I Was Right All Along! Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay or Transgender

The "go another baker" thing doesn't fly. It puts the onus on the customer when it is the proprietor whose decision it was and who is totally responsible. It is not the responsibility of discrimination victims to go off quietly with their tails tucked between their legs.

If I want a ham sandwich, I know i can't go to a jewish deli. Moreover, I don't expect to get one at a Jewish deli.

So instead of the person having to find another baker for a non-timely, non-essential, contracted service, the solution is to fine into oblivion the offender, because he/she violated Lysistrata's "religion" of FUCK RELIGIOUS PEOPLE BECAUSE I HATE THEM.

We all know who the real hater is here.....

How so? We have to distinguish between who, and what religion. The term "religious people" is entirely generic, whether we are speaking of Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Pagans, and whatever else. They are all separated into various sects.

What is your obsession with your caps lock?

Christians are the ones being gunned for because they are the easiest target for identity politics driven progs.

View attachment 265076
Says who?

Every single person with an IQ over 70 who can watch pathetic Leftists do what they do.

None of these folks would dare go into Muslim enclave and ask for any of this just ask the peaceful Christians for cake and then take them to court over and over and over like the absolute bullies they are.

It's sad. Pathetic.
I have no problem with the P.A. laws. I have no problem with homosexuality. I have no problem with strict Christians. I do have a problem with saying "the law shouldn't be applied to them." Now that has a very unfair ring to it.

Yes, because not being able to bake for a living because of a few specific, non essential, non nessasary contracted transactions is totally fucking fair.

The law should be made to impact what is a compelling government interest, not trivial shit like this.

And I notice you danced around my reference to Plessey.
It IS a compelling government interest that minorities in this country are not discriminated against. It is discrimination, pure and simple, no matter how much lipstick you want to put on that pig.
There is nothing trivial about discrimination. There is nothing trivial about a religious group requesting to break the law because they're so special.

So why not force Churches to host Same Sex Weddings?

Discrimination has to have some harm to it to be a compelling government interest. and when it comes to Rights, "correcting" the harm has to be done as gently as possible.

The correct solution would be to make them State their policies up front, via a sign, or on their website.
Churches are not businesses nor do they have business licenses. In fact, they get special rights...even tax exemptions.

Where does the 1st amendment say only Churches have the right to free exercise, and not individuals?

Free exercise isn't limited to the clergy or limited to when you are sitting in a house of worship.

Remember this, Marty, and never forget.

It isn't the "Freedom to worship(inside a church building)", but freedom of religion.

And religion is what people live, and why we had the cases of religious groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor and Hobby Lobby, objecting to being forced to pay for abortions. Religion extends far beyond what happens in the pews.
I have no problem with the P.A. laws. I have no problem with homosexuality. I have no problem with strict Christians. I do have a problem with saying "the law shouldn't be applied to them." Now that has a very unfair ring to it.

Yes, because not being able to bake for a living because of a few specific, non essential, non nessasary contracted transactions is totally fucking fair.

The law should be made to impact what is a compelling government interest, not trivial shit like this.

And I notice you danced around my reference to Plessey.
It IS a compelling government interest that minorities in this country are not discriminated against. It is discrimination, pure and simple, no matter how much lipstick you want to put on that pig.
There is nothing trivial about discrimination. There is nothing trivial about a religious group requesting to break the law because they're so special.

So why not force Churches to host Same Sex Weddings?

Discrimination has to have some harm to it to be a compelling government interest. and when it comes to Rights, "correcting" the harm has to be done as gently as possible.

The correct solution would be to make them State their policies up front, via a sign, or on their website.
Churches are not businesses nor do they have business licenses. In fact, they get special rights...even tax exemptions.

Where does the 1st amendment say only Churches have the right to free exercise, and not individuals?

Free exercise isn't limited to the clergy or limited to when you are sitting in a house of worship.
You are the one who brought up churches....your exact words "So why not force Churches to host Same Sex Weddings?" I answered you...and now you move the goalposts because you had no rebuttal.

