I was fired because I support Trump!

Should your boss be able to fire you for your political views?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 30.0%
  • No

    Votes: 35 70.0%

  • Total voters
Well, until you can figure out how to grow an embryo outside a woman's body, welcome to the world as it is not the way you want it to be.

There is only one way to limit the number of abortions performed...and it won't be through regulation.

Yes, sadly it is the world we live in, convenience trumps human life.

Though I do agree (I think) about preventing abortions. If I were king for the day I would make birth control free and as easy to get as a bag of chips.

Back in the day when I was in the Philippines there was a big box by the gate heading out to Olongapo city that was filled with a 1000 rubbers for people to grab on their way out the gate.

That is how easy I would make BC to get.
When I used to hire and fire folks working for me I didn't care about anything but your production capacity...You could cuss me and tell me you hated the world and I didn't care as long as you were making me money...
I don't believe you.

I am with you, clearly a made up story to try and prove some point.

The funny part is this guy used to claim to be a libertarian, now he wants the Govt involved in hiring and firing...the two do not mesh.

I'll point out that the pretend libertarians are anti-choice and anti-gay marriage...... so love small gubmint until it legislates their religious theology.

I am a libertarian and I am anti-abortion because I believe in the liberty of all humans, even the little ones. The ultimate anti-liberty is death, and abortion causes death 100% of the time.

I think the Govt should not be in the marriage business at all, leave that to the churches.

You can be anti abortion and still support a woman's right to choose.

The problem with that is the human that will have its life ended does not get a say in what happens to it. Thus there is no liberty for that human.

your question is fallacious. The issue is not what christian fundamentalists believe... the sole issue, since we're a secular country, not a theocracy, is WHEN does gubmint have the right to intervene over the objection of the individual. Roe v Wade was a compromise.....

no one can force you to go against your own beliefs. but this has nothing to do with being pro life or you'd be handing out birth control like candy.

you don't. in fact, rightwing theocrats cut off the availability of birth control. why? because so-called conservatives want to control women's sexuality and punish the harlots. it's what they've been ranting about since the pill was invented. about 80% of anti-choice activists are male. why do you think that is?
LOL..so far 8 have voted that it's ok to fire someone for political views, too funny...liberals no doubt.

LOL... no doubt. They only care about discrimination when it's a conservative doing it.
California, God bless them, is NOT an ''at will state''.... me thinks you hae a ''case'', even without discrimination laws in California....?


Finally, a
minority of States has read an implied covenant of good faith
and fair dealing into the employment relationship. The good-
faith covenant has been interpreted in different ways, from
meaning that terminations must be for cause to meaning that
terminations cannot be made in bad faith or with malice in-
tended. Only six western States—Alaska, California, Idaho,
Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming—recognize all three of the ma-
jor exceptions.

Dang, you ever look things up, or you just make em up as you go along.
At-Will Employment in California: Definition & Limitations.
uhhhh, maybe YOU should actually READ your own link?

Here let me print some of it for you.

In California, most employment is, by default, defined as being “at-will.”[1] Employment that is “at-will” may be terminated at any time at the will of either party—either the employee or the employer—with or without cause.[2] Employment that is for a specific term longer than one month is not “at-will.”

most people can't politic at work. and the laws are intended to keep employers from interfering in political activity or party affiliation separate and apart from work. you know, in your private life.

no one gives a damn about your politics in the work place. and if you were running around spewing, I'd fire you too.
Well, until you can figure out how to grow an embryo outside a woman's body, welcome to the world as it is not the way you want it to be.

There is only one way to limit the number of abortions performed...and it won't be through regulation.

Yes, sadly it is the world we live in, convenience trumps human life.

Though I do agree (I think) about preventing abortions. If I were king for the day I would make birth control free and as easy to get as a bag of chips.

Back in the day when I was in the Philippines there was a big box by the gate heading out to Olongapo city that was filled with a 1000 rubbers for people to grab on their way out the gate.

That is how easy I would make BC to get.

Women don't get abortions for "convenience". But you are correct in that only science and education reduce the number of abortions.

America doesn't have an abortion problem, we have an unwanted pregnancy problem.
LOL... no doubt. They only care about discrimination when it's a conservative doing it.
California, God bless them, is NOT an ''at will state''.... me thinks you hae a ''case'', even without discrimination laws in California....?


