the purpose of facilitating a long anti Christian rant....good on ya, lez.

I never was "anti-Christian," Ms. Ridiculous. Read my post again, if you can. And I only dealt with the confusing mosaic of the Baptist religion. I've never said anything about any Orthodox Christian denomination, or any other Christian denomination. There are such Christians out there in denominations such as Episcopalian, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, Quaker, and more. If you bother to read, you will find that I spoke well of the Carters and Gores, Baptist people.

Why do you doubt that the Christian faith is all split up into denominations and factions? It has been for centuries.
All teach the same dogma but they each were formed for different reasons good example was the Quakers who formed because the King formed the Church of England and outlawed the Catholic church. The Quakers form as the Society of Friends.

The Quakers (Society of Friends) adopted a unique approach to Christianity; one that I have found from my teenage years to be the most pure. I don't give a rat's ass about many Christian groups, but if a Quaker calls, I will be there. It was the Quakers who tried to rescue African-descended people being held in bondage. It was the Quakers who approached the Nazi government to try to ransom the lives of Jews who were destined for slaughter. I can only be a lousy Quaker because I still want to smack the shit out of other people, but if you want holy in the Christian tradition, they are TOPS!
What a horrible story, but thanks to Windparadox for telling it.

Whenever I write about this on USMB, I get screamed at, but it's true. Evangelicals are horrible parents to girls. They deliberately keep their daughters ignorant about sex and about birth control, perhaps so they can sell them to the highest bidder on the marriage market. Selling one's offspring's hymen can bring in big bucks. Her parental units did this to her because of their cult, and she has been the one to suffer for her parental units' sins.

May I also put in a bad word here for this Owen couple in Florida who tried to screw over their own son. Pfft!

Windparadox is right to call the two who screwed around enough to have her and then failed her "parental units." It puts a good distance between her and these two. They certainly were not "mom" and "dad." These two did nothing but produce a baby whom they then failed to raise.

BTW: I think that we have to distinguish between denominations of Baptists. I've met some pretty sharp Baptists and there are people like Jimmy and Roslyn Carter, who are some very respectable people who have tried to bring their best to the world. I think that the Gore family are Baptist, as are Al Sharpton and many other Baptists who are African-American, and have tried in their way to do the same.

The Roman Catholic Church has an hierarchy, much the same as a medieval country, so it is easy to place blame, as I do as a cradle Catholic for this church's history, mistreatment of women, banning female people from the ministry, aid to the Nazi criminals after WWII, mistreatment of mothers in the Magdalene laundries, the cover-ups of pedophiles. It is far harder to parse the many strains of Baptist, as they have no central governance. There are the Carters and the Gores, but also the jeffress and grahams, the falwell types, etc.
Ah lez shows up to exploit a woman's rape for the purpose of facilitating a long anti Christian rant....good on ya, lez.

I never was "anti-Christian," Ms. Ridiculous. Read my post again, if you can. And I only dealt with the confusing mosaic of the Baptist religion. I've never said anything about any Orthodox Christian denomination, or any other Christian denomination. There are such Christians out there in denominations such as Episcopalian, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, Quaker, and more. If you bother to read, you will find that I spoke well of the Carters and Gores, Baptist people.

Why do you doubt that the Christian faith is all split up into denominations and factions? It has been for centuries.
All teach the same dogma but they each were formed for different reasons good example was the Quakers who formed because the King formed the Church of England and outlawed the Catholic church. The Quakers form as the Society of Friends.

The Quakers (Society of Friends) adopted a unique approach to Christianity; one that I have found from my teenage years to be the most pure. I don't give a rat's ass about many Christian groups, but if a Quaker calls, I will be there. It was the Quakers who tried to rescue African-descended people being held in bondage. It was the Quakers who approached the Nazi government to try to ransom the lives of Jews who were destined for slaughter. I can only be a lousy Quaker because I still want to smack the shit out of other people, but if you want holy in the Christian tradition, they are TOPS!

They were also prohibitionist. They were a lot better than the Shakers...
I see. So...the thread was just a general "life was hard but I do so well now I can even make spelling errors and you all suck cuz I was raped but all is good now and no I ain't telling you about the baptist guy that raped me when I was 12, and I am liking watching you all bicker amongst yourselves about what I experienced as I sit here and chuckle at the shenanigans".

We have?I don't remember that class.And I'm pretty damn sure I wouldn't have skipped it.
I've never heard of other parents speak of it, I never heard it at PTA and school board meetings, I never heard students, including my own, mention it. Where does this happen?
Good for you, for being so strong. But do the ‘units’ know you refer to them as ‘units’?
I have not spoken to them since I was 13. It took me years but I had to get over the hate I had for them. I'm still not there. The betrayal cut so deep, there is nothing left.
There are some things that perhaps can’t be forgiven, IMHO.
My parents made it clear to my sisters and I that if we ever got pregnant underage they would disown us. It didn’t happen to either of us, but had it, and had they done what they threatened, I doubt I would forgive them.
You seem to have made a success out of a very difficult situation, so maybe you are just better off without the parental units!
I’m really sorry to hear what happened to you, and I hope you are proud of yourself for how you’ve got through it :huddle:.
Windparadox, I don't question whether or not you were raped or not or whether or not it was consensual and thus, still rape at that young age. To me, it is irrelevant. The rest of your story does not ring true. I have no clue as to why you would post it but it just doesn't ring true.
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