I Was Right All Along! Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay or Transgender

Where does the 1st amendment say only Churches have the right to free exercise, and not individuals?

Free exercise isn't limited to the clergy or limited to when you are sitting in a house of worship.

Remember this, Marty, and never forget.

It isn't the "Freedom to worship(inside a church building)", but freedom of religion.

And religion is what people live, and why we had the cases of religious groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor and Hobby Lobby, objecting to being forced to pay for abortions. Religion extends far beyond what happens in the pews.
Special rights because....christian.

Its not a "Special" rite at all, just a recognition that Christians believe Almighty God put Adam and Eve into the garden
You really believe that Adam and Eve stuff? Do you also believe the Earth is only 6000 years old? :71:

If Adam and Even weren't the first humans, who were?

Libs really don't have an answer.

But there was someone who was there, and He gave us His word. You don't have to believe it, but you don't have anything else
Cometary ice...primitive protein chains.....chemical flux......quantum entanglement...lots and lots of time....all sorts of things I can think of to replace your tribal mythologies.

Must there have been named first humans? Must sentience have come in a blinding flash of light? Maybe a slow uprising over 1,000's of years is the answer.

He gave us His word.....interesting...actually..the Word as far as Creation is concerned in the Bible..is just a Cliff Notes version of Gilgamesh..which makes sense..since the early Hebrews were pre-literate and had no written language---they got writing from the Babylonians..whilst they were slaving away. Quite a lot of their culture was absorbed at that time.
Comparing the Epic of Gilgamesh and Genesis - 1005 Words | Bartleby
These are the people who invented your God. Worship them!
Where does the 1st amendment say only Churches have the right to free exercise, and not individuals?

Free exercise isn't limited to the clergy or limited to when you are sitting in a house of worship.

Remember this, Marty, and never forget.

It isn't the "Freedom to worship(inside a church building)", but freedom of religion.

And religion is what people live, and why we had the cases of religious groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor and Hobby Lobby, objecting to being forced to pay for abortions. Religion extends far beyond what happens in the pews.
Special rights because....christian.

Its not a "Special" rite at all, just a recognition that Christians believe Almighty God put Adam and Eve into the garden
You really believe that Adam and Eve stuff? Do you also believe the Earth is only 6000 years old? :71:

If Adam and Even weren't the first humans, who were?

Libs really don't have an answer.

But there was someone who was there, and He gave us His word. You don't have to believe it, but you don't have anything else
Well, Lucy comes to mind but here's something interesting: Are we all descended from a common female ancestor? The cool thing about DNA, especially mitochondrial DNA.
Every single person with an IQ over 70 who can watch pathetic Leftists do what they do.

None of these folks would dare go into Muslim enclave and ask for any of this just ask the peaceful Christians for cake and then take them to court over and over and over like the absolute bullies they are.

It's sad. Pathetic.
Do you know of any cases where a muslim baker refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple? How about a Hindu baker? A Jewish baker? Did you consider that it just might be christian bakers (and only a very few) who are trying to get special protection to discriminate in their business against gays?

Gay activists won't do that, will they? Now seriously: you think Islamic bakers, caterers and etc. are really ready to serve the gay community?

But again, the gay activists aren't about to "expose" Islam. Mostly because they're total cowards. Also because "diversity"

If you have to drag other religions into this, it's a sign that you have given up rational argument. All businesses must serve all customers. How could this point be made any clearer?

No, you want to declare it's a "sign" because you don't want to talk about Islam. Because it exposes you as a total hypocrite, which we already knew.

And no, "all businesses" do not have to serve "all customers". Going into business does not make you an indentured servant to whomever walks through the door. Never has. God willing, never will.

You try to turn everything into a discussion of Islam whenever you start to slip. You run away from any discussion of fundie "Christians, and try to deflect. ISIS, wahhabism, and rural tribal customs have been covered in other forums. Why can't we discuss the fundies? They are a pretty primitive bunch.

