I was wondering......


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
How many of you know that the Taliban just released a video of a captive American soldier? I guess it would tarnish Obama's image as Commander in Chief so nobody's interested.

This guy has been a captive since June....and during the Bush presidency this would be the lead story....but hardly a peep these days. The guy has been there long enough to grow a beard. Seems the Obama Administration has forgotten about him. He's CIC yet he doesn't seem to care about an American who's a POW as we speak. I was wondering why he hasn't given a speech about it lately.

I'm just trying to point out the obvious double-standard of the MSM but after starting this thread I realized that Obama hasn't said shit about it.

This image made from video released Wednesday April 7, 2010 ... - Yahoo! News Photos

Taliban Releases Video Of Captured American Soldier
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how many of you know that this is the soldier who is suspected of walking away from his post and joining the tailban?

its a most delicate situation.....perhaps best politicians hold their tongues...
How many of you know that the Taliban just released a video of a captive American soldier? I guess it would tarnish Obama's image as Commander in Chief so nobody's interested.

This guy has been a captive since June....and during the Bush presidency this would be the lead story....but hardly a peep these days. The guy has been there long enough to grow a beard. Seems the Obama Administration has forgotten about him. He's CIC yet he doesn't seem to care about an American who's a POW as we speak. I was wondering why he hasn't given a speech about it lately.

I'm just trying to point out the obvious double-standard of the MSM but after starting this thread I realized that Obama hasn't said shit about it.

This image made from video released Wednesday April 7, 2010 ... - Yahoo! News Photos

Taliban Releases Video Of Captured American Soldier

You mean why hasn't the left and MSM blamed Obama for it like they did Bush? Why would they? After all, the left and MSM elected the idiot.
omg...this is just too stupid..the soldier may have joined the taliban...i would think any negiociations would be behind the scenes....this is hardly a partisan issue...but yall will devil it to death...

that said...if i were ruling the damn country....i would not sleep at night till i found him and brought him home..if he deserted...deal with that...when he is home...pow/mia's should be searched for and accounted for....i think recovery of pows....is a mission of the upmost importance...
omg...this is just too stupid..the soldier may have joined the taliban...i would think any negiociations would be behind the scenes....this is hardly a partisan issue...but yall will devil it to death...

that said...if i were ruling the damn country....i would not sleep at night till i found him and brought him home..if he deserted...deal with that...when he is home...pow/mia's should be searched for and accounted for....i think recovery of pows....is a mission of the upmost importance...

So you assume everyone knows this.....that just too stupid.

I remember that during the Bush years the press would be trumpeting any dip-shit that spoke up against Bush.

Ether way they would try to use it to turn us against the war.
how many of you know that this is the soldier who is suspected of walking away from his post and joining the tailban?

its a most delicate situation.....perhaps best politicians hold their tongues...

Obama broadcasts to the world he's gonna attack Kandahar in June yet he won't say shit about one of our POWs because it may give away some big secret.

Come on!!:cuckoo:

This guy or any American POW is the last thing on Obama's mind.
o i think it is very thin ice...i would hope that they are negociating behind the scenes...should he say something...i dont know....i too, have major qualms about the fact that no one is mentioning...the wars are still going on....that he is wanting to drill off the east coast...no one lauds the death toll..the numbers are not on the news daily...mud i have questioned why that is ...on here before...i have been truly disappointed in obama's first year and mal aint looking good for this year so far...

he has clay feet...i dont give a mal about him saying we wont use nukes....fuck all...i can tell you i wont hit you upside the head with a pool stick....but i assure you ...i will hold on to said pool stick
You mean why hasn't the left and MSM blamed Obama for it like they did Bush? Why would they? After all, the left and MSM elected the idiot.

OMG, and here I thought the people voted! Sorry that democracy bothers you people, but that's the way it works.

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only." Charles Dickens
omg...this is just too stupid..the soldier may have joined the taliban...i would think any negiociations would be behind the scenes....this is hardly a partisan issue...but yall will devil it to death...

that said...if i were ruling the damn country....i would not sleep at night till i found him and brought him home..if he deserted...deal with that...when he is home...pow/mia's should be searched for and accounted for....i think recovery of pows....is a mission of the upmost importance...

Not as important as saving all the poor dying people, surely?

And.... he doesn't 'rule'.... he 'governs'..... by consent.... (at least it was by consent).
This whole war thing has started to piss me off a bit. I think our first priority should be to have the troops over there turning over every rock and possible hide outs in the search for bin Laudin. Don't fuck with anybody unless they get in your way of doing this. Go anywhere and everwhere looking for this asshole. Find him. Kill him. Then come home. If people get in your way of the search for this worm, then deal with them as needed to continue the search. We are doing nothing over there except pissing in the wind... The assholes there have been fighting for two thousand years and 10 minutes after we leave the country they will be fighting again. Fuck 'em all. I say get the bin Laudin asshole and come home.
bin laden? damn there is a name i havent heard in a while? is he still alive? he was on dialysis....and has been for years...that must be hard living in a cave in pakistan
o i think it is very thin ice...i would hope that they are negociating behind the scenes...should he say something...i dont know....i too, have major qualms about the fact that no one is mentioning...the wars are still going on....that he is wanting to drill off the east coast...no one lauds the death toll..the numbers are not on the news daily...mud i have questioned why that is ...on here before...i have been truly disappointed in obama's first year and mal aint looking good for this year so far...

he has clay feet...i dont give a mal about him saying we wont use nukes....fuck all...i can tell you i wont hit you upside the head with a pool stick....but i assure you ...i will hold on to said pool stick

And why is no one talking about the rise in gas prices? I know with the start of the summer season the prices go up, but come on! We're almost at $3.00 a gallon again.

Obama continues to get a big wet kiss from the lamestream media ... just like he always has.
damn mas honey ...we can only cover so much in one thread...gas is around 2.75 a gal here...summer price hikes...just wait till hurricane season...and what i love is all the media talking about new cars that will get 35 miles per gal...what the fuck...my 1996 sub gets that...
How many of you know that the Taliban just released a video of a captive American soldier? I guess it would tarnish Obama's image as Commander in Chief so nobody's interested.

This guy has been a captive since June....and during the Bush presidency this would be the lead story....but hardly a peep these days. The guy has been there long enough to grow a beard. Seems the Obama Administration has forgotten about him. He's CIC yet he doesn't seem to care about an American who's a POW as we speak. I was wondering why he hasn't given a speech about it lately.

I'm just trying to point out the obvious double-standard of the MSM but after starting this thread I realized that Obama hasn't said shit about it.

This image made from video released Wednesday April 7, 2010 ... - Yahoo! News Photos

Taliban Releases Video Of Captured American Soldier

The simple fact is this. Throughout the entire Bush Administration the MSM had an agenda. Undermine/destroy the Presidency and Administration of George W. Bush. Why? Because they felt that their shining hero Clinton was destroyed by the GOP for no reason. There is no such thing as perjury when Democrats lie....it's all a case of "he misspoke".

Now that they have duped America into voting in this socialist version of Bush with a slick talking rhetoric that rivals Bernie Madoff's sales pitch they just can't stand the comparisons to Bush's term in office...all negative subjects relating to the war are strictly off limits...all negative subjects on domestic policy are off limits. These are the new rules for the MSM...when the Republicans take back power it will reverse once again.

It's the same old shit.

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