Finally, a
minority of States has read an implied covenant of good faith
and fair dealing into the employment relationship. The good-
faith covenant has been interpreted in different ways, from
meaning that terminations must be for cause to meaning that
terminations cannot be made in bad faith or with malice in-
tended. Only six western States—Alaska, California, Idaho,
Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming—recognize all three of the ma-
jor exceptions.

Dang, you ever look things up, or you just make em up as you go along.
At-Will Employment in California: Definition & Limitations.
uhhhh, maybe YOU should actually READ your own link?

Here let me print some of it for you.

In California, most employment is, by default, defined as being “at-will.”[1] Employment that is “at-will” may be terminated at any time at the will of either party—either the employee or the employer—with or without cause.[2] Employment that is for a specific term longer than one month is not “at-will.”

most people can't politic at work. and the laws are intended to keep employers from interfering in political activity or party affiliation separate and apart from work. you know, in your private life.

no one gives a damn about your politics in the work place. and if you were running around spewing, I'd fire you too.

I wasn't running around spewing. I wore a hat. I took it off, and hung it up with my coat, when I got to work. My boss specifically said she didn't want any Trump idiots on the payroll. What could be more clear?
I won't even wear this to work...

California, God bless them, is NOT an ''at will state''.... me thinks you hae a ''case'', even without discrimination laws in California....?


Finally, a
minority of States has read an implied covenant of good faith
and fair dealing into the employment relationship. The good-
faith covenant has been interpreted in different ways, from
meaning that terminations must be for cause to meaning that
terminations cannot be made in bad faith or with malice in-
tended. Only six western States—Alaska, California, Idaho,
Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming—recognize all three of the ma-
jor exceptions.

Dang, you ever look things up, or you just make em up as you go along.
At-Will Employment in California: Definition & Limitations.
uhhhh, maybe YOU should actually READ your own link?

Here let me print some of it for you.

In California, most employment is, by default, defined as being “at-will.”[1] Employment that is “at-will” may be terminated at any time at the will of either party—either the employee or the employer—with or without cause.[2] Employment that is for a specific term longer than one month is not “at-will.”

most people can't politic at work. and the laws are intended to keep employers from interfering in political activity or party affiliation separate and apart from work. you know, in your private life.

no one gives a damn about your politics in the work place. and if you were running around spewing, I'd fire you too.

I wasn't running around spewing. I wore a hat. I took it off, and hung it up with my coat, when I got to work. My boss specifically said she didn't want any Trump idiots on the payroll. What could be more clear?
Sounds more and more like a fairy tale......:D
Dang, you ever look things up, or you just make em up as you go along.
At-Will Employment in California: Definition & Limitations.
uhhhh, maybe YOU should actually READ your own link?

Here let me print some of it for you.

In California, most employment is, by default, defined as being “at-will.”[1] Employment that is “at-will” may be terminated at any time at the will of either party—either the employee or the employer—with or without cause.[2] Employment that is for a specific term longer than one month is not “at-will.”

most people can't politic at work. and the laws are intended to keep employers from interfering in political activity or party affiliation separate and apart from work. you know, in your private life.

no one gives a damn about your politics in the work place. and if you were running around spewing, I'd fire you too.

I wasn't running around spewing. I wore a hat. I took it off, and hung it up with my coat, when I got to work. My boss specifically said she didn't want any Trump idiots on the payroll. What could be more clear?
Sounds more and more like a fairy tale......:D

Think parable.
Should a boss be allowed to hire and fire based on political affiliation? Why or why not?
So no conservative journalists need apply at the WashPo or CNN? Even if it's NOT an "analyst" job? Or a university can't pack a Political Science with folks that match their political views?

Are those VALID exceptions to political discrimination in Hiring/Firing?

you're gonna need more straw, bubba

that dog won't hunt

there's conservatives at both cnn and wapo, and despite the trumpling pov, conservative college professors
Should a boss be allowed to hire and fire based on political affiliation? Why or why not?
Not certain on hire.....That would be hard to prove.

As far as FIRE, as long as the employee is not politicking at work on the employer's time, or causing a disturbance at work, then no.
uhhhh, maybe YOU should actually READ your own link?

Here let me print some of it for you.

In California, most employment is, by default, defined as being “at-will.”[1] Employment that is “at-will” may be terminated at any time at the will of either party—either the employee or the employer—with or without cause.[2] Employment that is for a specific term longer than one month is not “at-will.”

most people can't politic at work. and the laws are intended to keep employers from interfering in political activity or party affiliation separate and apart from work. you know, in your private life.

no one gives a damn about your politics in the work place. and if you were running around spewing, I'd fire you too.

