I was wrong about Covid 19, and you probably was too.

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Three days ago:






Actually (i.e. later today) it's already up to 49,594 with 622 perished. We're actually about to top fifty thousand, the third country to do so after China and Italy, and leading the world in new infections detected.
Looks like President Trump's ramped up testing is working. Nice job, President Trump.

1.2% mortality rate in the US. Nice job, President Trump.

Thanks for the numbers.

All these members calculated wrong.. You cannot GET a mortality rate if you DO NOT know the infection rate.. From listening to Fauci and whatshername, the ONLY estimates on mortality assume that ACTUAL infections are about twice the "Diagnosed cases" numbers... So don't divide "diagnosed" by "mortality"... It's a guess and the REAL NUMBER is 0.75%... Fauci confirmed that GUESS yesterday...

That's FAR BETTER than the 2 or 4% that MANY were projecting and apparently, some politicos are pandering with fear to the public...

NOBODY knows the "infection" numbers because MANY FOLKS present entirely Asymptomatic, don't seek/need med help, or are misdiagnosed as some other respiratory disease because the cases are mild enough... They are simply (for now) taking the diagnosed cases and multiplying by about 2....
And what is .75% of 100 million?

Wait! You don't a computer or hand calculator?? What am I? Your accountant? :rolleyes:

And WhereTF did you get the 100Million??? Didn't reach a 1/10 of that in China...

If it REACHED to 10 Million infected or diagnosed in the US -- AT THE CURRENT ESTIMATE -- that would be 75K deaths... Just about 3 times a "normal" flu season...

And that mortality rate is COMING DOWN -- not going up DAILY or weekly...
There is no vaccine for Covid-19.

Covid-19 is a coronavirus. A highly contagious coronavirus.

You know what else is a coronavirus? The common cold.

According to a recent Statista survey around 64 percent of those aged 18 to 30 years caught a cold 1 to 3 times in the past year.

64 percent infection rate in 18 to 30 year olds (ONE TO THREE TIMES) of a known coronavirus.

When I asked you what the number of deaths would be at 30 percent infection rate, I was being conservative.

For 0.75%, that death toll in the US would be over 735,000.

That, at a minumum, is what we would be looking at if we did nothing, as all the parroting dumb fucks who whine "the flu kills 25,000 people a year" think we should do.

YAWN.........pandemics come and go in this world...........People will get sick..........people will die........

It has been happening forever............we can't shut down everything forever......and until a vaccine comes out..............that IS REALITY..........You need to DEAL WITH REALITY.

If we die from it............Then it's our time.........face it like a man.......protect yourself and stop HYPERVENTILATING.

Not sure what the point of that video was but it's left me with a severely diminished level of respect for Atlantic Records.
The average flu infection rate in the US is 5 to 20 percent.

The coronavirus is more contagious than the flu.

At a 20 percent infection rate, with 0.75% mortality, that adds up to half a million deaths in one year.

If we do nothing.

Not sure what "infection rate" means there --- 5 to 20 percent of ... what?

The stats page keeps a running rate of infections per 1M population, which has grown by a factor of 25 times in the last week and a half... but that of course is recorded (known) infections, limited by testing limitations. That shows us something of a growth, but not necessarily an infection likelihood.
There is no vaccine for Covid-19.

Covid-19 is a coronavirus. A highly contagious coronavirus.

You want to tell the 11 drug labs that are WORKING ON THAT NOW -- your opinion???

THere's a head start on this actually.. Covid 19 is already renamed as a variant of SARS... Forgot the scientific name -- BUT -- following the relatively small SARS outbreak -- there WERE vaccines developed, but not deployed because they were weren't really EXPECTING Sars to re-appear.. China deployed it in limited tests and it was successful...

There probably WILL be a vaccine for Covid 19 within a year or less depending on much Trump can waive the FDA rules for testing.. PROBABLY based on DNA elements in the vaccine. With the massive availability to make full DNA assays of anything, this will increase the response to variants...
There is no vaccine for Covid-19.

Covid-19 is a coronavirus. A highly contagious coronavirus.

You want to tell the 11 drug labs that are WORKING ON THAT NOW -- your opinion???

