I Was Right All Along! Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay or Transgender

Science hasn't found a homo gene.

Which means that it's a mental illness. .... :cool:
According to the American Psychiatric Association a mental illness is associated with distress and/or problems functioning in social, work or family activities. Homosexuality is not associated with any of the above. This is why homosexuality is not classified as a mental disorder. Most of the problems gays and lesbians face is not caused by the effect homosexuality has on them but rather how their homosexuality effects others.
Put yourself in their shoes. Do you agree to have "conversion therapy" to become homosexual? No biggie, huh?

Sorry, but biology puts for humans heterosexuality being the default. If not, or species would die out.

If an adult (notice I said adult, my views on kids and this shit is to leave them be until they hit 18, and that goes both ways) wants to try to "pray the gay away" why is that something that should be stopped?

What about bi people that want to conform to the default?
None of you homophobes will ever speak to that question when I present it. I know why. You would never do it. They shouldn't be pressured or forced to do it either.

Why am I a homophobe?
You would not be engaging in this discussion or feeling it is anyone's right to tell them who to love if it did not make you uncomfortable. Would you?

I am uncomfortable with people using government to punish others over something as trivial as baking a cake.

Do I think two dudes hooking up is gross? Yes. Does that make me afraid of them? No.

He wasn't punished for not baking a cake. He was fined for violating public-accommodation laws. Moreover, he deliberately advertised his services to get people to patronize his shop. He had a pretty fancy website.
The article headline and thread title are a lie.

Yeah, pretty much.
As I've surmised for years. Nobody is born gay. John's Hopkins Research has vindicated me. No! Weak minded people let themselves be seduced by Satan and then become his disciples living out perverted dangerous homosexual lifestyles putting young kids lives in danger, especially when same sex married couples adopt them for their sexual pleasure. Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned. Science has spoken!

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay Or Transgender
If an identical twin is gay, why is their twin also gay in 40% of the cases....not to be seen with fraternal twins or other siblings?

For once, we agree.
Of course Gayness isn't a choice, why else are Gay men usually feminine, and Lesbian women usually masculine?
because of another study, then another that said it is, and another that said it isn't.
Ah...I see. And where are the other studies since the 90s showing that the gay twin study is incorrect?

I'm sure if you dig hard enough you will find one.
Why would I? If you believe they exist, by all means, find them and post them.

Why would I take as fact the results of one study?
And there are contradictory studies?

There's clearly political reasons for this, saying Gays, or Races are usually the way they are because of genes, which there is a ton of evidence for, would validate Hitler, and his Nazis.
This all doesn't matter for a hill of beans. The question of how one acquires his or her sexual orientation is irrelevant.
Or they just didn't really look for it.

Sorry, but studies like this are usually full of errors, which is why I don't see the 40% thing as conclusive when body brings it up.
Of course you don't. It's just a study...that's been around since the 90s and has yet to be refuted. But nothing to see here, folks.

Back in the 90's studies told me oat bran was awesome, now not so much.
How do you know that it's not so much today?

because of another study, then another that said it is, and another that said it isn't.
Ah...I see. And where are the other studies since the 90s showing that the gay twin study is incorrect?

Gays, and Lesbians even have different phenotypes, they tend to have thinner faces than the general Heterosexual public.

Row over AI that 'identifies gay faces'
As I've surmised for years. Nobody is born gay. John's Hopkins Research has vindicated me. No! Weak minded people let themselves be seduced by Satan and then become his disciples living out perverted dangerous homosexual lifestyles putting young kids lives in danger, especially when same sex married couples adopt them for their sexual pleasure. Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned. Science has spoken! Now President Trump should sign an executive order making it mandatory for gays to have conversion therapy so they can return to normal and find God.

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay Or Transgender
I agree. It is 100% personal choice, not an inheritance. Most other folly also is not inherited but is the personal choice of the person engaging in it.
If it's 100% a choice, when did you choose your sexual orientation? What age were you? What do you recall leading to that choice?

I look at it different, bode.

We all start off as Normative- that's our nature, so no decision is needed except if you decide to become a she-male or some other kind of non-binary choice. Back in the day, when Sodomy was a crime, it was euphemistically described as a "crime against nature".

The first city when homosexuality was really gloried was Sodom. They loved sodomy so much, they name their city after the act. Imagine if San Francisco decided to get rid of the religious moniker, and changed their name to "Bumphuck". That's basically what the people of Sodom did.

Gays, and Lesbians are often easily identified in grade school, by their behavior.

It's really not much of a secret, (Often but not always) who turned out that way.
As I've surmised for years. Nobody is born gay. John's Hopkins Research has vindicated me. No! Weak minded people let themselves be seduced by Satan and then become his disciples living out perverted dangerous homosexual lifestyles putting young kids lives in danger, especially when same sex married couples adopt them for their sexual pleasure. Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned. Science has spoken!

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay Or Transgender
Wonder what the evidence was people are born heterosexual?
If that isn’t a sarcastic response, it qualifies as the stupidest question a non-mentally-retarded person has ever asked.
As I've surmised for years. Nobody is born gay. John's Hopkins Research has vindicated me. No! Weak minded people let themselves be seduced by Satan and then become his disciples living out perverted dangerous homosexual lifestyles putting young kids lives in danger, especially when same sex married couples adopt them for their sexual pleasure. Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned. Science has spoken!