Your discussions about fundie Christians are totally insane. I mean off your rocker, raving crazy lady talking to herself in the corner batcrap crazy insane. There's no point in talking to you; you're talking to cartoons in your head.

That's for starters.

For enders, you won't talk about Islam because you are a coward. Like all leftists
Says who?

Every single person with an IQ over 70 who can watch pathetic Leftists do what they do.

None of these folks would dare go into Muslim enclave and ask for any of this just ask the peaceful Christians for cake and then take them to court over and over and over like the absolute bullies they are.

It's sad. Pathetic.
Do you know of any cases where a muslim baker refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple? How about a Hindu baker? A Jewish baker? Did you consider that it just might be christian bakers (and only a very few) who are trying to get special protection to discriminate in their business against gays?

Gay activists won't do that, will they? Now seriously: you think Islamic bakers, caterers and etc. are really ready to serve the gay community?

But again, the gay activists aren't about to "expose" Islam. Mostly because they're total cowards. Also because "diversity"
You can't give any examples can you? Because it hasn't happened. Seems to be that it's fundie christians who want the special right to refuse service to law-abiding, tax-paying citizens because of a so-called religious belief that isn't even in their bible.

Do you think the Islamic community wants to serve gay weddings? Yes or no.

Oh believe me, it WILL happen. If gay people won't do it, canny Christians will: that is, go into Islamic communities and demand they serve gays.

Happy? Do you love that? Or does it make you sad that the diverse-dressed exotic brown people will have to violate their cool religion too?

Admit it: you think it's sad. Cause the brown people's religion is kinda cool even if they throw gay people off roofs.
I am still waiting for you to give an example of a muslim baker refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple. Got one yet?
So why not force Churches to host Same Sex Weddings?

Discrimination has to have some harm to it to be a compelling government interest. and when it comes to Rights, "correcting" the harm has to be done as gently as possible.

The correct solution would be to make them State their policies up front, via a sign, or on their website.
Churches are not businesses nor do they have business licenses. In fact, they get special rights...even tax exemptions.

Where does the 1st amendment say only Churches have the right to free exercise, and not individuals?

Free exercise isn't limited to the clergy or limited to when you are sitting in a house of worship.

So the entire adult population of the U.S. has an individual right to the free exercise of religion? This is a Pandora's Box that you don't want to open.
As I said before....wait for the day when some christian business owner "claims" they don't have to follow safety or health laws for religious reasons.

Sadly for you, the Supreme Court doesn't typically rule on slippery slope arguments
But they do recognize precedent. And once a christian business is excused from following one business law required from their state....why not others. All they have to do is make up a religious excuse.
Do you know of any cases where a muslim baker refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple? How about a Hindu baker? A Jewish baker? Did you consider that it just might be christian bakers (and only a very few) who are trying to get special protection to discriminate in their business against gays?

Gay activists won't do that, will they? Now seriously: you think Islamic bakers, caterers and etc. are really ready to serve the gay community?

But again, the gay activists aren't about to "expose" Islam. Mostly because they're total cowards. Also because "diversity"

If you have to drag other religions into this, it's a sign that you have given up rational argument. All businesses must serve all customers. How could this point be made any clearer?

No, you want to declare it's a "sign" because you don't want to talk about Islam. Because it exposes you as a total hypocrite, which we already knew.

And no, "all businesses" do not have to serve "all customers". Going into business does not make you an indentured servant to whomever walks through the door. Never has. God willing, never will.

You try to turn everything into a discussion of Islam whenever you start to slip. You run away from any discussion of fundie "Christians, and try to deflect. ISIS, wahhabism, and rural tribal customs have been covered in other forums. Why can't we discuss the fundies? They are a pretty primitive bunch.

Your discussions about fundie Christians are totally insane. I mean off your rocker, raving crazy lady talking to herself in the corner batcrap crazy insane. There's no point in talking to you; you're talking to cartoons in your head.