THere's a head start on this actually.. Covid 19 is already renamed as a variant of SARS... Forgot the scientific name -- BUT -- following the relatively small SARS outbreak -- there WERE vaccines developed, but not deployed because they were weren't really EXPECTING Sars to re-appear.. China deployed it in limited tests and it was successful...

There probably WILL be a vaccine for Covid 19 within a year or less depending on much Trump can waive the FDA rules for testing.. PROBABLY based on DNA elements in the vaccine. With the massive availability to make full DNA assays of anything, this will increase the response to variants...
I think in 3 months they will have it...........Problem is that the World can't produce that many doses in a short time.....

I wonder if they still have to use eggs............doubtful but maybe.........I haven't looked into that.
Three days ago:






Actually (i.e. later today) it's already up to 49,594 with 622 perished. We're actually about to top fifty thousand, the third country to do so after China and Italy, and leading the world in new infections detected.
Looks like President Trump's ramped up testing is working. Nice job, President Trump.

1.2% mortality rate in the US. Nice job, President Trump.

Thanks for the numbers.

All these members calculated wrong.. You cannot GET a mortality rate if you DO NOT know the infection rate.. From listening to Fauci and whatshername, the ONLY estimates on mortality assume that ACTUAL infections are about twice the "Diagnosed cases" numbers... So don't divide "diagnosed" by "mortality"... It's a guess and the REAL NUMBER is 0.75%... Fauci confirmed that GUESS yesterday...

That's FAR BETTER than the 2 or 4% that MANY were projecting and apparently, some politicos are pandering with fear to the public...

NOBODY knows the "infection" numbers because MANY FOLKS present entirely Asymptomatic, don't seek/need med help, or are misdiagnosed as some other respiratory disease because the cases are mild enough... They are simply (for now) taking the diagnosed cases and multiplying by about 2....
Obviously they have no way of knowing exact numbers. I was using the ones Pogo pulled out of his ass.

I will be interested in seeing how he calculated a US mortality rate of over 62% from his numbers.

Actually the numbers are right off the stats on Worldometer where we've all been tracking them. "Exact" is exactly what they are, although, and I seem to be the only one of us noting this, they're also fluid.

You have 983 total resolved cases. Of those 622 died and 361 have recovered (so far --- which is exactly why I stipulated "so far"... that number can and will rise).

Whelp, then you take the number 622 (dead -- you see, "mortality" means "dead), and divide it into the number 983 (the total). And you get 62.3%. See how simple?
You obviously don't know how to calculate a mortality rate, moron.

You take the total number of infected, not those resolved.
Three days ago:






Actually (i.e. later today) it's already up to 49,594 with 622 perished. We're actually about to top fifty thousand, the third country to do so after China and Italy, and leading the world in new infections detected.
Looks like President Trump's ramped up testing is working. Nice job, President Trump.

1.2% mortality rate in the US. Nice job, President Trump.

Thanks for the numbers.

All these members calculated wrong.. You cannot GET a mortality rate if you DO NOT know the infection rate.. From listening to Fauci and whatshername, the ONLY estimates on mortality assume that ACTUAL infections are about twice the "Diagnosed cases" numbers... So don't divide "diagnosed" by "mortality"... It's a guess and the REAL NUMBER is 0.75%... Fauci confirmed that GUESS yesterday...

That's FAR BETTER than the 2 or 4% that MANY were projecting and apparently, some politicos are pandering with fear to the public...

NOBODY knows the "infection" numbers because MANY FOLKS present entirely Asymptomatic, don't seek/need med help, or are misdiagnosed as some other respiratory disease because the cases are mild enough... They are simply (for now) taking the diagnosed cases and multiplying by about 2....
Obviously they have no way of knowing exact numbers. I was using the ones Pogo pulled out of his ass.

I will be interested in seeing how he calculated a US mortality rate of over 62% from his numbers.

Actually the numbers are right off the stats on Worldometer where we've all been tracking them. "Exact" is exactly what they are, although, and I seem to be the only one of us noting this, they're also fluid.

You have 983 total resolved cases. Of those 622 died and 361 have recovered (so far --- which is exactly why I stipulated "so far"... that number can and will rise).

