I Was A Single Mom In High School

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She intentionally ignores the hypocrisy of her own position.I originally gave her the benefit of the doubt, but the more she posts on this thread the more I see her hatred of Christianity was her motivation.Hope she never experiences living under islam (well in a way that might be good)
Evangelicals are NOT Christians. They are a cult that uses christianity. -
Dominionism Rising: A Theocratic Movement Hiding in Plain Sight

All of Christianity recognizes Evangelicals as Christian. The Eastern Orthodox do...all 15 autocephalous churches. The Roman Catholics do. The Lutherans do. The Anglican Communion does. The Oriental Orthodox do. Have I covered 99% of Christianity?
So seriously...what logical repercussions are there if a few non-Christians have decided to excommunicate evangelicals?
There are some strange churches out there. Even abusive churches. But Evangelicals as a group are definitely Christian.
And "Dominionism" is a boogeyman...not a religion.
Women raised by overly religious parents always turn out to be the biggest freaks in bed. Its something about religion that represses people so they explode when they get the chance to.
Like Muslim men and their goat, or little boy "lovers"?
I think windy's is in rebellion. And for good reason, it seems. I've been there, myself. Also for good reason. And that's fine. Sometimes it's necessary. I might even dare say mandatory. I don't disagree with her view on what religion has become. She's right about that.

I don't think she's an atheist, though. Seems like her problem is with hypocrites. Of course, I could be wrong. I dunno. That's my couple of cents.
This whole thread is a bunch of fuckery.
When degeneracy erases all sense of sin in the anti-religious zealot the only sin left is their neighbors hypocrisy. It consists of, as best I can tell, fallible sinners who DONT revel in and publically promote their failings.
Secrets of the extreme religious right: Inside the frightening world of the Cultish Christian Reconstructionism
I'll bet one in twenty will read a sensationalistic headline like this. Nobody but the God Haters give a damn about the God Haters opinion.

The little sympathy I had in the beginning flew put the window when it became clear the hate that motivated your thread.
When degeneracy erases all sense of sin in the anti-religious zealot the only sin left is their neighbors hypocrisy. It consists of, as best I can tell, fallible sinners who DONT revel in and publically promote their failings.
Secrets of the extreme religious right: Inside the frightening world of the Cultish Christian Reconstructionism
I'll bet one in twenty will read a sensationalistic headline like this. Nobody but the God Haters give a damn about the God Haters opinion.

The little sympathy I had in the beginning flew put the window when it became clear the hate that motivated your thread.

God haters are big on demanding that others give them a lot of respect and courtesy that they do not extend to Christians.

I moderate a fb group...recently we've had an influx on fb of anti-Christian who like to comment..then be offended if anybody responds to their comment.

For example...

1. A dyke who jumped into a thread to declare that the OP was *unchristian* for calling godless people godless.......who then said she wasn't going to discuss faith on facebook. Wait, wut?

2. A pagan, identified as such by the giant "PROUD PAGAN" cover on her facebook, who jumped into a thread about trapping/predation control declaring that one dead person is not sufficient to stimulate a discussion about trapping. The Proud Pagan then objected when someone brought up the fact pagans are not historically committed to the protection of human life in the first place.

3. An anti-Christian who jumped into the middle of a thread to attack the OP for a general comment about *godless liberals* lolol...Her complaint was that he was tagging her when she didn't want to be tagged, and she in fact said that he'd tagged her in the thread she was whining in. I let her know I was a moderator and he hadn't tagged her (yeah, she was lying. One of her buddies called her to the thread). Then she admitted that she resented the fact that he responded to her responses elsewhere.

What a bunch of doofuses. So I had to explain to the brainless twats that there is no expectation of privacy when you leave a comment, a madface, or a happyface, on facebook posts. Your response is an invitation to people to respond to you..if you don't want people to respond to you, don't post! And if you are really losing sleep over the posts of someone you don't like..BLOCK THEM.

