I Was A Single Mom In High School

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I did? I was raised very strictly. The daughter of two RC parents in a rather prosperous town in northern Jersey who put away money to pay my college tuition? I, who was taken to RC mass and Sunday school every week, with white gloves on? Do you have any idea the amount of white gloves I owned? With a father who, when I became disgusted with the RCs and was too young to have a driver's license, drove me anywhere I wanted to go on a Sunday morning, saying that he was just happy that I wanted to go somewhere for religious reasons? He was happy that I was a thinker and an explorer. He was the guy who stopped me when I was walking down the driveway in a gauzy top, and told me to turn around because he could see my bra from the back and wanted to see what I looked like from the front. Fortunately the front of my top was lined and not see-through, or I would have been sent back to the house to dress decently.I was the one with my mother and aunt in Ephesus and the Vatican; St. Peter's.What a "hard" upbringing.My family had it's problems, but they were no joke. You are the joke.
I was brought up by two massively hypocritical evangelical baptists who hid behind a massively hypocritical baptist church. By the time I was sent to live with my aunt, I hated both. Both preached anti-abortion rhetoric along with anti-catholic bullshit, among other things. That screwed up my head for awhile but luckily my agnostic aunt helped me unlearn all the hatred that was force fed me.

Fast forward in time. I sent my daughter to MPSS (Milwaukee Public School System) which I was highly dissatisfied with. By chance, I had an opportunity (through work) to buy a place up here in northern Wisconsin and went for it. I checked out the schools up here and the best were the Catholic schools. So that's where I sent my daughter....in fact, all my daughters. Catholic grade and high school. In both, you could opt out of religion classes which I did. As fate would have it however, my oldest wanted to become a Catholic, she received with my permission and blessings. I mean it was her life.

I ended up getting my degree from a Catholic university as did my oldest. I have no kick against Catholics, in fact the bulk of my friends are Catholic. One thing I never got was being judged and preached to by them or the schools. Fact is, I can count two Jesuits as good friends of mine. Unfortunately, I still have absolutely no use for the cultish evangelicals..
Yoh have a lot of issues. You carry a lot of bitterness, anger and hate. You seem very judgemental of others. Best to focus on your own standing before God rather than judging others. I thought that was what the God Haters hated in others.
They were also prohibitionist. They were a lot better than the Shakers...

Actually, the Quakers I have known have liked a good drink from time to time. These people took me in as a teenager fleeing the RC, and let me sit on the floor in front of the fireplace in my army jacket with the Sergeant Pepper's patch during Meeting for Worship, and this congregation greeted this teenager warmly. I remember when a black-leather clad motorcycle type came clanking through the doors, looking tough like a Hell's Angel. He ended up being a biker sent from another meeting many miles away to invite the congregation to the opening of a new meeting house. A tough-looking Christian on a bike.

LOL. Talk about too much TV. All the coolest Quakers wear motorcycle leather or army jackets dont you know?

BTW Quakers arent Christian though they have Christian roots. Note: Christian is used as a noun here...not an adjective.

The Quakers are most certainly Christian. They practice Christianity in what is perhaps the purest form of Christianity. The events I described occurred 40-50 years ago. They are so much more Christian than these morons who run around babbling that Islam is not a religion, LGBTs are terrible, and female persons should know how to spread their legs on their "husband's" command and shut up. I didn't grow up with the trashy likes of frankie graham, this jeffress, focus on the family, and the rest of the current nonsense.

Yeah. When I was a teenager, I had an army jacket with a Sergeant Pepper's patch sewn on the sleeve. I didn't dye my hair bright yellow, slather eye make-up on like an ancient Egyptian goddess, and carry a bibble around, spouting. People knew about dignity in those days.

You grew up trashy (your word) and hard lysistrada and it shows.