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay Or Transgender

its everyone favorite homo commie children's activist
View attachment 264852

somethings seriously wrong with these mental defect left wing nazi activists

Where did this conversation come from? I don't doubt any of it is "real" though I wish I could. (really). Is this Sean McManus the CBS exec or who is he?
This all doesn't matter for a hill of beans. The question of how one acquires his or her sexual orientation is irrelevant.

Yes, but in the Land of the Free, there is a near-consensus that homosexuality would be more acceptable (less unacceptable) were it the result of genetic forces, not a matter of choice. Makes one wonder, doesn't it?

What I would like to know is this: There's cult. Joining it requires gladly, eagerly accepting lies about everything. You can observe members made aware they are being lied to. The next thing you know is, they go back to the very same lying sources (Fox, Breitbart, pjmedia!), and gobble up more lies. Now, is the propensity to join that cult and to gobble up gobs of lies innate, or a matter of choice? If it's the former, should there still be a conversion therapy, and should it be mandatory or not?
This all doesn't matter for a hill of beans. The question of how one acquires his or her sexual orientation is irrelevant.

Yes, but in the Land of the Free, there is a near-consensus that homosexuality would be more acceptable (less unacceptable) were it the result of genetic forces, not a matter of choice. Makes one wonder, doesn't it?

What I would like to know is this: There's cult. Joining it requires gladly, eagerly accepting lies about everything. You can observe members made aware they are being lied to. The next thing you know is, they go back to the very same lying sources (Fox, Breitbart, pjmedia!), and gobble up more lies. Now, is the propensity to join that cult and to gobble up gobs of lies innate, or a matter of choice? If it's the former, should there still be a conversion therapy, and should it be mandatory or not?

You're right there is a cult:

Climate Change

It's a "glob of cells", not a baby

A person with a penis is a woman

Just for starters. Cult-like thinking and brainwashing for sure. You want more???
This all doesn't matter for a hill of beans. The question of how one acquires his or her sexual orientation is irrelevant.

Yes, but in the Land of the Free, there is a near-consensus that homosexuality would be more acceptable (less unacceptable) were it the result of genetic forces, not a matter of choice. Makes one wonder, doesn't it?

What I would like to know is this: There's cult. Joining it requires gladly, eagerly accepting lies about everything. You can observe members made aware they are being lied to. The next thing you know is, they go back to the very same lying sources (Fox, Breitbart, pjmedia!), and gobble up more lies. Now, is the propensity to join that cult and to gobble up gobs of lies innate, or a matter of choice? If it's the former, should there still be a conversion therapy, and should it be mandatory or not?

More cult lies:

The glaciers will melt by 2020

"Madame President Clinton"

57 genders
Put yourself in their shoes. Do you agree to have "conversion therapy" to become homosexual? No biggie, huh?

Sorry, but biology puts for humans heterosexuality being the default. If not, or species would die out.

If an adult (notice I said adult, my views on kids and this shit is to leave them be until they hit 18, and that goes both ways) wants to try to "pray the gay away" why is that something that should be stopped?

What about bi people that want to conform to the default?
None of you homophobes will ever speak to that question when I present it. I know why. You would never do it. They shouldn't be pressured or forced to do it either.

Why am I a homophobe?
You would not be engaging in this discussion or feeling it is anyone's right to tell them who to love if it did not make you uncomfortable. Would you?

I am uncomfortable with people using government to punish others over something as trivial as baking a cake.

Do I think two dudes hooking up is gross? Yes. Does that make me afraid of them? No.
The baker wasn't "punished," the gay couple were. The baker punished them for their beliefs by refusing to do business with them because he personally does not agree with their lifestyle.
Well la dee dah. No one cares what your personal opinion is when you are doing business with the public. In this country, we're EQUAL.
I feel bad for him, because he has been consistent in his beliefs for years and it isn't just gay cakes he won't make. But I don't see another solution but stepping in and forcing him to follow the rules of equality.
Sorry, but biology puts for humans heterosexuality being the default. If not, or species would die out.

If an adult (notice I said adult, my views on kids and this shit is to leave them be until they hit 18, and that goes both ways) wants to try to "pray the gay away" why is that something that should be stopped?

What about bi people that want to conform to the default?
None of you homophobes will ever speak to that question when I present it. I know why. You would never do it. They shouldn't be pressured or forced to do it either.

Why am I a homophobe?
You would not be engaging in this discussion or feeling it is anyone's right to tell them who to love if it did not make you uncomfortable. Would you?

I am uncomfortable with people using government to punish others over something as trivial as baking a cake.

Do I think two dudes hooking up is gross? Yes. Does that make me afraid of them? No.
The baker wasn't "punished," the gay couple were. The baker punished them for their beliefs by refusing to do business with them because he personally does not agree with their lifestyle.
Well la dee dah. No one cares what your personal opinion is when you are doing business with the public. In this country, we're EQUAL.
I feel bad for him, because he has been consistent in his beliefs for years and it isn't just gay cakes he won't make. But I don't see another solution but stepping in and forcing him to follow the rules of equality.

Wrong, he doesn't just disagree, the work violated his deeply held religious convictions. That's also in the Constitution and the gov't should not be able to FORCE you to do that, not even to do business.

I think the baker has an excellent chance with this Supreme Court.
God Bless Texas

[Link to breitbart.com via FaceShit erased]TX Gov. Greg Abbott Signs Bill Banning Funding of Abortion Providers

Telling your various demented bigotries apart is no longer an option, eh? This thread is about gays and trans people. The anti-choice bigotry link you found on FaceShit doesn't belong here.

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