Whelp, then you take the number 622 (dead -- you see, "mortality" means "dead), and divide it into the number 983 (the total). And you get 62.3%. See how simple?
Here, let me educate you since you are clearly ignorant as to how mortality rate is calculated...'

Case fatality rate, also called case fatality ratio, in epidemiology, the proportion of people who die from a specified disease among all individuals diagnosed with the disease over a certain period of time.

Actually I didn't mention "color" at all. Looks like you did. Talk about the funcking important stuff.....

That's the problem.. You're sitting here badgering someone for bringing to your attention that it is COMMON to name epidemics about place of origin.. But YOU won't accept that because "Spain is not a race"...

So read my post again.. How do you arrive at the conclusion that naming an epidemic after it's origin IS ONLY racist if the people there are not white????

Is this in the Diversity Enforcement manual for the left or something? Where does this come from?

You need to learn to read, Buddles. NOSTRIL, not me, proposed that "Spanish Flu" was "racist". I asked him if HE --- NOSTRIL --- thought "Spanish" was a race. Because that's the only way you could get to "racist". And neither one of us mentioned anything about "color", despite whatever this obsession of yours is.

Spain had NOTHING TO DO with originating that virus (you know that, right?). That disproved the notion that viruses are named for their point of origin. That one was named by --- again, as in the post you didn't respond to --- IGNORANCE.
Please show where I said "Spanish flu" was racist, liar.

Quote me, not your dumbass Dimsocialist lies and spin on my post.
But if the remedy for that is to plant the name of the entire country (as if "China" were some kind of monolith) on the virus, well Rump did exactly the same thing for the same apparent reason, that his pet stock market numbers might tank -- and with similar consequences to what China's attempt to sweep it under the rug brought. Therefore, if a virus name is to be deployed as some kind of "remedy", should it not be called the Chinese-Rumpian Virus?

Sorry man.. Waste of your time defending the indefensible here.. Virus don't care about names. They are not racist.. They don't RESPOND to politics.. AND YOU are hysterical... Suggesting that there is ANYTHING Trumpian about it...

What's the SCIENTIFIC NAME for Ebola?? You love to google stuff... Learn something...

That's called turning the false logic back on the false logician to show how silly it was.

It's also called cutting out half my post so you wouldn't have to deal with it. How CONVENIENT it must be to blow up the bridge I just used to bring my conclusion. Out of sight, out of mind.

And furthermore as long as you're not bothering to read in the first place I HAVE NEVER MAINTAINED "CHINESE VIRUS" WAS 'RACIST'. EVER. On the contrary, Nostril started a whole thread about the pretext, admitted right in his OP that he had no evidence for the utterance, and when that went flaccid started another one with the same strawman, AGAIN brought no evidence, and to date still hasn't. So I busted his ass and no matter how much you come in to white knight over shit you never bothered to read, his ass still hurts from it.
Still butthurt over that thread, huh?

Too fucking funny. :D
I put this in Politics because if I put it in health, few will see it. As well as politics of this virus was clouding my mind in the same way it has clouded all of our minds.
As mentioned before, my son is a Respiratory Care Specialist at one of the nations leading Children's hospitals and my daughter is a Respiratory Therapist at a large metropolitan hospital/trauma center. When I say they are on the front lines of this, I mean they are on the front lines.
Up until Friday, I was not that concerned about getting it, or my wife or the two of them. Like most, I was comfortable in the knowledge that it is primarily a concern for the very old/folks with underlying illness.
That is no longer the case.
This weekend, all over the country hospitals are getting much younger patients that require life saving care - and they have no other illness. And the numbers you are seeing reported are not representative of the actual numbers. It is higher.
Like many, I scoffed at all of these restrictions the government was laying out. 4 states with "stay at home" orders. I thought this was over reacting.
Until I got a call from both my kids. Especially my daughter, upset and for the first time afraid and scared. "It is really bad here Dad, we are getting more and more and they are getting younger".
A 32 year old, who 48 hours earlier was at work, feeling a little funny. Last night he was on life support and fighting for his life. Add more to that. Kids also.