BTW....it's an interesting FACT that after all these decades of interracial marriage being legal, not one church has been forced to perform an interracial marriage. The Catholic Church is against remarriage after divorce...even tho divorce is legal, not one Catholic church has been forced to perform a marriage for someone previously divorced. So if churches have never been forced to perform such marriages even tho they are legal, why this "fear" that they would be forced to perform gay marriages?

BTW...another interesting FACT. Churches that are accepting of gay marriage (their own choice) have been performing gay marriages YEARS before civil gay marriage became legal.
The Baker..always with the Baker--Here is the thing...The plaintiff and the defendant..in this case..knew each other...I think the plaintiff deliberately set the whole thing up..and the Baker played into their hands.

A tale of one Attention Whore and 2 Drama Queens!

All the baker had to do was claim scheduling problems and refer them to another baker.

All this 'standing on principle' and such tripe, ruined his business. He decided to go that route.
He has let himself be used..by people that do not give a damn about him--his choice.

Do I think the Baker had the right to refuse to bake or decorate a cake..sure he did.
But he could have handled it far better for all concerned.

A wedding cake is not an essential service that the denial of which would constitute an egregious hardship. If he had been the only Baker in 100 miles..then maybe.

Yeah, that's the slightly gentler, slightly more intelligent version of the same dog shit argument. If he can't muster the respect for his customers, he deserved to go out of business, and nothing else in that non-argument cuts the mustard. Not least, it requires us to forget the centuries of legal discrimination that the Christer Taliban want back. The baker is still free to worship his gawd, he's still free to follow "love thy neighbor" as best he can, and he has as much of an argument as have you, I am sorry to say, which is none. This is not at its core about "hardship". It's about the culture war following Obergefell, which the Taliban try to reverse by other means: "If we can't denigrate their unions any longer and have to accept they can get married, we're taking our revenge by other means, that is, express disrespect towards Those people." That's all this is about, and one has to make a strenuous effort not to see it. It really pains me to see you chime in, if halfheartedly.
I think you are describing an inevitable process--obviously..the culture will lag far behind the law..and revisionist movements will keep cropping up.

Time will take care of most of this---it's been 65 years since Civil Rights was codified....and look at the problems we still have with racism...despite Equality being the law of the land.

Gay rights are in the same boat.....at some level it is IMPOSSIBLE to legislate acceptance and equality in society. I mean, you can pass whatever law---but the haters will still hate.

As for the baker:
I'm sorry...but I still see the issue as trivial..except for the mountain that all have made out of the molehill.

As for the church..Hell--they can't even keep their children safe from pedophiles a lot of the time--no surprise they want to chime in about God's will!!!
So many of the posters here are failing to distinguish between civil marriage involving the government and the rituals performed by various religious groups. Everyone has to have a marriage license issued by the government to be married legally. Then a couple can be married by a government official at the courthouse or may have their marriage solemnized according to whatever religion they wish.

There is no such thing as the government forcing a religious group to hold a specific ritual. This definitely would violate the Constitution. Even keeping to the Christian churches alone, some will hold marriage ceremonies for same-sex couples, and some won't. It depends on the church and the denomination, if any.
I have no problem with the P.A. laws. I have no problem with homosexuality. I have no problem with strict Christians. I do have a problem with saying "the law shouldn't be applied to them." Now that has a very unfair ring to it.
The Irony of a group crying about gays getting "special rights"......getting special rights.

How is the gay person's wedding stopped in any way by having to go somewhere else for a cake?

You want protection from having your feeewwwings hurt by hurting the feewwings (or fining them thousands of dollars) of someone else.

Government doesn't have this job. Stand up for yourself, you gutless hack.

In a lot of cities, there are bakeries that specialize in baking cakes shaped like people's private parts, and they take orders to whatever specifications that the perverted cake eaters want.

Are regular bakeries wrong for not baking these special cakes? Or should they be forced to bake a cake shaped like someone's keister? This gay wedding cake thing is very similar, its a specialized field that offends a lot of people
Are you saying a wedding cake is like a 'dick' cake?

