I Was Right All Along! Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay or Transgender

Why am I a homophobe?
You would not be engaging in this discussion or feeling it is anyone's right to tell them who to love if it did not make you uncomfortable. Would you?

I am uncomfortable with people using government to punish others over something as trivial as baking a cake.

Do I think two dudes hooking up is gross? Yes. Does that make me afraid of them? No.
The baker wasn't "punished," the gay couple were. The baker punished them for their beliefs by refusing to do business with them because he personally does not agree with their lifestyle.
Well la dee dah. No one cares what your personal opinion is when you are doing business with the public. In this country, we're EQUAL.
I feel bad for him, because he has been consistent in his beliefs for years and it isn't just gay cakes he won't make. But I don't see another solution but stepping in and forcing him to follow the rules of equality.

Wrong, he doesn't just disagree, the work violated his deeply held religious convictions. That's also in the Constitution and the gov't should not be able to FORCE you to do that, not even to do business.

I think the baker has an excellent chance with this Supreme Court.

See Employment Division,Dept. of Human Resources of Oregon v. Smith, 494 U.S. 872 (1990)

Employment Division v. Smith

All persons, no matter of what their beliefs are, must obey generally applicable laws.

Allowing exceptions to every state law or regulation affecting religion "would open the prospect of constitutionally required exemptions from civic obligations of almost every conceivable kind."
Justice Antonin Scalia

Your theory would create social chaos, with the adult population among 320+ people each going his or her own way, each guided only by a personal belief.

Personally, I don't want to see horse-drawn buggies on the beltway.

Because you are a progressive asshole who thinks everyone should live, think and act like you do.
Why am I a homophobe?
You would not be engaging in this discussion or feeling it is anyone's right to tell them who to love if it did not make you uncomfortable. Would you?

I am uncomfortable with people using government to punish others over something as trivial as baking a cake.

Do I think two dudes hooking up is gross? Yes. Does that make me afraid of them? No.
The baker wasn't "punished," the gay couple were. The baker punished them for their beliefs by refusing to do business with them because he personally does not agree with their lifestyle.
Well la dee dah. No one cares what your personal opinion is when you are doing business with the public. In this country, we're EQUAL.
I feel bad for him, because he has been consistent in his beliefs for years and it isn't just gay cakes he won't make. But I don't see another solution but stepping in and forcing him to follow the rules of equality.

Wrong, he doesn't just disagree, the work violated his deeply held religious convictions. That's also in the Constitution and the gov't should not be able to FORCE you to do that, not even to do business.

I think the baker has an excellent chance with this Supreme Court.

See Employment Division,Dept. of Human Resources of Oregon v. Smith, 494 U.S. 872 (1990)

Employment Division v. Smith

All persons, no matter of what their beliefs are, must obey generally applicable laws.

Allowing exceptions to every state law or regulation affecting religion "would open the prospect of constitutionally required exemptions from civic obligations of almost every conceivable kind."
Justice Antonin Scalia

Your theory would create social chaos, with the adult population among 320+ people each going his or her own way, each guided only by a personal belief.

Personally, I don't want to see horse-drawn buggies on the beltway.

I could just as easily gone to the laws from a century ago and point out the Jim Crow laws and say exactly what you said.

Quoting bad law doesn't make it right.
This all doesn't matter for a hill of beans. The question of how one acquires his or her sexual orientation is irrelevant.

Yes, but in the Land of the Free, there is a near-consensus that homosexuality would be more acceptable (less unacceptable) were it the result of genetic forces, not a matter of choice. Makes one wonder, doesn't it?

What I would like to know is this: There's cult. Joining it requires gladly, eagerly accepting lies about everything. You can observe members made aware they are being lied to. The next thing you know is, they go back to the very same lying sources (Fox, Breitbart, pjmedia!), and gobble up more lies. Now, is the propensity to join that cult and to gobble up gobs of lies innate, or a matter of choice? If it's the former, should there still be a conversion therapy, and should it be mandatory or not?

Oh Gawd.....