The situation is evolving. And it is changing in not a good way.
Take it serious folks. Don't wait until it effects you or someone you know. Change what you are doing now.
Thank God our government took this more seriously than we did.... I guess they knew more than us.

On a good note. The malaria drug is showing promise. Yesterday a 66 year old at the hospital was in critical condition on a breathing machine. He has received 2 malaria shots, is now off the machine and sitting up and talking. It isn't working for everyone, but it is clearly having positive results on some.

Na, I'm still fine with my first opinion and refusal to panic. America should be ashamed of its self. What ever happened to common sense? Covering your mouth when you caugh or sneeze, staying away from old people when your sick using the disinfecting wipes that have always been at the supermarket? What does America do? They hide under their beds and stick their hands out for money.
No one was ready for this kind of crisis that will end up touching us all to some degree.
Thats only because the incompetent fuckup in the WH claimed it was not a big deal and a hoax.

Bullshit, libtardos called him a racist when he stopped travel. Maybe if the libtardos weren't trying to impeach Trump all the time more attention could have been paid to China's outright lies about the virus.

Keep up the feigned outrage, it's crushing the Democrat party.

Banning China when he did was a too late and a dollar late...

Now the stable genius thinks this is over by Easter... Just fucking incompetent
Three days ago:






Actually (i.e. later today) it's already up to 49,594 with 622 perished. We're actually about to top fifty thousand, the third country to do so after China and Italy, and leading the world in new infections detected.
Looks like President Trump's ramped up testing is working. Nice job, President Trump.

1.2% mortality rate in the US. Nice job, President Trump.

Thanks for the numbers.

All these members calculated wrong.. You cannot GET a mortality rate if you DO NOT know the infection rate.. From listening to Fauci and whatshername, the ONLY estimates on mortality assume that ACTUAL infections are about twice the "Diagnosed cases" numbers... So don't divide "diagnosed" by "mortality"... It's a guess and the REAL NUMBER is 0.75%... Fauci confirmed that GUESS yesterday...

That's FAR BETTER than the 2 or 4% that MANY were projecting and apparently, some politicos are pandering with fear to the public...

NOBODY knows the "infection" numbers because MANY FOLKS present entirely Asymptomatic, don't seek/need med help, or are misdiagnosed as some other respiratory disease because the cases are mild enough... They are simply (for now) taking the diagnosed cases and multiplying by about 2....
Obviously they have no way of knowing exact numbers. I was using the ones Pogo pulled out of his ass.

I will be interested in seeing how he calculated a US mortality rate of over 62% from his numbers.

Actually the numbers are right off the stats on Worldometer where we've all been tracking them. "Exact" is exactly what they are, although, and I seem to be the only one of us noting this, they're also fluid.

You have 983 total resolved cases. Of those 622 died and 361 have recovered (so far --- which is exactly why I stipulated "so far"... that number can and will rise).

Whelp, then you take the number 622 (dead -- you see, "mortality" means "dead), and divide it into the number 983 (the total). And you get 62.3%. See how simple?
Here, let me educate you since you are clearly ignorant as to how mortality rate is calculated...'

Case fatality rate, also called case fatality ratio, in epidemiology, the proportion of people who die from a specified disease among all individuals diagnosed with the disease over a certain period of time.

IF the disease is REPORTED or accurately differentiated from SIMILAR symptoms/tests. We're not there yet because of the # of unreported, misdiagnosed, etc....
Three days ago:






Actually (i.e. later today) it's already up to 49,594 with 622 perished. We're actually about to top fifty thousand, the third country to do so after China and Italy, and leading the world in new infections detected.
Looks like President Trump's ramped up testing is working. Nice job, President Trump.

1.2% mortality rate in the US. Nice job, President Trump.

Thanks for the numbers.

All these members calculated wrong.. You cannot GET a mortality rate if you DO NOT know the infection rate.. From listening to Fauci and whatshername, the ONLY estimates on mortality assume that ACTUAL infections are about twice the "Diagnosed cases" numbers... So don't divide "diagnosed" by "mortality"... It's a guess and the REAL NUMBER is 0.75%... Fauci confirmed that GUESS yesterday...

