I Was Right All Along! Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay or Transgender

Do you know of any cases where a muslim baker refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple? How about a Hindu baker? A Jewish baker? Did you consider that it just might be christian bakers (and only a very few) who are trying to get special protection to discriminate in their business against gays?

Gay activists won't do that, will they? Now seriously: you think Islamic bakers, caterers and etc. are really ready to serve the gay community?

But again, the gay activists aren't about to "expose" Islam. Mostly because they're total cowards. Also because "diversity"
You can't give any examples can you? Because it hasn't happened. Seems to be that it's fundie christians who want the special right to refuse service to law-abiding, tax-paying citizens because of a so-called religious belief that isn't even in their bible.

Do you think the Islamic community wants to serve gay weddings? Yes or no.

Oh believe me, it WILL happen. If gay people won't do it, canny Christians will: that is, go into Islamic communities and demand they serve gays.

Happy? Do you love that? Or does it make you sad that the diverse-dressed exotic brown people will have to violate their cool religion too?

Admit it: you think it's sad. Cause the brown people's religion is kinda cool even if they throw gay people off roofs.
I am still waiting for you to give an example of a muslim baker refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple. Got one yet?

The great investigative journalist Steven Crowder looked into this issue, going straight into the muslim city of Dearborn , Michigan. The indication is they wouldn't. Of course, Crowder isn't a homosexual and he was only testing the baker, but here it is. He didn't refuse to back a wedding cake for a homosexual couple, but didn't know it when he refused Mr. Crowder.

Steven Crowder: Gay Wedding Cakes At Muslim Bakeries?
Ah, thank you. I was waiting for someone to pull out that chestnut.

Two points.

#1. Those muslim bakeries didn't make wedding cakes at all....for anyone. So they were being asked to make something that was not on their menu.

#2. Michigan doesn't have sexual orientation in their PA laws....so even if the muslim bakers had wedding cakes on their menu....and even if they did refuse, they wouldn't be breaking any business PA laws IN MICHIGAN.

Thank you.....I was wondering how long it would take for that to get pulled out.....:71:
Every single person with an IQ over 70 who can watch pathetic Leftists do what they do.

None of these folks would dare go into Muslim enclave and ask for any of this just ask the peaceful Christians for cake and then take them to court over and over and over like the absolute bullies they are.

It's sad. Pathetic.
Do you know of any cases where a muslim baker refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple? How about a Hindu baker? A Jewish baker? Did you consider that it just might be christian bakers (and only a very few) who are trying to get special protection to discriminate in their business against gays?

Gay activists won't do that, will they? Now seriously: you think Islamic bakers, caterers and etc. are really ready to serve the gay community?

But again, the gay activists aren't about to "expose" Islam. Mostly because they're total cowards. Also because "diversity"

If you have to drag other religions into this, it's a sign that you have given up rational argument. All businesses must serve all customers. How could this point be made any clearer?

No, you want to declare it's a "sign" because you don't want to talk about Islam. Because it exposes you as a total hypocrite, which we already knew.

And no, "all businesses" do not have to serve "all customers". Going into business does not make you an indentured servant to whomever walks through the door. Never has. God willing, never will.
Businesses do have to serve "all customers" equally, particularly in P.A.states.

Would an African American tailor be required to press the sheets of the local klan group?
As for the baker:
I'm sorry...but I still see the issue as trivial..except for the mountain that all have made out of the molehill.

Of course, that eff'n cake is trivial. Discrimination, in the context of centuries thereof, however is not. Let's not pretend we're all hysterical morons born yesterday, as if segregated lunch counters hadn't happened.
Woolworth lunch counters were trivial too.

Woolworth's was never sued nor cited over this.

So where is the comparison at all?
Because there were no PA laws back then....but they did have this:
I wonder if these were the "great days" referred to by MAGA.
Do you know of any cases where a muslim baker refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple? How about a Hindu baker? A Jewish baker? Did you consider that it just might be christian bakers (and only a very few) who are trying to get special protection to discriminate in their business against gays?

Gay activists won't do that, will they? Now seriously: you think Islamic bakers, caterers and etc. are really ready to serve the gay community?