That's for starters.

For enders, you won't talk about Islam because you are a coward. Like all leftists

Islam is not the topic here. You are the one who tries to deflect and who sucks up to frankie, which is hilarious. You have an insane obsession. But you are a fundie. That explains it.
As I've surmised for years. Nobody is born gay. John's Hopkins Research has vindicated me. No! Weak minded people let themselves be seduced by Satan and then become his disciples living out perverted dangerous homosexual lifestyles putting young kids lives in danger, especially when same sex married couples adopt them for their sexual pleasure. Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned. Science has spoken! Now President Trump should sign an executive order making it mandatory for gays to have conversion therapy so they can return to normal and find God.

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay Or Transgender
I agree. It is 100% personal choice, not an inheritance. Most other folly also is not inherited but is the personal choice of the person engaging in it.
If it's 100% a choice, when did you choose your sexual orientation? What age were you? What do you recall leading to that choice?

The species defaults to heterosexuality, because if it didn't there wouldn't be a species anymore.
Oh? Are gay people sterile ??

Until recent years and the invention of the Turkey Baster, indeed homosexuals were sterile.

Gay Sex is definitely a non-procreative activity.
Nope....gay people are not sterile. You need to look up what the word "sterile" means, dear boy.
Says who?

Every single person with an IQ over 70 who can watch pathetic Leftists do what they do.

None of these folks would dare go into Muslim enclave and ask for any of this just ask the peaceful Christians for cake and then take them to court over and over and over like the absolute bullies they are.

It's sad. Pathetic.
Do you know of any cases where a muslim baker refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple? How about a Hindu baker? A Jewish baker? Did you consider that it just might be christian bakers (and only a very few) who are trying to get special protection to discriminate in their business against gays?

Gay activists won't do that, will they? Now seriously: you think Islamic bakers, caterers and etc. are really ready to serve the gay community?

But again, the gay activists aren't about to "expose" Islam. Mostly because they're total cowards. Also because "diversity"

If you have to drag other religions into this, it's a sign that you have given up rational argument. All businesses must serve all customers. How could this point be made any clearer?

No, you want to declare it's a "sign" because you don't want to talk about Islam. Because it exposes you as a total hypocrite, which we already knew.

And no, "all businesses" do not have to serve "all customers". Going into business does not make you an indentured servant to whomever walks through the door. Never has. God willing, never will.
Still waiting to give us an example of a muslim baker refusing to provide a wedding cake for a gay wedding. Aren't you googling it?
As for the baker:
I'm sorry...but I still see the issue as trivial..except for the mountain that all have made out of the molehill.

Of course, that eff'n cake is trivial. Discrimination, in the context of centuries thereof, however is not. Let's not pretend we're all hysterical morons born yesterday, as if segregated lunch counters hadn't happened.
Woolworth lunch counters were trivial too.
Every single person with an IQ over 70 who can watch pathetic Leftists do what they do.

None of these folks would dare go into Muslim enclave and ask for any of this just ask the peaceful Christians for cake and then take them to court over and over and over like the absolute bullies they are.

It's sad. Pathetic.
Do you know of any cases where a muslim baker refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple? How about a Hindu baker? A Jewish baker? Did you consider that it just might be christian bakers (and only a very few) who are trying to get special protection to discriminate in their business against gays?

Gay activists won't do that, will they? Now seriously: you think Islamic bakers, caterers and etc. are really ready to serve the gay community?

But again, the gay activists aren't about to "expose" Islam. Mostly because they're total cowards. Also because "diversity"
You can't give any examples can you? Because it hasn't happened. Seems to be that it's fundie christians who want the special right to refuse service to law-abiding, tax-paying citizens because of a so-called religious belief that isn't even in their bible.

Do you think the Islamic community wants to serve gay weddings? Yes or no.