That's FAR BETTER than the 2 or 4% that MANY were projecting and apparently, some politicos are pandering with fear to the public...

NOBODY knows the "infection" numbers because MANY FOLKS present entirely Asymptomatic, don't seek/need med help, or are misdiagnosed as some other respiratory disease because the cases are mild enough... They are simply (for now) taking the diagnosed cases and multiplying by about 2....
Obviously they have no way of knowing exact numbers. I was using the ones Pogo pulled out of his ass.

I will be interested in seeing how he calculated a US mortality rate of over 62% from his numbers.

Actually the numbers are right off the stats on Worldometer where we've all been tracking them. "Exact" is exactly what they are, although, and I seem to be the only one of us noting this, they're also fluid.

You have 983 total resolved cases. Of those 622 died and 361 have recovered (so far --- which is exactly why I stipulated "so far"... that number can and will rise).

Whelp, then you take the number 622 (dead -- you see, "mortality" means "dead), and divide it into the number 983 (the total). And you get 62.3%. See how simple?
Here, let me educate you since you are clearly ignorant as to how mortality rate is calculated...'

Case fatality rate, also called case fatality ratio, in epidemiology, the proportion of people who die from a specified disease among all individuals diagnosed with the disease over a certain period of time.

IF the disease is REPORTED or accurately differentiated from SIMILAR symptoms/tests. We're not there yet because of the # of unreported, misdiagnosed, etc....
Who cares. I was demonstrating the fact Pogo is ignorant on how mortality rate is calculated. Idiot thinks it is over 62% in the US.
Pres Trump changing and calling it The CHinese virus instead or its proper name, The Corona Virus or COVID19, or him calling it The Kung Flu was purposely done by him to irritate Democrats, Scientists, and the Chinese.... You can't deny it.... it is, who he is....imo.

Complete Bullshit with all respect.. I've seen MONTAGES of ALL the media -- especially the heads up DNC ass media calling it the Chinese Flu or WuHan flu before the HERD masters of the Dems told them it was racist to do so...

This is ABSURD... THey were ALL DOING IT until the Chief Rabbi of the Dem's diversity enforcement FORBID IT...

It's no worse than the Spanish Flu or other illnesses associated with origin ... I think Dems are becoming too fragile to even exist or something...

Need to not flake out this easily... Take ANY epidemic disease and chances are the ORIGIN is in the popular name OR EVEN --- the scientific name.... From the Wiki....

Ebola virus and its genus were both originally named for Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo), the country where it was first described,[1] and was at first suspected to be a new "strain" of the closely related Marburg virus.[5][6] The virus was renamed "Ebola virus" in 2010 to avoid confusion. Ebola virus is the single member of the species Zaire ebolavirus,

FFS -- Zaire is STILL in the scientific naming of the disease... Y'all need to grow up...
You know what Flacal, I truly don't want to argue with you... You see and hear what you've been guided to hear, and I too see and hear what I've been trained to hear.... we are not going to agree....

You don't see him the way he comes off to us, on a daily basis.... y'all are just blind to it, or simply don't care....?

And we do not, in any way, shape or form..... see him, as anything, that even remotely, resembles, good.... or good for this Nation! We will simply never see what y'all ever saw in him or why you think he's been good as a president or good for this country, long term.... maybe we are blind to it??

Anyway, it was recently that liberals started mentioning his comments as racist, not back with the travel ban from China, because.... drum roll, he CHOSE to play on it in that manner.... maybe not to rile the bigotry towards Chinese Americans from a handful of his followers, but to cast a spotlight and a shadow on the Chinese govt for temporarily, holding back, what info they had, on this new pneumonia showing up there in Wuhan County...which helped facilitate the pandemic.... not realizing bigotry against American Chinese would or even could, be a result....but that is just so so so being unaware, of reality, it's unimaginable....imo.

Yes, the virus did begin in Wuhan county, in China. Yes it has been called the Wuhan Virus, quite a bit, early on, until the official name, the novel Coronavirus Disease 2019, took hold... COVID19....