I count my blessings every day that bozos like you are fringe. Too....love when the deep matrix dwellers refer to the majority as a " cult".:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Everyone and their brother knows it's all about the binary because that's the science!

What do you define as "the majority"? My impression is that Olde Europe is describing a distinct group, not any "majority."
You would not be engaging in this discussion or feeling it is anyone's right to tell them who to love if it did not make you uncomfortable. Would you?

I am uncomfortable with people using government to punish others over something as trivial as baking a cake.

Do I think two dudes hooking up is gross? Yes. Does that make me afraid of them? No.
The baker wasn't "punished," the gay couple were. The baker punished them for their beliefs by refusing to do business with them because he personally does not agree with their lifestyle.
Well la dee dah. No one cares what your personal opinion is when you are doing business with the public. In this country, we're EQUAL.
I feel bad for him, because he has been consistent in his beliefs for years and it isn't just gay cakes he won't make. But I don't see another solution but stepping in and forcing him to follow the rules of equality.

Wrong, he doesn't just disagree, the work violated his deeply held religious convictions. That's also in the Constitution and the gov't should not be able to FORCE you to do that, not even to do business.

I think the baker has an excellent chance with this Supreme Court.

See Employment Division,Dept. of Human Resources of Oregon v. Smith, 494 U.S. 872 (1990)

Employment Division v. Smith

All persons, no matter of what their beliefs are, must obey generally applicable laws.

Allowing exceptions to every state law or regulation affecting religion "would open the prospect of constitutionally required exemptions from civic obligations of almost every conceivable kind."
Justice Antonin Scalia

Your theory would create social chaos, with the adult population among 320+ people each going his or her own way, each guided only by a personal belief.

Personally, I don't want to see horse-drawn buggies on the beltway.

Because you are a progressive asshole who thinks everyone should live, think and act like you do.

You are the one how thinks that everyone should live, think, and act like you do. Your comments usually bespeak of wanting to impose your will on others, and cause chaos in the process. You don't seem to realize that not everyone chooses your lifestyle. You think only of yourself.

BTW: there is nothing wrong with being a "progressive." Progress is a good thing.
I am uncomfortable with people using government to punish others over something as trivial as baking a cake.

Do I think two dudes hooking up is gross? Yes. Does that make me afraid of them? No.
The baker wasn't "punished," the gay couple were. The baker punished them for their beliefs by refusing to do business with them because he personally does not agree with their lifestyle.
Well la dee dah. No one cares what your personal opinion is when you are doing business with the public. In this country, we're EQUAL.
I feel bad for him, because he has been consistent in his beliefs for years and it isn't just gay cakes he won't make. But I don't see another solution but stepping in and forcing him to follow the rules of equality.

Wrong, he doesn't just disagree, the work violated his deeply held religious convictions. That's also in the Constitution and the gov't should not be able to FORCE you to do that, not even to do business.

I think the baker has an excellent chance with this Supreme Court.

See Employment Division,Dept. of Human Resources of Oregon v. Smith, 494 U.S. 872 (1990)

Employment Division v. Smith

All persons, no matter of what their beliefs are, must obey generally applicable laws.

Allowing exceptions to every state law or regulation affecting religion "would open the prospect of constitutionally required exemptions from civic obligations of almost every conceivable kind."
Justice Antonin Scalia

Your theory would create social chaos, with the adult population among 320+ people each going his or her own way, each guided only by a personal belief.

Personally, I don't want to see horse-drawn buggies on the beltway.

Because you are a progressive asshole who thinks everyone should live, think and act like you do.

You are the one how thinks that everyone should live, think, and act like you do. Your comments usually bespeak of wanting to impose your will on others, and cause chaos in the process. You don't seem to realize that not everyone chooses your lifestyle. You think only of yourself.

BTW: there is nothing wrong with being a "progressive." Progress is a good thing.

How is my will being imposed? The couple in the cake situation can still easily get a cake, they can still have a wedding. The baker on the other hand is faced with either going against their moral code or going out of business.