Oh believe me, it WILL happen. If gay people won't do it, canny Christians will: that is, go into Islamic communities and demand they serve gays.

Happy? Do you love that? Or does it make you sad that the diverse-dressed exotic brown people will have to violate their cool religion too?

Admit it: you think it's sad. Cause the brown people's religion is kinda cool even if they throw gay people off roofs.
I am still waiting for you to give an example of a muslim baker refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple. Got one yet?

The great investigative journalist Steven Crowder looked into this issue, going straight into the muslim city of Dearborn , Michigan. The indication is they wouldn't. Of course, Crowder isn't a homosexual and he was only testing the baker, but here it is. He didn't refuse to back a wedding cake for a homosexual couple, but didn't know it when he refused Mr. Crowder.

Steven Crowder: Gay Wedding Cakes At Muslim Bakeries?
How is the gay person's wedding stopped in any way by having to go somewhere else for a cake?

You want protection from having your feeewwwings hurt by hurting the feewwings (or fining them thousands of dollars) of someone else.

Government doesn't have this job. Stand up for yourself, you gutless hack.

In a lot of cities, there are bakeries that specialize in baking cakes shaped like people's private parts, and they take orders to whatever specifications that the perverted cake eaters want.

Are regular bakeries wrong for not baking these special cakes? Or should they be forced to bake a cake shaped like someone's keister? This gay wedding cake thing is very similar, its a specialized field that offends a lot of people
Are you saying a wedding cake is like a 'dick' cake?

A Gay Wedding cake certainly is. A lot of bakers would have moral objections to baking a "dick cake" just like they would a Gay Wedding cake. Oftentimes, its the same people too.
This is a gay wedding cake.
as is this one.
and another one.
A couple of points.....Not that many people put figures on top of their wedding cakes anymore....and the cake is not part of the actual wedding ceremony in any wedding I've been to....they are something for the reception.

It doesn't matter. He is an artist. His artistry is cake-making. He doesn't want to be forced by the gov't to use his hand, his service, his time and talents to lend his artistry to something that violates his deeply held-religious beliefs. Doesn't matter if the cake has flowers, balloons, or anything at all.

You know if you all have your way, I hope Christians go into gay bakers by the truckloads and demand they put on cakes all the Bible verses pertaining to homosexuality. Actually, we should be doing that NOW, to make the point BEFORE the SC case.

But we are generally too polite, which of course you leeches depend upon.
"It doesn't matter"....so why not make a wedding cake? Just a wedding cake? Why go to all the trouble to make up a religious reason to discriminate and be an ass?
As for the baker:
I'm sorry...but I still see the issue as trivial..except for the mountain that all have made out of the molehill.

Of course, that eff'n cake is trivial. Discrimination, in the context of centuries thereof, however is not. Let's not pretend we're all hysterical morons born yesterday, as if segregated lunch counters hadn't happened.
Woolworth lunch counters were trivial too.

Woolworth's was never sued nor cited over this.

So where is the comparison at all?
Every single person with an IQ over 70 who can watch pathetic Leftists do what they do.

None of these folks would dare go into Muslim enclave and ask for any of this just ask the peaceful Christians for cake and then take them to court over and over and over like the absolute bullies they are.

It's sad. Pathetic.
Do you know of any cases where a muslim baker refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple? How about a Hindu baker? A Jewish baker? Did you consider that it just might be christian bakers (and only a very few) who are trying to get special protection to discriminate in their business against gays?

Gay activists won't do that, will they? Now seriously: you think Islamic bakers, caterers and etc. are really ready to serve the gay community?

But again, the gay activists aren't about to "expose" Islam. Mostly because they're total cowards. Also because "diversity"

If you have to drag other religions into this, it's a sign that you have given up rational argument. All businesses must serve all customers. How could this point be made any clearer?

No, you want to declare it's a "sign" because you don't want to talk about Islam. Because it exposes you as a total hypocrite, which we already knew.