But again, the gay activists aren't about to "expose" Islam. Mostly because they're total cowards. Also because "diversity"

If you have to drag other religions into this, it's a sign that you have given up rational argument. All businesses must serve all customers. How could this point be made any clearer?

No, you want to declare it's a "sign" because you don't want to talk about Islam. Because it exposes you as a total hypocrite, which we already knew.

And no, "all businesses" do not have to serve "all customers". Going into business does not make you an indentured servant to whomever walks through the door. Never has. God willing, never will.
Businesses do have to serve "all customers" equally, particularly in P.A.states.

Would an African American tailor be required to press the sheets of the local klan group?
You're equating membership in the KKK with being Gay? Curious....
Gay activists won't do that, will they? Now seriously: you think Islamic bakers, caterers and etc. are really ready to serve the gay community?

But again, the gay activists aren't about to "expose" Islam. Mostly because they're total cowards. Also because "diversity"
You can't give any examples can you? Because it hasn't happened. Seems to be that it's fundie christians who want the special right to refuse service to law-abiding, tax-paying citizens because of a so-called religious belief that isn't even in their bible.

Do you think the Islamic community wants to serve gay weddings? Yes or no.

Oh believe me, it WILL happen. If gay people won't do it, canny Christians will: that is, go into Islamic communities and demand they serve gays.

Happy? Do you love that? Or does it make you sad that the diverse-dressed exotic brown people will have to violate their cool religion too?

Admit it: you think it's sad. Cause the brown people's religion is kinda cool even if they throw gay people off roofs.
I am still waiting for you to give an example of a muslim baker refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple. Got one yet?

The great investigative journalist Steven Crowder looked into this issue, going straight into the muslim city of Dearborn , Michigan. The indication is they wouldn't. Of course, Crowder isn't a homosexual and he was only testing the baker, but here it is. He didn't refuse to back a wedding cake for a homosexual couple, but didn't know it when he refused Mr. Crowder.

Steven Crowder: Gay Wedding Cakes At Muslim Bakeries?
Ah, thank you. I was waiting for someone to pull out that chestnut.

Two points.

#1. Those muslim bakeries didn't make wedding cakes at all....for anyone. So they were being asked to make something that was not on their menu.

#2. Michigan doesn't have sexual orientation in their PA laws....so even if the muslim bakers had wedding cakes on their menu....and even if they did refuse, they wouldn't be breaking any business PA laws IN MICHIGAN.

Thank you.....I was wondering how long it would take for that to get pulled out.....:71:

Actually this was in the City of Dearborn, which is run under islamic law. A couple of Christian missionaries went to the park in Dearborn to share the Word, and were stoned by a large group of Jihadi.

Its virtually not part of America at all.
Where does the 1st amendment say only Churches have the right to free exercise, and not individuals?

Free exercise isn't limited to the clergy or limited to when you are sitting in a house of worship.

So the entire adult population of the U.S. has an individual right to the free exercise of religion? This is a Pandora's Box that you don't want to open.
As I said before....wait for the day when some christian business owner "claims" they don't have to follow safety or health laws for religious reasons.

Sadly for you, the Supreme Court doesn't typically rule on slippery slope arguments
But they do recognize precedent. And once a christian business is excused from following one business law required from their state....why not others. All they have to do is make up a religious excuse.

It seems as if you really don't think that people believe in religion at all? That they just "make up religious excuses"?
Some religious beliefs are not made up...like don't divorce..like don't eat shellfish...like don't bear false witness. I can find all three of those in the bible. Show me where it says in the bible not to make food for a gay couple's wedding reception.
As I've surmised for years. Nobody is born gay. John's Hopkins Research has vindicated me. No! Weak minded people let themselves be seduced by Satan and then become his disciples living out perverted dangerous homosexual lifestyles putting young kids lives in danger, especially when same sex married couples adopt them for their sexual pleasure. Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned. Science has spoken! Now President Trump should sign an executive order making it mandatory for gays to have conversion therapy so they can return to normal and find God.

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay Or Transgender
I agree. It is 100% personal choice, not an inheritance. Most other folly also is not inherited but is the personal choice of the person engaging in it.
If it's 100% a choice, when did you choose your sexual orientation? What age were you? What do you recall leading to that choice?