I did? I was raised very strictly. The daughter of two RC parents in a rather prosperous town in northern Jersey who put away money to pay my college tuition? I, who was taken to RC mass and Sunday school every week, with white gloves on? Do you have any idea the amount of white gloves I owned? With a father who, when I became disgusted with the RCs and was too young to have a driver's license, drove me anywhere I wanted to go on a Sunday morning, saying that he was just happy that I wanted to go somewhere for religious reasons? He was happy that I was a thinker and an explorer. He was the guy who stopped me when I was walking down the driveway in a gauzy top, and told me to turn around because he could see my bra from the back and wanted to see what I looked like from the front. Fortunately the front of my top was lined and not see-through, or I would have been sent back to the house to dress decently.

I was the one with my mother and aunt in Ephesus and the Vatican; St. Peter's.

What a "hard" upbringing.

My family had it's problems, but they were no joke. You are the joke.

Yeah yeah we’ve heard about the white gloves over and over. How shallow can you be? And we’ve heard about windparadox’s “six figure salary” a few times too.

You should really move to Facebook with all the other old maids touting their fathers super duper strictness.

“Had its problems” lol. White glove pretensions and all.
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Yoh have a lot of issues. You carry a lot of bitterness, anger and hate. You seem very judgemental of others. Best to focus on your own standing before God rather than judging others. I thought that was what the God Haters hated in others.
I don't believe in your cult nor your so-called god. Best peddle your advice to other weak minded people.
Yoh have a lot of issues. You carry a lot of bitterness, anger and hate. You seem very judgemental of others. Best to focus on your own standing before God rather than judging others. I thought that was what the God Haters hated in others.
I don't believe in your cult nor your so-called god. Best peddle your advice to other weak minded people.
she's 100 percent right.

I personally think you're full of shit. You might have been raped, you might not have. You might have had a baby at 12, you might not have. I don't believe you bring in a six figure salary, I don't think you are intelligent enough.
in my opinion this thread is just a liberal attack on Evangelical Church's by an enemy of Evangelical Church's but i said that 10 pages back in the thread .

Well not just an attack on Evangelical's but it has become an attack on Christians in general, so the thread the reason it was posted perhaps was to have another opportunity to allow the Anti-Christians to have their usual hysterical and non-coherent rants about how EVIL Christians are and how EVIL Christianity is and that EVERYONE is a hypocrite who is a Christian etc

Is it an "attack on Christians in general"? Or just your cult? Let's hear from the Archbishop of Canterbury, The head of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, the Philadelphia Meeting of the Society of Friends, the leading members of the Methodist faith, Archbishop of Newark (retired), the Right Reverend John Shelby Spong, the Patriarch of Jerusalem, Bishop Gene Robinson, and more in the Christian faith.

"Or just your cult?"

I am not in any cult.

"Let's hear from the Archbishop of Canterbury, The head of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, the Philadelphia Meeting of the Society of Friends, the leading members of the Methodist faith, Archbishop of Newark (retired), the Right Reverend John Shelby Spong, the Patriarch of Jerusalem, Bishop Gene Robinson, and more in the Christian faith."

They are not members of this forum, so we cannot hear from them.
she's 100 percent right.I personally think you're full of shit. You might have been raped, you might not have. You might have had a baby at 12, you might not have. I don't believe you bring in a six figure salary, I don't think you are intelligent enough.
Yoh have a lot of issues. You carry a lot of bitterness, anger and hate. You seem very judgemental of others. Best to focus on your own standing before God rather than judging others. I thought that was what the God Haters hated in others.
I don't believe in your cult nor your so-called god. Best peddle your advice to other weak minded people.

You believe in It enough to make hate your religion.

“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you.” (John 15:18)
Is it an "attack on Christians in general"? Or just your cult? Let's hear from the Archbishop of Canterbury, The head of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, the Philadelphia Meeting of the Society of Friends, the leading members of the Methodist faith, Archbishop of Newark (retired), the Right Reverend John Shelby Spong, the Patriarch of Jerusalem, Bishop Gene Robinson, and more in the Christian faith.