And no, "all businesses" do not have to serve "all customers". Going into business does not make you an indentured servant to whomever walks through the door. Never has. God willing, never will.

You try to turn everything into a discussion of Islam whenever you start to slip. You run away from any discussion of fundie "Christians, and try to deflect. ISIS, wahhabism, and rural tribal customs have been covered in other forums. Why can't we discuss the fundies? They are a pretty primitive bunch.
I don't mind him talking about islam....still waiting for him to show that muslim bakers are just as big an ass as a christian baker by refusing to bake a wedding cake even tho that is their business.
As for the baker:
I'm sorry...but I still see the issue as trivial..except for the mountain that all have made out of the molehill.

Of course, that eff'n cake is trivial. Discrimination, in the context of centuries thereof, however is not. Let's not pretend we're all hysterical morons born yesterday, as if segregated lunch counters hadn't happened.
Woolworth lunch counters were trivial too.
No..they wern't---This is not the Jim Crow South..and Gays are NOT subject to those sorts of restrictions....anymore.

The slippery slope thing.,..to me..smacks of sloppy debate...a rhetorical device rather than a true danger.
Every single person with an IQ over 70 who can watch pathetic Leftists do what they do.

None of these folks would dare go into Muslim enclave and ask for any of this just ask the peaceful Christians for cake and then take them to court over and over and over like the absolute bullies they are.

It's sad. Pathetic.
Do you know of any cases where a muslim baker refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple? How about a Hindu baker? A Jewish baker? Did you consider that it just might be christian bakers (and only a very few) who are trying to get special protection to discriminate in their business against gays?

Gay activists won't do that, will they? Now seriously: you think Islamic bakers, caterers and etc. are really ready to serve the gay community?

But again, the gay activists aren't about to "expose" Islam. Mostly because they're total cowards. Also because "diversity"

Gays are afraid they'll get tossed off a roof
And.....there it is. "You are lucky we don't throw you off a roof so shut up, gays, and take your 2nd class citizenship."

You're a total coward. Love you some Islam don't you??
islam and christianity, especially their fundie portions are two sides of the same coin...both reactionary, both patriarchal, bot used as an excuse for some pretty tyrannical behavior. However, one thing we haven't seen yet from you is an example that a muslim baker refuses to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple. Unless you can provide examples here is the current score: Asshole fundie christian bakers 2 - Asshole fundie muslim bakers 0
In a lot of cities, there are bakeries that specialize in baking cakes shaped like people's private parts, and they take orders to whatever specifications that the perverted cake eaters want.

Are regular bakeries wrong for not baking these special cakes? Or should they be forced to bake a cake shaped like someone's keister? This gay wedding cake thing is very similar, its a specialized field that offends a lot of people
Are you saying a wedding cake is like a 'dick' cake?

A Gay Wedding cake certainly is. A lot of bakers would have moral objections to baking a "dick cake" just like they would a Gay Wedding cake. Oftentimes, its the same people too.
This is a gay wedding cake.
as is this one.
and another one.
A couple of points.....Not that many people put figures on top of their wedding cakes anymore....and the cake is not part of the actual wedding ceremony in any wedding I've been to....they are something for the reception.

It doesn't matter. He is an artist. His artistry is cake-making. He doesn't want to be forced by the gov't to use his hand, his service, his time and talents to lend his artistry to something that violates his deeply held-religious beliefs. Doesn't matter if the cake has flowers, balloons, or anything at all.

You know if you all have your way, I hope Christians go into gay bakers by the truckloads and demand they put on cakes all the Bible verses pertaining to homosexuality. Actually, we should be doing that NOW, to make the point BEFORE the SC case.

But we are generally too polite, which of course you leeches depend upon.
"It doesn't matter"....so why not make a wedding cake? Just a wedding cake? Why go to all the trouble to make up a religious reason to discriminate and be an ass?

Like I said, I enjoy joking around and as a baker, I'd bake this cake.

