I Was A Single Mom In High School

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As I commented it is exceptionally disturbing to be discussing a CHILD giving birth to a CHILD at the age of 12 years in age.
It's reality. It was a hell I wish on no female and yet, despite those hardships, I not only survived but also become stronger.
You are obviously strong. I know women that are complete messes that were raped when they were adults.

How do you know she isn't a mess?
Easy. I can read.
Liberalism is a progressive disease.
This was a rape perpetrated through an evangelical baptist church which is far away from liberal and progressive ideas.

Abortion is a liberal idea. If they advocated abortion they were liberal. Dosnt matter what they portrayed. That liberal poison was there all along just waiting. And you see the results.
What a horrible story, but thanks to Windparadox for telling it.

Whenever I write about this on USMB, I get screamed at, but it's true. Evangelicals are horrible parents to girls. They deliberately keep their daughters ignorant about sex and about birth control, perhaps so they can sell them to the highest bidder on the marriage market. Selling one's offspring's hymen can bring in big bucks. Her parental units did this to her because of their cult, and she has been the one to suffer for her parental units' sins.

May I also put in a bad word here for this Owen couple in Florida who tried to screw over their own son. Pfft!

Windparadox is right to call the two who screwed around enough to have her and then failed her "parental units." It puts a good distance between her and these two. They certainly were not "mom" and "dad." These two did nothing but produce a baby whom they then failed to raise.

BTW: I think that we have to distinguish between denominations of Baptists. I've met some pretty sharp Baptists and there are people like Jimmy and Roslyn Carter, who are some very respectable people who have tried to bring their best to the world. I think that the Gore family are Baptist, as are Al Sharpton and many other Baptists who are African-American, and have tried in their way to do the same.

The Roman Catholic Church has an hierarchy, much the same as a medieval country, so it is easy to place blame, as I do as a cradle Catholic for this church's history, mistreatment of women, banning female people from the ministry, aid to the Nazi criminals after WWII, mistreatment of mothers in the Magdalene laundries, the cover-ups of pedophiles. It is far harder to parse the many strains of Baptist, as they have no central governance. There are the Carters and the Gores, but also the jeffress and grahams, the falwell types, etc.
Ah lez shows up to exploit a woman's rape for the purpose of facilitating a long anti Christian rant....good on ya, lez.

I never was "anti-Christian," Ms. Ridiculous. Read my post again, if you can. And I only dealt with the confusing mosaic of the Baptist religion. I've never said anything about any Orthodox Christian denomination, or any other Christian denomination. There are such Christians out there in denominations such as Episcopalian, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, Quaker, and more. If you bother to read, you will find that I spoke well of the Carters and Gores, Baptist people.

Why do you doubt that the Christian faith is all split up into denominations and factions? It has been for centuries.
All teach the same dogma but they each were formed for different reasons good example was the Quakers who formed because the King formed the Church of England and outlawed the Catholic church. The Quakers form as the Society of Friends.

The Quakers (Society of Friends) adopted a unique approach to Christianity; one that I have found from my teenage years to be the most pure. I don't give a rat's ass about many Christian groups, but if a Quaker calls, I will be there. It was the Quakers who tried to rescue African-descended people being held in bondage. It was the Quakers who approached the Nazi government to try to ransom the lives of Jews who were destined for slaughter. I can only be a lousy Quaker because I still want to smack the shit out of other people, but if you want holy in the Christian tradition, they are TOPS!

They were also prohibitionist. They were a lot better than the Shakers...

Actually, the Quakers I have known have liked a good drink from time to time. These people took me in as a teenager fleeing the RC, and let me sit on the floor in front of the fireplace in my army jacket with the Sergeant Pepper's patch during Meeting for Worship, and this congregation greeted this teenager warmly. I remember when a black-leather clad motorcycle type came clanking through the doors, looking tough like a Hell's Angel. He ended up being a biker sent from another meeting many miles away to invite the congregation to the opening of a new meeting house. A tough-looking Christian on a bike.
in my opinion this thread is just a liberal attack on Evangelical Church's by an enemy of Evangelical Church's but i said that 10 pages back in the thread .
so a Biker Chick eh , commonly referred to as a 'mama' . Were you common Club Property or Property of an individual wanker named Spike or what Lysis ?? --- --- this link might bring back memories Lysis .
I'm fine with no sex until marriage.
Unfortunately, we've spent the last 60 years telling kids in elementary school that sex is fun and essentially has no consequences.
So meh. People need to make up their minds. If you're going to *educate* kids about the physical aspects of sex starting when they're 7 or so, it's a little schizo to then tell them that if they DO get pregnant, it's horrible beyond imagining. Pregnancy is still just a natural physical condition...like boners and your period. The dissonance between thinking we should talk to kids like they're adults about fucking, then getting hysterical at the thought of those same kids experiencing the natural outcome of fucking, is mind blowing.