I don’t say this lightly. I have never, in all my time in this board, seen anyone as confused as this. (And yes I have read Penelope’s posts.) It boggles the mind. I’m not too sure the above post isn’t the result of early stage dementia.
I think the technical term for what we see in her posts is “word salad”?
Word salad - Wikipedia
Yoh have a lot of issues. You carry a lot of bitterness, anger and hate. You seem very judgemental of others. Best to focus on your own standing before God rather than judging others. I thought that was what the God Haters hated in others.
I don't believe in your cult nor your so-called god. Best peddle your advice to other weak minded people.

You believe in It enough to make hate your religion.

“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you.” (John 15:18)
She intentionally ignores the hypocrisy of her own position.

I originally gave her the benefit of the doubt, but the more she posts on this thread the more I see her hatred of Christianity was her motivation.

Hope she never experiences living under islam (well in a way that might be good)
Yes, I am. What is your point? Do I count as less because of my sex? I dont' get to talk on some issues? Are there any issues that women don't get to talk on, or is this an one way street?FUCK THAT SHIT.I'm not ok with pretending that she is the only person involved.
I'm not the only person that's involved but that's not the point. I belong to several different groups of teen mothers, some fathered by male clergy (not Catholic). I cannot talk for them but each has their own unique story. I say as much as I feel comfortable with, being ambiguous where I need to be. I didn't get an abortion for religious reasons, I felt the life inside me. Some girls get pregnant and don't know it until they come to term. For each it's different.

Don't let a bad past experience define you. I know that's easier said than done but take my dad for example. Boy he can't get over how his uncle beat him when he was a kid. God damn he's a broken fucking record.

Or how these people including his own father took advantage of him in business.

Now his wife, my mom, died just over 2 years ago and again, god damn he won't let it the fuck go. The only guy in the world who still goes 3 or 4 days a week. I think people at the cemetery cringe when they see him because they know he's treating the place like a social place. He's fucked up. The only reason we don't say anything is it's all he has. If he wasn't going there 3 or 4 days a week what would he have to do? Nothing. I'm constantly telling him he needs a job.

People like my dad like to fucking complain about injustices they suffered in the past. He has victim mentality. I'm about to fucking lose it one day and tell him he's a fucking broken record and he needs to shut the fuck up!

Sorry I needed to vent that.
Yoh have a lot of issues. You carry a lot of bitterness, anger and hate. You seem very judgemental of others. Best to focus on your own standing before God rather than judging others. I thought that was what the God Haters hated in others.
I don't believe in your cult nor your so-called god. Best peddle your advice to other weak minded people.

Who are the weak minded?
When degeneracy erases all sense of sin in the anti-religious zealot the only sin left is their neighbors hypocrisy. It consists of, as best I can tell, fallible sinners who DONT revel in and publically promote their failings.
in my opinion this thread is just a liberal attack on Evangelical Church's by an enemy of Evangelical Church's but i said that 10 pages back in the thread .

Well not just an attack on Evangelical's but it has become an attack on Christians in general, so the thread the reason it was posted perhaps was to have another opportunity to allow the Anti-Christians to have their usual hysterical and non-coherent rants about how EVIL Christians are and how EVIL Christianity is and that EVERYONE is a hypocrite who is a Christian etc

Is it an "attack on Christians in general"? Or just your cult? Let's hear from the Archbishop of Canterbury, The head of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, the Philadelphia Meeting of the Society of Friends, the leading members of the Methodist faith, Archbishop of Newark (retired), the Right Reverend John Shelby Spong, the Patriarch of Jerusalem, Bishop Gene Robinson, and more in the Christian faith.
---------------------------------------------- sorry , didn't mean to post the above .
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Women raised by overly religious parents always turn out to be the biggest freaks in bed. Its something about religion that represses people so they explode when they get the chance to.
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