A Gay Wedding cake certainly is. A lot of bakers would have moral objections to baking a "dick cake" just like they would a Gay Wedding cake. Oftentimes, its the same people too.
This is a gay wedding cake.
as is this one.
and another one.
A couple of points.....Not that many people put figures on top of their wedding cakes anymore....and the cake is not part of the actual wedding ceremony in any wedding I've been to....they are something for the reception.
The "go another baker" thing doesn't fly. It puts the onus on the customer when it is the proprietor whose decision it was and who is totally responsible. It is not the responsibility of discrimination victims to go off quietly with their tails tucked between their legs.

If I want a ham sandwich, I know i can't go to a jewish deli. Moreover, I don't expect to get one at a Jewish deli.

So instead of the person having to find another baker for a non-timely, non-essential, contracted service, the solution is to fine into oblivion the offender, because he/she violated Lysistrata's "religion" of FUCK RELIGIOUS PEOPLE BECAUSE I HATE THEM.

We all know who the real hater is here.....

How so? We have to distinguish between who, and what religion. The term "religious people" is entirely generic, whether we are speaking of Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Pagans, and whatever else. They are all separated into various sects.

What is your obsession with your caps lock?

Christians are the ones being gunned for because they are the easiest target for identity politics driven progs.

I'm sure your goon squads will go for the others sooner or later.
Victimhood...part and parcel

No, running to the government because someone didn't want to sell you a contracted cake, and asked you to go somewhere else is the pinnacle of victimhood,.
So you object when someone has a problem with a business breaking business law going to the government for recourse....does that protection from the law only apply to christians?
It is always fascinating how CRC type arguments having anything to do with gay people always ends up boiling down to talking about the gay sex act......waaaaaaay more than any gay people talk about it.

Figures you can't get the running jokes between me and MDK.

How do people like you go through life without a sense of humor?

MDK, are you offended?
That doesn't change, just reaffirms the pattern.

yep, you have no measurable sense of humor.
You are investing a great deal here. Whatever.

Run away like you usually do when you've run out of the same shit to bitch about.

About time for you to whine about me having to "do something about it" besides posting on this board.

You are tiresome and predictable.
I'm still here, my friend. Not running away at all. Simply acknowledging you investing a great deal in this humor. Okey Dokey.
Again, just because you sell something doesn't mean you lose your Right to Free Exercise.

Sorry, but just going to another baker is the right move here, unless you have an axe to grind.

We know YOU have an axe to grind, a tiny, little useless axe to grind.

The "go another baker" thing doesn't fly. It puts the onus on the customer when it is the proprietor whose decision it was and who is totally responsible. It is not the responsibility of discrimination victims to go off quietly with their tails tucked between their legs.

If I want a ham sandwich, I know i can't go to a jewish deli. Moreover, I don't expect to get one at a Jewish deli.

So instead of the person having to find another baker for a non-timely, non-essential, contracted service, the solution is to fine into oblivion the offender, because he/she violated Lysistrata's "religion" of FUCK RELIGIOUS PEOPLE BECAUSE I HATE THEM.

We all know who the real hater is here.....

How so? We have to distinguish between who, and what religion. The term "religious people" is entirely generic, whether we are speaking of Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Pagans, and whatever else. They are all separated into various sects.

What is your obsession with your caps lock?

Christians are the ones being gunned for because they are the easiest target for identity politics driven progs.

I'm sure your goon squads will go for the others sooner or later.
Victimhood...part and parcel
They are a grievance industry, squarely planted in victimhood, and constantly seeking redress for their addled emotions.
If I want a ham sandwich, I know i can't go to a jewish deli. Moreover, I don't expect to get one at a Jewish deli.

So instead of the person having to find another baker for a non-timely, non-essential, contracted service, the solution is to fine into oblivion the offender, because he/she violated Lysistrata's "religion" of FUCK RELIGIOUS PEOPLE BECAUSE I HATE THEM.

We all know who the real hater is here.....