I wasn't running around spewing. I wore a hat. I took it off, and hung it up with my coat, when I got to work. My boss specifically said she didn't want any Trump idiots on the payroll. What could be more clear?
Sounds more and more like a fairy tale......:D

Think parable.
In other words, you’re a lying trumptard.
Here let me print some of it for you.

In California, most employment is, by default, defined as being “at-will.”[1] Employment that is “at-will” may be terminated at any time at the will of either party—either the employee or the employer—with or without cause.[2] Employment that is for a specific term longer than one month is not “at-will.”

most people can't politic at work. and the laws are intended to keep employers from interfering in political activity or party affiliation separate and apart from work. you know, in your private life.

no one gives a damn about your politics in the work place. and if you were running around spewing, I'd fire you too.

I wasn't running around spewing. I wore a hat. I took it off, and hung it up with my coat, when I got to work. My boss specifically said she didn't want any Trump idiots on the payroll. What could be more clear?
Sounds more and more like a fairy tale......:D

Think parable.
In other words, you’re a lying trumptard.

Actually, I think he was just trying to say he's Jesus. So not a "lying trumptard" so much as a patient in need of medical care.
Should a boss be allowed to hire and fire based on political affiliation? Why or why not?
Not certain on hire.....That would be hard to prove.

As far as FIRE, as long as the employee is not politicking at work on the employer's time, or causing a disturbance at work, then no.

Really? So, as long as I'm not politicking at work, I can't be fired for being a white supremacist? A Nazi? There are those kinds of folks around you know.
I don't believe you.

I am with you, clearly a made up story to try and prove some point.

The funny part is this guy used to claim to be a libertarian, now he wants the Govt involved in hiring and firing...the two do not mesh.

I'll point out that the pretend libertarians are anti-choice and anti-gay marriage...... so love small gubmint until it legislates their religious theology.

I am a libertarian and I am anti-abortion because I believe in the liberty of all humans, even the little ones. The ultimate anti-liberty is death, and abortion causes death 100% of the time.

I think the Govt should not be in the marriage business at all, leave that to the churches.

You can be anti abortion and still support a woman's right to choose.

The problem with that is the human that will have its life ended does not get a say in what happens to it. Thus there is no liberty for that human.
A fetus is a conglomeration of tissue: it is not a human being. An abortion is a medical procedure. And by the way, there are hundreds of thousands spontaneous abortions every year: we call them miscarriages. It is tissue, not a human being.
Here let me print some of it for you.

In California, most employment is, by default, defined as being “at-will.”[1] Employment that is “at-will” may be terminated at any time at the will of either party—either the employee or the employer—with or without cause.[2] Employment that is for a specific term longer than one month is not “at-will.”

most people can't politic at work. and the laws are intended to keep employers from interfering in political activity or party affiliation separate and apart from work. you know, in your private life.

no one gives a damn about your politics in the work place. and if you were running around spewing, I'd fire you too.

I wasn't running around spewing. I wore a hat. I took it off, and hung it up with my coat, when I got to work. My boss specifically said she didn't want any Trump idiots on the payroll. What could be more clear?
Sounds more and more like a fairy tale......:D

Think parable.
In other words, you’re a lying trumptard.

In the sense that I'm lying about being a Trump supporter, I guess so.

Jillian, I'm sorry. I was running a 'blind taste test' of sorts. In another thread, I ran a similar poll, without the engaging personal story to give it context. In that poll, nearly everyone agreed that political affiliation should NOT be a protected class. Pretty much the opposite results of this poll. Conservatives are big on freedom, except when it doesn't turn out how they like. No different than liberals I suppose.

Maybe the real take away from all this is that hardly anyone considers politics in terms of principle. We're all pretty self-centered and really only care about policies when they impact us personally.
Should a boss be allowed to hire and fire based on political affiliation? Why or why not?
Not certain on hire.....That would be hard to prove.

As far as FIRE, as long as the employee is not politicking at work on the employer's time, or causing a disturbance at work, then no.

Really? So, as long as I'm not politicking at work, I can't be fired for being a white supremacist? A Nazi? There are those kinds of folks around you know.
the employer should have weeded that out before hire....

if it causes no problems with the employee at work...and his outside interests and actions causes no problems with the business....then imo, no....

not in california, where it appears to be only fully 'at will', for about 1 month before all kinds of protections come in to play for the employee....

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