Wow, I too missed that class. Sixty years ago I was in, what was called then, Jr. High School. None of my classes included the "Joy of Sex". It WAS shameful and humiliating for a girl to get pregnant in school. It seems to me that it would be better for our kids to go back to those days rather than glorifying being a teen and being pregnant. Teen Mom is a great show along with 15 and pregnant.

Here's an idea. Teach kids before they're seven and until adulthood to be personally responsible. Yes, you can do these things but there are consequences.
This is a stupid argument, always has been; they make their choice when they choose to have sex. It isn't rocket science, it's basic biology. If they get pregnant from it then they are now responsible for another life. They have no right to kill it just because sickos like yourself enjoy the idea.
A choice to get raped by a trusted member of the baptist clergy? May I remind you these hypocrites, despite their righteous anti-abortion stance, wanted me to get one. Which is why, to this day, I have no use for baptists and evangelicals.

Wait a second. Your complaint is that they *dont* follow the teachings of their religion...but now you reject the religion?
Yeah it's the mantra of the mentally ill, godless, left.

Who can figure that kind of logic? These people start with a hatred for Christianity and work backwards to a reason.
This one claims to hate Christianity because she has seen first hand the damage caused by not following Christian precepts? OK. Yeah that makes a convincing argument.
In your case, the physical damage did massive damage to your brain so while the scar can be fixed, your psychological dysfunctions are forever permanent. Sorry.

Psychiatry says that abusers are often the victims of childhood abuse themselves. It repeats. Should parents in your neighborhood be worried?
Excuse me..."parental units".
I'm fine with no sex until marriage.
Unfortunately, we've spent the last 60 years telling kids in elementary school that sex is fun and essentially has no consequences.
So meh. People need to make up their minds. If you're going to *educate* kids about the physical aspects of sex starting when they're 7 or so, it's a little schizo to then tell them that if they DO get pregnant, it's horrible beyond imagining. Pregnancy is still just a natural physical condition...like boners and your period. The dissonance between thinking we should talk to kids like they're adults about fucking, then getting hysterical at the thought of those same kids experiencing the natural outcome of fucking, is mind blowing.

Wow, I too missed that class. Sixty years ago I was in, what was called then, Jr. High School. None of my classes included the "Joy of Sex". It WAS shameful and humiliating for a girl to get pregnant in school. It seems to me that it would be better for our kids to go back to those days rather than glorifying being a teen and being pregnant. Teen Mom is a great show along with 15 and pregnant.

Here's an idea. Teach kids before they're seven and until adulthood to be personally responsible. Yes, you can do these things but there are consequences.

Funny that...the more sex ed they throw at kids the more of a problem sex becomes for them.
Ah lez shows up to exploit a woman's rape for the purpose of facilitating a long anti Christian rant....good on ya, lez.

I never was "anti-Christian," Ms. Ridiculous. Read my post again, if you can. And I only dealt with the confusing mosaic of the Baptist religion. I've never said anything about any Orthodox Christian denomination, or any other Christian denomination. There are such Christians out there in denominations such as Episcopalian, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, Quaker, and more. If you bother to read, you will find that I spoke well of the Carters and Gores, Baptist people.

Why do you doubt that the Christian faith is all split up into denominations and factions? It has been for centuries.
All teach the same dogma but they each were formed for different reasons good example was the Quakers who formed because the King formed the Church of England and outlawed the Catholic church. The Quakers form as the Society of Friends.

The Quakers (Society of Friends) adopted a unique approach to Christianity; one that I have found from my teenage years to be the most pure. I don't give a rat's ass about many Christian groups, but if a Quaker calls, I will be there. It was the Quakers who tried to rescue African-descended people being held in bondage. It was the Quakers who approached the Nazi government to try to ransom the lives of Jews who were destined for slaughter. I can only be a lousy Quaker because I still want to smack the shit out of other people, but if you want holy in the Christian tradition, they are TOPS!

They were also prohibitionist. They were a lot better than the Shakers...

Actually, the Quakers I have known have liked a good drink from time to time. These people took me in as a teenager fleeing the RC, and let me sit on the floor in front of the fireplace in my army jacket with the Sergeant Pepper's patch during Meeting for Worship, and this congregation greeted this teenager warmly. I remember when a black-leather clad motorcycle type came clanking through the doors, looking tough like a Hell's Angel. He ended up being a biker sent from another meeting many miles away to invite the congregation to the opening of a new meeting house. A tough-looking Christian on a bike.

LOL. Talk about too much TV. All the coolest Quakers wear motorcycle leather or army jackets dont you know?