If I owned a bake shop I wouldn't decline gay weddings. My issue is you trying to force others to work against their will over a trivial matter.

Progress isn't by default a good thing, if you want an example try progressing over a cliff.
You would not be engaging in this discussion or feeling it is anyone's right to tell them who to love if it did not make you uncomfortable. Would you?

I am uncomfortable with people using government to punish others over something as trivial as baking a cake.

Do I think two dudes hooking up is gross? Yes. Does that make me afraid of them? No.
The baker wasn't "punished," the gay couple were. The baker punished them for their beliefs by refusing to do business with them because he personally does not agree with their lifestyle.
Well la dee dah. No one cares what your personal opinion is when you are doing business with the public. In this country, we're EQUAL.
I feel bad for him, because he has been consistent in his beliefs for years and it isn't just gay cakes he won't make. But I don't see another solution but stepping in and forcing him to follow the rules of equality.

Wrong, he doesn't just disagree, the work violated his deeply held religious convictions. That's also in the Constitution and the gov't should not be able to FORCE you to do that, not even to do business.

I think the baker has an excellent chance with this Supreme Court.

See Employment Division,Dept. of Human Resources of Oregon v. Smith, 494 U.S. 872 (1990)

Employment Division v. Smith

All persons, no matter of what their beliefs are, must obey generally applicable laws.

Allowing exceptions to every state law or regulation affecting religion "would open the prospect of constitutionally required exemptions from civic obligations of almost every conceivable kind."
Justice Antonin Scalia

Your theory would create social chaos, with the adult population among 320+ people each going his or her own way, each guided only by a personal belief.

Personally, I don't want to see horse-drawn buggies on the beltway.

So would you be in favor of forcing Islamonazi butchers to sell bacon and pork?

Sure, its against their religion, but tough shit, eh?

Since when is any level of government trying to tell stores what to stock? Your argument makes no sense. A Jewish butcher advertises that kosher meat is available. A Muslim butcher advertises that halal meat is available. Your reference to "Islamonazi butchers" says a lot about you. It's not very mature.
How is my will being imposed? The couple in the cake situation can still easily get a cake, they can still have a wedding. The baker on the other hand is faced with either going against their moral code or going out of business.

If I owned a bake shop I wouldn't decline gay weddings. My issue is you trying to force others to work against their will over a trivial matter.

Progress isn't by default a good thing, if you want an example try progressing over a cliff.

Same here. We Polish like to joke and have a good time, and there is nothing which is more of a joke that a couple of dudes pretending to get married.

In fact I recognize that this is the whole reason for the institution of Gay Marriage in the first place- campiness and seeing if they can "freak out" us "straight arrows" and "squares".

But some people are more serious, and I can appreciate that, they more easily freaked out, and that's who the Homosexual Community is preying on here. If these dudes would have called me, I would have had no problem if I was a baker.
I am uncomfortable with people using government to punish others over something as trivial as baking a cake.

Do I think two dudes hooking up is gross? Yes. Does that make me afraid of them? No.
The baker wasn't "punished," the gay couple were. The baker punished them for their beliefs by refusing to do business with them because he personally does not agree with their lifestyle.
Well la dee dah. No one cares what your personal opinion is when you are doing business with the public. In this country, we're EQUAL.
I feel bad for him, because he has been consistent in his beliefs for years and it isn't just gay cakes he won't make. But I don't see another solution but stepping in and forcing him to follow the rules of equality.

Wrong, he doesn't just disagree, the work violated his deeply held religious convictions. That's also in the Constitution and the gov't should not be able to FORCE you to do that, not even to do business.

I think the baker has an excellent chance with this Supreme Court.

See Employment Division,Dept. of Human Resources of Oregon v. Smith, 494 U.S. 872 (1990)

Employment Division v. Smith

All persons, no matter of what their beliefs are, must obey generally applicable laws.

Allowing exceptions to every state law or regulation affecting religion "would open the prospect of constitutionally required exemptions from civic obligations of almost every conceivable kind."
Justice Antonin Scalia

Your theory would create social chaos, with the adult population among 320+ people each going his or her own way, each guided only by a personal belief.