And he's instigated the same kind of bigotry before the same way. Not just "beat the crap out of 'em" at rallies but shit like this (against Hispanics) and this (against Muslims), not to mention the "very fine" Tiki-torcher set. How they find a way to not-see this instigation requires serious self-delusion.
Been blaming your 'radio' again? You have a
Three days ago:






Actually (i.e. later today) it's already up to 49,594 with 622 perished. We're actually about to top fifty thousand, the third country to do so after China and Italy, and leading the world in new infections detected.
Looks like President Trump's ramped up testing is working. Nice job, President Trump.

1.2% mortality rate in the US. Nice job, President Trump.

Thanks for the numbers.

Actually it's 62.3%. For now.

Better leave the numbers to those of us who can handle them. You can see why.
False information. Where did you get it from the DNC and Nancy Pants?
No one was ready for this kind of crisis that will end up touching us all to some degree.
Thats only because the incompetent fuckup in the WH claimed it was not a big deal and a hoax.

Bullshit, libtardos called him a racist when he stopped travel. Maybe if the libtardos weren't trying to impeach Trump all the time more attention could have been paid to China's outright lies about the virus.

Keep up the feigned outrage, it's crushing the Democrat party.

Banning China when he did was a too late and a dollar late...

Now the stable genius thinks this is over by Easter... Just fucking incompetent

Hey.. Can you GET BEYOND this childish stuff? Or does it hurt your head to ANALYZE what's happening around you if you cant blame it on Trump? I'm SORELY disappointed that so many on the left can't get beyond Trump here...

BTW -- HE STARTED the China travel restrictions while he was STILL UNDER FUCKING IMPEACHMENT by YOUR tribe...

When you think your mental midget leaders started to grapple with it??????? You want to rag on THEM too maybe?????

A-Hole... Getting real tired of people FIXATED on politics in these threads.....
Three days ago:






Actually (i.e. later today) it's already up to 49,594 with 622 perished. We're actually about to top fifty thousand, the third country to do so after China and Italy, and leading the world in new infections detected.
Looks like President Trump's ramped up testing is working. Nice job, President Trump.

1.2% mortality rate in the US. Nice job, President Trump.

Thanks for the numbers.

Actually it's 62.3%. For now.

Better leave the numbers to those of us who can handle them. You can see why.

US mortality rate is 62.3%??????????????????

Using your numbers of 49,594 infected that would mean 30,897 people have died in the US from the Chinese virus.

You really are stupid. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Pogo pulled out their ass.
Three days ago:






Actually (i.e. later today) it's already up to 49,594 with 622 perished. We're actually about to top fifty thousand, the third country to do so after China and Italy, and leading the world in new infections detected.
1.4% death rate. Almost on par with South Korea.
Three days ago:






Actually (i.e. later today) it's already up to 49,594 with 622 perished. We're actually about to top fifty thousand, the third country to do so after China and Italy, and leading the world in new infections detected.
Looks like President Trump's ramped up testing is working. Nice job, President Trump.

1.2% mortality rate in the US. Nice job, President Trump.

Thanks for the numbers.

All these members calculated wrong.. You cannot GET a mortality rate if you DO NOT know the infection rate.. From listening to Fauci and whatshername, the ONLY estimates on mortality assume that ACTUAL infections are about twice the "Diagnosed cases" numbers... So don't divide "diagnosed" by "mortality"... It's a guess and the REAL NUMBER is 0.75%... Fauci confirmed that GUESS yesterday...

That's FAR BETTER than the 2 or 4% that MANY were projecting and apparently, some politicos are pandering with fear to the public...

NOBODY knows the "infection" numbers because MANY FOLKS present entirely Asymptomatic, don't seek/need med help, or are misdiagnosed as some other respiratory disease because the cases are mild enough... They are simply (for now) taking the diagnosed cases and multiplying by about 2....
Obviously they have no way of knowing exact numbers. I was using the ones Pogo pulled out of his ass.

I will be interested in seeing how he calculated a US mortality rate of over 62% from his numbers.

Actually the numbers are right off the stats on Worldometer where we've all been tracking them. "Exact" is exactly what they are, although, and I seem to be the only one of us noting this, they're also fluid.

You have 983 total resolved cases. Of those 622 died and 361 have recovered (so far --- which is exactly why I stipulated "so far"... that number can and will rise).