As we all know..it isn't about their peace of mind or civilized discourse. What they ALWAYS object to is being correctly described. Always. All three of those were SELF IDENTIFIED GODLESS LIBERALS...who are godless, and liberal...but don't think anybody should be able to call them that. Unless it's them and their friends. How psychotic is that...
[God haters are big on demanding that others give them a lot of respect and courtesy that they do not extend to Christians.I moderate a fb group...recently we've had an influx on fb of anti-Christian who like to comment..then be offended if anybody responds to their comment.For example...
1. A dyke who jumped into a thread to declare that the OP was *unchristian* for calling godless people godless.......who then said she wasn't going to discuss faith on facebook. Wait, wut?
2. A pagan, identified as such by the giant "PROUD PAGAN" cover on her facebook, who jumped into a thread about trapping/predation control declaring that one dead person is not sufficient to stimulate a discussion about trapping. The Proud Pagan then objected when someone brought up the fact pagans are not historically committed to the protection of human life in the first place.
3. An anti-Christian who jumped into the middle of a thread to attack the OP for a general comment about *godless liberals* lolol...Her complaint was that he was tagging her when she didn't want to be tagged, and she in fact said that he'd tagged her in the thread she was whining in. I let her know I was a moderator and he hadn't tagged her (yeah, she was lying. One of her buddies called her to the thread). Then she admitted that she resented the fact that he responded to her responses elsewhere.What a bunch of doofuses. So I had to explain to the brainless twats that there is no expectation of privacy when you leave a comment, a madface, or a happyface, on facebook posts. Your response is an invitation to people to respond to you..if you don't want people to respond to you, don't post! And if you are really losing sleep over the posts of someone you don't like..BLOCK THEM.As we all know..it isn't about their peace of mind or civilized discourse. What they ALWAYS object to is being correctly described. Always. All three of those were SELF IDENTIFIED GODLESS LIBERALS...who are godless, and liberal...but don't think anybody should be able to call them that. Unless it's them and their friends. How psychotic is that...

Religion scholar compares white evangelical Christians to a “cult” under Trump’s presidency
I see the evangelicals as the #1 threat to America. I have no problem with the rest of Christianity. It also helps that I've studied the evangelicals for years, such as this; PublicEye.org - The Website of Political Research Associates
And that's why people like you must be defeated.

BTW, what's an evangelical. Define it for me. I am Christian but neither Catholic nor protestant. I'm not immersed in or familiar with this terminology.
I see the evangelicals as the #1 threat to America. I have no problem with the rest of Christianity. It also helps that I've studied the evangelicals for years, such as this; PublicEye.org - The Website of Political Research Associates

The most dangerous people to freedom, in my view, are the people using the nuts who set the world on fire in the name of God as a path to attacking libertarians like me who want to get in the way of said nuts. And therein lies my problem with writings like these. People like me get lumped into it. I noticed the other piece casually dropped Ron and Murray's name into it. People read that stuff and they buy into it for the wrong reasons. And they end up hating the people who are technically on their side while they champion the rhetoric of the people who would eagerly put them in shackles in the name of democracy. To their credit, they know their enemy. But they mask it by citing Falwell and that bunch.

But I'll read your link. All 4 long ass chapters. lol. Gimme about an hour.
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Women raised by overly religious parents always turn out to be the biggest freaks in bed. Its something about religion that represses people so they explode when they get the chance to.
Like Muslim men and their goat, or little boy "lovers"?
You seem positively stimulated by your post. Are you confessing here?
You are treading on banning territory my primitive friend. Might want to have someone read the rules to you
Women raised by overly religious parents always turn out to be the biggest freaks in bed. Its something about religion that represses people so they explode when they get the chance to.
Like Muslim men and their goat, or little boy "lovers"?
You seem positively stimulated by your post. Are you confessing here?
You are treading on banning territory my primitive friend. Might want to have someone read the rules to you
Says the guy talking about little boy lovers. :laugh:
BTW, what's an evangelical. Define it for me. I am Christian but neither Catholic nor protestant. I'm not immersed in or familiar with this terminology.

She doesn't need defeating. Hell, she's mostly right. There just needs to be some clarification on a couple of things. She's got libertarian potential actually, if she can get her enemies right.

Anyway. Guess Ima read that long ass link she gave me.
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