I decided to go with nature's flow when I looked down and saw I had a pecker between my legs. Can't give you an exact date because I was far too young to make sense of calenders at that age. I must have been about 11 or 12 before I wanted to do something about it and with it other that see how far and accurately I could pee.
Do you know of any cases where a muslim baker refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple? How about a Hindu baker? A Jewish baker? Did you consider that it just might be christian bakers (and only a very few) who are trying to get special protection to discriminate in their business against gays?

Gay activists won't do that, will they? Now seriously: you think Islamic bakers, caterers and etc. are really ready to serve the gay community?

But again, the gay activists aren't about to "expose" Islam. Mostly because they're total cowards. Also because "diversity"

If you have to drag other religions into this, it's a sign that you have given up rational argument. All businesses must serve all customers. How could this point be made any clearer?

No, you want to declare it's a "sign" because you don't want to talk about Islam. Because it exposes you as a total hypocrite, which we already knew.

And no, "all businesses" do not have to serve "all customers". Going into business does not make you an indentured servant to whomever walks through the door. Never has. God willing, never will.
Businesses do have to serve "all customers" equally, particularly in P.A.states.

Would an African American tailor be required to press the sheets of the local klan group?
Is the klan a protected group? Or rather are white supremicists a protected group?

No....wait.....they call themselves a christian organization....they might insist on religious grounds.
If an identical twin is gay, why is their twin also gay in 40% of the cases....not to be seen with fraternal twins or other siblings?

Actually that isn't evidence of much, if both were raised in the same environment. It still asks the whole "nature vs nurture" question.

A better study would be split identical twins, but considering how few instances of that occur, you don't have enough of a sample size to reach any conclusions.
Actually, in the studies, the 40% still applies for those separated at birth.

Doesn't address the sample size, and 40% to me doesn't seem like preponderance of the evidence.

Of course it could also be due to the fact that there is not always one easy answer to questions like this, or no one reason for a given behavior.
40% if identical dna compared to about 5% for all others? Nothing to see here, folks.

If it were entirely DNA it would be 100%.
Not so. We are actually talking about epigenetics -genetic markers which can result in variation even in identical twins

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality
Are you saying a wedding cake is like a 'dick' cake?

A Gay Wedding cake certainly is. A lot of bakers would have moral objections to baking a "dick cake" just like they would a Gay Wedding cake. Oftentimes, its the same people too.
This is a gay wedding cake.
as is this one.
and another one.
A couple of points.....Not that many people put figures on top of their wedding cakes anymore....and the cake is not part of the actual wedding ceremony in any wedding I've been to....they are something for the reception.

It doesn't matter. He is an artist. His artistry is cake-making. He doesn't want to be forced by the gov't to use his hand, his service, his time and talents to lend his artistry to something that violates his deeply held-religious beliefs. Doesn't matter if the cake has flowers, balloons, or anything at all.

You know if you all have your way, I hope Christians go into gay bakers by the truckloads and demand they put on cakes all the Bible verses pertaining to homosexuality. Actually, we should be doing that NOW, to make the point BEFORE the SC case.

But we are generally too polite, which of course you leeches depend upon.
"It doesn't matter"....so why not make a wedding cake? Just a wedding cake? Why go to all the trouble to make up a religious reason to discriminate and be an ass?

Like I said, I enjoy joking around and as a baker, I'd bake this cake.

However, some people have a different, more serious attitude, don't like campy crap like gay "marriage" and other ridiculousness.

BTW, if the bakery had agreed to bake the dam cake, the homosexuals would have stuck them with it, and cancelled the order. The idea wasn't to get a cake baked, but to humiliate the Christians and hopefully impoverish them.

Businesses do have to serve "all customers" equally, particularly in P.A.states.[/QUOTE]

Would an African American tailor be required to press the sheets of the local klan group?[/QUOTE]

No, but you better believe plenty of African American servant ladies did.
Where does the 1st amendment say only Churches have the right to free exercise, and not individuals?

Free exercise isn't limited to the clergy or limited to when you are sitting in a house of worship.

So the entire adult population of the U.S. has an individual right to the free exercise of religion? This is a Pandora's Box that you don't want to open.
As I said before....wait for the day when some christian business owner "claims" they don't have to follow safety or health laws for religious reasons.