How so? We have to distinguish between who, and what religion. The term "religious people" is entirely generic, whether we are speaking of Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Pagans, and whatever else. They are all separated into various sects.

What is your obsession with your caps lock?

Christians are the ones being gunned for because they are the easiest target for identity politics driven progs.

View attachment 265076
Says who?

Every single person with an IQ over 70 who can watch pathetic Leftists do what they do.

None of these folks would dare go into Muslim enclave and ask for any of this just ask the peaceful Christians for cake and then take them to court over and over and over like the absolute bullies they are.

It's sad. Pathetic.
Do you know of any cases where a muslim baker refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple? How about a Hindu baker? A Jewish baker? Did you consider that it just might be christian bakers (and only a very few) who are trying to get special protection to discriminate in their business against gays?
I have no problem with the P.A. laws. I have no problem with homosexuality. I have no problem with strict Christians. I do have a problem with saying "the law shouldn't be applied to them." Now that has a very unfair ring to it.

Yes, because not being able to bake for a living because of a few specific, non essential, non nessasary contracted transactions is totally fucking fair.

The law should be made to impact what is a compelling government interest, not trivial shit like this.

And I notice you danced around my reference to Plessey.
It IS a compelling government interest that minorities in this country are not discriminated against. It is discrimination, pure and simple, no matter how much lipstick you want to put on that pig.
There is nothing trivial about discrimination. There is nothing trivial about a religious group requesting to break the law because they're so special.

So why not force Churches to host Same Sex Weddings?

Discrimination has to have some harm to it to be a compelling government interest. and when it comes to Rights, "correcting" the harm has to be done as gently as possible.

The correct solution would be to make them State their policies up front, via a sign, or on their website.
Churches are not businesses nor do they have business licenses. In fact, they get special rights...even tax exemptions.

Where does the 1st amendment say only Churches have the right to free exercise, and not individuals?

Free exercise isn't limited to the clergy or limited to when you are sitting in a house of worship.

So the entire adult population of the U.S. has an individual right to the free exercise of religion? This is a Pandora's Box that you don't want to open.
Yes, because not being able to bake for a living because of a few specific, non essential, non nessasary contracted transactions is totally fucking fair.

The law should be made to impact what is a compelling government interest, not trivial shit like this.

And I notice you danced around my reference to Plessey.
It IS a compelling government interest that minorities in this country are not discriminated against. It is discrimination, pure and simple, no matter how much lipstick you want to put on that pig.
There is nothing trivial about discrimination. There is nothing trivial about a religious group requesting to break the law because they're so special.

So why not force Churches to host Same Sex Weddings?

Discrimination has to have some harm to it to be a compelling government interest. and when it comes to Rights, "correcting" the harm has to be done as gently as possible.

The correct solution would be to make them State their policies up front, via a sign, or on their website.
Churches are not businesses nor do they have business licenses. In fact, they get special rights...even tax exemptions.

Where does the 1st amendment say only Churches have the right to free exercise, and not individuals?

Free exercise isn't limited to the clergy or limited to when you are sitting in a house of worship.

Remember this, Marty, and never forget.

It isn't the "Freedom to worship(inside a church building)", but freedom of religion.

And religion is what people live, and why we had the cases of religious groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor and Hobby Lobby, objecting to being forced to pay for abortions. Religion extends far beyond what happens in the pews.
Special rights because....christian.
How so? We have to distinguish between who, and what religion. The term "religious people" is entirely generic, whether we are speaking of Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Pagans, and whatever else. They are all separated into various sects.

What is your obsession with your caps lock?

Christians are the ones being gunned for because they are the easiest target for identity politics driven progs.

View attachment 265076
Says who?

Every single person with an IQ over 70 who can watch pathetic Leftists do what they do.

None of these folks would dare go into Muslim enclave and ask for any of this just ask the peaceful Christians for cake and then take them to court over and over and over like the absolute bullies they are.

It's sad. Pathetic.
Do you know of any cases where a muslim baker refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple? How about a Hindu baker? A Jewish baker? Did you consider that it just might be christian bakers (and only a very few) who are trying to get special protection to discriminate in their business against gays?