However, some people have a different, more serious attitude, don't like campy crap like gay "marriage" and other ridiculousness.

BTW, if the bakery had agreed to bake the dam cake, the homosexuals would have stuck them with it, and cancelled the order. The idea wasn't to get a cake baked, but to humiliate the Christians and hopefully impoverish them.
Do you know of any cases where a muslim baker refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple? How about a Hindu baker? A Jewish baker? Did you consider that it just might be christian bakers (and only a very few) who are trying to get special protection to discriminate in their business against gays?

Gay activists won't do that, will they? Now seriously: you think Islamic bakers, caterers and etc. are really ready to serve the gay community?

But again, the gay activists aren't about to "expose" Islam. Mostly because they're total cowards. Also because "diversity"

If you have to drag other religions into this, it's a sign that you have given up rational argument. All businesses must serve all customers. How could this point be made any clearer?

No, you want to declare it's a "sign" because you don't want to talk about Islam. Because it exposes you as a total hypocrite, which we already knew.

And no, "all businesses" do not have to serve "all customers". Going into business does not make you an indentured servant to whomever walks through the door. Never has. God willing, never will.

You try to turn everything into a discussion of Islam whenever you start to slip. You run away from any discussion of fundie "Christians, and try to deflect. ISIS, wahhabism, and rural tribal customs have been covered in other forums. Why can't we discuss the fundies? They are a pretty primitive bunch.

Your discussions about fundie Christians are totally insane. I mean off your rocker, raving crazy lady talking to herself in the corner batcrap crazy insane. There's no point in talking to you; you're talking to cartoons in your head.

That's for starters.

For enders, you won't talk about Islam because you are a coward. Like all leftists
I'll talk about islam....their fundies are just as bad as christian fundies....they just come across as worse because they have theocracies backing them in the Middle East. Thank the gods we have a secular government here...tho christian fundies are trying to knock that down too. muslim sharia....christian sharia are two sides of the same coin.
Churches are not businesses nor do they have business licenses. In fact, they get special rights...even tax exemptions.

Where does the 1st amendment say only Churches have the right to free exercise, and not individuals?

Free exercise isn't limited to the clergy or limited to when you are sitting in a house of worship.

So the entire adult population of the U.S. has an individual right to the free exercise of religion? This is a Pandora's Box that you don't want to open.
As I said before....wait for the day when some christian business owner "claims" they don't have to follow safety or health laws for religious reasons.

Sadly for you, the Supreme Court doesn't typically rule on slippery slope arguments
But they do recognize precedent. And once a christian business is excused from following one business law required from their state....why not others. All they have to do is make up a religious excuse.

It seems as if you really don't think that people believe in religion at all? That they just "make up religious excuses"?
Says who?

Every single person with an IQ over 70 who can watch pathetic Leftists do what they do.

None of these folks would dare go into Muslim enclave and ask for any of this just ask the peaceful Christians for cake and then take them to court over and over and over like the absolute bullies they are.

It's sad. Pathetic.
Do you know of any cases where a muslim baker refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple? How about a Hindu baker? A Jewish baker? Did you consider that it just might be christian bakers (and only a very few) who are trying to get special protection to discriminate in their business against gays?

Gay activists won't do that, will they? Now seriously: you think Islamic bakers, caterers and etc. are really ready to serve the gay community?

But again, the gay activists aren't about to "expose" Islam. Mostly because they're total cowards. Also because "diversity"

If you have to drag other religions into this, it's a sign that you have given up rational argument. All businesses must serve all customers. How could this point be made any clearer?

No, you want to declare it's a "sign" because you don't want to talk about Islam. Because it exposes you as a total hypocrite, which we already knew.

And no, "all businesses" do not have to serve "all customers". Going into business does not make you an indentured servant to whomever walks through the door. Never has. God willing, never will.
Businesses do have to serve "all customers" equally, particularly in P.A.states.

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