Sadly for you, the Supreme Court doesn't typically rule on slippery slope arguments
But they do recognize precedent. And once a christian business is excused from following one business law required from their state....why not others. All they have to do is make up a religious excuse.

It seems as if you really don't think that people believe in religion at all? That they just "make up religious excuses"?

Since it doesn't matter what happens in church, and the free exercise of religion is an individual right, anything goes. It's been that way with the fundies for a while. Make up anything and it's supposed to create instant obedience on the part of everyone else.
Gay activists won't do that, will they? Now seriously: you think Islamic bakers, caterers and etc. are really ready to serve the gay community?

But again, the gay activists aren't about to "expose" Islam. Mostly because they're total cowards. Also because "diversity"

If you have to drag other religions into this, it's a sign that you have given up rational argument. All businesses must serve all customers. How could this point be made any clearer?

No, you want to declare it's a "sign" because you don't want to talk about Islam. Because it exposes you as a total hypocrite, which we already knew.

And no, "all businesses" do not have to serve "all customers". Going into business does not make you an indentured servant to whomever walks through the door. Never has. God willing, never will.
Businesses do have to serve "all customers" equally, particularly in P.A.states.

Would an African American tailor be required to press the sheets of the local klan group?
You're equating membership in the KKK with being Gay? Curious....
More justifiable to call the KKK a christian organization. That's what they call themselves.
So the entire adult population of the U.S. has an individual right to the free exercise of religion? This is a Pandora's Box that you don't want to open.
As I said before....wait for the day when some christian business owner "claims" they don't have to follow safety or health laws for religious reasons.

Sadly for you, the Supreme Court doesn't typically rule on slippery slope arguments
But they do recognize precedent. And once a christian business is excused from following one business law required from their state....why not others. All they have to do is make up a religious excuse.

It seems as if you really don't think that people believe in religion at all? That they just "make up religious excuses"?
Some religious beliefs are not made up...like don't divorce..like don't eat shellfish...like don't bear false witness. I can find all three of those in the bible. Show me where it says in the bible not to make food for a gay couple's wedding reception.

Gay Weddings weren't invented until the late 20th Century, long after the bible was sent to the printer.
You can't give any examples can you? Because it hasn't happened. Seems to be that it's fundie christians who want the special right to refuse service to law-abiding, tax-paying citizens because of a so-called religious belief that isn't even in their bible.

Do you think the Islamic community wants to serve gay weddings? Yes or no.

Oh believe me, it WILL happen. If gay people won't do it, canny Christians will: that is, go into Islamic communities and demand they serve gays.

Happy? Do you love that? Or does it make you sad that the diverse-dressed exotic brown people will have to violate their cool religion too?

Admit it: you think it's sad. Cause the brown people's religion is kinda cool even if they throw gay people off roofs.
I am still waiting for you to give an example of a muslim baker refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple. Got one yet?

The great investigative journalist Steven Crowder looked into this issue, going straight into the muslim city of Dearborn , Michigan. The indication is they wouldn't. Of course, Crowder isn't a homosexual and he was only testing the baker, but here it is. He didn't refuse to back a wedding cake for a homosexual couple, but didn't know it when he refused Mr. Crowder.

Steven Crowder: Gay Wedding Cakes At Muslim Bakeries?
Ah, thank you. I was waiting for someone to pull out that chestnut.

Two points.

#1. Those muslim bakeries didn't make wedding cakes at all....for anyone. So they were being asked to make something that was not on their menu.

#2. Michigan doesn't have sexual orientation in their PA laws....so even if the muslim bakers had wedding cakes on their menu....and even if they did refuse, they wouldn't be breaking any business PA laws IN MICHIGAN.

Thank you.....I was wondering how long it would take for that to get pulled out.....:71:

Actually this was in the City of Dearborn, which is run under islamic law. A couple of Christian missionaries went to the park in Dearborn to share the Word, and were stoned by a large group of Jihadi.

Its virtually not part of America at all.
Nothing to do with making wedding cakes, but I am curious....have a link to that attack I can read about?
As I've surmised for years. Nobody is born gay. John's Hopkins Research has vindicated me. No! Weak minded people let themselves be seduced by Satan and then become his disciples living out perverted dangerous homosexual lifestyles putting young kids lives in danger, especially when same sex married couples adopt them for their sexual pleasure. Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned. Science has spoken! Now President Trump should sign an executive order making it mandatory for gays to have conversion therapy so they can return to normal and find God.