Gay activists won't do that, will they? Now seriously: you think Islamic bakers, caterers and etc. are really ready to serve the gay community?

But again, the gay activists aren't about to "expose" Islam. Mostly because they're total cowards. Also because "diversity"
Yes, because not being able to bake for a living because of a few specific, non essential, non nessasary contracted transactions is totally fucking fair.

The law should be made to impact what is a compelling government interest, not trivial shit like this.

And I notice you danced around my reference to Plessey.
It IS a compelling government interest that minorities in this country are not discriminated against. It is discrimination, pure and simple, no matter how much lipstick you want to put on that pig.
There is nothing trivial about discrimination. There is nothing trivial about a religious group requesting to break the law because they're so special.

So why not force Churches to host Same Sex Weddings?

Discrimination has to have some harm to it to be a compelling government interest. and when it comes to Rights, "correcting" the harm has to be done as gently as possible.

The correct solution would be to make them State their policies up front, via a sign, or on their website.
Churches are not businesses nor do they have business licenses. In fact, they get special rights...even tax exemptions.

Where does the 1st amendment say only Churches have the right to free exercise, and not individuals?

Free exercise isn't limited to the clergy or limited to when you are sitting in a house of worship.

So the entire adult population of the U.S. has an individual right to the free exercise of religion? This is a Pandora's Box that you don't want to open.
As I said before....wait for the day when some christian business owner "claims" they don't have to follow safety or health laws for religious reasons.
As I've surmised for years. Nobody is born gay. John's Hopkins Research has vindicated me. No! Weak minded people let themselves be seduced by Satan and then become his disciples living out perverted dangerous homosexual lifestyles putting young kids lives in danger, especially when same sex married couples adopt them for their sexual pleasure. Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned. Science has spoken! Now President Trump should sign an executive order making it mandatory for gays to have conversion therapy so they can return to normal and find God.

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay Or Transgender
How do you discuss anything with a rube who has a MAGA hat.
Our wwi Nazi group name and too dumb to know it,
Or maybe he does???

You wet yourself when you see MAGA don't ya?
It IS a compelling government interest that minorities in this country are not discriminated against. It is discrimination, pure and simple, no matter how much lipstick you want to put on that pig.
There is nothing trivial about discrimination. There is nothing trivial about a religious group requesting to break the law because they're so special.

So why not force Churches to host Same Sex Weddings?

Discrimination has to have some harm to it to be a compelling government interest. and when it comes to Rights, "correcting" the harm has to be done as gently as possible.

The correct solution would be to make them State their policies up front, via a sign, or on their website.
Churches are not businesses nor do they have business licenses. In fact, they get special rights...even tax exemptions.

Where does the 1st amendment say only Churches have the right to free exercise, and not individuals?

Free exercise isn't limited to the clergy or limited to when you are sitting in a house of worship.

Remember this, Marty, and never forget.

It isn't the "Freedom to worship(inside a church building)", but freedom of religion.

And religion is what people live, and why we had the cases of religious groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor and Hobby Lobby, objecting to being forced to pay for abortions. Religion extends far beyond what happens in the pews.
Special rights because....christian.

Its not a "Special" rite at all, just a recognition that Christians believe Almighty God put Adam and Eve into the garden
The government simply enforces the law; if they didn't, we would have anarchy. Being religious doesn't make you special. You cannot break the law because of it.

So Southern States were just enforcing Plessey and Jim Crow?

Sorry, but allowing a Religious exemption for a non-critical, non-timely, contracted service will not result in anarchy. Forcing them to bake or else, however is a pretty good step towards tyranny.

The whole point is they SHOULDN'T have to break the law, because the law in questions shouldn't be applied to them.

Cripes, you are just as tone deaf as body when it comes to running behind the law's skirt.
I have no problem with the P.A. laws. I have no problem with homosexuality. I have no problem with strict Christians. I do have a problem with saying "the law shouldn't be applied to them." Now that has a very unfair ring to it.