Personally, I don't want to see horse-drawn buggies on the beltway.

So would you be in favor of forcing Islamonazi butchers to sell bacon and pork?

Sure, its against their religion, but tough shit, eh?

Since when is any level of government trying to tell stores what to stock? Your argument makes no sense. A Jewish butcher advertises that kosher meat is available. A Muslim butcher advertises that halal meat is available. Your reference to "Islamonazi butchers" says a lot about you. It's not very mature.

A Christian Baker can advertise that Wedding cakes are available, but not Gay Wedding cakes.
Like I said it’s a mental disorder, no one was made that way. Absolutely 100% choice
If it's a mental disorder, it's not a choice. Right?

So what age were you when you made your choice?
51. Why do you ask?
(Yeah, you didn't ask me, specifically, but you asked on the board.)

But I don't see another solution but stepping in and forcing him to follow the rules of equality.
How about letting him run his business as he chooses, doing business or not which whomever he wants, and letting every other businessperson do the same?

try progressing over a cliff.
Kinda what America is doing, huh?

LGB --> LGBT --> LGBTQ --> LGBTQIA --> LGBTQIAP ... right over a cliff.
Like I said it’s a mental disorder, no one was made that way. Absolutely 100% choice
If it's a mental disorder, it's not a choice. Right?

So what age were you when you made your choice?
51. Why do you ask?
(Yeah, you didn't ask me, specifically, but you asked on the board.)

But I don't see another solution but stepping in and forcing him to follow the rules of equality.
How about letting him run his business as he chooses, doing business or not which whomever he wants, and letting every other businessperson do the same?

try progressing over a cliff.
Kinda what America is doing, huh?

LGB --> LGBT --> LGBTQ --> LGBTQIA --> LGBTQIAP ... right over a cliff.
People making bad life choices can be mentally retarded...
How is my will being imposed? The couple in the cake situation can still easily get a cake, they can still have a wedding. The baker on the other hand is faced with either going against their moral code or going out of business.

If I owned a bake shop I wouldn't decline gay weddings. My issue is you trying to force others to work against their will over a trivial matter.

Progress isn't by default a good thing, if you want an example try progressing over a cliff.

Same here. We Polish like to joke and have a good time, and there is nothing which is more of a joke that a couple of dudes pretending to get married.

In fact I recognize that this is the whole reason for the institution of Gay Marriage in the first place- campiness and seeing if they can "freak out" us "straight arrows" and "squares".

But some people are more serious, and I can appreciate that, they more easily freaked out, and that's who the Homosexual Community is preying on here. If these dudes would have called me, I would have had no problem if I was a baker.

I love this idiotic arrogance that gay people wanted to get married or marry just to freak you out. You seem to be laboring under the delusion that you actually matter in the lives of these people. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you really don't.
How is my will being imposed? The couple in the cake situation can still easily get a cake, they can still have a wedding. The baker on the other hand is faced with either going against their moral code or going out of business.

If I owned a bake shop I wouldn't decline gay weddings. My issue is you trying to force others to work against their will over a trivial matter.

Progress isn't by default a good thing, if you want an example try progressing over a cliff.

Same here. We Polish like to joke and have a good time, and there is nothing which is more of a joke that a couple of dudes pretending to get married.

In fact I recognize that this is the whole reason for the institution of Gay Marriage in the first place- campiness and seeing if they can "freak out" us "straight arrows" and "squares".

But some people are more serious, and I can appreciate that, they more easily freaked out, and that's who the Homosexual Community is preying on here. If these dudes would have called me, I would have had no problem if I was a baker.

I love this idiotic arrogance that gay people wanted to get married or marry just to freak you out. You seem to be laboring under the delusion that you actually matter in the lives of these people. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you really don't.
No one is saying gay people can’t be married hell, People can marry fence posts, animals or as many people as they want for all I care.

They just need to keep the shit to themselves… Political correctness has and always will be an fuck up
If it's a mental disorder, it's not a choice. Right
People making bad life choices can be mentally retarded...
Okay, I see your reasoning. Thanks.