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay Or Transgender
I agree. It is 100% personal choice, not an inheritance. Most other folly also is not inherited but is the personal choice of the person engaging in it.
If it's 100% a choice, when did you choose your sexual orientation? What age were you? What do you recall leading to that choice?

I decided to go with nature's flow when I looked down and saw I had a pecker between my legs. Can't give you an exact date because I was far too young to make sense of calenders at that age. I must have been about 11 or 12 before I wanted to do something about it and with it other that see how far and accurately I could pee.
Boys think they are SOOOOO entitled because they can write their name in the snow.....;)
You can't give any examples can you? Because it hasn't happened. Seems to be that it's fundie christians who want the special right to refuse service to law-abiding, tax-paying citizens because of a so-called religious belief that isn't even in their bible.

Do you think the Islamic community wants to serve gay weddings? Yes or no.

Oh believe me, it WILL happen. If gay people won't do it, canny Christians will: that is, go into Islamic communities and demand they serve gays.

Happy? Do you love that? Or does it make you sad that the diverse-dressed exotic brown people will have to violate their cool religion too?

Admit it: you think it's sad. Cause the brown people's religion is kinda cool even if they throw gay people off roofs.
I am still waiting for you to give an example of a muslim baker refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple. Got one yet?

The great investigative journalist Steven Crowder looked into this issue, going straight into the muslim city of Dearborn , Michigan. The indication is they wouldn't. Of course, Crowder isn't a homosexual and he was only testing the baker, but here it is. He didn't refuse to back a wedding cake for a homosexual couple, but didn't know it when he refused Mr. Crowder.

Steven Crowder: Gay Wedding Cakes At Muslim Bakeries?
Ah, thank you. I was waiting for someone to pull out that chestnut.

Two points.

#1. Those muslim bakeries didn't make wedding cakes at all....for anyone. So they were being asked to make something that was not on their menu.

#2. Michigan doesn't have sexual orientation in their PA laws....so even if the muslim bakers had wedding cakes on their menu....and even if they did refuse, they wouldn't be breaking any business PA laws IN MICHIGAN.

Thank you.....I was wondering how long it would take for that to get pulled out.....:71:

Actually this was in the City of Dearborn, which is run under islamic law. A couple of Christian missionaries went to the park in Dearborn to share the Word, and were stoned by a large group of Jihadi.

Its virtually not part of America at all.
Uh HUH! do show me....show me...where Dearborn is run under Islamic law? I assume you mean Sharia?
Dearborn has no mayor>no city council> No police force required to follow the federal and State laws?


Dearborn, MI: Where Muslims Are…Americans

Stoned by the Jihadi eh? Tell me..what would happen if a couple of imman went to your local park and started trying to convert people?

This is an outright lie....about Dearborn being ran under Islamic law.

For some, it’s enough to assign Dearborn a central role in a larger conspiracy theory, the claim that worldwide there are hundreds of so-called “no-go zones,” breeding grounds for jihad where sharia governs and non-Muslims aren’t welcome.

With five minutes and a search engine, it’s easy to disprove the radical right’s pet theory about Dearborn—or any of the cities and neighborhoods featured on the no-go list. Yet the creeping-sharia myth is so pervasive that it’s been repeated by folks like Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, considered a 2016 presidential hopeful, and by failed 2010 Nevada U.S. Senate candidate Sharron Angle, a Tea Party adherent, among numerous other Republicans. Fox News was forced to apologize after a commentator labeled parts of Europe no-go zones.

In 2011, Koran-burning Florida preacher Terry Jones hopped on the Dearborn bandwagon, planning to to demonstrate against—yep—the nonexistent spread of sharia law. Stopped by a court, Jones returned in 2012, and again in 2014. He’s been to the city—and been tried in its U.S. and state-law governed court for breach of the peace in 2011, when he and a companion were released after being ordered by the judge to cough up $2. And still, Jones seems to believe sharia law is happening.

It’s a phenomenon that baffles Dearborn Mayor Jack O’Reilly.
So the entire adult population of the U.S. has an individual right to the free exercise of religion? This is a Pandora's Box that you don't want to open.
As I said before....wait for the day when some christian business owner "claims" they don't have to follow safety or health laws for religious reasons.