BTW Quakers arent Christian though they have Christian roots. Note: Christian is used as a noun here...not an adjective.
[QUOTE="Lucy Hamilton, post: 20804850, member: 56028"I am not a fool, perhaps you should have completed your OP to include you were raped you decided to deliberately omit THAT from your OP, why? Why didn't you put that in your OP?
Yeah you are. A 12 year old cannot legally consent to sex and in every law book in the US, sex with a 12 year old is considered RAPE. Duh![/QUOTE]
Neither can a hypothetical 12 year old boy.

For all we know an 11 year old impregnated you on a dare.

Funny how people on here respect such an airhead like yourself.
I never was "anti-Christian," Ms. Ridiculous. Read my post again, if you can. And I only dealt with the confusing mosaic of the Baptist religion. I've never said anything about any Orthodox Christian denomination, or any other Christian denomination. There are such Christians out there in denominations such as Episcopalian, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, Quaker, and more. If you bother to read, you will find that I spoke well of the Carters and Gores, Baptist people.

Why do you doubt that the Christian faith is all split up into denominations and factions? It has been for centuries.
All teach the same dogma but they each were formed for different reasons good example was the Quakers who formed because the King formed the Church of England and outlawed the Catholic church. The Quakers form as the Society of Friends.

The Quakers (Society of Friends) adopted a unique approach to Christianity; one that I have found from my teenage years to be the most pure. I don't give a rat's ass about many Christian groups, but if a Quaker calls, I will be there. It was the Quakers who tried to rescue African-descended people being held in bondage. It was the Quakers who approached the Nazi government to try to ransom the lives of Jews who were destined for slaughter. I can only be a lousy Quaker because I still want to smack the shit out of other people, but if you want holy in the Christian tradition, they are TOPS!

They were also prohibitionist. They were a lot better than the Shakers...

Actually, the Quakers I have known have liked a good drink from time to time. These people took me in as a teenager fleeing the RC, and let me sit on the floor in front of the fireplace in my army jacket with the Sergeant Pepper's patch during Meeting for Worship, and this congregation greeted this teenager warmly. I remember when a black-leather clad motorcycle type came clanking through the doors, looking tough like a Hell's Angel. He ended up being a biker sent from another meeting many miles away to invite the congregation to the opening of a new meeting house. A tough-looking Christian on a bike.

LOL. Talk about too much TV. All the coolest Quakers wear motorcycle leather or army jackets dont you know?

BTW Quakers arent Christian though they have Christian roots. Note: Christian is used as a noun here...not an adjective.

The Quakers are most certainly Christian. They practice Christianity in what is perhaps the purest form of Christianity. The events I described occurred 40-50 years ago. They are so much more Christian than these morons who run around babbling that Islam is not a religion, LGBTs are terrible, and female persons should know how to spread their legs on their "husband's" command and shut up. I didn't grow up with the trashy likes of frankie graham, this jeffress, focus on the family, and the rest of the current nonsense.

Yeah. When I was a teenager, I had an army jacket with a Sergeant Pepper's patch sewn on the sleeve. I didn't dye my hair bright yellow, slather eye make-up on like an ancient Egyptian goddess, and carry a bibble around, spouting. People knew about dignity in those days.
All teach the same dogma but they each were formed for different reasons good example was the Quakers who formed because the King formed the Church of England and outlawed the Catholic church. The Quakers form as the Society of Friends.

The Quakers (Society of Friends) adopted a unique approach to Christianity; one that I have found from my teenage years to be the most pure. I don't give a rat's ass about many Christian groups, but if a Quaker calls, I will be there. It was the Quakers who tried to rescue African-descended people being held in bondage. It was the Quakers who approached the Nazi government to try to ransom the lives of Jews who were destined for slaughter. I can only be a lousy Quaker because I still want to smack the shit out of other people, but if you want holy in the Christian tradition, they are TOPS!

They were also prohibitionist. They were a lot better than the Shakers...

Actually, the Quakers I have known have liked a good drink from time to time. These people took me in as a teenager fleeing the RC, and let me sit on the floor in front of the fireplace in my army jacket with the Sergeant Pepper's patch during Meeting for Worship, and this congregation greeted this teenager warmly. I remember when a black-leather clad motorcycle type came clanking through the doors, looking tough like a Hell's Angel. He ended up being a biker sent from another meeting many miles away to invite the congregation to the opening of a new meeting house. A tough-looking Christian on a bike.

LOL. Talk about too much TV. All the coolest Quakers wear motorcycle leather or army jackets dont you know?

BTW Quakers arent Christian though they have Christian roots. Note: Christian is used as a noun here...not an adjective.