People making bad life choices can be NOT mentally retarded, too. So, then, it would be genes and/or environment...?
Political correctness has made millions of people mentally retarded... fact
How is my will being imposed? The couple in the cake situation can still easily get a cake, they can still have a wedding. The baker on the other hand is faced with either going against their moral code or going out of business.

If I owned a bake shop I wouldn't decline gay weddings. My issue is you trying to force others to work against their will over a trivial matter.

Progress isn't by default a good thing, if you want an example try progressing over a cliff.

Same here. We Polish like to joke and have a good time, and there is nothing which is more of a joke that a couple of dudes pretending to get married.

In fact I recognize that this is the whole reason for the institution of Gay Marriage in the first place- campiness and seeing if they can "freak out" us "straight arrows" and "squares".

But some people are more serious, and I can appreciate that, they more easily freaked out, and that's who the Homosexual Community is preying on here. If these dudes would have called me, I would have had no problem if I was a baker.

I love this idiotic arrogance that gay people wanted to get married or marry just to freak you out. You seem to be laboring under the delusion that you actually matter in the lives of these people. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you really don't.

If the Homosexual Community wasn't looking for attention, they wouldn't be marching during the daytime in Gay Pride Parades. Of course they are looking for attention, that's really the main motivator IMHO
As I've surmised for years. Nobody is born gay. John's Hopkins Research has vindicated me. No! Weak minded people let themselves be seduced by Satan and then become his disciples living out perverted dangerous homosexual lifestyles putting young kids lives in danger, especially when same sex married couples adopt them for their sexual pleasure. Homosexuality is not inate, it is learned. Science has spoken!

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence People Are Born Gay Or Transgender
If an identical twin is gay, why is their twin also gay in 40% of the cases....not to be seen with fraternal twins or other siblings?
Because they're developmental abnormalities....Always have been.
How is my will being imposed? The couple in the cake situation can still easily get a cake, they can still have a wedding. The baker on the other hand is faced with either going against their moral code or going out of business.

If I owned a bake shop I wouldn't decline gay weddings. My issue is you trying to force others to work against their will over a trivial matter.

Progress isn't by default a good thing, if you want an example try progressing over a cliff.

Same here. We Polish like to joke and have a good time, and there is nothing which is more of a joke that a couple of dudes pretending to get married.

In fact I recognize that this is the whole reason for the institution of Gay Marriage in the first place- campiness and seeing if they can "freak out" us "straight arrows" and "squares".

But some people are more serious, and I can appreciate that, they more easily freaked out, and that's who the Homosexual Community is preying on here. If these dudes would have called me, I would have had no problem if I was a baker.

I love this idiotic arrogance that gay people wanted to get married or marry just to freak you out. You seem to be laboring under the delusion that you actually matter in the lives of these people. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you really don't.

If the Homosexual Community wasn't looking for attention, they wouldn't be marching during the daytime in Gay Pride Parades. Of course they are looking for attention, that's really the main motivator IMHO

That isn’t why gays wanted to get married and them getting married isn’t about you. You’re irrelevant in their lives. Deal with it.
How is my will being imposed? The couple in the cake situation can still easily get a cake, they can still have a wedding. The baker on the other hand is faced with either going against their moral code or going out of business.

If I owned a bake shop I wouldn't decline gay weddings. My issue is you trying to force others to work against their will over a trivial matter.

Progress isn't by default a good thing, if you want an example try progressing over a cliff.

Same here. We Polish like to joke and have a good time, and there is nothing which is more of a joke that a couple of dudes pretending to get married.

In fact I recognize that this is the whole reason for the institution of Gay Marriage in the first place- campiness and seeing if they can "freak out" us "straight arrows" and "squares".

But some people are more serious, and I can appreciate that, they more easily freaked out, and that's who the Homosexual Community is preying on here. If these dudes would have called me, I would have had no problem if I was a baker.