Sadly for you, the Supreme Court doesn't typically rule on slippery slope arguments
But they do recognize precedent. And once a christian business is excused from following one business law required from their state....why not others. All they have to do is make up a religious excuse.

It seems as if you really don't think that people believe in religion at all? That they just "make up religious excuses"?

Since it doesn't matter what happens in church, and the free exercise of religion is an individual right, anything goes. It's been that way with the fundies for a while. Make up anything and it's supposed to create instant obedience on the part of everyone else.
Let's not forget that they used the bible to excuse slavery....even had a schism in the Baptist Church over it.....a schism that lasts to this day. And used religion to excuse laws against inter-racial marriages. This is nothing new at all.
Says who?

Every single person with an IQ over 70 who can watch pathetic Leftists do what they do.

None of these folks would dare go into Muslim enclave and ask for any of this just ask the peaceful Christians for cake and then take them to court over and over and over like the absolute bullies they are.

It's sad. Pathetic.
Do you know of any cases where a muslim baker refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple? How about a Hindu baker? A Jewish baker? Did you consider that it just might be christian bakers (and only a very few) who are trying to get special protection to discriminate in their business against gays?

Gay activists won't do that, will they? Now seriously: you think Islamic bakers, caterers and etc. are really ready to serve the gay community?

But again, the gay activists aren't about to "expose" Islam. Mostly because they're total cowards. Also because "diversity"

Gays are afraid they'll get tossed off a roof
And.....there it is. "You are lucky we don't throw you off a roof so shut up, gays, and take your 2nd class citizenship."

You're out numbered fatass. Learn your minority place
Do you think the Islamic community wants to serve gay weddings? Yes or no.

Oh believe me, it WILL happen. If gay people won't do it, canny Christians will: that is, go into Islamic communities and demand they serve gays.

Happy? Do you love that? Or does it make you sad that the diverse-dressed exotic brown people will have to violate their cool religion too?

Admit it: you think it's sad. Cause the brown people's religion is kinda cool even if they throw gay people off roofs.
I am still waiting for you to give an example of a muslim baker refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple. Got one yet?

The great investigative journalist Steven Crowder looked into this issue, going straight into the muslim city of Dearborn , Michigan. The indication is they wouldn't. Of course, Crowder isn't a homosexual and he was only testing the baker, but here it is. He didn't refuse to back a wedding cake for a homosexual couple, but didn't know it when he refused Mr. Crowder.

Steven Crowder: Gay Wedding Cakes At Muslim Bakeries?
Ah, thank you. I was waiting for someone to pull out that chestnut.

Two points.

#1. Those muslim bakeries didn't make wedding cakes at all....for anyone. So they were being asked to make something that was not on their menu.

#2. Michigan doesn't have sexual orientation in their PA laws....so even if the muslim bakers had wedding cakes on their menu....and even if they did refuse, they wouldn't be breaking any business PA laws IN MICHIGAN.

Thank you.....I was wondering how long it would take for that to get pulled out.....:71:

Actually this was in the City of Dearborn, which is run under islamic law. A couple of Christian missionaries went to the park in Dearborn to share the Word, and were stoned by a large group of Jihadi.

Its virtually not part of America at all.
Nothing to do with making wedding cakes, but I am curious....have a link to that attack I can read about?


Stone-throwing Muslims bloody Christians in Michigan - WND - WND
As I said before....wait for the day when some christian business owner "claims" they don't have to follow safety or health laws for religious reasons.

Sadly for you, the Supreme Court doesn't typically rule on slippery slope arguments
But they do recognize precedent. And once a christian business is excused from following one business law required from their state....why not others. All they have to do is make up a religious excuse.

It seems as if you really don't think that people believe in religion at all? That they just "make up religious excuses"?
Some religious beliefs are not made up...like don't divorce..like don't eat shellfish...like don't bear false witness. I can find all three of those in the bible. Show me where it says in the bible not to make food for a gay couple's wedding reception.

Gay Weddings weren't invented until the late 20th Century, long after the bible was sent to the printer.
Not true at all....History of same-sex unions - Wikipedia

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