Yes, because not being able to bake for a living because of a few specific, non essential, non nessasary contracted transactions is totally fucking fair.

The law should be made to impact what is a compelling government interest, not trivial shit like this.

And I notice you danced around my reference to Plessey.
It IS a compelling government interest that minorities in this country are not discriminated against. It is discrimination, pure and simple, no matter how much lipstick you want to put on that pig.
There is nothing trivial about discrimination. There is nothing trivial about a religious group requesting to break the law because they're so special.

If it were simple the SC would have ruled on it last time Masterpiece came up. They did not; they punted. Now we have an even more conservative court. There's nothing simple about it, which is why it went up to the SC in the first place. It's non-discrimination laws vs. first amendment religious Constitutional rights.

Constituon wins
Christians are the ones being gunned for because they are the easiest target for identity politics driven progs.

View attachment 265076
Says who?

Every single person with an IQ over 70 who can watch pathetic Leftists do what they do.

None of these folks would dare go into Muslim enclave and ask for any of this just ask the peaceful Christians for cake and then take them to court over and over and over like the absolute bullies they are.

It's sad. Pathetic.
Do you know of any cases where a muslim baker refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple? How about a Hindu baker? A Jewish baker? Did you consider that it just might be christian bakers (and only a very few) who are trying to get special protection to discriminate in their business against gays?

Gay activists won't do that, will they? Now seriously: you think Islamic bakers, caterers and etc. are really ready to serve the gay community?

But again, the gay activists aren't about to "expose" Islam. Mostly because they're total cowards. Also because "diversity"
You can't give any examples can you? Because it hasn't happened. Seems to be that it's fundie christians who want the special right to refuse service to law-abiding, tax-paying citizens because of a so-called religious belief that isn't even in their bible.
So why not force Churches to host Same Sex Weddings?

Discrimination has to have some harm to it to be a compelling government interest. and when it comes to Rights, "correcting" the harm has to be done as gently as possible.

The correct solution would be to make them State their policies up front, via a sign, or on their website.
Churches are not businesses nor do they have business licenses. In fact, they get special rights...even tax exemptions.

Where does the 1st amendment say only Churches have the right to free exercise, and not individuals?

Free exercise isn't limited to the clergy or limited to when you are sitting in a house of worship.

Remember this, Marty, and never forget.

It isn't the "Freedom to worship(inside a church building)", but freedom of religion.

And religion is what people live, and why we had the cases of religious groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor and Hobby Lobby, objecting to being forced to pay for abortions. Religion extends far beyond what happens in the pews.
Special rights because....christian.

Its not a "Special" rite at all, just a recognition that Christians believe Almighty God put Adam and Eve into the garden
You really believe that Adam and Eve stuff? Do you also believe the Earth is only 6000 years old? :71:
The Irony of a group crying about gays getting "special rights"......getting special rights.

How is the gay person's wedding stopped in any way by having to go somewhere else for a cake?

You want protection from having your feeewwwings hurt by hurting the feewwings (or fining them thousands of dollars) of someone else.

Government doesn't have this job. Stand up for yourself, you gutless hack.

In a lot of cities, there are bakeries that specialize in baking cakes shaped like people's private parts, and they take orders to whatever specifications that the perverted cake eaters want.

Are regular bakeries wrong for not baking these special cakes? Or should they be forced to bake a cake shaped like someone's keister? This gay wedding cake thing is very similar, its a specialized field that offends a lot of people
Are you saying a wedding cake is like a 'dick' cake?

A Gay Wedding cake certainly is. A lot of bakers would have moral objections to baking a "dick cake" just like they would a Gay Wedding cake. Oftentimes, its the same people too.
This is a gay wedding cake.
as is this one.
and another one.
A couple of points.....Not that many people put figures on top of their wedding cakes anymore....and the cake is not part of the actual wedding ceremony in any wedding I've been to....they are something for the reception.
Toppers aren't cool anymore, huh?
Pretty cakes. Those roses look SO REAL I can almost smell them. Unless they are real. I hear sometmes they put fresh flowers on a cake.

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