Whelp, then you take the number 622 (dead -- you see, "mortality" means "dead), and divide it into the number 983 (the total). And you get 62.3%. See how simple?
Here, let me educate you since you are clearly ignorant as to how mortality rate is calculated...'

Case fatality rate, also called case fatality ratio, in epidemiology, the proportion of people who die from a specified disease among all individuals diagnosed with the disease over a certain period of time.

IF the disease is REPORTED or accurately differentiated from SIMILAR symptoms/tests. We're not there yet because of the # of unreported, misdiagnosed, etc....
Who cares. I was demonstrating the fact Pogo is ignorant on how mortality rate is calculated. Idiot thinks it is over 62% in the US.

That's changed. It's now 64.4%. More deaths reported.

It's also ---AGAIN---- meaningless unti those numbers have enough time to settle.
Three days ago:






Actually (i.e. later today) it's already up to 49,594 with 622 perished. We're actually about to top fifty thousand, the third country to do so after China and Italy, and leading the world in new infections detected.
1.4% death rate. Almost on par with South Korea.

South Korea has at present a 3% rate. Read it here.

South Korea is also well past its peak. WE ARE NOT.
This week in California, some of us were dreading going to martial law lockdown, but now would welcome it. One red flag was news the people in San Francisco weren't taking it serious enough and the parks and beaches getting crowded over the weekend. Is this happening in other places when we are shelter in place? The other news is so scary I can't even begin to think it.

Pres Trump changing and calling it The CHinese virus instead or its proper name, The Corona Virus or COVID19, or him calling it The Kung Flu was purposely done by him to irritate Democrats, Scientists, and the Chinese.... You can't deny it.... it is, who he is....imo.

Complete Bullshit with all respect.. I've seen MONTAGES of ALL the media -- especially the heads up DNC ass media calling it the Chinese Flu or WuHan flu before the HERD masters of the Dems told them it was racist to do so...

This is ABSURD... THey were ALL DOING IT until the Chief Rabbi of the Dem's diversity enforcement FORBID IT...

It's no worse than the Spanish Flu or other illnesses associated with origin ... I think Dems are becoming too fragile to even exist or something...

Need to not flake out this easily... Take ANY epidemic disease and chances are the ORIGIN is in the popular name OR EVEN --- the scientific name.... From the Wiki....

Ebola virus and its genus were both originally named for Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo), the country where it was first described,[1] and was at first suspected to be a new "strain" of the closely related Marburg virus.[5][6] The virus was renamed "Ebola virus" in 2010 to avoid confusion. Ebola virus is the single member of the species Zaire ebolavirus,

FFS -- Zaire is STILL in the scientific naming of the disease... Y'all need to grow up...
You know what Flacal, I truly don't want to argue with you... You see and hear what you've been guided to hear, and I too see and hear what I've been trained to hear.... we are not going to agree....

You don't see him the way he comes off to us, on a daily basis.... y'all are just blind to it, or simply don't care....?

And we do not, in any way, shape or form..... see him, as anything, that even remotely, resembles, good.... or good for this Nation! We will simply never see what y'all ever saw in him or why you think he's been good as a president or good for this country, long term.... maybe we are blind to it??

Anyway, it was recently that liberals started mentioning his comments as racist, not back with the travel ban from China, because.... drum roll, he CHOSE to play on it in that manner.... maybe not to rile the bigotry towards Chinese Americans from a handful of his followers, but to cast a spotlight and a shadow on the Chinese govt for temporarily, holding back, what info they had, on this new pneumonia showing up there in Wuhan County...which helped facilitate the pandemic.... not realizing bigotry against American Chinese would or even could, be a result....but that is just so so so being unaware, of reality, it's unimaginable....imo.

Yes, the virus did begin in Wuhan county, in China. Yes it has been called the Wuhan Virus, quite a bit, early on, until the official name, the novel Coronavirus Disease 2019, took hold... COVID19....
Thanks for the perfect definition of a TDSer....

"And we do not, in any way, shape or form..... see him, as anything, that even remotely, resembles, good.... "

Arrogant, intolerant, ignorant, DNC group speak.
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