The Quakers are most certainly Christian. They practice Christianity in what is perhaps the purest form of Christianity. The events I described occurred 40-50 years ago. They are so much more Christian than these morons who run around babbling that Islam is not a religion, LGBTs are terrible, and female persons should know how to spread their legs on their "husband's" command and shut up. I didn't grow up with the trashy likes of frankie graham, this jeffress, focus on the family, and the rest of the current nonsense.

Yeah. When I was a teenager, I had an army jacket with a Sergeant Pepper's patch sewn on the sleeve. I didn't dye my hair bright yellow, slather eye make-up on like an ancient Egyptian goddess, and carry a bibble around, spouting. People knew about dignity in those days.
You're a hysterical fruitcake.
in my opinion this thread is just a liberal attack on Evangelical Church's by an enemy of Evangelical Church's but i said that 10 pages back in the thread .
I think the OP is a lez sock. Or lez is an OP sock.
just anti Christian that is REAL Christianity eh Lysis .

What is "REAL Christianity"? I refer to you the Orthodox from Egypt to Russia to Greece, Armenia, and to the Church of England at Canterbury and Westminster, the Church of Scotland, the RC's in the Republic of Ireland, and so many more beyond.
The Quakers (Society of Friends) adopted a unique approach to Christianity; one that I have found from my teenage years to be the most pure. I don't give a rat's ass about many Christian groups, but if a Quaker calls, I will be there. It was the Quakers who tried to rescue African-descended people being held in bondage. It was the Quakers who approached the Nazi government to try to ransom the lives of Jews who were destined for slaughter. I can only be a lousy Quaker because I still want to smack the shit out of other people, but if you want holy in the Christian tradition, they are TOPS!

They were also prohibitionist. They were a lot better than the Shakers...

Actually, the Quakers I have known have liked a good drink from time to time. These people took me in as a teenager fleeing the RC, and let me sit on the floor in front of the fireplace in my army jacket with the Sergeant Pepper's patch during Meeting for Worship, and this congregation greeted this teenager warmly. I remember when a black-leather clad motorcycle type came clanking through the doors, looking tough like a Hell's Angel. He ended up being a biker sent from another meeting many miles away to invite the congregation to the opening of a new meeting house. A tough-looking Christian on a bike.

LOL. Talk about too much TV. All the coolest Quakers wear motorcycle leather or army jackets dont you know?

BTW Quakers arent Christian though they have Christian roots. Note: Christian is used as a noun here...not an adjective.

The Quakers are most certainly Christian. They practice Christianity in what is perhaps the purest form of Christianity. The events I described occurred 40-50 years ago. They are so much more Christian than these morons who run around babbling that Islam is not a religion, LGBTs are terrible, and female persons should know how to spread their legs on their "husband's" command and shut up. I didn't grow up with the trashy likes of frankie graham, this jeffress, focus on the family, and the rest of the current nonsense.

Yeah. When I was a teenager, I had an army jacket with a Sergeant Pepper's patch sewn on the sleeve. I didn't dye my hair bright yellow, slather eye make-up on like an ancient Egyptian goddess, and carry a bibble around, spouting. People knew about dignity in those days.
You're a hysterical fruitcake.
Why? What I have seen out of those who call themselves "Christian" today is a pile of dogshit.
They were also prohibitionist. They were a lot better than the Shakers...

Actually, the Quakers I have known have liked a good drink from time to time. These people took me in as a teenager fleeing the RC, and let me sit on the floor in front of the fireplace in my army jacket with the Sergeant Pepper's patch during Meeting for Worship, and this congregation greeted this teenager warmly. I remember when a black-leather clad motorcycle type came clanking through the doors, looking tough like a Hell's Angel. He ended up being a biker sent from another meeting many miles away to invite the congregation to the opening of a new meeting house. A tough-looking Christian on a bike.

LOL. Talk about too much TV. All the coolest Quakers wear motorcycle leather or army jackets dont you know?

BTW Quakers arent Christian though they have Christian roots. Note: Christian is used as a noun here...not an adjective.

The Quakers are most certainly Christian. They practice Christianity in what is perhaps the purest form of Christianity. The events I described occurred 40-50 years ago. They are so much more Christian than these morons who run around babbling that Islam is not a religion, LGBTs are terrible, and female persons should know how to spread their legs on their "husband's" command and shut up. I didn't grow up with the trashy likes of frankie graham, this jeffress, focus on the family, and the rest of the current nonsense.

Yeah. When I was a teenager, I had an army jacket with a Sergeant Pepper's patch sewn on the sleeve. I didn't dye my hair bright yellow, slather eye make-up on like an ancient Egyptian goddess, and carry a bibble around, spouting. People knew about dignity in those days.
You're a hysterical fruitcake.
Why? What I have seen out of those who call themselves "Christian" today is a pile of dogshit.

The top 30 countries for murder are all Christian countries.
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