I love this idiotic arrogance that gay people wanted to get married or marry just to freak you out. You seem to be laboring under the delusion that you actually matter in the lives of these people. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you really don't.

If the Homosexual Community wasn't looking for attention, they wouldn't be marching during the daytime in Gay Pride Parades. Of course they are looking for attention, that's really the main motivator IMHO

That isn’t why gays wanted to get married and them getting married isn’t about you. You’re irrelevant in their lives. Deal with it.

I guess that's why they introduced the institution of Gay Marriage on the Jerry Springer program, because they didn't want any attention from the Normative Community?
Why am I a homophobe?
You would not be engaging in this discussion or feeling it is anyone's right to tell them who to love if it did not make you uncomfortable. Would you?

I am uncomfortable with people using government to punish others over something as trivial as baking a cake.

Do I think two dudes hooking up is gross? Yes. Does that make me afraid of them? No.
The baker wasn't "punished," the gay couple were. The baker punished them for their beliefs by refusing to do business with them because he personally does not agree with their lifestyle.
Well la dee dah. No one cares what your personal opinion is when you are doing business with the public. In this country, we're EQUAL.
I feel bad for him, because he has been consistent in his beliefs for years and it isn't just gay cakes he won't make. But I don't see another solution but stepping in and forcing him to follow the rules of equality.

Wrong, he doesn't just disagree, the work violated his deeply held religious convictions. That's also in the Constitution and the gov't should not be able to FORCE you to do that, not even to do business.

I think the baker has an excellent chance with this Supreme Court.

See Employment Division,Dept. of Human Resources of Oregon v. Smith, 494 U.S. 872 (1990)

Employment Division v. Smith

All persons, no matter of what their beliefs are, must obey generally applicable laws.

Allowing exceptions to every state law or regulation affecting religion "would open the prospect of constitutionally required exemptions from civic obligations of almost every conceivable kind."
Justice Antonin Scalia

Your theory would create social chaos, with the adult population among 320+ people each going his or her own way, each guided only by a personal belief.

Personally, I don't want to see horse-drawn buggies on the beltway.

Sure. The "generally applicable" law would probably be power companies and utilities can't decide to shut off power to Christians' homes just because they don't like them. However, you're in a much greyer area when you're forcing bakers to put morally offensive cakes together for your event. Does the gov't have the right to force people to engage in free market enterprise just because they opened a shop when that enterprise offends their religious belief? Do we have freedom of religion or do we not?

The SC understands this. The law is not so black and white. That's why cases are always going to trial; it's why we have lawyers and judges.
How is my will being imposed? The couple in the cake situation can still easily get a cake, they can still have a wedding. The baker on the other hand is faced with either going against their moral code or going out of business.

If I owned a bake shop I wouldn't decline gay weddings. My issue is you trying to force others to work against their will over a trivial matter.

Progress isn't by default a good thing, if you want an example try progressing over a cliff.

Same here. We Polish like to joke and have a good time, and there is nothing which is more of a joke that a couple of dudes pretending to get married.

In fact I recognize that this is the whole reason for the institution of Gay Marriage in the first place- campiness and seeing if they can "freak out" us "straight arrows" and "squares".

But some people are more serious, and I can appreciate that, they more easily freaked out, and that's who the Homosexual Community is preying on here. If these dudes would have called me, I would have had no problem if I was a baker.

I love this idiotic arrogance that gay people wanted to get married or marry just to freak you out. You seem to be laboring under the delusion that you actually matter in the lives of these people. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you really don't.

If the Homosexual Community wasn't looking for attention, they wouldn't be marching during the daytime in Gay Pride Parades. Of course they are looking for attention, that's really the main motivator IMHO

That isn’t why gays wanted to get married and them getting married isn’t about you. You’re irrelevant in their lives. Deal with it.

I guess that's why they introduced the institution of Gay Marriage on the Jerry Springer program, because they didn't want any attention from the Normative Community?

The gay community has been fighting for marriage long before Springer was even on the air. If pretending that you matter in their marriages makes you feel better than have it. I can’t stop your delusions of grandeur, but I can mock them.

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